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SSB5 character ideas


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Super smash bros is one of my favorite video games, so I was really excited when people said one might come out for the switch. So here I am to share my top 5 Ideas.


5. DBX Time patroler. This is extremely unlikely, but considering time patrolers DID originate from games, and I do want a DBZ character, I geuss time patroller could be the next best thing.

Their movesets could be move like meteor crash and kamehameha and considering there are 8 different race options ( male and female saiyan, male and female majin, male and female human, freiza race, only one gender and namekians, one again, only one gender.).


4. Celica. Fire emblem shadows of valentia echoes was a good game. Not as good as awakening and fates, but good for a remake. And while I would like to see Alm,  I think he might be too much of a clone. Celica could use seraphim, sagatite ( I know Celica can't use sagatite but robin can't use noferatsu.) and use arts like replenish and counter so she wouldn't be a robin clone.


3. Ryoma. Another fire emblem character, I know but ryoma could be extremely different, with rajionto, attacking from a distance and jumping away and attacking from a distance, but honsetly, it doesn't matter. We could have a ryoma swordsman costume and I'd be happy.


2. WA WA WA WALUIGI TIME! that's right! I think waluigi has been put off for way too long and everyone wants him. But noooo nintendo say " oh you guys wanted waluigi? well, we're giving you some space princess!" Waluigi has alot of potentail and should be in the game, but knowing nintendo, they're gonna give us toad instead.


1. Shadow the hedgehog for the win! I know we already have sonic but capcom had ryu and megaman. Now, alot of people's arguments are " but shadow is in thesame game" he can represent  the shadow the hedgehog game and he's the only other character to have his own Game ( suck it tails and knuckles fans ) please do it nintendo.


so, that's my list.





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*pulls out long list of wishes and hopes*

well, there are MANY I would love to see, from guys you probably don't even know to some generic ones. I won't do characters who have only been in spin-off games as playable character (so no Waluigi) nor characters from a franchise that doesn't originate from games (so no DBZ or anything)


1: Soma Cruz.

One word: Souls. In his games (Castlevania Aria of Sorrow/Dawn of Sorrow) Soma has the Power of Dominance. This allows him to drain the soul of an enemy he defeats (random chance) and use that soul as a weapon, utility, defense or a straight pure bonus. Thanks to this, Soma has so more weapons and powers in his arsenal than Mario and Link COMBINED, allowing for a lot of possible sets. It would be amazing to see a Castlevania character in smash (I have more on my wishlist, but this one's on top).


2: Ezio Auditore.

Before you say "so you want the generic assassin who's probably your favorite in smash.", hear me out. Ezio has been on a Nintendo Console in the past. a 2d sidescroller version Assassin's Creed 2 on the DS. now while I would personally like Connor better as he is my favorite Assassin of the franchise, this one would be more likely (I've played a bit of the game and ngl, it's pretty good). He could have an infinite ledge hanging ability as the assassins spend quite a bit of time just hanging on. He would have a Down Counter like most FE Characters and generally be a speedy balanced Swordsman with some projectiles like Smoke bombs.


3: Alucard

I told you there were more Castlevania characters on my wishlist. And the son of Dracula is one of them! While I haven't played the game where he stole the show, I HAVE played some of Julius Mode in Dawn of Sorrow. this is where you Eventually recruit him as a Playable Character. Another Swordsman (take a guess how my Main character fights) that could be either a Marth or Ike like character (granted not as big of a sword).


4: Simon Belmont.

Oh, look, a Castlevania character! Now Simon would be a funny one as he would be the first character in smash who would wield a Whip. There are enough sets they could create. And then my Favorite part: THERE'S MORE THAN ENOUGH BELMONT FOR SKINS. Heck, you can ever throw in Jonathan Morris in there.


5: Dante.

Now, I would love to put Shanoa from Order of Ecclesia, but 3 Castlevania guys should be enough. So why not add a third guy with a Huge Sword. Cloud and Ika are kinda lonely. I've not played any DMC Games, but I'm sure there are enough things they can do with him.


6: A Tekken character.

