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Hi 1st time here so apologies if mistakes are made

With E17 approaching I've returned to Reborn and would like to prepare a team but right now I've never been much on team strategies as I've usually just grabbed whatever pokemon I've found cool and added them (I tend to prefer Dragon or dragon-like Pokemon to create a semi-mono Dragon-Type team) so obviously I can do better so in the last few days I've been chain breeding a perfect 5 IV Feraligatr and I've been searching team strategies and would like to make an aggressive team with him as one of the sweepers

I'd like to ask any tips regarding such teams

I'm open to all currently available Pokemons for the team thank you in advance



Noteworthy Pokemon I currently have:

Feraligatr - Sheer Force - Adamant - Crunch/Waterfall/IcePunch/DragonDance

Tyrantrum - Rock Head - Jolly - Dragon Claw/EarthQuake/HeadSmash/DragonDance

Dragalge - Adaptability - Modest - Surf/DragonPulse/SludgeBomb/Toxic (got a second Dragalge with the same stats only difference is it has ToxicSpikes instead of Toxic)

Rotom-W - Levitate - Bold - Discharge/DoubleTeam/Substitute/HydroPump

Noivern - Infiltrator - Timid - DragonPulse/Hurricane/Flamethrower/DarkPulse

Aggron - Rock Head - Impish - HeavySlam/HeadSmash/IcePunch/StealthRock

Gliscor - Poison Heal - Careful - PoisonJab/SwordsDance/X-Scissor/KnockOff


Edited by DragonType
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I think you have a really powerful team.You have a rotom that basically covers many things.I love your team.

But since the next gym is most probably is Titania.I highly recommend a fighting type pokemon.

For example,pure power medicham or moxie/guts heracross.Your team has excellent coverage against flying type so it shouldn't be any problem.

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A fighting type pokemon is indeed a good suggestion. The only one in the Dragon egg-group is Scrafty, which does learn Dragon Dance. 

I would, however, prefer you grind up a fire type or two, since she won't be using any Heatrans. Therefore, Chimchar and Emboar also cover both positions.

That's because apart from Empoleon, all others that resist Fire are Steel/Rock. 

Charizard is another dragon-esque choice for your team, unless you hate rocks.





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