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James Is Blasting Off To Reborn!


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It’s been years since James decided to quit Team Rocket. Sure it was a difficult decision to make but he just wasn’t happy about trying to steal Pokemon anymore. In fact, he was now against it. James went to the Team Rocket headquarters and went up to his boss, Giovanni, and told him that he decided to quit. Giovanni had no problems with letting James go. He and his teammates never were successful at stealing Pokemon anyways so it wasn’t much of a loss. However, he denied James’ request of giving him back his Pokemon. They were already given to other Rocket Grunts to be used. Plus, Giovanni felt like any Pokemon the Grunts had caught belonged to the group anyways. No matter how hard James pleaded, he was unable to get back his precious Pokemon. With tears in his eyes, he told Giovanni to at least make sure that they were taken care of, whoever had them. Just to get him out of here faster, Giovanni agreed and James left. Before leaving, he went to find Jessie and Meowth. He told them that he is now an official ex team member of Team Rocket. They were both shocked and asked why he quit. He told them that he just didn’t feel right stealing, or at least trying to steal, other people’s Pokemon and he wanted a somewhat peaceful life. Although they hated the fact that he had quit, they understood and wished him luck in his new life. Well… After Jessie stopped trying to “persuade” him to rejoining… Through violent ways.


James decided to head home to his parents house and try to stay there for a while. That didn’t really work out however. His parents were still set on him marrying Jessebelle which he did not want to do at all. He decided he would escape at night. As nighttime fell, he was getting ready to flee. He was planning to go to his Nanny and Pop Pop’s house. Before he left, his Growlithe, or as he called him, Growlie, came up to him. “Ohh Growlie. I wish I could stay but you know how mother and father are with me marrying Jessebelle. I just can’t stay here.” Growlie gave him a sad face but seemed to understand. James paused for a couple of seconds. “Would… Would you like to come with me Growlie?” James asked his pet. Growlie howled and shook its head yes. They ran out of the house and escaped his parents house. They journeyed all the way to their cottage.


They welcomed him and Growlie with open arms and allowed him to stay there. The 1st thing James did when he got there was look for his Chimecho. He checked the infirmary where he last saw his friend and sure enough, Chimecho was there. But this time, it was floating in the air. “CHIME!” James shouted as he ran towards his friend. Chimecho looked over and realizing that it was James, floated over to James and they both embraced.


James has stayed there for 3 years now. His clothing appearance has changed. He’s gotten rid of the Rocket Uniform and now represents black pants, a dark blue jacket, a gray t-shirt and a green tie. And of course, he always has a rose in his jacket’s top pocket.




He helps his grandparents however he can. Basically going grocery shopping, shopping in general, taking care of the garden, cleaning the house. He even helps out traveling trainers when their Pokemon are sick. He loves being there helping out. But, he was missing being out and about and traveling to different places.


1 day, while he was out in the town shopping for food, he accidentally bumped into a girl and she dropped her food. “Ohh. I’m sorry. Let me pick those up for you.” He bent down, starting to pick up the food items. He stood back up and gave them back to the girl. “There you go. Sorry for making you drop your food. My name is James.” “It’s ok. And thank you. My name is Ame. You’re a very nice person.” James blushed. “Well… I think I’m a better person now than I was before.” Ame looked confused. “Uhh… I have to get this food to my Nanny and Pop Pop. Would you wanna come with me?” She thought about it for a couple of seconds and then said “Sure. I’m only staying here for 2 nights anyways.” “Really? Would you wanna stay at my Nanny and Pop Pop’s house? I’m sure they won’t mind if you stayed there for 2 nights.” She agreed and they went on their way. Ame questioned James why he said he thought he was a better person now than before. James told her everything about him being a member of Team Rocket. He was afraid she would be upset or disgusted with him but she wasn’t. She seemed kind of happy. “You know, it takes a lot of courage to admit something like that. I’m glad you turned your life around and got away from that Team Rocket stuff.” He smiled.


They finally reached back to his Nanny and Pop Pop’s house. They agreed to have her stay there for the 2 nights and James showed her to her room. That night, Ame asked James if he could come into the room with her. She wanted to talk to him about something. “So, since you were honest with me, I’ll be honest with you. I am actually the manager of the Reborn League in the Reborn Region. Things there aren’t really all that good. I just wanted to vacation somewhere and I picked here. And I’m so glad that I ran into you because I’m having an even more marvelous time now. But I wanted to ask you something… Would you want to come back with me to Reborn and take part of the League Challenge? You know. Collect all of the badges and beat the Elite 4?” James was shocked. He never would have guessed that Ame was this big of an important person. Before he could answer, Ame interrupted his thoughts. “Ohh. And I should also give you this piece of info. Unlike any of the other regions, Reborn has 18 Gyms instead of 8. Which means every Pokemon Type has its own Gym.” This really stunned James. But, he felt like this would be quite the adventure. “I’m not entirely sure… I’ll give you an answer tomorrow.” She agreed and then both of them went to sleep.


Well James tried to sleep. He couldn’t get what Ame said out of his mind. “She’s a manager of a League? And it has 18 gyms? Sounds tough but… I really want to go out on an adventure. I miss it.” James finally fell asleep. The next morning he woke up and felt really excited. He decided that he would accept. He told Ame this and she looked quite pleased. “That’s great! I’ll even help you sign up for the league when we get there.” James jumped up and down with excitement and felt all giddy inside. He told his Nanny and Pop Pop what he was going to do and that he hoped they wouldn’t be mad at him for his decision to leave to go on an adventure. “Of course we’re not mad James. We kinda had a feeling you yearning for an adventure.” said his Nanny. “We got everything here. You just go out there and have fun. But also be careful. That place sounds dangerous.” said his Pop Pop. James hugged them and went to his room and started to pack for his journey. Both Growlie and Chimecho came into the room and had a puzzling look on their face. “Ohh hey guys. I’ve decided to go out on an adventure and challenge gyms. I hope you don’t mind. Chime, you’ve been here for a really long time so I want you to keep helping Nanny and Pop Pop. And Growlie, you do the same. I’ll miss you guys but we’ll see each other again.” All 3 hugged each other.


The next day, James and Ame were ready to go. Ame thanked James’ Nanny and Pop Pop for letting her stay there and that their cottage was relaxing. They started walking towards the train station. James asked her why Reborn wasn’t really that good. She explained that a lot of the people there aren’t all nice, the places there don’t look all that good. It was just a mess. James could see the sad look on Ames face. “Hey. I don’t what much good I can do but… I’ll try to make it a better place.” he said to her with a smile on his face. That cheered up Ame. They finally reached the train station. They bought their tickets and boarded the train. As they sat down together, James saw an odd person dressed in almost all black. He got a bad feeling in his stomach but just tried to ignore it. The train started to move and they were both heading to the Reborn Region.



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4 minutes ago, GS BALL said:

Growlithe? Victreebel? Yamask?

Future plans for Growlithe.

Both the Victreebels he had aren't with him anymore. So even if I were going to use all of his team members, Victreebel wouldn't be one of them.

Mime Jr., Carnivine, Inkay, Yamask, and Amoongus have been given away to different Team Rocket grunts and Giovanni won't return them to James. Any Pokémon that were released by James will not be used on this.

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And James met Shade for the first time. I read it entirely, that's really inspirational and immersive! Keep it up, your writings are well made. Can't wait to see more of James's new life :)

Edited by Q-Jei
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As the train crossed to the Reborn Region, James could see how bad the cities looked. “Wow… Is it really that bad?” James asked Ame. She shook her head yes. “It’s been like this for a while now. I want to make it like how it used to be but nothing I’ve done has worked.” “Well, as I take on the Gym Challenge, I’ll try my best to help you make this Region better.” Ame smiled at him. “Well just knowing that makes me happy.” Ame noticed that James had a nervous look on his face. “Is something wrong James?” she asked him. “Ohh I’m fine. Just… This will be my 1st time ever doing the gym challenge. So I guess I’m nervous about that. But I’m also excited. Don’t worry about me Ame.” he replied back with a smile at the end. Ame smiled back.