Explanation: Not needed. (it's one of my best friends favorite game).



so yeah, those 6 should be good

Edited by Wolfox
Forum decided to be a f*ck again and disallow me to realy make a good post.
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I would be down for Soma, Simon, or Alucard.  Also Link probably has more tools than any of the Caslevania reps.  The big problem with Castlevania representation is Konami.


My main request is and has been since Melee, Isaac from Golden Sun.  Think Robin but more aggressive and using Earth and Plant themed magic

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  On 11/9/2017 at 6:22 PM, Godot said:

I would be down for Soma, Simon, or Alucard.  Also Link probably has more tools than any of the Caslevania reps.


Yeah, no. Soma has a power for pretty much every enemy in each of his games. while not all are active ones. That's a LOT of Powers. Shanoa also has a metric f*ck ton of Glyphs that grant her power, all of them active ones. Link really can't keep up with about 100 different powers from a single game. And then we didn't even touch upon Soma's weapon choices. Swords, daggers, a gun, an RPG, axes, lances, Katana's. hammers. the list goes on and on


Also, Nintendo needs only do one thing with Konami to get to Castlevania characters: show money. So they are more likely than many would think

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  On 11/9/2017 at 6:36 PM, Wolfox said:

Yeah, no. Soma has a power for pretty much every enemy in each of his games. while not all are active ones. That's a LOT of Powers. Shanoa also has a metric f*ck ton of Glyphs that grant her power, all of them active ones. Link really can't keep up with about 100 different powers from a single game. And then we didn't even touch upon Soma's weapon choices. Swords, daggers, a gun, an RPG, axes, lances, Katana's. hammers. the list goes on and on


Also, Nintendo needs only do one thing with Konami to get to Castlevania characters: show money. So they are more likely than many would think



I know what kind of abilities he has.  I played Aria and Dawn of Sorrow. As well as 4 and Symphony of the Night.

Personally I believe the best choice for Castlevania Representation would be a Belmont, preferably Simon.

A whip user could add a lot of variety to the game.

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  On 11/9/2017 at 5:54 PM, Godot said:

Bayonetta is Sega and Knuckles has his own game.


OK You have a point about bayonetta. Knuckles doesn't have a game all to himself. You can play as sonic and it's called " sonic and knuckles ". With Shadow the hedgehog shadow is the only playable character and the game is clearly focused to him.




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The developers said that they were going to put in Heihachi but they scrapped him for PAC-Man.  And when they revisited the “fighting game rep” idea they chose Ryu.

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Prefacing this by saying that I think we'll see SSB4 ported to Switch with Ice Climbers before we see SSB5. 


But, anywho, wishlist!


1. Chrom. For the love of God Nintendo, please. 

2. Waluigi. I have some imagination that he'd be a trick character of some kind, not sure how.

3. Ryu. He's popular in SSB4, why not bring him back (I guess this applies to Cloud and Bayo too).

4. Shovel Knight. I just think it'd be interesting to see, honestly.

5. Bandana Dee. So SSF2 kinda inspired the thought. It was one of those things where you didn't realize how much you wanted him til you played him.

6. A protagonist from any of the Persona games would be interesting, but I realize that Atlus has stated that Persona is basically staying on PS no matter what, so...

7. Heihachi. Get some Tekken love in there.


I'm sure there's more, but for the life of me I can't think of any off the top of my head.

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I would love a character from the Tales of series. My number 1 pick would be Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia. He'd be a perfect smash character and since PacMan from Namco is in he has a higher chance. Sure, he's another sword character but his techs are unique enough to make him fun to play with if done correctly.

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  On 11/9/2017 at 7:46 PM, Godot said:

There was a game on the Genesis called Knuckles’ Chaotix.


ok how about you try and make an interesting moveset for knuckles without it being too much of a brawler copy 

I have one for shadow.

Up: teleport. shadow teleports to a random area similar to sheik's except  instead of damaging anyone close, they teleport with him.

Down chaos counter counter temporarily freezes oponent

regular special chaos blast hold to cause bigger explosion

side special: chaos charge shadow charges at an opponent like charizard except less powerful and can be controled.

