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Finally won a ranked match.... It's been so long... cri everytime


Trynda did a great job but god was his attitude awful. Bot lane made one bad play and both shen and him had threatened to rage quit. After losing 2 people in a team fight but killing 3 he wanted to surrender. This happened 3 times... People need to lighten up. League is a game, games are meant for enjoyment. How the hell am I expected to enjoy a game where someone's calling me a cunt every two seconds for "not focusing the draven" right after I killed him.

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Finally won a ranked match.... It's been so long... cri everytime


Trynda did a great job but god was his attitude awful. Bot lane made one bad play and both shen and him had threatened to rage quit. After losing 2 people in a team fight but killing 3 he wanted to surrender. This happened 3 times... People need to lighten up. League is a game, games are meant for enjoyment. How the hell am I expected to enjoy a game where someone's calling me a cunt every two seconds for "not focusing the draven" right after I killed him.

Yeah... League has an extremely toxic community :P If only people weren't such selfish, childish and retarded idiots that rage every time they die, forcing you to carry them and winning the game, and somehow making them rage in the process.

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Thanks for the skin code, 4chan :^)


Been too damn long since I got a game with results. I don't even remember how to build Lux anymore too. (ignite? Barrier? Heal?)

Ignite for more early game kill pressure

I prefer running teleport on burst mages cause after you hit level 6 there's almost zero need for ignite anymore except if you have to deal with something like a Mundo ult or Volibear passive.

You don't want to be in range to use Ignite. Your best bet in this case probably would have been Barrier.

Except you do early game considering you have your passive shitting out damage too, which is when ignite matters most

Edited by Doj
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Btw Rush DFG on Fizz. Sheen before DFG is fine, but you get the Lich Bane after DFG.

No one does that anymore. Everyone and their mother gets Lich Bane first nowadays.


"Is lich bane still a viable first rush? I think it is, but so is abyssal if your top is AP. get DFG if you're super fed or super behind, its fun lol +you're not 100% useless. I feel it is a desperation item more than anything else though, since getting to their ADC is usually an issue and if you get to him you probably don't need the extra damage"

- top rated fizz guide on lolking

"I rush hourglass against bruiser mids/champions that can kill me and or for split pushing.

If you don't have to worry about them killing you, go lichbane for deepz."

- C9 Hai

Lich bane is insanely strong on fizz because it procs on his (Q). Usually buy this item as a 1 st or 2nd Dmg item. DFG is good as a last item if you want more damage, but you can also buy GA if you need to be more defensive.

- TSM Reginald

TL;DR: Lich Bane first about 80% of the time, usually into a Zhonya's afterward. Other viable rushes according to these guys seem to be Abyssal and Zhonya's depending on the scenario.

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First sorry for the thingy over the one enemy, that legit wasn't there when I was taking the screenshot, my mouse probs slipped

Second, a bit of explanation on my build:

Athene's CDR is super handy, so I always go for that right off the bat (I like to minimize my CDR when I can)

I went ahead and grabbed the boots do to a close call with Sivir and wanting to run faster, normally I leave them as regular boots a bit longer

Morellonomicon because, again, CDR. Plus it's pretty handy offensively and I was needed some extra power since Galio was starting to get tough to kill

Then I started struggling with mana, so I grabbed a Tear (It was pretty cheap by that point, I was still doing well)

More offense from the Void Staff (mostly built it because I wanted to smash Fizz since he got nice and fed and kept murdering me)

And then I was working towards Rabadon's, though in hindsight at that point I really should have been going defensive, esp. if I wanted to kill Fizz

Basically, between the Tear and the Void staff, Fizz got fed and started wrecking our team (except Zed who was equally fed) and Maokai decided we'd lost, so it was pretty much me alone on bot against Galio, Sivir, and the occasional gank from Fizz. And at that point I just wanted Fizz dead and stopped worrying about not dying

Tips, comments, rage?

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Probably overkill on the mana / mana regen items (You're not in desperate need of Morellonomicon or tear if you have Athene's) but other than that looks pretty baller. A Rabadon's Deathcap and/or Void Staff after Athene's and Sorcerer's Shoes won't do you any wrong.

