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Top Soraka [because lagged out during select] - It doesn't counter top xin zhao.

Jungle Morde - It actually works.

Jungle Ryze - It actually works. [and can snowball extremely quickly]

Jungle Riven - whatisthisIcan'tdothisQQ

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I always used to build hybrid support Sona with Manamune, IE and Deathcap...

Then I started going tank Sona with RoA, FoN, Warmog's and Spirit Visage...

I once got yelled at by my friend for building pure AP Taric back when I was still learning wtf supports build.

On-hit Lulu is extremely fun.

So is Fiora with 2+ Tiamats.

New Kat with a chunk of AD before they put her AD ratios in the crapper was hilarious. (it was like a 3.0 scaling or something iirc [having a Doran's Blade alone would give you like 30+ bonus AD])

Um let's see... Jungle Riven and jungle Darius are a thing...

I won lane vs. Darius solo top as Diana when she came out. (pretty sure she's solely mid/jungle)

Jungle Irelia, however, wasn't as successful...

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I went Shen with 5 warmogs and 1 atmas... yay (because who needs boots when you can ult?).

Then there was AD Fizz, which is actually viable and stupidly strong, though is never played...

Finally, Twitch with Ionic Spark is broken when you ult. Godlike spree >>

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