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Yeah, my friend has an awful attitude and it drives me insane. He thinks he's superior to everyone. #silverlife

He fails to realize that telling people they're awful, feeding, etc. doesn't actually help.

And now we have the shitty ass early game after getting ganked a million times

But I cleaned up my shit, went on a 16 kill killing spree, and almost got a penta but trist escaped in time :(


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Despite popular belief, Madstone is worth your gold to purchase on Fiora, especially on TT where Vilemaw is such a crucial chokepoint to victory.
As you know, Fiora is quite squishy and doesn't stand a chance in fights. That's where the Frozen Heart and Mallet come into play, even giving her some much needed CC to boot.
The Grez's Lantern also adds more to this build. As you can imagine, having both of these frozen items could really chill down a champion, thus comes the Lantern's warm flames to keep her blood boiling for the fights to come!
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You know, I'm no Fiora main, but I can see where this would come in handy in those situations against things like Sion who are heavy auto attackers.

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Yeah i don't give a fuck if i was toxic as all hell end game, this pissed me off beyond all reason. Why the fuck do you even play ranked if you're just going to feed like fucking crazy.


Hope these morons fall into bronze because they sure as hell play like it


I'm mad toxic right now but these idiots deserved it. I said nothing in game, was entirely positive until end game because i was so pissed. I deserved this win but no, Riot hates me and pairs me with morons like this. If it wasn't ranked i wouldn't care but i've had games like this way too much and just ugh

Edited by WanderoftheColossus
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Yeah i don't give a fuck if i was toxic as all hell end game, this pissed me off beyond all reason. Why the fuck do you even play ranked if you're just going to feed like fucking crazy.


Hope these morons fall into bronze because they sure as hell play like it


I'm mad toxic right now but these idiots deserved it. I said nothing in game, was entirely positive until end game because i was so pissed. I deserved this win but no, Riot hates me and pairs me with morons like this. If it wasn't ranked i wouldn't care but i've had games like this way too much and just ugh

pls no. Bronze has enough of them myself included.

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I'll refrain from comment on your behavior itself since it seems like you're already sufficiently aware of its undesirability. However, I'm amazed that you can say something like 'Riot hates me' when you've been there yourself and seen how they operate.

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I'll refrain from comment on your behavior itself since it seems like you're already sufficiently aware of its undesirability. However, I'm amazed that you can say something like 'Riot hates me' when you've been there yourself and seen how they operate.

you'd be surprised at just how many riot employees say that riot hates them (twas mostly said as a joke of course an entire company isn't out to get me that'd be crazy), but regardless that has nothing to do with how much shit I was talking, it wasn't okay but I was really really upset (not an excuse just how I was feeling) and now that i've cleared my head I feel pretty bad about it. I normally don't react that way, normally I just kind of brush it off, jump back into queue and keep playing because solo queue is grind, just everything about that game rubbed me the wrong way and I kinda just blew up in end game chat.

Edited by WanderoftheColossus
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you'd be surprised at just how many riot employees say that riot hates them (twas mostly said as a joke of course an entire company isn't out to get me that'd be crazy), but regardless that has nothing to do with how much shit I was talking, it wasn't okay but I was really really upset (not an excuse just how I was feeling) and now that i've cleared my head I feel pretty bad about it. I normally don't react that way, normally I just kind of brush it off, jump back into queue and keep playing because solo queue is grind, just everything about that game rubbed me the wrong way and I kinda just blew up in end game chat.

You were pretty toxic, but everyone needs to have a vent at some point. Don't let it burden you.

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You were pretty toxic, but everyone needs to have a vent at some point. Don't let it burden you.

meh, I'm above that is all but the amount of negativity that was going on in that game before end game just got to me and when we lost I just kinda snapped. Team was crying gg from 10 minutes and I spent all game going 'we can bring it back' 'we got this' 'stop getting caught' 'ward here' 'theyre probably at baron we can fight this' only to be responded with 'this top lane is trash' 'this leona never wards' 'this wu just missed smite gg' and everyone yelling at each other and end game it all just caught up with me and I blew up on my team because not only were the negative all game but we lossed and I dunno, something snapped but I've had games like this before and I've never gone off like that. It most definitely wasn't cool of me to do.

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In those sorts of situations, I've honestly just found it better to mute them from yourself entirely; you sacrifice team communication that, when it comes to people as immature as them, can just be solved with smart pings, and you'll have the game more on your mind since their stupidity isn't there to drive you mad.

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practicing for the Same Sex Booty Chaser Squad is hard work.

Someone's going to grill you about building Ionian Boots of Lucidity on Ryze, but then again Gnar rushed Runaan's so you're off the hook.

For now.

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literally built it because if gnar was a spark, i was a mighty inferno. i usually go sorcerer's shoes. >>

Sorc Shoes would have still been better to shit on the little critter. If you're that fed, that 15 magic pen is going to make a massive difference seeing as no one had any MR that point.
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