“Ohh. We’re almost the-… James, do you hear a beeping noise?” James tried to focus in on the sound and he too was hearing the beeping noise. “Omg… James! Run!” But it was too late. As soon as the train stopped in the train station, a bomb denoted and blew up the train and the station. James landed on some rubble inside the now destroyed train station. Luckily for him, he’s blasted off so many times that he’s become almost impervious to explosions. So he was fine. His clothes were scuffed up though. But what he saw around him horrified him. He actually saw dead bodies. While looking around, he saw Ame on the ground. He ran over to her as fast as he could. “Ame! Are you alright?!” “Ugh… What happened? Huh? James! Ohh my god! Are you ok?!” “Yea. I’m just fine. I just…” James looked around the carnage and the dead bodies. “I’ve never seen this before.” He helped Ame up to her feet and helped walk her out of the station. “You doing alright Ame?” James asked again. “I’m fine. A couple of bruises and scratches but I’ll be fine. I’m still kinda shocked that you basically don’t have a mark on you. Let alone you look perfectly fine. Well besides your clothes being scuffed up.” James awkwardly chuckled. “Well… To be honest, I’ve been in explosions before. I’ve also been electrocuted a lot too. Along with being set on fire and frozen…” He looked at Ame who had a horrifying look on her face. “Uhh… Sorry. Was that too much? But, it seems that because of all of these things happening to me, any kind of explosions doesn’t really hurt me anymore. So I guess it’s like a blessing in disguise huh?” James said trying to not feel awkward. “When everything calms down, we deff need to talk about your adventures in the past. They seem very adventurous and interesting.” Ame said with a smile. James agreed.


They both turned around and stared at the destroyed train station. “HIHI AME!” someone yelled. Ame and James turned and saw a green haired girl wearing mostly yellow standing there. “Whoa. Someone did a number on this place. I like booming things but this is too far. Even for me. But still… I wanna boom things now too! Darn!” “Well I don’t think now would be a good time to start “booming” things Julia. Ohh yea. James, this is Julia. Julia, this is James.” Julia, jumped right in front of James, took his hand and shook it up and down in a wild manner. “Nice to meet you James!” “Nice to meet you too Julia.” he replied in a dizzy way.


Ame came up to James. “Hey. I’m gonna go up to the Grand Hall. It’s a short walk that way. You can’t miss it. You should stay here and talk to Julia for a while. She may be a little… Intimidating in her own cute way but trust me. It’s good to make friends soon while you’re here. See you later James.” Ame then went ahead to the Grand Hall. “So what exactly are you doing here?” James explained everything to Julia. “Ohh. So you’re gonna take on the Gym Challenge huh? That’s exciting! Well I can’t wait to face you.” she said in a manic way. But James seemed puzzled. “Wait. What do you mean you can’t wait to face me?” “Wait. Didn’t Ame tell you? I’m a Gym Leader!” This shocked James. This girl that LOVES exploding stuff and appears to be crazy is a Gym Leader? Julia interrupted his thoughts. “Well hey. I’ll deal with things here. You go to the Grand Hall and Ame will take care of you. Hope to see you soon James!” Julia skipped away towards the destruction of the station.


James started walking towards the Grand Hall. He could see how bad the streets looked. How the buildings looked like they were crumbling. The water looked really toxic. He also noticed people crying. He couldn’t tell if it was because of the state of the city or because of their loved ones that might have perished in the train explosion. He could see a tall somewhat sphere like building. As he came to the front side, he seemed impressed with the building. It was the 1st place he saw that didn’t look like it was about to fall over. He walked in. The inside looked really nice. “Wow… This place looks incredible.” he thought to himself. He looked up ahead and saw Ame behind the counter. As he was walking over, he noticed she was talking to another woman. “Well if Kiki said that she wants you to take on the gym challenge, then I’ll accept her request and enroll you into the league. Ohh hey James! Seems you found the place no problem.” “I did. This place is amazing!” he replied back. “Ohh yea. James, this is Victoria. Victoria, this is James.” “Hey James. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Victoria said as she extended her hand. “Likewise.” James replied back, shaking her hand. “Do you mind if I take James upstairs to get his 1st Pokemon Victoria? He just came to this region and… Well, let’s just say he hasn’t had the best 1st experience here.” “No problem. Of course. Have fun James.” Both James and Ame went upstairs.


When James got upstairs, he saw 3 tables lined up with 6 PokeBalls on each table. Ame noticed the shock expression on James’ face. “Haha. We got every region starter here for you to pick from.” “Wow… Every region. This is incredible.” James replied back. He thought about it long and hard. In the end, he decided to choose Piplup. He picked up the PokeBall and the Pokemon came out. Piplup looked around the room and then up to its new trainer. “Hi there. I’m James. Nice to meet you.” James said with a smile. Piplup jumped up and down and blew a bubble out from its mouth. It floated out towards James and busted open, water splashing him in the face. “Ohh James! I’m so sorry about that.” Ame said. “It’s ok Ame. I’m alright. It’s just water. I’m glad that you’re excited to have me as your trainer Piplup.” James said to his new Pokemon as he picked it up. James returned the Piplup into its PokeBall. “Well I’m sure you 2 will become great partners.” Ame said to James. “I think so too Ame.” he replied back.


James and Ame walked back downstairs. “James, why don’t you wait behind the receptionist desk while I take Victoria up for her to choose her Pokemon. Ohh. And give me your jacket and pants. I’ll sew them up and wash them for you. Uhhh… You have shorts or anything to wear for the time being?” “Of course I do.” James did what she told him to do. “Have fun picking your Pokemon Victoria. And thanks for fixing my clothes Ame” “Thanks James.” Victoria replied back with a smile. “No problem.” Ame replied back. Ame and Victoria walked upstairs.


“You look like a new trainer cutie.” said a voice from behind. James turned around and was greeted by a purple haired boy with goth looking clothing on. James noticed the fishnets he was wearing on his arms. “Oooo! Those fishnets look good on you!” James complimented. “Heh. Thanks. Ohh. I forgot. My name is Cain. Nice to meet such a nice trainer. And a nice looking 1 too.” Cain said. He went up to James and gave him a hug. This surprised James but he returned the hug. “Why you’re welcome and thank you for the compliment.” James responded back. “You know, Ame said that a lot of people here aren’t the friendliest but I’ve been meeting nothing but nice people since I’ve been here.” “Well, you’ve been getting lucky. It’s true what she says. Sooner or later, you will be meeting the bad people here. But hey. Why don’t we have a Pokemon battle. I’m starting over for… Personal reasons. I actually came here to talk to Ame so I can register for the Reborn League but I take it she’s busy.” “She is. Her and another person, Victoria, are upstairs so Victoria can pick her starter. But that sounds like a great idea! It’s been a while since I last battled but I’m ready!”


They both stood on the opposite side of the room with a PokeBall in each hand. James sent out his Piplup. It came out, looked back at James, blew a bubble from its mouth and blew it to him. Of course, the bubble burst with the water splashing all over James. Everyone began laughing, including James. “I’m glad to see you too Piplup but right now, we’re about to have our 1st battle!” Piplup looked in aww and shook its head yes and turned towards Kain, waiting for him to send out his Pokemon. “Go Nidoran! I choose you!” Cain shouted and out came the Nidoran (M). They both shouted their commands and the battle started. Despite it being a Scratch/Pound fight, it was intense but in the end, it was Piplup who came out on top. “Wow… I won. I won a battle!” James yelled in excitement. It had been a long time since James had won a battle. He ran up to Piplup and hugged it. “Good job Piplup! You did a good job. You deserve a good rest.” He sent Piplup back inside its PokeBall. Cain picked up his Nidoran. “It’s ok. You did a great job Nidoran. I’m proud of you.” Cain said to his Pokemon. James walked up to Cain. “Is it alright?” James asked in concern. “He’ll be fine. There’s actually a Pokemon Center inside the Grand Hall. Let me take you to it so both of our Pokemon can get healed.” Kain replied back. “Ohh. Well thank you Cain.” Cain took James over to the PokeCenter and they both got their Pokemon healed.


After getting their Pokemon healed, they sat down on a couch and started talking about their past while waiting for Ame. James talked about his days with Team Rocket as Cain talked about his problems. “Well… I’m kind of… Gay. I ran away from home because people there didn’t really approve of it. So, I’m starting over. I actually have my full team at home but I wanted to start completely over. It’s hard to talk about but with you, it’s easy for some reason.” James smiled. “Well it was kind of obvious that you were but it doesn’t bother me. You know, when I was apart of Team Rocket, I would sometimes disguise myself wearing women’s clothing. And I never really felt weird about it. I actually enjoyed it. Although, I still like wearing men’s clothing more but… I know this isn’t the same as what you’re going through but I thought it might help cheer you up about your situation.” James looked at Cain and he was smiling. “Thanks James. That really did cheer me up.” Still waiting for Ame and Victoria to return, Cain and James decided to come up with a motto of their own to pass the time.