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I gotta clock in to work soon so I don’t have the time to theory craft a set but if Shadow or Knuckles got in they would play like gimmicky Sonic.  Knuckles would be Sonic who punches instead of kicking aka Little Mac with an actual recovery.

Shadow would be a Sonic/Bayonetta hybrid.  It would be neat if he could use his rocket roller skates to do Jet Set Radio things.


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WAIT! I actually forgot someone!

7: Cecil

Yes, ANOTHER Swordsman (again, guess my main). Cecil would be interesting as there are multiple ways you can implement him: Dark Knight, Paladin or Both. Dark Knight would be more of an Ike kind of character. a bit heavy due to the armor but pretty damn strong. Paladin would be more like Link or maybe Marth. And Both would be a combination of the two, splitting themselves in a Final Smash like Samus in Brawl.

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I still demand Isaac be put in the game as a playable character. Definitely a bunch of different types of moves to pull from to make him an interesting fighter- psynergy, djin, summons. I could see djinn giving him buffs similar to shulk's runes (Granite for def, Forge for atk, Zephyr for speed, tonic or dew to regain a bit of health), or even a directional special or two. Psynergy like Ragnarok and Odyssey could be the super, while others can be smash attacks and other specials. That earth beetle from rivals of aether uses a bunch of earth moves that he can steal. maybe he could have a meter that builds up similar to lil mac and cloud to unleash a weapon howl, like Meggido or Gaia blade. Meggido would probably be a much stronger version of his third jump, which would be the typical jump up and slam down type attack (maybe even launch of a clod of earth with it like with the Geode djinn). Or Punji Strike. he''d have that hand looking synergy for a tether grab. Down smash could be the pound synergy landing right in front... as a rep, they might allow him to use an example of each of the elements, would be easier to handle similar to Robin. I forget what character did stuff that were actually moves that their companions in the original game used and not them, so a similar case. So much potential, really.


That's my main hope. Other than that, I can't think of anyone else atm, but I already know I'd prefer characters with weapons that aren't swords and possibly use projectiles in a different way to change up the gameplay.

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There was a similar list that I found recently, so I was already cooking up a response to that when I stumbled across this. I'll toss in a few characters that I'd like to see in the next Smash, and a few that I don't think will make the grade.


Yes - Mipha (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)

The Legend of Zelda needs some more love. Melee, Brawl and S4 have seen, for the most part, the same five characters repping the franchise covering many different styles from nimble and weak to slow and mighty. With Sheik having not been in a Zelda game since '98, and having been completely left behind in Breath of the Wild's stories of the Sheikah, it may be time to move on from her. An ample replacement? You could fulfill the fast niche and toss in some fresh gameplay ideas by introducing Mipha. A supporting character from one of the best video games ever, Mipha could combine long-range, quick spear strikes (spears in smash? Interesting.) with Greninja-esque water manipulation to create a graceful fighter that would be an interesting departure from the kind of characters to which Smash usually plays host.


No - Konami characters

A Konami IP in Smash? Damn, I sure wish. However with how tightly Konami has been clinging to their IPs as the company drowns further and further in a sea of mobile games and pachislots, It's unlikely that Nintendo ever gets rights to these characters. This is especially true in the case of Snake, as Sakurai has made a case in the past to not go ahead with MGS in Smash without word from his good buddy Hideo Kojima, the series' creator. Unfortunately this Konami assholery looms over Castlevania as well (even with the new Netflix anime series which, funny enough, is actually pretty good), so who knows if either IP will see the light of day again.


Yes - Decidueye (Pokemon series)

Talk always circulates about which Pokemon in a recent generation would work well in Smash Bros - after all, every Smash game to date has at least one playable mon from the at-the-time current generation. So, talking about Gen 7, who's most fitting? Why not Decidueye! You could take this character in plenty of directions: he's a ghost, he flies, he fires arrows from his damn arms, and Pokken Tournament DX gives inspiration to create his character in Smash Bros. Not to mention, Smash 4 was sorely missing a Grass-type playable character after Ivysaur was sidelined. Perfect time to give Decidueye a shot (no pun intended).


