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[OU] The Dusk of an Era


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Man, its....been a while. For the past few months i haven't been playing Pokemon as much as i normally have, but recently, ive dived back into the OU Metagame, stronger than ever! OU is a very complex and intricate tier, bearing no forgiveness towards weaknesses for even the strongest of teams, and the Meta is never stable, constantly changing. It's far too late for me to assimilate back into the current Metagame with Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon coming out already, but let me share one last team that has gotten me far in the S/M OU meta.


Image result for mega latias spriteImage result for ash greninja spriteImage result for magearna sprite      Image result for hoopa unbound sprite          Image result for tangrowth sprite          Image result for tapu koko sprite

This team is a more balanced team, built to take on stall and hyper offense, but admittedly struggles with opposing balance teams and "VoltTurn" teams, due to a large portion of my team being weak to bug type moves, like the aforementioned U-Turn. 




Image result for mega latias gif

Bugatti (Latias-Mega) @ Latiasite  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Ice Beam  
- Thunderbolt  
- Roost  
- Defog


Lets start off with our Mega, Mega Latias. Mega Latias is incredibly bulky with a 80/120/150 bulk and access to reliable recovery and sports a vast offensive moveset, along with Levitate, granting it an immunity to ground moves, and a pressurizing type combination.


Set Details:

Running Max HP with max speed and a speed optimal nature and helps mega latias to outspeed threats and defog hazards away before anything slower than it can respond, while still tanking hits. Roost is for reliable recovery, and BoltBeam is for optimal coverage, hitting the entire tier (barring magnezone) for neutral damage at worst, and ohkoing top tier threats at its peak, making it good for discouraging the setup of hazards.


Ice Beam vs defensive Landorus-Therian; (the most used Pokemon in OU): 0 SpA Latias-Mega Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 24 SpD Landorus-Therian: 408-480 (106.8 - 125.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Thunderbolt vs Toxapex: 0 SpA Latias-Mega Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 64 SpD Toxapex: 124-146 (40.7 - 48%) -- guaranteed 3HKO (Forces a switch)

Thunderbolt vs Skarmory: Physically Defensive: 0 SpA Latias-Mega Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Skarmory: 230-272 (69 - 81.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO  

Specially Defensive: 0 SpA Latias-Mega Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Skarmory: 158-186 (47.4 - 55.8%) -- 75% chance to 2HKO (still forces a switch and discourages setup)


Usage Tips:

Mega Latias is practically immovable as long as it's kept away from its checks and counters, such as Ash Greninja, Hoopa-U, etc, and keeping it away from stall breakers like Heatran which can trap and beat Mega Latias due to its inability to hit Heatran for significant damage. Try to send out latias first in battle to Mega Evolve it as soon as possible for the significant buffs in defense and also to pressure suicide leads or just regular hazard setters who like to try and get up hazards from the get-go.



One of the hardest hitters in OU:

Image result for ash greninja gif

Kakashi (Greninja) (M) @ Choice Specs  
Ability: Battle Bond  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Surf  
- Ice Beam  
- U-turn  
- Water Shuriken


Ash Greninja is one of the most savage threats in OU with a wall-shattering 153 Special Attack, followed by a 145 physical attack, letting it literally OHKO at least 90% of the tier depending on the set.

Dont believe me? here are some of OU finest walls:

Ferrothorn: 252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja-Ash Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 340-400 (96.5 - 113.6%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

Clefable: 152 Atk Life Orb Greninja-Ash Gunk Shot vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 304-359 (77.1 - 91.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery (Chance to OHKO after rocks or prior damage)

Tapu Fini (a supposed check to Ash Greninja): 152 Atk Life Orb Greninja-Ash Gunk Shot vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Tapu Fini: 304-359 (88.6 - 104.6%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO

Toxapex: 252 SpA Life Orb Greninja-Ash Extrasensory vs. 252 HP / 64 SpD Toxapex: 182-216 (59.8 - 71%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Set Details:

