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Jellithorn sand team


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I did an RMT on a very similar team to this one I'm posting now. this is that team with those certain corrections. this team is extremely boss. for a while i was constantly top 15 on the ladder with this team. --but then i realized how dumb laddering on reborn is--. Well here it is.

248.gifTyranitar (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Sand Stream

EVs: 252 HP / 80 Atk / 100 SAtk / 76 Spd

Brave Nature (+Atk, -Spd)

- Substitute

- Pursuit

- Ice Beam

- Focus Punch

I love this ttar. its a boah set because of the sub focus punch combo. pursuit is to catch ferrothorn. ice beam to take out any dragons. i use to run fire blast over ice beam but then i realized i want to kill dragons instead. chandelure

really takes care of anything that i would need fire blast for.

609.gifChandelure (M) @ Choice Scarf

Trait: Shadow Tag

EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd

Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)

- Overheat

- Shadow Ball

- Hidden Power [ice]

- Energy Ball

Cahndelure = pro revenge killer. I usually don't wouldn't put a chandelure on a sand team, but if you combine him with my jellithorn core, it gives me a grass/ water/ fire core. it comes in super handy. but as far as his set, everyone knows how a chandelure scarf set works. come in after a kill or on a fighting move and just blast the opponent with super high sp attk and stab overheat. hidden power ice for gliscor and dragons. energy ball for swampert / gastradon / quagsire. shadow ball is stab and hits pretty hard.

598.gifFerrothorn (M) @ Rocky Helmet

Trait: Iron Barbs

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Def

Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)

- Gyro Ball

- Power Whip

- Stealth Rock

- Thunder Wave

first part of the defensive core of the team. sets up up hazards. thunder wave sweepers. does huge damage to physical attackers thanks to rocky helmet. power whip in case of taunt. gyro ball for filler.

593.gifJellicent (M) @ Leftovers

Trait: Water Absorb

EVs: 236 HP / 224 Def / 48 Spd

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)

- Shadow Ball

- Scald

- Will-O-Wisp

- Recover

second part of the defensive core. together with ferrothorn and chandelure, i have pretty good coverage. this dude is a total wall because of his monster sp def ans well as the hp evs. i gave him evs in def too so he can tank a hit from a sp attacker and come back with a will o wisp. scald is there to burn as well. shadow ball for for stab. recover because every good tank needs it.

445.gifGarchomp (F) @ BrightPowder

Trait: Sand Veil

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Swords Dance

- Dragon Claw

- Earthquake

- Fire Fang

This is where the big hitters of the team come in. Garchomp is a monster because of the extra evasion boost it gets in sand. add on bright powder and the misses will start coming left and right. i can usually squeeze in a SD before i start attacking. dragon claw for great stab, and earthquake for the same reason. fire fang is for skarmory, although it doesn't really help that much...

530.gifExcadrill (F) @ Air Balloon

Trait: Sand Rush

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)

- Earthquake

- Swords Dance

- Rock Slide

- X-Scissor

standard sweeper for any sand team. super speed thanks to sand rush. swords dance to get his attack to sweeping standards. earthquake for most things. rock slide for flying pokemon. x-scissor for renicoulous, or however you spell it.

this team is pretty much perfect, or at least i think so. really the only reason i posted this RMT was to see if those occasional loses were due to my personal battle errors, or if there a couple flaws i could fix. any advice would be aprreciated.

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Agree, laddering on reborn is dumb. But top 15 is really not hard to reach; dunno why you've said it.

Onto the team, well, it seems the classical DW sand team you can find on every server.

No team preview give you a good advantage with jellicent. The set is really weird btw. Play with taunt>Shadow ball and give it enough speed to outspeed skarm. Because of no spinner, you don't want hazard on your field. And shadow ball is meh anyway.

Ferro EVs are weird. Like really. He's not here to hit, but to take hit. Just put 252hp/168def/88sdef.

Garchomp @brightpowder. Please. This is weak strategy for weak player. Try salac berry, it's really cool. Fire fang is just useless, as you won't hit skarm or ferro as hard as you'd hit them with Fire blast.

You could play chandy with a timid nature to outspeed +1 dnite and OHKO with hp ice. If you do that, play fire blast on tyranitar.

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top 15 on reborn is ok but u should aim higher, top 3 is where its at bro

shed shell skarmory counters your entire team, maybe swap garchomp for something thats actually good, such as sheer force special landorus with earthpower/gravity/focus blast/ hp ice

your ferrothorn evs just arent viable

you need something like 252 hp and then throw the rest into your defence of choice, ferrothorn cant attack for shit

also get rid of t-wave for toxic/leech seed- works more efficiently, also replace stealth rocks with spikes.

im gonna put it blunty, your ttar set just sucks, dont use sub/punch, you want ttar to survive for longer, dont take away 25% hp just for a sub which will be wasted anyway

go for a set like 252 hp 74 attack rest in sp def, with a moveset of stealth rocks/pursuit/crunch and either rock slide or stone edge

i hope one day you can get better than top 15, gl

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okay all of these comments are just extremely rude. i know how to take criticism, but this isnt anywhere near criticism. also, classical DW sand team, take a look at your trainer card. also rupe, i remeber facing you on the ladder all the time and if i remeber correctly i always beat you with this team.now your are right about jelliccent, i will try that out. now as far as ferrothorn, he is there to hit. i gave him power whip because quagsire gives me a very big problem. also, power wip can do big damage to other pokemon as well. also twave is there to stop set ups. tyranitar's set is tenshi's set that he poseted in the RMT with modified pursuit for crunch. if you dont know who tenshi is, he was probably one of the best battlers whos ever logged onto this server. that ttar set has been nothing but help.

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I wasn't rude, but posting a rmt with Chandy/chomp/exca/ttar isn't originial at ALL, and using jellicent/ferro core is really common. Maybe not on reborn, but as a competetive battler on smogon's ladder, I can tell you that it's really NOT original.

Then add more descriptions under each mons, if you wanna hit with ferro, say it, and explain that you've got problem with quaggy. On the other hand, 252 atk is maybe too much, and is really too much in fact. Then, chandy OHKO quaggy with energy ball. Just try to lure him for a toxic or something.

And honnestly, playing those kind of bulky sand team is just easy, if rupe lost it's only because of haxchomp/bad match up, or too much broken pokemons to handle.

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come one guys stop trollin xD. in all honesty its a pretty good team :P. i would probably give garchomp fireblast instead of fire fang because it will always kill skarm making it unable to phaze you. Also pokes like Gliscor will fall more easily. that is all. ALSO rupe and sk stop trollin xD

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