“Cain? Are you here? Cain?” Ame was shouting. James and Cain got off the couch and waved Ame and Victoria over. But before Ame could utter a word, Cain and James sprung out in a pose and started shouting their motto that they made a couple of minutes ago. 




After they were done, they looked up to Victoria and Ame. They looked really confused but also entertained by the whole thing. Some people in the Grand Hall were even heard clapping and cheering for James and Cain for their motto. Ame started to laugh. “Haha. I have no clue what that was about but you 2 brought some smiles to a lot of people here today. So thank you.” James and Cain smiled at each other and high fived each other. “Ohh. By the way, here you go James. I sewed your clothes up and washed them.” Ame said. “Wow! They look as good as new!” James said as he was putting on his jacket and pants. Ame then turned to Cain. “You ready to register for the League now Cain?” But Cain was looking at James in his jacket and pants now and looked quite impressed. “Cain!” Ame yelled, trying to get his attention. “Ohh. Sorry hun. Now I’m ready to register. It was nice talking and battling with you James. See you. And see you later too Victoria.” Cain and Ame leave to register Cain for the league.


“Well… That was certainly something. Haha. But he said you 2 battled? Would you mind having a battle with me James? I wanna test my battling skills.” Victoria said. “Of course. Let’s do this!” Like before, they got on opposite sides of the room and sent out their Pokemon. James with his Piplup and Victoria sent out a Tepig. Again, just like with Cain, despite it being just a Tackle/Pound fight, James and his Piplup were just able to come out victorious. James surprised himself. He never really won many matches, let alone multiple matches in a row. He was starting to get more confidence in his battling abilities. “That was a close battle James. Congrats on the victory.” “Thanks Victoria. Let’s go heal our Pokemon. Then we can go up to Ame and we can register for the Reborn League.” “Great idea!”


They healed their Pokemon and then walked up to the desk where Ame and Cain were. “It was great seeing you James. Hopefully I’ll see you again. You’re a cool and cute person.” Cain said. “You are too Cain.” They hugged each other and Cain went on his way. “Well you 2 seem to have hit it off very nicely. That’s good. Ohh yes. You 2 don’t have to worry about registering for the League. I already did it for you 2. But I do need to give you both these.” Ame went over to a desk and took out 2 sets of objects. “Here you both go. A Pokedex and a PokeGear. I’m sure I don’t have to explain what a Pokedex is. But the PokeGear here, you can use the map on it and to listen to music.” “Thank you very much!” Both Victoria and James said. “Well James and Ame, I’m gonna head out. See you both sometime. Bye.” Victoria walked towards the exit and left.


“You know James, I know you’ve gone through a lot since you got here and it’s kind of late. We got a couple of rooms here in the Grand Hall. If you want 1, I can give 1 to you.” Ame proposed to James. “So like… Would I be living in this room then?” “Basically. Unless you couldn’t get back here sometimes. But yes. This is where you would live until you say otherwise.” replied Ame. “You know, I think I will. Thanks a lot Ame.” James said. “Good. Besides, you still have to tell me all the stories about how you were in explosions and electrocuted and set on fire and frozen and everything else.” Ame said with a smile on her face. “But of course.” James said. Ame took him to his room. It was a cozy little room and James loved it. Ame helped James put away the stuff he brought with him. After all that, Ame and James sat in his room and ate dinner together as James told his stories to Ame. She was so fascinated with his stories. This continued hours into the night. “Oh my James. You’ve been through a lot. No wonder you survived the uhh… Well… You know.” Ame said with a somewhat sad look on her face. “Don’t be sad Ame. Cheer up. I know today wasn’t the best but… Just gotta try to think positive.” “Thanks James. You know how to make me smile and be happy. Haha. Well it’s getting late. I should go now. And you gotta get ready for tomorrow.” “Yes. That’s true. Thanks for everything Ame.” They hugged and Ame left. James then got ready and went to sleep, excited for the next day.


Pokémon Greet Out Of The PokeBall




When James sends out his Piplup, it'll jump up and down, turn around to James, and send a bubble towards him. When the bubble gets really close to James' face, it'll burst and the water will splash him in the face. While other people think Piplup does this to be funny, it's actually its own way of showing its love for its new trainer.


Pokémon Team



Piplup/Male/Level 7

Nature: Rash/Ability: Defiant

Held Item: None

Moveset: Pound/Growl


Edited by Awesome_One
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James woke up late in the morning the next day but that didn’t bother him. He got dressed and packed a couple of snacks with him, just in case he got hungry exploring the Peridot Ward. He closed the door to his room and looked around inside the Grand Hall looking for Ame. “Hmm. She must be off doing busy work. Ohh well. I’m sure she knows I’ll be starting my journey today.” James exited the Grand Hall and began his adventure.


He battled numerous trainers and was victorious in all of them. He was quite surprised with this. But also impressed with his winning streak. He also remembered what Cain said to him about the people in Reborn. He was running into more bad people out here. That was a little unsettling for James but he knew he had to brave it out and continued.


James decided to take a break and bring out Piplup and have a snack with his Pokemon. “Here you go Piplup. Have a cookie.” James said as he handed a cookie to his partner. Piplup gladly accepted it and started eating the cookie. As they were both eating, Piplup noticed something come out of a nearby dumpster. A weird, green, slimy thing slithered its way over to them. It started to climb up James leg and started to nibble on his pants pocket. Piplup, in a panicked mood, used its Bubble attack but instead of it hitting the green thing, it hit James in the face getting him all wet once again. “Piplup, why did you- Ohh. Hello there. What do we have here?” James pulled out his Pokedex and discovered that it was a Gulpin. “Well hello there friend. You seem to be hungry. Would you like some food?” The Gulpin looked at James and happily shook its head yes. He put the Pokemon onto the ground, went into his pocket, pulled out another cookie and gave it to the little Pokemon. “I hope you enjoy it Gulpin.” said James. A little bit later, everyone got done eating. James petted Piplup’s head and returned it inside its PokeBall. He then turned to the Gulpin. “I’m happy that you were able to join us.” he said to the Pokemon. Gulpin slid up to James’ leg. “Hmm? Say. Would you like to join me on my journey Gulpin?” Gulpin smiled with his mouth open and shook its head yes. “Great!” James said happily. He took out an empty PokeBall and Gulpin jumped onto it and went inside. Gulpin was caught. James was happy to have another he had another friend with him on his journey.


As he continued his adventure, he again was challenged to numerous battles. But anytime he would choose Gulpin, Gulpin would fly back to its trainer and start to nibble on James’ pants. When James was challenged about the 5th time, he chose Gulpin and Gulpin did his usual thing. James this time picked him off and talked to it real quick. “You’re a hungry Pokemon aren’t you. Tell you what? When the day is over and we get back to my living quarters, I’ll make you some delicious food. As long as you don’t keep going back to nibbling my pants pockets. How does that sound?” Gulpin smiled with its mouth opened and jumped up and down. After that, whenever James chose Gulpin, Gulpin would go right to the battle field, ready to battle.


As James continued upwards in the Peridot Ward, he came across a strange looking big door. He tried to open it but wasn’t able to. “Hmm. Seems this way is blocked off. Ohh well. I’ll explore the other places of this ward.” As he was about to leave, he could hear a faint Pokemon noise. “Dew. Dew. Budew.” James tried to see if he could find it but couldn’t. He started to see people point upward and hear people scream. “Ohh my god! There’s a Budew on the ledge there!” someone shouted. James looked up and sure enough, there was indeed a Budew on top of a ledge. It looked scared. It looked down though when he heard James scream up to it. “Hey Budew! Don’t move! Someone will be there to rescue you!” Budew stood there, not moving. People tried to get to the Pokemon but no matter what they tried, they just couldn’t get to it. James was scared for the little Pokemon. He didn’t know what to do. He pulled the rose out of his jackets pocket. It always seemed to calm him down when he was stressed. The Budew then started to smell the Rose. It was so enticed with the smell though, it wasn’t paying attention what it was doing and walked over the edge. James saw it falling down towards him, got directly underneath it and caught it in his arms. Everyone was relieved that the Budew was safe. “Wow. You’re amazing. You saved that Budew!” a random person told James. “It was nothing. But thank you.” James replied back. Everybody dispersed and went back to doing whatever they were doing before.