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First sorry for the thingy over the one enemy, that legit wasn't there when I was taking the screenshot, my mouse probs slipped

Second, a bit of explanation on my build:

Athene's CDR is super handy, so I always go for that right off the bat (I like to minimize my CDR when I can)

I went ahead and grabbed the boots do to a close call with Sivir and wanting to run faster, normally I leave them as regular boots a bit longer

Morellonomicon because, again, CDR. Plus it's pretty handy offensively and I was needed some extra power since Galio was starting to get tough to kill

Then I started struggling with mana, so I grabbed a Tear (It was pretty cheap by that point, I was still doing well)

More offense from the Void Staff (mostly built it because I wanted to smash Fizz since he got nice and fed and kept murdering me)

And then I was working towards Rabadon's, though in hindsight at that point I really should have been going defensive, esp. if I wanted to kill Fizz

Basically, between the Tear and the Void staff, Fizz got fed and started wrecking our team (except Zed who was equally fed) and Maokai decided we'd lost, so it was pretty much me alone on bot against Galio, Sivir, and the occasional gank from Fizz. And at that point I just wanted Fizz dead and stopped worrying about not dying

Tips, comments, rage?

From the back of my memory, I don't recall archangel's, or tear in general, as a very good item on Lux. Usually Athene's and Morello's is good enough for sufficient mana regen. Void staff was a good call imo. But you might have had the chance for something like Deathcap or Hourglass without the tear. Don't take my word for it since I don't play often as I used to.

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From the back of my memory, I don't recall archangel's, or tear in general, as a very good item on Lux. Usually Athene's and Morello's is good enough for sufficient mana regen. Void staff was a good call imo. But you might have had the chance for something like Deathcap or Hourglass without the tear. Don't take my word for it since I don't play often as I used to.

Like I do on most mid laners, if I'm against an AD caster/assassin i usually get tear over chalice into archangel and zhonyas. Really, because I'm pretty sure Zed's q doesn't do magic damage

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I run support, not mid, Pocky

I minimize CDR because the 40 second cooldown on my ult at level two is insanely helpful. Thus I grab Athene's and Morellonomicon ASAP for that

The tear is sometimes overkill, sometimes not. I usually only grab it if I'm still having trouble keeping my mana up at level 9ish. In this case I was, so I grabbed it. Archangel's is actually really handy on her if you're sitting around a lot, generally better for mid, but I have it about just in case. I usually just stick with the tear

And like I said, at the time I was loaded and doing well so I didn't think too much of it

My core is basically Athene's, Morellonomicon, Sorceror's Shoes. With usually either a Tear or a deathcap/Void Staff (depending on what I need at the time/how much gold I have) added on. Generally games don't get long enough for much more

I am thinking I need to concentrate more on the cap, because I sometimes struggle to get it when I need it due to the cost

Thanks for the input all, glad to see that I actually made something workable. I'll be certain to drop by again next time I have an interesting game

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Lux doesn't really have mana issues after Athene's, so there's no real reason to overload there.

Also, you may be level 10, but it's never too late to develop good farming habits. 80 farm 40 in ain't gonna cut it later on.

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I run support, not mid, Pocky

Nooooooooooooo. Support Lux maaaaaay be a stretch, but there's very little supporting going on with this build. You may be level 10, but again it's never too late to develop good habits. Sightstone is a MUST. Because vision is a MUST. If you wanna go into supporting, but still maintain the mage-ish archetype, pick up Morgana. She's excellent for that AND you can develop good support building habits. none of this early S4 mage in the botlane shit

I minimize CDR because the 40 second cooldown on my ult at level two is insanely helpful. Thus I grab Athene's and Morellonomicon ASAP for that

The CDR from Athene's + Sorcery Mastery + Blue Buff will drop you in at a nice 35%, more than enough to get the job done. Going over in CDR (unless you're playing true support because Riot fucking hates us) ain't gonna help.

The tear is sometimes overkill, sometimes not. I usually only grab it if I'm still having trouble keeping my mana up at level 9ish. In this case I was, so I grabbed it. Archangel's is actually really handy on her if you're sitting around a lot, generally better for mid, but I have it about just in case. I usually just stick with the tear

Back to the good habits thing: Mana/Resource management. Never too late to pick it up.

And like I said, at the time I was loaded and doing well so I didn't think too much of it

My core is basically Athene's, Morellonomicon, Sorceror's Shoes. With usually either a Tear or a deathcap/Void Staff (depending on what I need at the time/how much gold I have) added on. Generally games don't get long enough for much more

If you're in the bot lane, try Frost Queen's Claim, Sightstone, Sorc Boots, Mikael's Crucible, optional, Visionward4lyfespot

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