No - Goku...or anyone Dragon Ball for that matter

Although he may not be in charge of the next Smash game, Sakurai's on the record as being starkly opposed to any Dragon Ball character, especially noting how the manga and anime came before the games, and that such an addition would be akin to "a cartoon character". Dragon Ball isn't a gaming IP by any stretch. If you want to beat ass with Goku, I strongly recommend Dragon Ball FighterZ when it comes out in January of next year. As someone who played the beta, I can attest that you'll probably love it if you play Smash.


Yes - Isaac (Golden Sun)

Nintendo is no stranger to giving second chances to series that had a terrible outing in sales; we wouldn't have Robin, Lucina or Corrin were they not so forgiving. (We could do without one or two of those, though.) Not gonna pretend like I've played a lot of Golden Sun, so I don't know too much about what would constitute a moveset for Isaac, but Nintendo's RPGs are all treasures, and they need more attention, especially those from the 2000-2009 era as both the GBA and DS had libraryfuls of godlike role-playing games. So, uh, yeah. Isaac for Smash?


No - Ice Climbers

Bah. It pains me to put this one as a no on my list given the hours I spent playing them in Melee. (I'd play them in Brawl, too, but Wolf was a thing.) But they who were once a celebrated character that celebrated the early NES days have been largely forgotten and, sadly, they have been effectively replaced completely within the series. The tag-team/puppet character archetype has been taken over by Rosalina, who will always be more popular because she's a Mario character, while the retro-NES representation has been fulfilled by Duck Hunt. Were it not for the 3DS's hardware limitations, we might have been talking about how cool they were in S4, but Nana and Popo have been lost to time - and if you ask some pro Smashers, that might be for the best.


Yes - Hector (Fire Emblem)

Even with Nintendo's obsessive pushing of Fire Emblem Fates, fans have voiced loud and clear that the likes of Ryoma and Camilla could never trump a legendary character like Hector. He has been a long-desired character for Smash, and now thanks to Fire Emblem Heroes there's a greater pool of content upon which to base the Ostian Badass's would-be appearance. It would take work to make him feel unique, as he faces inevitable gameplay similarities to Ganondorf (and to a lesser extent King Dedede), but swinging around a ginormous axe in the midst of an all-out brawl would make for some entertaining and ridiculous moments.


No - Corrin (Fire Emblem)

Our favorite dragon waifu gets the honor as one of the least likely characters to return to Smash along with Dark Pit. There were a number of problematic gameplay issues associated with her, which amounted to a character that stomped online battles with very little learning curve. It doesn't help that we're getting REALLY tired of seeing Fire Emblem Fates dominating the series' now-plentiful spin-off media. Corrin's gameplay style and niches can be accomplished by other characters and ideas, so it's time to get rid of her to cut back on the Fire Emblem rep, if only so that we can make way for Hector.


Yes - Heihachi Mishima (Tekken series)

Heihachi was actually planned to be included in Smash 4 DLC alongside Ryu but his moveset proved too difficult to implement into the game. With numerous experiments made by smash (and other fighting games) to include weird and wonderful characters, it's possible to recreate Heihachi within a 2D environment maybe in a similar vein to Street Fighter X Tekken. You could even include his son Kazuya instead (perhaps even Jin, his grandson and the current Tekken protagonist), and you'd have the fans appeased as all three play pretty similarly, but Heihachi is the obvious choice over the other two given his legacy. It's just, good luck doing EWGFs on those controllers...


I might add more later.

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1. More characters from Xenoblade.

I really love Xenoblade and wish that it would have more attention, picked other characters in there. Melia as an example could be really be a projectile character and be unique as hell. And since it is a nintendo franchise, I would love to see more characters from xeno series and hopefully see from Xenoblade 2.


2. Silver the hedgehog from Sonic the hedgehog

One of my favourite characters, has telekinises power which could give him some nasty moveset and I just really want him :P


It's pretty short, maybe I'll find something later. But the choices is something I really want to happened.

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Another one that seems interesting is a Monster Hunter character. like give the character from one game a name (or just make it Hunter) and give him a weapon that seems smash worthy. like the regular Great Sword or Long Sword. or something completely new like the Insect Glaive

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As far as silver goes, he sounds and looks like he'd play very similarly to mewtwo.


