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I wouldn't even build Runaan's Hurricane on Kayle anymore - the AP ratio nerfs made that item less effective on her.

Runaan's is typically only decent on Teemo and Varus (AP) and maybe Twitch. AD carries can make use of Runaan's in two situations:

  • You're so far ahead that you can afford not having a GA or other defense as your 6th item and just wanna end the game before they can catch up
  • The base is flooding with minions and they need to gtfo your base ASAP.

In the case of Kog'Maw, Runaan's is usually a good item, but the other team wasn't near tanky enough for you to be able make worthwhile use of the item using the % max health damage of Bio-Arcane Barrage. Between Blade of the Ruined King and B-A Barrage, a full build would melt through a tanky frontline given you're able to stay alive long enough. A Zeal upgrade (

TL;DR: Not the worst item for Koggles, but I definitely wouldn't get it over other stuff. I agree with Silver, Trinity Force is a nice first big item.

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Ok, thanks for the recommendations guys. Just something I should have pointed out, I was accidentally using my Shyvana runes and masteries this game by accident so I don't really know how much that would have affected the outcome. :/

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By looking at your profile I'm guessing Mastery Page 2 is your Shyvana page - which is set up pretty nicely for an AD carry like Koggles.

Though at your summoner level, it probably wouldn't make a significant difference either way.

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Double Posting because its completely irrelevant and no one would notice.

Most satisfying win of my life. **Begins Backstory**

The game started off as a match for the lols with 5 friends in a matchmade game. Koggles and Taric entered bot lane, only to be welcomed by a threatening Championship Thresh and a malicious Jinx. Jinx had killed them many times and the feeding got so real. The game only went downhill until half the blue team picked up Guardian Angels and had a last second charge on the spawn. They charged mid lane, destroyed the turret, the inhibitor, both nexus turrets, and the nexus itself in one charge, while all five of the enemy champions died valiantly in battle trying so hard to protect their spawn.


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Not a particularly amazing score, but it was a great way to start off my birthday, yeh.

Also farming with Yasuo is hard for me early game. I keep overestimating his q damage :/

Edited by JellyMan
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