I suppose I've made my point. Max Speed and Max Special Attack makes Ash Greninja practically a Nuke Button. Surf is used over Hydro Pump due to my personal paranoia of moves lower than 85% accuracy. Surf still OHKOes Tapu Koko, and many other threats, but Hydro Pump should always be used over Surf for an optimal damage output (unless you have that same paranoia like me.) Ice Beam shits on Dragons and Grass types, and gives Greninja Almost perfect Coverage alongside HydroPump/Surf. Water Shuriken is a priority move which becomes a guaranteed base 60 power move after transforming into Ash Greninja (20 x 3 hits = 60) which allows Ash Greninja to pick off faster opponents, very notably, Sand Rush Excadrill, which gets OHKOed by a specs Water Shuriken. U-Turn isn't very powerful, but provides momentum while OHKOing Hoopa-U.


Usage Tips:

Ash Greninja is very powerful, but it isn't an almighty "click=dent something." There are many checks to specs AshNinja. Try to work around your opponent with U-Turn unless you are absolutely sure you can severely dent something with Hydro Pump or Ice Beam so that you can scout your opponents set while keeping your true set hidden. NEVER lock yourself into Water Shuriken unless absolutely necessary, as it leaves AshNinja wide open to be revenge killed, and forces a switch. If you go for an OHKO, make SURE the move you chooses OHKOes the foe, as Ash Greninja is very frail and is quite easy to knock out.



Eating hits with clockwork, we got:

Image result for magearna gif

Determination (Magearna) @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Soul-Heart  
EVs: 200 HP / 56 SpA / 252 SpD  
Calm Nature  
- Fleur Cannon  
- Flash Cannon  
- Hidden Power [Fire]  
- Volt Switch


Magearna quite literally has the best type combination in the game. That, along with its 80/115/115 bulk makes it a phenomenal Assault Vester. Magearna is able to comfortably switch into threats such as Ash-Greninja, Latios/Latias, Tapu Fini, Bulu, and Lele, (Koko if it isn't Physical), and much more. Soul Heart also lets it snowball damage, turning it into a devastating sweeper if not dealt with. Lets not mention its massive type coverage, along with its powerful Dual STABs in Flash Cannon and Fleur Cannon. 


Set Details:

56 EVs in Special Attack lets Magearna cleanly 2HKO Ferrothorn and Mega Scizor reliably with HP Fire, leaving the 252 in Special defense to be maximized by its Assault Vest, and 200 to optimize its overall bulk, physically and specially. Fleur Cannon and Flash Cannon are its Dual STABs, both hitting like 18-wheelers without much investment. The aforementioned HP Fire is there for Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn, which would normally use Magearna for setup fodder. Volt Switch is to create momentum; and its good at doing it, due to its low speed stat.


Here are some calcs showing off Mag's bulk and power.


252 SpA Choice Specs Greninja-Ash Hydro Pump vs. 200 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Magearna: 133-157 (37.8 - 44.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Lele Hidden Power Fire vs. 200 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Magearna: 88-104 (25 - 29.6%) -- guaranteed 4HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 200 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Magearna: 85-102 (24.2 - 29%) -- 99.3% chance to 4HKO

252 SpA Choice Specs Tapu Koko Thunderbolt vs. 200 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Magearna in Electric Terrain: 118-139 (33.6 - 39.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

252 SpA Diancie-Mega Earth Power vs. 200 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Magearna: 102-120 (29 - 34.1%) -- 1.6% chance to 3HKO

252 SpA Volcarona Inferno Overdrive (185 BP) vs. 200 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Magearna: 270-320 (76.9 - 91.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (Jesus Christ)


56 SpA Magearna Fleur Cannon vs. 160 HP / 28 SpD Zygarde: 372-440 (93.7 - 110.8%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO (beats it 1v1)