King boo might be an interesting addition to the game, if he can fight anything like Gengar from pokken and/or summon the smaller boos for attacks (think pikmin or Rosalina 2.0).


I'd like to see a trio of koopa troopa, para troopa, and dry bones in a single character slot similar to pokemon trainer, but that's just wishful thinking rather than anything with any sort of concept as to how that would work out or be explained.


Oh yeah, I'd be quite alright with Hector/Ephraim joining in.


Oh hey, Godot reminded me about Impa. Let Zelda stay Zelda and let Impa take over the ninja-style sheikah with a bit of an altered moveset to let her make use of her sword and magic.


Cool but not likely- Sub-Zero and Scorpion. Sub Zero would make the transition the easiest. Freezing projectile (dealing a lbit less damage to frozen enemies in combos is how NRS balances this out and should work here too), ice slide attack that would behave like Ike's quickdraw, ice clone and ice clone pick up and toss shenanigans (a bit similar to Snakes grenade in Brawl or ice clone is a freezing counter when done right), Ice sword or Ice hammer for smash attacks, etc. A big part of scorpion's kit in MK is his teleport punch. That one would be a bit tricky to put in, but it could happen. It work similarly to greninja's shadow sneak, or as a set distance teleport attack like Zelda/Shiek's up special. Again, he's got his own weapons and moves to use, like his flaming flip kick, flamthrower, etc.



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List of likely reps imo.


Mario Series: Waluigi


Donkey Kong: Dixie Kong, King K. Rool


Zelda: Impa, Skullkid, Ghiraham, Ravali


Metroid: Ridley, Slylux


Kirby: Bandana Dee


Starfox: Wolf, Krystal


Pokemon: Too Many


Fire Emblem: Lyn, anyone that reps an unrepresented class or weapon type.  IE Hector, Takumi, and Ephiram.


Kid Icarus: Hades and Madusa


Earthbound: Claus


F-Zero: Samurai Goro


Punch Out!: Bald Bull


Capcom: Chun Li, Phoenix Wright, Monster Hunter, other Megaman variations.  X, EXE, Volnutt


Namco: Llyod Irving, Heihachi, Siegfried


Sega: Tails, Knuckles, Klonoa, Jack Frost


Square Enix: Geno, Crono, Black Mage


Unrepresented: Isaac (Golden Sun), Andy (Advanced Wars), Ray MK (Custom Robo), Inkling (Splatoon), Springman (Arms), Takamaru (Mysterious Castle Murasame)


Unrepresented 3rd Party: Rayman (Ubisoft), Proffessor Layton (Level 5), Banjo and Kazooie (Rare and Microsoft), Doom Guy (Bethesda), Shovel Knight (Yacht Club), Shantae (Way Forward), Travis Touchdown (Grasshopper)

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I pains me to say it, but judging by how well Mario + Rabbids turned out, I wouldn't be shocked to see the Rabbids enter Smash. I'm not saying I'd like it because they are just the Minions before the Minions, but after seeing a play-through of the game and how people are already requesting a sequel, I wouldn't be surprised.


And seeing how Capcom scraped them in Marvel versus Capcom Infinite, I wouldn't mind seeing Phoenix Wright or Amaterasu in the next Smash game.

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I wouldn't mind bomberman if they came up with a decent moveset for him. He mostly just puts down bombs and that's it. He doesn't attack directly, but he can kick, throw, punch and lay down a line of bombs. His big thing in the games were collecting power ups to help you catch opponents off guard. Maybe he'll be able to knock power ups out of opponents he damages and he'll have to to pick them up in order to boost the power and range on his special. So unlike Lucario, he'll be able to scale up as he does more damage rather than taking it, but without putting it all into one attack like lil mac or cloud.


You know what would be a really cool crossover? Godzilla. Like, not as a character, but as a stage with hazards and transitions. Kaiju fighting in the background with the occasional blast or attack flying out to hit players and alter the stage. Plus, Godzilla's got quite a few tracks it could draw on for excellent battle music, especially if they make metal version or remixes like they did for Golden Sun. I'd really hope for an updated version of Bagan's theme from an SNES Godzilla game.

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