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See Ryan? I'm good at being manly


Death is because I misaimed my flash when we were invading and instead of flashing after Rammus flashed over a wall into their turret. But Mantheon forgave my girlish mistakes, for I 2v1'd Rammus and Singed twice (after bullying the shit out of Singed in lane of course) TFW you're at half health (from sticking a spear up Singed's dead ass of course) and still manage to kill the full health Rammus mid-taunt

Also, Pantheon is soo easy to CS with once you level HSS OMG

EDIT: And the Mantheon split-push carries. Or... Blitzcrank carries?


My KDR could (should) probably be considered better since more assists. But still, at first glance you kinda wonder

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splitpush j4 all day baby


hypercarry corki ft. solo-vayne yorick


first perf game in a while



You've posted your 419th, 421st, 423rd and 424th wins (Some TB ones in between, too).

You need to chill out, bro. This is getting a little ridiculous, no?

In other news, this is old, but:


Despite my team overall doing well, that didn't mean that jungle Ashe in S5 didn't exceed my expectations. Been experimenting with a lot of different champions, even trying Alistar who felt pretty solid with Trailblazer. I feel like a number of bizarre champions can do much better jungling in the early game than before.

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Ok, look. This is a screenshots thread, not a "hey let's yell at people for doing the purpose of the thread." So both of you just shut up, post your screenshots, and go on with your day, because idle chatter about league goes in the general chat thread, no? :]

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Ok, look. This is a screenshots thread, not a "hey let's yell at people for doing the purpose of the thread." So both of you just shut up, post your screenshots, and go on with your day, because idle chatter about league goes in the general chat thread, no? :]

This is the first time I've seen someone say this after only two posts of conversation

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that wasn't "talking about the screenshots," it was talking about Silver posting too much; and tbh I'm not sure why she wouldn't want a 42/8 game (seriously what how does that happen) being posted, and before that, a perfect game, and so on.

If I posted this without any context
you'd probably think it's nothing special and if you were especially critical might even wonder how we won, but it was a fucking blast and that says a lot for how much I avoid this game lol.

Ain't nobody gotta slow down because they're posting screenshots they think are worthy of posting in a screenshot thread

EDIT: ...however, one should slow down if it means double/triple/etc-posting. Fixed it myself but let's not continue that, kay?

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Look ma, I can make fire!


So you know how I said Pantheon was easy to farm with? Try Annie. I usually have terrible CS as a mage, due to not being able to output enough damage to kill things easily. So giving me what essentially becomes a second AA that's way more powerful than the first is just awesome. Though my CS that game there is actually sorta meh, since I spent most of my time beating the crap out of Kennen in lane (also half my deaths are from getting greedy and running through towers XD)

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annie's q is entirely meant for last-hitting

don't go liandry's on her though it's really only good for people who have big damage over time (read: malzahar)

i PERSONALLY go RoA>Sorc Shoes>DFG>Deathcap>Void>???

but still really nice job! you're making good progress

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annie's q is entirely meant for last-hitting

don't go liandry's on her though it's really only good for people who have big damage over time (read: malzahar)

i PERSONALLY go RoA>Sorc Shoes>DFG>Deathcap>Void>???

but still really nice job! you're making good progress

Don't see much point to RoA anymore. It looks really good on paper, but if you're playing her well it's not really needed imo. But honestly I wasn't paying much attention to whether or not the stuff I was building was useful, just following a guide (it was too late for me to actually worry about items and play well >_<)
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This doesn't look like much, and I actually did really bad, but I'm especially proud of it

Fed Warwick five kills during laning, got all kinds of bitching from Trynd about feeding (after the first two he managed to kill me twice under tower, what was I supposed to do?) And every time I tried to push he was back in lane by the time I cleared two waves with my spins. So that went... Well

Later on every was pushing bot and their ADC was top, went to defend (I've got teleport, no biggy) got all kinds of shit for that too. Normal unranked game NA

But then we went and got Baron and Malz and I managed to push mid all the way to their nexus turrets... Where I killed WW under fire from both, beacuse fuck turrets I'm Garen. And I managed to take out both turrets (Malz died/backed after the first IDK?) back before I got murdered. And then teleport in, kill Corki, and destroy the Nexus whilst tanking LeBlanc

Yes Trynd, I am an idiot, an idiot who just won the fucking game for you


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First time Sona


Rengar was DCed until the last ten minutes, poor guy. He apologized profusely. Mid fed, but not because he was bad, because Annie was so damn good (also she was very friendly, a rare combination)

I did the majority of the work :P Especially saving our asses from lost teamfights with my E+Talisman+Healz (Draven was really good at last hitting though, that helped us a ton)

Also, I used every single one of my actives in a useful manner at least once (I even saved Draven from Annie's burst with Mikeal's heal, plus got him un-stunned so he could murder her) I am so proud of myself (I struggle to even use my one DFG on Annie)

All in all, most enjoyable game I've had in a long time

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