56 SpA Magearna Fleur Cannon vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Tapu Koko: 232-274 (82.5 - 97.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (beats it 1v1)

56 SpA Magearna Flash Cannon vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Tapu Lele: 204-240 (72.5 - 85.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO (beats it 1v1)

56 SpA Magearna Fleur Cannon vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Bisharp: 246-289 (90.7 - 106.6%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO (gone)


Usage Tips:

Magearna is a very valuable mon on this team, but it does have its weaknesses, within its great type combinations lie two prominent weaknesses. Ground and Fire. with Pokemon like landorus and heatran running around, its hard for Magearna to stay safe. Mag is also prone to being worn down via VoltTurn. Whenever you switch Magearna safely into a threat it can handle, click Volt Switch immediately (unless there is a ground type active), as the opponent will most likely swap out to avoid getting smacked by a Fleur Cannon. Know your wincons. If there is a threat like Ash Greninja or a Tapu Lele who hit hard on the special side on the opposing team, try to keep Magearna alive for as long as possible.



"I am neither Goku or Vegeta, I am Gogeta! Its over Janemba, Ive come for YOU!!!"  ~Gogeta, 1995

Image result for tapu koko gif

Gogeta (Tapu Koko) @ Electrium Z  
Ability: Electric Surge  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe  
Naive Nature  
- U-turn  
- Wild Charge  
- Hidden Power [Ice]  
- Taunt


Tapu Koko sports a blistering 130 speed stat, outpacing most of the tier. its Ability not only summons Electric terrain, which powers up its already powerful electric moves, but grants it an immunity to sleep, making it an effective counter to Smeargle. Koko also has a very solid 115/95 offenses, making it nothing to laugh at.


Set Details:

Max Speed and Max Attack make it as an effective physical sweeper as possible, while a Naive Nature is run to give HP Ice maximum damage output against x4 sensitive mons such as Garchomp and Zygarde. U-Turn is used for Momentum and the ability to hit Hoopa and Latios for lots of damage. Taunt prevents tanks like Ferrothorn from setting up hazards, and the Icing on the Cake: Z-Wild Charge.


Gigavolt Havoc is quite literally a nuke, OHKOing or shaving large chunks of HP off of foes:

252 Atk Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Heatran in Electric Terrain: 375-442 (97.4 - 114.8%) -- 81.3% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable in Electric Terrain: 345-406 (87.5 - 103%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 252 HP / 192+ Def Toxapex in Electric Terrain: 438-516 (144 - 169.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 252 HP / 132+ Def Celesteela in Electric Terrain: 618-728 (155.2 - 182.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252 Atk Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 240 HP / 156 Def Mew in Electric Terrain: 337-397 (84 - 99%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 248 HP / 240+ Def Zapdos in Electric Terrain: 318-375 (83 - 97.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery


So as you can see, Gigavolt Havoc from Tapu Koko is quite literally the wrecker of your shit. If you aren't a ground or grass type, you are at the VERY LEAST taking 50% from Gigavolt Havoc.

(252 Atk Tapu Koko Gigavolt Havoc (175 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Avalugg in Electric Terrain: 183-216 (46.4 - 54.8%) -- 9.8% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery)


Usage Tips:

Koko is on the threshold of frail and bulky, but don't overestimate or underestimate its bulk. Obviously, keep it out of the line of fire and only drop the Gigavolt Havoc when you're sure something it getting dumped on (NEVER USE IT WHEN A GROUND OR GRASS TYPE IS ACTIVE) if Koko is of no use in the situation, just spam U-Turn to wear down your opponent for another teammate to clean up/wall, at the same time, try to keep Electric terrain active, as many teammates carry electric type moves (Magearna with Volt Switch, and Mega Latias with Thunderbolt), having terrain up with these Pokemon in play can drastically turn a situation around. Also, don't forget that Electric Terrain up grants a sleep status immunity.



"Switchins? never heard of em."