James looked at the Budew. “Are you ok? That fall didn’t hurt you did it?” Budew shook its head no. James noticed that Budew seemed to really like the rose he had in his jacket pocket. He took it back out and handed it to Budew. “Would you like to have this? You seem like you really like it.” Budew was so happy James offered it his rose that it used the move Sweet Scent. James was enticed with the smell. “Ohh my. What a lovely smell that is.” James said. Budew smiled really big at him. “Would you wanna come along with me?” Budew, again in excitement, used its Sweet Scent. “I’ll take that as a yes.” James said with a satisfied look on his face. He touched Budew with PokeBall and it was caught. But almost immediately after, Budew came back out and into James’ arms. He was quite puzzled by this. “Why don’t you want to stay in your PokeBall?” Budew was pointing up where it was a few moments ago and then down here and then made a scared look. James figured that Budew was still scared about what it got itself into and didn’t want to be by itself yet. “Don’t worry Budew. You can stay out of your Ball as long as you’d like until you’re not scared anymore.” Budew smiled.


James continued to explore more of the Peridot Ward. As he was walking by a Power Plant type of building, he noticed a boy with green hair and wearing green glasses. Actually, everything he was wearing was green. Except for his pants and shoes which were brown. The boy noticed James staring at him and shouted for him to come over to him. “Umm… Hello. My name is-” “I don’t care. You got a problem with me? You were staring at me.” the boy snapped back. “I didn’t mean to. I was just-” “Do you not know who I am? My name is Fern. I’m the top dog and a cool cat. And don’t you forget it” James just stood there in utter confusion. “Psh. Whatever. What are you holding?” Fern asked. “Ohh. It’s a Budew. A little bit ago, I just saved it from a ledge and now it’s joining me on my journey to collect all of the badges of Reborn.” Fern looked unimpressed. “You should have let it rescue itself. Now it’ll ALWAYS depend on you and it will never be tough enough to win a battle for you. What a bad trainer you are.” This was getting James mad. “It is not weak and neither are the rest of my Pokemon!” James snapped back. “Heh. Sure. Let’s test that in a battle.” Fern said holding a PokeBall in his hand. “Deal!” James and Fern started their battle.


Ferns Lotad and Snivy put up an ok challenge against James’ Gulpin. Fern then sent out his own Budew. This Budew though seemed like the complete opposite of James’ Budew. This Budew had an evil smile across its face and had a somewhat deeper voice than most Budew’s had. “Don’t get a fat head just because you got lucky in this battle. It ends now! My Budew is deff superior to yours. It isn’t babied and that means when it battles, it’ll actually do damage. You’re a poor excuse for a trainer and should just quit while you’re ahead. Well… you were never ahead to begin with. Just quit before you embarrass yourself more than you already have.” James couldn’t hold it in any longer. “Listen here, you little twerp! My Budew is just as strong as your Budew or any Budew! Stop picking on it! It’s done nothing to you! And how am I embarrassing myself!? You’re down 2 Pokemon already while I still have my full team!” Fern had a shocked expression on his face. James looked at his Budew. “Don’t listen to him buddy. He’s spewing nonsense. You’re just as good as any other Pokemon.” Budew had tears of joy in its eyes. It jumped out of James’ arms and into the air and started to glow. “Budew?!” It was starting to evolve. It a matter of seconds, James’ Budew evolved into a Roselia. “What?! How is that…” is all Fern could say. Roselia twirled around and threw James rose back to him while also using Sweet Scent. James’ rose now had that sweet aroma. “I’m so proud of you Roselia!” James happily shouted. Now, lets show this twerp what you can do. It didn’t take much longer until Roselia came out on top, defeating Fern’s Budew, earning James the victory.



James VS Fern

Gulpin uses Amnesia

Lotad uses Growl on Gulpin

Gulpin uses Sludge on Lotad/Lotad faints

Snivy uses Wrap on Gulpin

Gulpin uses Sludge on Snivy/Wrap damage

Fern uses a Potion on Snivy

Gulpin uses Sludge on Snivy/Snivy faints

Roselia uses Growth

Budew uses Stun Spore/Misses

Roselia uses Growth

Budew uses Growth

Roselia uses Poison Sting on Budew

Budew uses Stun Spore on Roselia/No affect

Roselia uses Poison Sting on Budew

Budew uses Mega Drain on Roselia

Roselia uses Poison Sting on Budew/Budew faints

James wins!


“Well of course you’d win that. You were using a Roselia, Budew’s evolved form. Anyone would win that match up.” Fern said. But James ignored him. It was getting late and James decided that it was time to head back to the Grand Hall. As he was leaving, Fern stopped him. “Hey!… Do you know where I could stay for the night? I came here to help out my sister and her annoying friend stop some kind of team. They told me to meet them at a factory but I guess they didn’t mean this 1. It’s too late to go to the other 1. Sooo…” Even though he annoyed James and made him really mad, James couldn’t be a mean person. He told him to come along with him to the Grand Hall. It was nighttime when they made it. They both went up to the receptionist desk where Ame was. “Ohh. Hi Fern. And hi James!” How was your day today? Ame asked him. “It was entertaining. I got some new team members. So that’s a good thing.” James replied back. “Yea yea. Catch up later, will ya’s? Hey Ame. Do you think I can stay in a room here just for tonight? I’m supposed to go help my sister and her friend with something at the factory tomorrow.” Fern said. “Hmmm. Yea. We have a room available. I’ll show you to your room.” Before she left, James pulled her aside and whispered, “That kid is a real annoying twerp.” She whispered back, “Trust me. I know. But I can’t do anything about it.” “I’m sorry for your annoyance.” James whispered in a comedic way. “Hey Ame! You gonna take me to my room or what?!” Fern shouted. “Yea. Yea Fern. I’ll be right there. James, you staying up late tonight?” she asked him. “Probably not. I’m gonna make some dinner for myself and my Pokemon and then head off to bed.” “Ohh well alrighty then. Have a good nights rest!” She went back over to Fern and they disappeared.


 James went to his living area and called out his Pokemon. “Piplup, meet Gulpin and Roselia. They’ll be accompanying us along our journey.” Piplup went up to each of them and shook their stub/roses. “Now, it’s time to make myself and everyone something to eat.” Everyone cheered. James cooked up some food and everyone ate. After dinner, James got ready for bed. “Hmm. I wonder what Fern, his sister and her friend are trying to do getting into a Power Plant?” James kept thinking as he got ready for bed. But he couldn’t worry about that. He was going to challenge his 1st ever Gym Leader. And he needed to focus on that.


Pokémon Greet Out Of The PokeBall




When James sends out his Gulpin, it will fly back to its trainer and nibble on his pants pocket. Even if there is no food in the pocket, Gulpin will always do this until James promises to make it a good meal later in the day. Then the Gulpin will just normally go out onto the battle field. But, it will eventually go back to nibbling on James' pants pocket. The process is repeated at least every other day.


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When James sends out his Roselia, it will twirl through the air while unleashing its Sweet Scent attack towards its trainer, making him enticed with the smell. This usually delays the battle because James just gets enthralled with the smell and it distracts him. This is Roselia's way of showing its love for its trainer and also its thanks for saving it when it was a Budew.


Pokémon Team



Piplup/Male/Level 15

Nature: Rash/Ability: Defiant

Held Item: None

Moveset: Bubble/Peck/Pound/Growl



Gulpin/Male/Level 15

Nature: Relaxed/Ability: Sticky Hold

Held Item: None

Moveset: Sludge/Amnesia/Pound/Yawn



Roselia/Female/Level 15

Nature: Brave/Ability: Poison Point

Held Item: Rose Inscense

Moveset: Mega Drain/Growth/Poison Sting/Stun Spore


Edited by Awesome_One
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8 hours ago, Wolfox said:

If I could have a suggestion: sweet scent could remind him of Victreebell, making him even more haoppy with Roselia

Possibly. I'd have to see if I can rewrite the story a wee bit to put that in.


5 hours ago, Jess said:

Mfw I run out of rep points to give, but still wanna upvote everything.

Including @Wolfox's suggestion. :) 


Great job @Awesome_One! I'd like some screenshots or videos to see the sprites and action for myself, but I still enjoy your updates! :D 

Ahh shit. I totally forgot to take screen shots. I've been so into writing stuff that I've been somewhat rushing through the actual game and forgetting to screen shot stuff. I'll have to remember this. Haha. But thank you Jess! :D


Btw, just curious. What does everyone think of the TEAM FABULOUS motto? I know it seems pointless and out of nowhere but I just can't see James not having some kind of motto to sing with someone and Cain I think deff fits that role.

