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tbh yasuo kinda needs bork because of the slow it provides and it just helps him kill tanks faster now it's basically a must-buy item on yas it always has been

A lot of reasons for botrk : he scales well with it, the bonus damage is extremely good with the penetration from his ultimate and it allows him to splitpush efficiently (sustain? check, 1 v 1 prowess? check, turrets eater? check!). The active also allows you to melee-kite... something extremely big with his Q having decent range.

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I would have suggested Merc Treads instead of Berserker's Greaves, but they had next to zero CC so w/e.

There's zero reason to get berserker greaves if you build BOTRK on yasuo

BOTRK and Shiv maxes his Q CD already. If they barely have CC to make merc threads worth buying, get ninja tabis or boots of swiftness. Infinitely times better than greaves

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That's exactly why I wasn't the biggest fan of the greaves.

I was all "w/e" because by that point the boots choices wouldn't matter as much being so far ahead. By that point he could have built Sorcerer's Shoes and still roflstomped.

My personal cheap fix would have been Boots of Mobility to get around faster, have some leftover change to buy some wards, brawl a little bit (no one would be able to 1v1 Yasuo at that point except MAYBE Fiora) and try to simply end the game before Kat and Trist finish an item or two and become capable of dealing respectable damage. And if things don't go exactly as planned, can always sell off the moboots for 560G towards Ninja Tabi.

I would have pointed out the option of Boots of Swiftness against other teams but their only slow meant that their ADC just landed right on top of him. Easy kill. With no slows on the enemy team he'd get more bang for his buck out of Boots of Mobility and a couple of wards.

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Boots of Lucidity are absolutely terrible on Yasuo. The CDR only gives you 2.7 seconds off your Wind Wall cooldown and 4.5 seconds off your ultimate. You don't need your bonus Armor Pen constantly.

are you kidding me people? get merc treads or zerkers on yasuo jesus christ

Normally a good idea, but both of these boots aren't the greatest when referring to the game in question, and even Zerkers aren't that good most of the time given that Yasuo is melee and gets a lot of attack speed from BoRK and Shiv anyway.

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the reason you either go mercs or zerkers is because you are a melee carry. which means you have to go in. the only thing you can even do is go fucking in. so it is of utmost importance to not get cc'd and die or to do more damage. choose your preference really.

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Wasn't my best game with Kog unfortunately. Need to settle back into him after a long transition into Shyvana. Made some huge plays this game. Took down almost all the turrets that we did, made some huge game changing kills, and actually managed to get hella minion kills. Things were going great until Leona just gave up on everything QQ.

Side Note: I see all these people here playing together... I wanna play with some of you guys ;-;. So yeah, expect friend requests from me all over the place. Msg me your league names or perhaps just add me? Plz? I give cookies!

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i can only really say that trinity force over Runaan's would have done so much better for you- kog has natural AS already, and BorK/Trinity give enough to let you melt things anyway. plus that triforce/blade is the meta on kog, but regardless, you're getting places faster than i was tbh

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