Image result for hoopa unbound gif

Armageddon (Hoopa-Unbound) @ Life Orb  
Ability: Magician  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Hyperspace Fury  
- Gunk Shot  
- Drain Punch  
- Fire Punch


Yeah see, Hoopa-U=death. No switchins, just death. point blank. NOTHING in OU can switch into it, Ferrothorn gets OHKOed, Clefable Gets OHKOed, Chansey takes a Fat L as well.

252 Atk Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Gunk Shot vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Clefable: 351-413 (89 - 104.8%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Fire Punch vs. 252 HP / 88+ Def Ferrothorn: 333-395 (94.6 - 112.2%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO

252 Atk Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Drain Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 330-390 (46.9 - 55.4%) -- 74.2% chance to 2HKO

252 Atk Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Hyperspace Fury vs. 248 HP / 8 Def Sableye-Mega: 204-242 (67.3 - 79.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 Atk Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Hyperspace Fury vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Sableye-Mega: 153-181 (50.4 - 59.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 Atk Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Hyperspace Fury vs. 252 HP / 132+ Def Celesteela: 195-230 (48.9 - 57.7%) -- 54.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252 Atk Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Fire Punch vs. 248 HP / 244+ Def Scizor-Mega: 286-338 (83.3 - 98.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

252 Atk Life Orb Hoopa-Unbound Fire Punch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 143-169 (42.9 - 50.7%) -- 2.7% chance to 2HKO


All of OU's finest walls, reduced to dust before Hoopa's sheer power. Although Hoopa's power is immense with a wide movepool and multiple viable movesets, it is made less threatening due to its subpar speed and its terrible physical defense.


Set Details:

Max Speed and Max Attack EVs lets Hoopa wallbreak as effectively as possible. Hyperspace Fury is Hoopa-U Signature Move, and hits for colossal damage vs basically everything. Fire Punch hits steel/grass/bug types Super Effectively. Drain Punch beats Chansey reliably, Utilizing Hoopa's damage output to regain lost HP from its Life Orb. Gunk Shot allows Hoopa to nuke fairies, such as the mentioned and destroyed Clefable, and grass types such as Tangrowth who can switch into a Fire Punch.



Usage Tips:

When vsing Stall or Balance teams, KEEP THIS MON ALIVE. Hoopa is invaluable, especially in breaking stall. Keep Hoopa out of the path of U-Turns of any kind, because: 252+ Atk Choice Band Zubat U-turn vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Hoopa-Unbound: 400-472 (132.8 - 156.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Yeah, self explanatory. 

Make sure to bring Hoopa in safely. Denting Hoopa in any way cuts into its longevity.



Thicc as Frick:

Image result for tangrowth gif

Becky (Tangrowth) (F) @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Regenerator  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD  
Sassy Nature  
- Giga Drain  
- Earthquake  
- Hidden Power [Fire]  
- Knock Off


Tangrowth is extremely bulky, boasting a 100/125 physical bulk. Only problem is, it's Special Defense is severely lacking. If only there were an Item that could fix that.....

*Insert Assault Vest*

Tangrowth is extremely bulky, boasting a 100/125 physical bulk, and essentially a 100/100 special bulk with the Assault Vest. Its Typing lets it counter landorus, Latios/Latias, Tapu Koko, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Kartana, even Heatran! What sets Tangrowth aside from other AV users is its Ability. Regenerator allows Tangrowth to switch and regain 1/3 of its health, which can be crucial in many situations.


Set Details:

Max HP and Max Special Defense makes Tangrowth as bulky as possible, due to its already high physical defense. Tangrowth is able to act somewhat as a sponge due to its ability by switching Tangrowth in, tanking a hit, judging the item/set from the damage output, then acting accordingly. HP Fire is to dent Mega Scizor, opposing Tangrowth, and Ferrothorn. Giga Drain provides latent recovery in tandem with Regenerator, Knock off provides utility in removing Items, and EQ is mainly for Heatran, but hits other threats like Tapu Koko, Bisharp, and Magnezone.


