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Featuring such great names as Squirtle, charizard69, Doran Ring, and Darth Kaceytron.


Excuse you, that explicitly says Squiritle and Charzard. I'm sure Squiritle wants the respect he deserves for stealing such a precious letter i.

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Featuring such great names as Squirtle, charizard69, Doran Ring, and Darth Kaceytron.


I know the Doran Ring guy.

He added me after I put the fear of god into him as Morg.

Speaking of putting the fear of God into people:


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So first game Kennen, Beginner bots. Ignore the low CS, I was too busy PWNing Ryze to watch minions



As much as I hate to blame lag, my game skipped the targeting frames of Lux's ult for some reason so I couldn't Zhonya's (I literally pressed it as soon as I saw red, which was also when I died) Thus I died the second time. First time was just trying to kill Ryze in lane like three minutes in and missing my Q like a n00b >_<

But aside from those unfortunate accidents, I completely wrecked everything. Kayle fed Lux, Lux came to my lane, Lux got shut down.

One question, should I have maxed Q>W first? I couldn't decide

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You should ALWAYS max your W over Q as Kennen.

In the vast majority of games, Kennen's Q won't see much if any use in lane other than last-hitting since it's a single-target skillshot. Where as with your W, you get an empowered autoattack, with the followup active and that makes for nice harass that doesn't require you to get around minions. It also lets you waveclear and last-hit more easily, since it loses two seconds off of its cooldown with each rank (compared to Q, which only loses one).

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