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A pretty tense game happened here. Everything was going very well until our ADC started having connection issues. Then it became a 4v5. Luckily my teammates were really great with the teamwork.

@Abbey: yeah, jungling is really fun.Especially with people you can actual communicate with. It's my favorite role in the game. I love coming in and slowing the enemy laner for days with cutlass and chilling smite < 3

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i can't stop playing send help pls

maybe i'll just become a casual


Who needs an ADC when you have a fed Diana? I wish i had more kills, they gave up so quickly...

I'm kinda surprised Diana doesn't see more competitive play since she's basically a tankier Akali at the cost of a reliable escape.

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i can't stop playing send help pls

maybe i'll just become a casual


Who needs an ADC when you have a fed Diana? I wish i had more kills, they gave up so quickly...

I'm kinda surprised Diana doesn't see more competitive play since she's basically a tankier Akali at the cost of a reliable escape.

she probably did

just not since....

that patch

In all seriousness I'll just leave here her win rate dropped by ~12%. It was huge.

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Diana's lack of play comes from her feast-or-famine gameplay. She needs to get ahead or else she risks being useless late-game, unlike Akali

Though she was played recently I think in China. Competitively speaking, she's a nice flex pick that can go to any solo lane or even the jungle.

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Okay, so, I was really bad early and kept walking too far up, thus the terribad KDR. But then I got my Ult. And like every time it was up,like at least three of them died. To the point where I would put my ball on one side of a dead turret, and their whole team would walk to the other side, just in fear of my ult. It was the best, even bought enough time for Ahri or Varus to respawn

But yeah, I had awesome ult placement, even if everything else was subpar

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"Just spam R" they said.

"You'll kill everything" they said.

Eventually Sona grew tired of my incompetence, came to mid lane and started to display copious amounts of, for the lack of better wording, ass kicking.

She also turned Draven into a monster and at one point she even had more kills than me.

i suk at playing assassins too much

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Game 9 of 10, preliminaries:


shit was intense as fuck, panicked a lot because i had to spam actives to save my ass

proud, even though we won the last the teamfight because zed d/ced about half a minute before it happened

real highlight was the fact that i had about fucking 2k AP

EDIT: Got Silver 2 in the end, not bad

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I am on a friggin roll


Even managed to get a Quadra at the end (which could have been a penta if I'd had my ult up for when Gnar respawned) I just kinda ran in, got a double kill and then spun over to where some other peeps were being murdered and watched them fall over

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the fact that you managed to survive a lane against azir as veig is impressive to begin with

i had to play against talon as veigar

it was going great actually, i killed him once, then Vi tried to gank, missed her q so Talon just turned around and shredded her so then there was a double buff Talon in my lane. I cried.

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i had to play against talon as veigar

it was going great actually, i killed him once, then Vi tried to gank, missed her q so Talon just turned around and shredded her so then there was a double buff Talon in my lane. I cried.

IMO Azir's a worse matchup than Talon is for Veigar because while Azir isn't able to secure as many kills with him, he has the same dangerous amount of poke but at a far longer range than Talon and is far better at keeping you away from your farm, which is just as good a way to shut down Veigar as killing him is

With Talon you can at least try to Event Horizon on yourself to stun him if he Cutthroats you so you have a small chance of getting away, while Azir doesn't even need to kill Veigar to kick his ass to begin with

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Ignore my score, our whole team had a bad early game and I kinda did a lot of "distracting." Which is to say, I would run into the enemy team and get focused while Naut pulled one of them out to get murdered. Actually worked really well thanks to my W. But the best part happened when I got my ult up the first time. I just kinda Ulted into the enemy team and triggered my W, you know, because I'm Shyv, and instantly "Triple Kill" (And then I killed a fourth but didn't get a Quadra off it QQ) Which turned the tide of the game in our favor

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