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James awoke early in the morning the next day. He got ready and then headed out of his room. He saw Ame by the receptionist desk and headed over there. “Hey Ame!” James greeted her. “Ohh hi James. How are you doing today.” “Good. I’ll be taking on the 1st Gym Leader today.” “Ahh. So I assume you’ll be facing Julia today then?” ”Indeed. But before I go, do you have a training room or something?” I’d like to train my Pokemon a bit more before taking her on.” “We do actually have 1. Go over to that person over there and he’ll show you where to go. And good luck today!” Ame said “Thank you Ame.” James said while leaving. He went over to the guy that Ame pointed to. “Hello. I plan on taking on a gym today but I’d like to get in some training beforehand. Ame said you’d be able to assist me on where to go?” James asked. “Why of course. Hold on a minute.” The man pushed a button and a set of stairs going down appeared on the other side of the receptionist desk. “Whoa. That’s the training room?” James asked in amazement. “It sure is. Don’t worry. There’s a button down there that makes the stairs appear as well. We just like to keep it closed off as often as possible so people don’t fall down the stairs. We can also call someone so they can help you not only make your Pokemon stronger but perfect their moves too. Would you like that?” James thought for a moment. “I would. Thank you.” The man grabbed a phone and made a call. Within a matter of minutes, a heavyset man with a beard came down. “Hey. I’m here. Is there a James here?” “Right here! Hello. Nice to meet you…” James said as he reached out for a hand shake. “ Call me Matt. It’s great to meet you too. Let’s go downstairs and train shall we?” Matt said as he shook James hand. They went downstairs and started training.


It was around noon when James and Matt stopped training. James’ Pokemon looked much more powerful than before. They shook hands as they made it to the top of the stairs. “Thanks Matt. You really helped a lot.” “No problem James. You know, I haven’t had a fun time training in a long time but I have with you. I think I’m gonna ask if I could become your personal trainer whenever you need it.” That would be absolutely wonderful!” James said. “Good luck in your gym battle today James.” Matt yelled to James as he was leaving the Grand Hall. “Thanks friend!” James yelled back.


James walked to Julia’s gym. Just as he was about to talk in, the door swung open really fast, hitting James in the head and making him fall to the ground. “Ohh! Julia is sorry! I’m in a hurry though!” Julia said while helping James up. “Ow! That hurt. Where are you going though? I was here to challenge you for the gym badge.” James said in a hurt kind of way. “Ohh I’m sorry James! But I’m supposed to meet some people by the factory and take care of business.” James then remembered the night before on what Fern said. “Wait! Is Fern 1 of those people?” “He is! I wish he wasn’t… But ohh well. Hey. Why don’t you come along and help? Not like you got anything else to do right?” James thought about it. She was right shockingly. “Alright. Take me to wherever you were going to.”


Julia took James to the factory. “Here we are!” “Alright. So what exactly is going on here?” James asked Julia. “Well remember the train bombing the other day? Well apparently this group called Team Meteor was behind it. What a weird name? Isn’t it? Anyways, their clothing is really bland. All they wear is all black.” That caused James to remember the guy in all black clothing he saw when he was on board that train. “Ahh! I remember that guy! I saw him and I felt nervous for some reason but I just ignored it.” James said. Julia could notice he was starting to look a little down. “Hey. You couldn’t have known. This was your 1st time here. It’s not your fault.” she told him while patting his back. That made him feel better. She started to search the outside of the factory but couldn’t find an entrance. “How do we get in now?” James asked. “BOOMIES OF COURSE!” Julia shouted. She pulled out a bomb, lit it and BOOM! The steel grate that was there now had a huge gaping hole in it. “It scares me how much you like explosions Julia.” James said.


Just then, Fern and another person came walking up to the factory. The person next to him looked exactly like Fern except everything she was wearing was all green and of course she was female.



“Florinia! It’s been a long time since we last met. Ohh yea. Fern you already met James. That must have been a pleasant time for him. Anyways, Florinia, this is James. James, this is Florinia.” Julia said. “Nice to meet you Florinia.” James greeted her. He extended his hand out with a smile on his face. “A pleasure to meet your acquaintance. However, this would delay our objective at this current time.” James took back his hand and seemed kind of upset. “Ohh don’t worry about her. She’s always like that. She’s really fun to be around.” Julia said, trying to make James smile. “Ohh yea. She just a whole bunch of fun. See all the fun I’m having with the huge, wide smile on my face?” Fern said sarcastically. “Can we get a move on already? I wanna beat down these Meteor jokes.” Fern then rushed inside. “Yes. Let us proceed.” Florinia said following his footsteps. Before Julia went in, she pulled James aside and told him a “super secret.” “Fern and Florinia are brother and sister.” she whispered into his ear. “Right behind you Rini!” Julia yelled going into the factory. James stood there with an annoyed look on his face. “They look almost identical. It’s obvious. Did she really have to tell me that?” He muttered as he went inside the factory.


He walked in and saw everyone looking over the siding. The water looked all toxic and gross. “This place is most likely the cause of the water’s toxicity.” Florinia looked around the room. “2 current ways to proceed. Our best chances for coverage is to dissect into 2 groups and explore the different rooms.” Florinia explained. “I’m with Rini! Bye Matt! Good luck with Fern!” Julia quickly grabbed Florinia and rushed into the room on the right. “… She’s lucky she left as soon as she said that.” Fern said with his arms crossed. “Alright James. Don’t think that because of yesterday that you’re better than me. You just got lucky. Let’s just get this over with and then we won’t have to deal with each other again. Ok?” “You know Fern, I actually agree with you for once.” James and Fern went to the left room.



They battled a couple of Team Meteor Grunts. But didn’t see anything important. The next room they reached Florinia and Julia were there. “Ohh! James! And Fern. Just the person I’ve been looking for. Look. Florinia has been trying to hack into the system to open up the locked gates in front of us but so far, no success. There’s a room below us. You 2 should go down there and try to find LOTS OF EXPLOSIVES! So we can BOOM down this steel gate.” Julia said to James and Fern. “Are explosives the only way you know how to solve problems?” Florinia asked. “Well… They’re like fun fireworks! I mean they’re dangerous… But they’re so fun Rini!” “Yea… Let’s go try to find some bombs James.” Fern said, pushing James into the room below us.


While looking around the room, they came across 2 more Meteor Grunts. The 2 teams battled and eventually, James and Fern won. “There seems to be a lot of Team Meteor people here. Are you doing ok Piplu- Huh?!” Piplup was glowing. “Could it be?” James said in excitement. “Ohh brother. Really? Again?” Fern said. In a matter of seconds, Piplup evolved into Prinplup.





“Prinplup! Ohh joy! I’m so proud of you for evolving!” Like in its pre-evolution state, it blew a bubble from its beak. But this time, it spit the bubble towards James at a faster pace. The bubble popped on James’ face and got him all wet. “Ohh well. Some things never change I guess.” James said. “Hahahaha. Ohh man. That was funny. You know, you should keep me around. Your Pokemon only seem to evolve around me. I guess they must like me a lot more than you.” Fern said in a cocky but confident way. Prinplup got an angry look on its face. So it did what it did to James. It blew a bubble right into Ferns face, making him all wet as well. “Grrr! I do not like to be wet! Bird brain!” Fern angrily yelled. James and Prinplup laughed and then James returned Prinplup to its PokeBall. “Hey. There’s some explosives. Let’s take them to the room above.” “You take them scrub. I’m gonna head back up now.” Fern said, leaving James in the room. James picked up the box of explosives and carried it into the next room.


Julia saw James coming in with the explosives. “OOOOO EXPLOSIVES!” Julia yelled running over to help James carry them over to the steel gate. “It’s time for some BOOMIES to go off!” “Uhh… Wait Julia.” James said. Julia stopped. “I know you like to blow up stuff but… Do you think maybe I can do it this 1 time?” James asked her. Julia just stared at him for a couple of moments. Then she smiled and gave him a match to light the explosives with. “You know what they say James. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Except for Fern. I don’t want him to be in my family.” “Trust me Miss Bomber. I wouldn’t want to be part of your family.” James ignored the starting argument. He went up to the steel gate and placed down the explosives.



“Florinia, I know you tried to hack into the system but…” “It’s fine. But standing here talking about it will delay our quest even more. I don’t usually advice this but under these circumstances, please. Blow up the door.” Florinia said as she went back towards Julia. James then lit the explosives and in seconds, they exploded, leaving a big hole in the gates.





