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Save file finding help


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I can't seem to find my save file and i really need help i'm trying to transfer it between two computers, one using windows 10 and one using windows 7. i can't find it using the windows 7 becuase that's the one i use themost. can i please have a step by step guide on how the hell to find it?

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Open file explorer --> local disc(C:) -->  Users --> Your computer name --> Saved games --> Pokemon Rejuvenation. Then copy/paste your game.rxdata onto a flashdrive or however you're transferring it to your other computer

Edited by Okirua
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or just search in your computer "Game.rxdata", I don't thin there're going to be a lot of them... And, if they are, they're probably stored near the Reborn one (as in "Saved games" or similar haha)

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