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What's armor??




My implication was more that she may have boosted or bought it...

I stalked the summoner on quickfind/lolking and chances are they probably didn't get boosted (last season they were Platinum and they most likely would have been caught if they were boosting). Buying the account seems a little more plausible. Worth noting that the one game they played as Ahri in ranked, they were just as bad if not worse.

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What's armor??




I stalked the summoner on quickfind/lolking and chances are they probably didn't get boosted (last season they were Platinum and they most likely would have been caught if they were boosting). Buying the account seems a little more plausible. Worth noting that the one game they played as Ahri in ranked, they were just as bad if not worse.

I'm dissapoint at your lack of wards :c

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whats a bot lane? nice warding tho

I do play support but only as mid laners. Things like Xerath, Galio, Zyra, Morgana. They're half of the Mage ward score, pretty much.

Edited by Doj
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do they lose a 2v1 lane that har-

Well it seems Ashe D/C'd pretty late into the game, could've gotten the kills before that happened. The Blitz isn't level 30 and literally has no runes. It looks like the entire enemy team fed so Lee Sin could've been a part of that, with the junglers help could've easily been turned into a good game fed Jinx. I mean there's a lot of possiblities. either way gj

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Well it seems Ashe D/C'd pretty late into the game, could've gotten the kills before that happened. The Blitz isn't level 30 and literally has no runes. It looks like the entire enemy team fed so Lee Sin could've been a part of that, with the junglers help could've easily been turned into a good game fed Jinx. I mean there's a lot of possiblities. either way gj

Fair enough. Gj Silver!

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