“Let’s proceed.” Florina said going inside. “Yay! Booms! That was fun!” Julia happily shouted while following Florinia. “Move it James! Let’s get this over with!” Fern said running in. James was close to follow. When he got in, he saw 2 more Meteor grunts and a weird looking man. “Are you the leader of Team Meteor?!” James demanded. “Me? Of course not. I’m just in a higher position of Team Meteor.” “Why would you blow up the train? And poison the waters? They’re making the whole Region worse.” Julia asked. “I don’t have to answer to you. If I really wanted to, I could blow up your gym right now. You know, it’d be wise to watch what you say. We know who all of you are. Including you James. Kanto right?” James was stunned. How did this guy know where he was from? “Enough! If you ain’t gonna tell us why you’re here or run, it’s time to beat you guys down!” Fern said. “Hmph. Very well. Aster! Eclipse! You deal with the those 2! I’ll take care of the Gym Leaders!” “Very well sir!” Aster and Eclipse said together. James stared at the 2 pair. It reminded him of the times he was apart of Team Rocket. He missed Jessie and Meowth. "Yo! Loser! What are you doing?! Stop your daydreaming and let's do this already!" Fern shouted out to James. James snapped out of it. "Ohh. Sorry. I was just thinking about the-" "I don't care what you were thinking about! Throw out a damn Pokémon so we can hurry up and beat these scrubs!" Fern yelled. The battle began!



Double Battle! James & Fern VS Aster & Eclipse

Elekid uses Shock Wave on Gulpin

Magby uses Fire Spin on Budew

Budew uses Mega Drain on Elekid

Gulpin uses Acid Spray on Magby

Elekid uses Shock Wave on Gulpin

Magby uses Ember on Budew/Budew faints

Gulpin uses Sludge on Magby/Poisoned

Aster & Eclipse uses a Potion on Magby

Elekid uses Shock Wave on Gulpin/Gulpin faints

Lotad uses Bubble on Elekid & Magby/Elekid Speed Falls

Magby uses Ember on Lotad

Roselia uses Mega Drain on Elekid

Elekid uses Shock Wave on Lotad/Lotad faints/Magby faints from poison

Roselia uses Mega Drain on Elekid/Elekid faints

James & Fern win!


It was surprisingly a hard battle despite them having just 2 Pokemon between the 2 but Fern and James were able to defeat Eclipse and Aster. “Ha! That’s all you 2 brought to the table? What a couple of scrubs!” Fern said. “Ugh! You got lucky here boy! We lost sir!” Aster said in annoyance to his defeat.



“You 2 are useless. I can handle the Gym Leaders but all 4 of them? Hmph. It doesn’t matter. Our objective of distracting them has been completed. Come Aster and Eclipse. And remember what I said. Team Meteor is always watching. So be careful.” the man said. They escaped. “So… That’s it?” James asked. “Affirmative.” said Florinia. Julia then went up to a panel and ripped out some wires. “This building is gonna become a GIANT firework! Or… At least inside of it will!” Julia said. “Damn! Let’s get the hell out of here!” Fern said running as fast as he could out of the building.


Everyone got out just in time before the inside of the place exploded. “Well now that that’s done, it’s time for me to leave you scrubs. Especially James. He’s just been weighing me down. Later.” Said Fern and then he left. “It was great hanging out with you Rini. I mean I wish there was more explosions and stuff but it’s been a long time since we last hung out. And that was back in school. So I can let less explosions slip by this time.” Julia said. “Indeed. But I must return to Obsidia Ward. The plant life there has come to life and I must come up with a plan to stop it. Farewell.” Florinia said and left. James looked up into the sky. It was really dark. Julia yawned. “Ohh James! I totally forgot you were gonna challenge my gym today. Well I’m afraid that’s not gonna be able to happen. I’m pretty tired. I mean I could drink caffeine stuff and stay up but… I don’t feel like it. Plus, it tastes better in the daytime! But I promise we can have our battle tomorrow!” “That’s fair I suppose. Alrighty then. I’ll see you tomorrow Julia.” James said “Ohh wait! Before you go, I’ll let you in on a little secret. Gym Leaders in this region use a full team of Pokemon. Ok. I’m going back to my gym to sleep now. Night!” Julia said skipping back to her gym.


James started walking back to his living area in the Grand Hall. “Every Gym Leader has a full team of 6?” He stopped and pulled out the 3 PokeBalls that contained Prinplup, Gulpin and Roselia and looked at them. “I only have half a team… Can I really win with just 3?” James questioned himself. But then he remembered he had to have faith in not only himself but his Pokemon as well. “Hmm! We can pull this off!” he said with confidence. James walked back to the Grand Hall and went inside his room. He found Ame in there just finishing up cleaning the room. “Ohh James! How was the battle? Did you get the badge?” Ame asked him. James explained everything that happened. “Team Meteor? That doesn’t sound good at all. I’ll have to put out a notice to warn trainers to stay away from them. Thanks for giving me that info. And I wish you luck on your Gym Battle tomorrow.” Ame then left James’ room. James got ready for bed. Before going to sleep, he thought back to everything that happened that day. “Team Meteor… Seems like I’ll have to be dealing with them now as well on my journey.” James then closed his eyes and went to sleep.


Pokémon Greet Out Of The PokeBall




Since evolving, Prinplup still shows its affection towards its trainer the same way as its pre-evolution. However, unlike it pre-evolution form, the bubble travels much more faster and instead of the bubble bursting in front of James' face, the bubble makes contact with his face and then will burst.


Pokémon Team



Gulpin/Male/Level 17

Nature: Relaxed/Ability: Sticky Hold

Held Item: None

Moveset: Sludge/Acid Spray/Pound/Yawn



Roselia/Female/Level 18

Nature: Brave/Ability: Poison Point

Held Item: Rose Incense

Moveset: Mega Drain/Leech Seed/Poison Point/Stun Spore



Prinplup/Male/Level 18

Nature: Rash/Ability: Defiant

Held Item: None

Moveset: Bubble/Peck/Pound/Metal Claw


Edited by Awesome_One
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So I'm really enjoying doing this whole story thing but I have a question for you all. In the "Pokémon Greet Out Of The PokeBall" sections, should I keep doing it the way I'm doing it (everytime I catch a new Pokémon or a Pokémon evolves, I update it then) or should I always do it despite not capturing a new Pokémon or evolving one?

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2 hours ago, Awesome_One said:

So I'm really enjoying doing this whole story thing but I have a question for you all. In the "Pokémon Greet Out Of The PokeBall" sections, should I keep doing it the way I'm doing it (everytime I catch a new Pokémon or a Pokémon evolves, I update it then) or should I always do it despite not capturing a new Pokémon or evolving one?

I prefer the first one :) 

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11 hours ago, Wolfox said:

a little idea: what if James gets a little nostalgic when he fights Aster and Eclipse? Seeing those two could remind him of his time with Jessie and Meowth


5 hours ago, Awesome_One said:

I know. I'm going to rewrite it a little bit to fit that in before I go to Episode 5.

Well, good job you two! I even had a mental video running with James and a cloud above his head with him, Jessie and Meowth going full ham on the Team Rocket intro :) *sniff*

That was emotional!

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4 minutes ago, Jess said:


Well, good job you two! I even had a mental video running with James and a cloud above his head with him, Jessie and Meowth going full ham on the Team Rocket intro :) *sniff*

That was emotional!

You know, I forget. Is it those 2 that say the Team Meteor motto or is it 2 different Team Meteor grunts that say that?

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1 minute ago, Awesome_One said:

You know, I forget. Is it those 2 that say the Team Meteor motto or is it 2 different Team Meteor grunts that say that?

No, it's the two in the Daycare. Can't recall names, but not Aster/Eclipse for sure :) 

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Just now, Awesome_One said:

I figured. I was going to have Aster & Eclipse do it but they're more serious. So I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

Irrelevant but, if Eclipse can't be saved by us, I will be seriously upset.

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The next day, James woke up excited but nervous. He was going to take part in his 1st ever Gym Battle. And he remembered Julia’s words. Every gym leader have a full team of Pokemon. James looked at the 3 PokeBalls on his desk. He sent out his Pokemon. “Alright guys. Now listen. I believe in all 3 of you. Our 1st gym battle is today. And all the Gym Leaders in this region have a full team. So our work is cut out for us but I have faith in all of you. I believe we can make this work and come out on top and get our 1st badge! You all ready?!” James shouted, encouraging his Pokemon. They all cheered. “Alright. Let’s go.” James returned his Pokemon and left his room. As he was going to leave the Grand Hall, Ame ran up to him. “Hey James! Are you going to the gym today?” Ame asked him. “Yep. Me and my Pokemon are ready.” he said with a smile. “Well good. I hope nothing comes up that the battle can’t happen again. Haha. Good luck James!” Ame said going back to the receptionist desk. “Thanks!” James shouted back.