HP Fire:

0 SpA Tangrowth Hidden Power Fire vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 144-172 (40.9 - 48.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Tangrowth Hidden Power Fire vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Scizor-Mega: 188-224 (54.8 - 65.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO



0 Atk Tangrowth Earthquake vs. 140 HP / 0 Def Magnezone: 256-304 (81 - 96.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

0 Atk Tangrowth Earthquake vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 272-324 (70.6 - 84.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery (bulky heatran can't 2hko back)

0 Atk Tangrowth Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tapu Koko: 166-196 (59 - 69.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Knock Off:

0 Atk Tangrowth Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Latios: 170-200 (56.4 - 66.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO


Usage Tips:

As aforementioned, use Tangrowth as a sponge, but don't overestimate its bulk, it can still be overwhelmed by things like Specs Tapu Lele, or even Banded Tapu Bulu, so be wary. Make sure to avoid Knock off users who might take Tangrowth's vest. Use Tangrowth to remove things such as Magearna's Assault Vest or Chansey's Eviolite so wallbreakers such as AshNinja and Hoopa-U can power through teams more easily.

CopyPasta Team:



Kakashi (Greninja) (M) @ Choice Specs  
Ability: Battle Bond  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
- Surf  
- Ice Beam  
- U-turn  
- Water Shuriken  


Determination (Magearna) @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Soul-Heart  
EVs: 200 HP / 56 SpA / 252 SpD  
Calm Nature  
- Fleur Cannon  
- Flash Cannon  
- Hidden Power [Fire]  
- Volt Switch  


Bugatti (Latias-Mega) @ Latiasite  
Ability: Levitate  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Ice Beam  
- Thunderbolt  
- Roost  
- Defog  


Gogeta (Tapu Koko) @ Electrium Z 
Ability: Electric Surge  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe  
Naive Nature  
- U-turn  
- Wild Charge  
- Hidden Power [Ice]  
- Taunt  


Armageddon (Hoopa-Unbound) @ Life Orb  
Ability: Magician  
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe  
Jolly Nature  
- Hyperspace Fury  
- Gunk Shot  
- Drain Punch  
- Fire Punch  


Becky (Tangrowth) (F) @ Assault Vest  
Ability: Regenerator  
Shiny: Yes  
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD  
Sassy Nature  
- Giga Drain  
- Earthquake  
- Hidden Power [Fire]  
- Knock Off  







And that....is my final SM OU Team. If you have any constructive criticism, please feel free to say so. I will continue to add more data to the Overviews and Usage Tips as time goes on, so yeah. ChefBoy, over and out.














Edited by ChefBoyFTW
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there's one thing I wonder about OU: why is ash gren still legal? I mean it's pretty much a Mega to the ones that use it. and if you don't then you're forced to pretty much face 2 mega's on one team...

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7 minutes ago, Wolfox said:

there's one thing I wonder about OU: why is ash gren still legal? I mean it's pretty much a Mega to the ones that use it. and if you don't then you're forced to pretty much face 2 mega's on one team...

Well, its the transformation mechanic. Greninja can't transform unless you let it knock out a Pokemon on your team, hence why it isn't broken because as long as you don't let it knock out something, you're just left with a.....regular specs Greninja, which is pretty underwhelming, to be honest. Besides that, there are still switchins such as AV Magearna, AV Tangrowth, Toxapex, and Chansey.

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yeah, but who says it's always specs? for what you know it's physical liquidation night slash ash gren. also, I really dislike the "you gotta kill something with it first" argument for it being legal. because it's still a Greninja.

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12 hours ago, Wolfox said:

yeah, but who says it's always specs? for what you know it's physical liquidation night slash ash gren. also, I really dislike the "you gotta kill something with it first" argument for it being legal. because it's still a Greninja.

that's fair, i suppose.

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