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>this fucking asshole is your firstpick

He never bought a jungling item and he rushed liandry's

Oh and he was plat 5 so your daily reminder that rank doesn't mean shit

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>this fucking asshole is your firstpick

He never bought a jungling item and he rushed liandry's

Oh and he was plat 5 so your daily reminder that rank doesn't mean shit

That reminds me of an episode back in season 3. I was gold 1 and got trolled by a Plat 5 dude in my team who was bored. He went away from his lane, fed once to top, mid and bot, stole our jungler, died one more time by diving under turret randomly, then ran like a headless chicken for the rest of the game. That game was one of the reasons I stopped ranked altogether (plus the fact that I mained top and support), stopping at ~around 60 games played. >_<

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idk about rengar but most auto attack modifiers can crit with their base damage (read: not the increase from the spell); it's why you see two different numbers when you crit with Blade of the Ruined King

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Abuse mid morgana while you can. In draft pick, the enemy team will always assume you're picking support and try to counterpick you incorrectly, giving your bot lane a good advantage even before the match starts.

She's safe as hell to play in lane and can deal with every mid cancerpick amazingly well. Great waveclear allows for roaming as well, you only have to pop in lane and drop a level 4 pool on a minion wave and you're all set to gank.


Why did you get randuins when against Gragas?

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BotRK is substandard on Yasuo anymore, I'd heavily suggest the bloodthirster now tbh

I haven't seen a single Yasuo NOT build Blade of the Ruined King since the changes to life steal. Often built as a second item.

I would have suggested Merc Treads instead of Berserker's Greaves, but they had next to zero CC so w/e.

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