James walked until he reached the front door of Julia’s Gym. It looked like a regular old power plant. He decided to take a step or 2 back just in case Julia were to swiftly open the door again like she did yesterday.



“This is it. This will be my 1st time. I’m ready for this.” James swung open the door and walked in. Just like it did outside, the inside looked like a regular power plant. He walked into the next room and saw and big banner that said “KABOOM!” “Well, this is definitely Julia’s room. But where is the actual-” James fell to the ground being scared by a small explosion in the corner of the room. Julia looked towards the entrance and then ran over to James. “Hey James! What’s up? Did you get tired all of a sudden and fall asleep? That’s why you need caffeine in the morning!” Julia said helping James up to his feet. “Ohh yea!” Julia ran up to the other side of the room in the middle and shouted.



James looked confused. “Uhh… This is still the gym right?” James asked her. “Yea. But doesn’t that sound like such a better name instead of gym? It does to me. But hey! Lets battle!” Julia shouted.




Gym Leader Battle! James VS Electric Type Gym Leader Julia!

Helioptile uses Charge Beam on Gulpin/Attack Misses

Gulpin uses Acid Spray on Helioptile

Helioptile uses Charge Beam on Gulpin

Gulpin uses Sludge on Helioptile/Helioptile faints

Voltorb uses Charge Beam on Prinplup/Special Attack rises

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Voltorb

Julia uses a Potion on Voltorb

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Voltorb/Voltorb faints

Emolga uses Charge Beam on Gulpin/Special Attack rises

Gulpin uses Acid Spray on Emolga

Emolga uses Charge Beam on Gulpin

Gulpin uses Sludge on Emolga/Emolga faints

Voltorb uses Charge Beam on Prinplup

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Voltorb

Julia uses a Potion on Voltorb

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Voltorb/Voltorb faints

Roselia uses Mega Drain on Blitzle/Sap Sipper activates

Blitzle uses Thunder Wave on Roselia/Roselia paralyzed

Blitzle uses Flame Charge on Roselia

Roselia uses Poison Sting on Blitzle

James switches Roselia for Gulpin

Blitzle uses Flame Charge on Gulpin

Blitzle uses Charge Beam on Gulpin/Special Attack rises

Gulpin uses Sludge on Blitzle/Blitzle faints

Electrode uses SonicBoom on Roselia

Roselia uses Leech Seed on Electrode/Leech Seed sucks health

James uses a Potion on Roselia

Electrode uses Sonicboom on Roselia/Misses/Leech Seed sucks health

Electrode uses SonicBoom on Roselia

Roselia uses Magical Leaf on Electrode/Leech Seed sucks health

Electrode uses SonicBoom on Roselia/Roselia paralyzed/Leech Seed sucks health/Electrode faints

James wins the Volt Badge!


James came out the victor and somehow didn’t lose any Pokemon. “I… I did it! I beat a Gym Leader!” James said with excitement. “You know James, you’re the 1st person I battled that only used 3 Pokemon, beat all of my Pokemon and not only that, but none of yours fainted. I am BOOMINGLY excited to give you the Volt Badge!” She said. Julia handed over the badge to James. James looked at it in awe. He was so excited that he won his 1st gym badge. He put the badge into the badge case. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go to sleep. That way, when I wake up, I’ll have to drink more caffeine to stay awake! BYE!” Julia said.


James walked out of the gym smiling. He noticed Victoria. “Hey Victoria.” he greeted her. “Ohh James. Hey. You seem chipper. I take it you won your 1st badge?” “Mhm. My 1st badge ever to be precise.” James said, taking the badge out of the badge case to show her. “Well congrats James. I’m proud of you.” Victoria replied back. “So what are you doing?” James asked. “Well I was going to take on Julia but I heard some upsetting news. Plant life has come to life and attacking humans and Pokemon and just ripping through the streets and it’s awful. I was about to go there but…” she paused looking up towards the sky. “As you can see it’s become late and I don’t think going there at nighttime would be the smartest thing. I don’t know where to go.” she said with a somewhat sad look on her face. “I know. Why don’t you go to the Grand Hall and ask Ame for a room? I’m heading there now anyways for the night.” “Great! I’ll come along with you.” “Good. It’s great walking with friends.” James said.


As they walked towards the Grand Hall, they talked about their adventures so far. As they were walking to the front, they saw Ame. Victoria ran up to her. “Hey Ame. I was wondering if you had any extra rooms available? I need to do something and it’s too late to do it right now.” “Hmm. Hold on let me check really quick.” She pulled out her PokeGear and looked to see if there were anymore rooms available. “Mmmm. I’m afraid all the rooms are booked up. I’m sorry Victoria.” Ame sadly said. “It’s ok. I’ll figure something out.” “Hmm. I know! Ame, would it be ok if she stayed with me in my room?” James suggested. “Of course! I have no problem with that. You’re free to stay with him for the night Victoria.” Ame said. “Ohh James! Thank you!” she said, hugging him. “It’s no problem at all.” James replied back.


The 2 friends went into James’ room. “Tonight, I’ll take the couch as you take the bed.” James said. “Ohh James. Thanks but I couldn’t-” “Nonsense. You seem like you got a lot on your mind anyways. And a nice comfortable nights rest sounds like something you really need.” James insisted. “Well… If you insist, ok. Thanks again James.” Victoria said. “Hey. Anything for a friend right?” James said. They both laid down and went to sleep.


Pokémon Team



Gulpin/Male/Level 19

Nature: Relaxed/Ability: Sticky Hold

Held Item: None

Moveset: Sludge/Acid Spray/Pound/Yawn



Prinplup/Male/Level 19

Nature: Rash/Ability: Defiant

Held Item: None

Moveset: Bubble/Peck/Bubble Beam/Metal Claw



Roselia/Female/Level 20

Nature: Brave/Ability: Poison Point

Held Item: Rose Incense

Moveset: Mega Drain/Leech Seed/Magical Leaf/Stun Spore


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James woke up the next morning. “Ahh. What a great morning. Good morning Victor-” James stopped mid sentence. Victoria wasn’t on the bed. “Victoria? Hmm.” James checked the whole room but he couldn’t find her. “Where did she go?” James thought. Then he remembered what she said the night before. But that also made him think about what Florinia said the day before. James decided he’d get ready and go to the Obsidia Ward. He walked out of his room and looked for Ame and spotted her talking to the clerk. “Hey Ame. I’m sorry to disturb you but do you know which was Obsidia Ward is?” James asked her. “It’s no prob James and I do. All you have to do is take a right as soon as you get out of the Grand Hall and walk up the stairs. There’s police there blocking the way but tell them I gave you the ok to go that way.” Ame replied. “Thanks. Ohh. Before I leave, did you see where Victoria went? I woke up and she wasn’t in the room with me.” “You know, she asked me if she could go into Obsidia Ward. She told me what was going there and wanted to help out with the problem there. I don’t know what she could do but I gave her the ok. Anyways, good luck James. And stay safe.” Ame said. “Alrighty then. Thanks Ame.” James said as he exited the Grand Hall.


James listened to Ame’s instructions and sure enough, he saw the cops blocking the entrance way to the Obsidia Ward. “Sorry sir but no pedestrians are allowed to enter here.” 1 of the cops said. “Ame gave me the go ahead to enter.” James replied. “Hold on a minute please.” the other cop said. “Yes. This is 1 of the officers blocking the Obsidia Ward entrance. We have a man here saying you gave him the ok to go in. Uh huh. Ok. Alright sir. You can go on through.” the cop said. “Thank you.” James said and walked into the Obsidia Ward and he could already see vine like plants wiggling around up through the sidewalks and streets. “This is… Unbelievable. How can this be?” James thought to himself. As he was exploring the streets, he came across a huge crack in the street. From 1 building to another. “There’s no way I’m going to risk jumping across that. Looks like I’m going down.” James said to himself.



He traveled downwards. “James? Is that you?” a voice said. “Huh? Ohh. It’s you Victoria! How come you left so early?” “Ohh. I’m sorry James. As soon as I woke up, I just had to leave and try to help however I can. But I can’t get past the slums.” Victoria said. “The slums? What’s that?” James questioned. “It’s basically where people who don’t have homes live. It’s scary in there and I just couldn’t get through all the battles.” “Well don’t worry. I’ll do it Victoria. Thanks for the heads up though.” James said. But as he went to walk towards the slums, Victoria stopped him. “No James! I can’t risk you to get hurt either.” “Victoria, I appreciate your concern but I can get through this.” “I just can’t risk it James… Unless you prove it to me in a battle.” Victoria challenged James. “Fine. I accept this deal. Lets battle!”





