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Help on my X-League team?


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Phew. It has been a long couple of weeks. Incredibly busy, schoolwork, college applying, ya da ya da ya da. I haven't been a part of the forums in awhile, due to the busyness, so hopefully with this post I can officialy seal myself back in.

With that being said, I need some good ideas for my X-League team. I want to do something different than what I did for the regular league, but I do want a solid core like I have below. Random pokemon thrown together won't cut it for me.

The ability to have legendaries on the team made me think of a cool idea, duel weather. Building a team around Kyogre/Politoed and Ninetails/Groudon respectively sounds pretty sweet. Any thoughts?

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If anything, I'd say to stay away from weather. I think it's more fun to fight the leaders in their own territory, the ones that use weather that is. But, that's just my personal opinion.

I can't recommend much aside from a legend. Soooo, let's see. One pokemon that I can say will help you a lot is Darkrai. Slap Dark Void on him and he will make the leaders think about going Triples/Doubles. And to compliment him, a pokemon with Unnerve would go well with the Dark Warrior.

Though, our play styles are very different league wise. I like abusing the frail pokemon. So if you want something bulky. Maybe Dialga, or Giratina. Since you've beaten regular league, you can build around those pretty easily. But, yeah. Legend wise. Darkrai, Dialga, or Giratina. WE COULD TOTALLY BE DARKRAI BUDDIES!!!

Good luck in X-League!

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If you want to keep it simple, stay with the team that's on your card and run Dialga. Dialga is a bulky son of a bitch, with 100/120/100 defenses on top of 120 Attack and 150 Special Attack, sporting nine resistances while having its only weaknesses covered by the rest of your team through immunities. Draco Meteor murders...everything. Its Speed is decent, at 90 base. Yeah, throw this on your sandstorm team and watch things get crushed. If you want to run something else with that team, suit yourself, but Darkrai won't be too necessary with Amoonguss knowing Spore.

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