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I just got to Route 1 with the latest update. The last time I played is where the episode ended right around this area. I had some trouble with Fern, right before getting to this area and am looking for tips or info on getting some Pokemon in earlier areas if you have suggestions. Thank you!


Magcargo 51 Quiet/Flame Body
Hidden Power (Fighting)
Shell Smash
Lave PLume


Nidoqueen 54 Quirky/Poison Point
Earth Power
Venom Drench
Sludge Wave


Drifblim 50 Modest/Aftermath
Charge Beam
Phantom Force
Shadow Ball


Empoleon 54 Adamant/Defiant
Drill Peck
Metal Claw
Aqua Jet


Honchkrow 51 Hardy/Moxie
Sucker Punch
Foul Play
Feint Attack
Brave Bird


Kirlia (soon to be Gallade) 42 Jolly/Synchronize
Draining Kiss
Double Team
Future Sight
Shadow Sneak


I didn't throw IV's or EV's in there because I am still unsure as to what those mean (lol sorry)



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Alrighty, just to begin with this, IVs are individual values every pokémon has, one for each stat. They are rated from 0 to 31. The higher the IV, the better the corresponding stat. There are breeding techniques to get mons with perfect IVs, but it's a bit complicated, so I'd just advise you to softreset a couple times when you get a new mon in order to make sure it has at least decent IVs. Not that it's so important though, you can still use mons with bad IVs.

EVs are effort values, start at 0 and increase when you beat mons with yours. Every species of mon gives out 1 or 2 EV in a specific stat upon defeat. So it's technically possible to grind the EVs you want off certain encounters, but again it's not necessary to beat the game.


Now onto your team.

I'm not going to say much about movesets because I'm not very good at building these. I would just advise you to:

- Get rid of Magcargo. A Flame Body Magcargo has its uses, notably to hatch eggs, but it's otherwise just not a very good Fire mon. You're better off using Arcanine, Emboar or even Pyroar imo.

- Give Sheer Force to your Nidoqueen, using an ability caps. Her Earth Power and Sludge Wave will hurt a lot more.

- Your team has a triple weakness to Ground and triple weakness to Electric. A Grass type mon would help you cover that nicely. Leafeon, Lilligant, Shiftry, Whimsicott... there are many options you can consider. I don't know which pokémon in your team you would want to replace though; that's up to you.


That's all I can think of atm. I hope this helps :)

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Having Honchkrow and Drifblim on the same team seems a little redundant, so if you are looking for one to substitute, I'd say one of them (well I guess you can use both vs. Radomus, but it may not be as useful as you think).


If by chance you do want to keep Magcargo, once you get TM Trick Room it can function much better. I suppose Gallade could learn it, but you may want a different mon that could better benefit/is more support oriented.

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Get 2 pokemon:

1. Heracross/Pinsir (personally chose Heracross)

2. Beldum


(I prefer my Prankster Perish Song Murkrow over your Honchkrow, it's a great pokemon against PULSE pokemon and fights that you have to lose, since those fights give a lot of xp and cash if you actually do win.)

Edited by Noctelis
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as others said maccargo sucks badly, one water move and its done... the rest of the team is ok, empoleon probably could have better moveset, look into your tms. finally gallade is physical poke, your moveset for kirlia is kinda special, maybe going gardevoir is better??

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