James VS Victoria

Prinplup uses Metal Claw on Ralts/Ralts faints

Gulpin uses Sludge on Makuhita/Makuhita gets poisoned

Makuhita uses Force Palm on Gulpin/poison damage

Victoria uses a Potion on Makuhita

Gulpin uses Sludge on Makuhita/poison damage/Makuhita faints

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Pignite

Pignite uses Arm Thrust on Prinplup

Victoria uses a Potion on Pignite

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Pignite/Pignite faints

James wins!


“Well James, I have to say, that was quite impressive. Ok. I believe in you to make it through the slums. I can’t do much else here. Might as well challenge Julia for her badge. Bye James and good luck.” Victoria said. She then left for Peridot Ward. James went to the slums and went in. It was scary looking inside but he had to keep going. Along the way, he kept seeing boxes move, which freaked him out even more. He went into another room. In there, he saw a Scrafty, a Scraggy and 2 boxes which were actually just 2 more Scraggy’s underneath them.



“Hmm. This must be some kind of gang.” Scrafty ordered the Scraggy’s into battle position. “Well if it’s a battle you want, it’s a battle you’ll get!”





Double Battle! James VS The Scrafty Gang

Roselia uses Magical Leaf on Scraggy/Critical Hit/Scraggy faints

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Scraggy

Scraggy uses Faint Attack on Roselia/Poison Point activates

Roselia uses Magical Leaf on Scraggy

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Scraggy/Scraggy faints

Scraggy uses Faint Attack on Roselia

Roselia uses Magical Leaf on Scrafty

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Scrafty

Scrafty uses Faint Attack on Roselia/Roselia faints

Scraggy uses Headbutt on Prinplup/Scraggy faints by poison damage

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Scrafty/Scrafty faints

James wins!


After James won the battle, Scrafty unlocked the steel gate and allowed James to pass through. James finally escaped the slums. He tried to go up north but the cops there wouldn’t let him through. Even when he told them Ame gave him the ok, they wouldn’t let him through. So the only way he could go was down. He walked down the stairs and saw a sign that said Coral Ward. “So this is the Coral Ward huh? Looks like it’s all docks for boats and ships.” he said to himself. On 1 of the docks, he could see a woman standing looking at, what appeared to be, a lighthouse. As he got closer, he noticed an Oshawott near the lighthouse. “Hey. What are you doing?” he asked the woman. “Ohh hi. That Oshawott is trapped over there. I’m trying to figure a way to get it over here to safety but I can’t think of anything. If it were to jump into the water, it would be hurt with all the powerful toxins that are in it.” the girl said. “That is a predicament.” James said. “Aww. You 2 look cute together looking out into the sky.” a voice said. The girl and James turned around. “CAIN!” James shouted. “Hey James. I think this calls for a special greeting don’t you think?” he said to James. “I know EXACTLY what you mean.” James happily said. They both jumped into the air and landed a pose. “Umm… What is happening right now?” the girl wondered out loud.





 After they did their motto, they high fived each other. “You know, I can see why you would miss doing those. They’re really fun!” Cain said excitedly. "Umm… I have NO clue what that was but is there anyway we can focus on trying to get Oshawott safely over here?” “Ohh yes. Sorry about that. But honestly, I have no clue what to do.” Jame said. “Ohh. This won’t be so hard.” Cain said. “Let’s go Grimer!”


~You’re Not Alone, So Have No Doubt, We’ll Put Our Heads Together Gonna Figure This Out~


“Ummm… Why are you-” “Shh! I wanna listen to him sing. It sounds incredible.” James interrupted the girl.


~In No Time, We’ll Be At Your Side!

We’re A Team On A Roller Coaster Ride~

~Each 1 Of Us Knows Just What To Do~

~And We’re Never Gonna Stop -- Gonna Stop -- Searching For You~


“Ahh. He’s got such a nice voice, doesn’t he?” James exclaimed. “Oshawott, climb on top of Grimer and it’ll take you cross over to here.” Oshawott listened.


~Oh, Baby, Listen To Me~

~We’re Gonna -- Gonna -- Gonna Set You Free, Yeah~


Grimer brought Oshawott back over to the group. “Oh my god… You 2 are a really weird duo but you really saved the day here. Thank you both!” said the girl. “Well, I’m glad I was able to help and especially meet back up with you James but I gotta get going. I’ll see you 2 later. Bye.” But as Cain went to leave, Oshawott started following him. “Ohh. It seems Oshawott wants to come with you.” the girl said. “Well it’s cute but I stick to Poison Types.” Cain responded back. James saw how attached the Oshawott was to Cain already thanks to him rescuing it. “Maybe you can make an exception this once Cain?” James asked kindly. “-sigh- If there’s 1 person I can’t say no to, it’s you James. Alright. The little guy can come with me.” Oshawott jumped up into Cains arms happily. “Hey Cain. Before you leave, how about we have another battle against each other?” “Ehh. I suppose my visit to my sister in the Byxbysion Wasteland can wait. Let’s do this. And I do mean that in more ways than 1.”




James VS Cain

Roselia uses Leech Seed on Grimer/Misses

Grimer uses Sludge on Roselia

Roselia uses Leech Seed on Grimer/Misses

Grimer uses Sludge on Roselia

Roselia uses Magical Leaf on Grimer

Grimer uses Sludge on Roselia

Roselia uses Magical Leaf on Grimer/Grimer faints

Nidorino uses Focus Energy

Gulpin uses Acid Spray on Nidorino

Nidorino uses Double Kick on Gulpin/Critical Hit

Gulpin uses Acid Spray on Nidorino

Nidorino uses Fury Attack on Gulpin/Critical Hit

Gulpin uses Sludge on Nidorino

Cain uses a Potion on Nidorino

Gulpin uses Sludge on Nidorino

Cain uses a Potion on Nidorino

Gulpin uses Sludge on Nidorino/Nidorino faints

Prinplup uses Bubble Beam on Venonat

Venonat uses Confusion on Prinplup

Prinplup uses Peck on Venonat/Venonat faints

Roselia uses Mega Drain on Oshawott/Oshawott faints

James wins!


They both shook hands after the battle. “Again James, you seem to be the better battler. But I gotta go visit my sister now. See ya James and Amaria.” Cain said leaving the Coral Ward. “Amaria?” “Ohh. My apologies. With all the things that’s been going on, I totally forgot to give my name to you. Well as Cain said, my name is Amaria. I’m actually a Gym Leader.” she told him. “A Gym Leader?!” James said in excitement. Yes but you seem like you just started and I’m a higher level Gym Leader. So maybe we can have our Gym Battle when you’re stronger. I promise.” she reassured him. “Ohh alright.” James said. “What were you doing down here to begin with?” Amaria asked him. He explained to her what he was doing there. “Ohh yea! The plants! I got so caught up with the Oshawott that I totally forgot about that. But it’s really late now. And I’m sure Florinia is already back in her room at the Onyx Trainer School. I think we should rest up some tonight and then start our investigation again.” “Yea. I agree with you. But…” James knew he couldn’t go through the slums at this time of night to go back to the Grand Hall. “I don’t know where to go. I have a room at the Grand Hall but I can’t make it back there.” “Ohh don’t worry. I can help you there.” Amaria said happily. She went to a dock shed and unlocked the door and invited James in. Inside he saw a boat. “What’s this?” he asked. “It’s my boat. I sleep here sometimes. You’re welcome to stay the night.” Amaria told him. “Ohh thank you Amaria. This will do just fine.” They both went into the boat and she showed him around. “Thank you again for letting me stay here for the night Amaria.” “It’s no problem. Tomorrow though, as soon as we wake up, we gotta hurry up to Florinia quickly.” she told him. “Understood. Well good night Amaria.” “Night James.” And they fell asleep.


Pokémon Team



Roselia/Female/Level 22

Nature: Brave/Ability: Poison Point

Held Item: Rose Incense

Moveset: Mega Drain/Leech Seed/Magical Leaf/Stun Spore



Prinplup/Male/Level 22

Nature: Rash/Ability: Defiant

Held Item: None

Moveset: Bubble/Peck/Bubble Beam/Metal Claw



Gulpin/Male/Level 22

Nature: Relaxed/Ability: Sticky Hold

Held Item: None

Moveset: Sludge/Acid Spray/Pound/Yawn


Edited by Awesome_One
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