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[Epilogue] Chronicles of the Onyx Arcade Mafia [Town Win]

Daniel Blackworth

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I don't think you can force no lynches here. If there's an equal amount of votes between two or more players, randomness will pick which of them will die.

At least, that's what I know.

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ok so i wonder how the role "sailboat" (for now I'll shorten it to "RBOAT" to avoid confusion) would work (also im not saying its in the game cuz i seriously dont know). If its name based then wouldnt it be some sort of transpo... but if its personality based i think it will gonna have a mafia/3rd party role. On the other hand if its playstyle based... it might be a townie but has the potential to ugh "blow itself up" in a manner of speaking.


Well either way if there is one thing i currently worry is that only one 3rd party and knowing dive loves them cults its prolly a cult to further put a check on the balance of powers against two maf factions. Although this is just pure guess and i have nothing to back it up.

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Hey, quick thing to bring up for anyone considering a no lynch, we might have the judge/role that tie breaks in the game. The role “Amber” is likely a town one due to me never having been maf yet(Dive might have done”Tired of being a goody-two shoes, Amber...” ) Purpleplayed a strong game as maf, but I have no clue her side. 

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so my terrible guesses for rolls (from my bardic way of seeing things) is as follows

alistair- if you roleclaim and get lynched (AKA getting alistaired) you win

megagun- since he has the highest % of mafia to town he is not town and has some night action that kills people

evioria - due to star wars probs  appears innocent if investigated

jace- due to being around since the first mafia and my amazing win in the ffa in sailboats game probably team valiant's leader (but that could also be my ego)


and that is all i have for now

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There is a way to know the roles of the players that are in the game. Each of us have 5 choices , let's say the picked one was the second, you now know that the first was taken.

Of course we don't know what that role is but at least we know that a player has it


We can always follow the votes of the only confirmed town 

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Well well well, it would appear that things have started off with a bang. So, yeah the role of Megagun is probably some sort of mafia. We do need to lynch somebody, so anyone got any guesses? Perhaps on our first day of lynching we should let the Celebrity make the initial target choice if for no other reason than it will come from a town confirmed and won't start a lynch war but still maintains the Advantage of hearing from the accused any form of defense they can muster.

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It doesn’t matter if ithe lynch vote came from me or from someone else, we still don’t have any evidence. A confirmed town like me could easily start a bandwagon on the wrong target. Also, here is my theory on roles(I hope independent third party roles exist)


Alistair- Fool/mafia(Alistair gets vengeful due to being Alistair’d in Dive’s headcannon)

Amber- Jailer or Samurai

Cicada- could be a legal based Mafia?


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Hey guys, upon further reflection, I think that there is a chance that the role Dark Rogue (I'll call it Rogue btw) may be the third party. If you think about it, I didn't even complete a mafia game yet, so Dive doesn't know nothing about me.. Well this is just a thought, I don't even know if someone has this role.


Btw, I agree with Amber. It doesn't matter who chooses the person to lynch, we don't have any evidence for it. But I don't know what to do, as we cannot abstain. Maybe everyone should vote for themselves and skip this day, as no important info will come from it?

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Amber, don't forget about Alphagar2, Cataline2 and Purple2. (It seems I cannot quote anyone, weird)


[Eliminate] Dark Rogue (I forgot to vote for myself last post)



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I'm... iffy on the concept of voting for ourselves, since realistically all someone needs to do is come in at the end and vote for someone other than themselves and the entire plan is ruined. Given that they could play it off as simply only reading the last vote post and bandwagon'ing, it's entirely possible they get away with it. Not got a better solution though, so I'll wait to see if one comes up.


On the issue of referring to our roles, could we not offset the issue by having everyone profile claim? It's unlikely to have counterclaims (since knowing whose profile you're playing as wouldn't mean you know their role and allegiance, so there shouldn't be a reason to not be honest about it) and it would make it easier to refer to what roles we think a person has (since we can just refer to the person rather than who they're pretending to be). It's fine if people don't want to (given some of the suspicions going around, I'd understand some people wouldn't want to for fear of putting suspicion on themselves), it's just a potential option.

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I agree that Evi2 could easily be the leader of a mafia faction, since that's basically what I was in the SW mafia game.


Other than that, I don't have much to say yet, since there's little evidence of really anything and too many potential roles to speculate about.

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I don't really see how it benefits us to just vote for ourselves. Besides as Roswell said, one person not agreeing to do it at the very end would be all it takes to put the lynch in the hands of only one player. This is dangerous.

That said, voting for someone else would be a completely blind act given the absence of information... This games' set up really does leave us completely in the dark.

I'm not satisfied at all with this, but for now,

[Eliminate] Alistair


I'll try to carefully read people's posts, find someone who is letting out mafiaish implications, and change my vote accordingly if I can.

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