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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse: Director's Cut: The Whole Bus

Hal Henderics

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At Nhevi's statement, Proditor turned his head, "... No. Whatever you are, whatever you claim to be, I do not feel the want or need to unlock any psionic power you have. You'll have to forgive me, but I do not have a good feeling about giving a creature that breaks the laws of reality itself from simply existing an extra boost of power" Proditor stated, before turning back to Harry,


"I did not get much from their minds. For the most part, the ones I looked through did not have any idea what these bioweapons were. I'm glad that the PRT has it. They would know how to keep something like that from being used... At all" Proditor stated. To him, personally, that thing sounded just as bad, if not worse, than a Chryssalid, just for how easy it could be to mistake it for another type of drug. Though, the two were different in quite a lot of ways...


That was when Proditor spoke up again, remembering something, "Actually, I did manage to pick up one thing from one of the Merchants. A psionic remnant of one of their abilities, which... Seems to be connected to vehicles" Proditor said, digging up the faint psionic impression from his mind. Sure enough, it was still there, stationary and ready to be used. He just needed to get a reason to use it.

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"Aw. Maybe later when I've proven myself?"


Nhevi seems to suddenly get a flash of inspiration and dives into her pile of scrap paper to write down a bunch of stuff, close her eyes and just sit there for a few moments, ?eats a bunch of jelly from nowhere?, and then write even more stuff.



Craft Decomposition Break (level 2, trick): By brute forcing "Break It", Nhevi attempts to ensure a positive crafting result. Such crafts require four times as many material components to be used, and if Nhevi doesn't have at least 4 of every ingredient to use the craft will fail. The extra ingredients are not destroyed, but are afflicted by the detrimental version of "Break It". However, this skill does guarantee at least a marginal success on the crafting check. Furthermore, anyone who is unfortunate enough to damage to unusability a product of this skill will be immediately, randomly glitched somehow. Nhevi has no control over this effect. (Level 2) Nhevi only requires 2 of each ingrediant, but somehow recieves 3 Glitched leftovers reguardless.


She then makes a dash for the materials pile, grabs some guns and some gold, and starts messing around with it interspaced with more just sitting in a lotus position.



-2 Fancy Glock (8 remaining)

-2 Timefucked Gold (16 remaining)


(18, 16) (44) The result is a Fancy Timefucked Golden Glock (Level 1): A gun that oh god it won't stop shooting.

(Level 1) While anybody is touching it physically, it has a 50% chance to deal 1d6+Dex damage per turn to a random enemy. This weapon is unaffected by skills which would deny it usage or ammunition.


Fancy Luger: A Luger. Deals 1d6+Dex Damage Has a 20% chance to Jam when affected by any bonuses or used to perform an action.


Fancy Glove: A white pair of gloves. Deals 1d6+Dex Damage at range by pointing with an index finger.


Odd Glock: A gun that doesn't shoot, when the trigger is pulled, a weed falls out.


Timefucked Pyrite: Only two types tamper with time, immortals and fools.


Spacefucked Gold: This metal is an incredibly heavy and dense 4 dimentional pellet of gold.


Gold Styrofoam: A pile of Styrofoam made of gold.


Nhevi puts on the gloves, littering guns and bits of gold everywhere, then she goes back to watching Lucille sleep.

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"Squealer, right? The addict mechanic? That's interesting. So you can steal ideas from other peoples' minds . . ." That could be extraordinarily useful. On any tinker really. . . biotinkers in particular, and perhaps, if they ever ended up going to Proditor's world, they might be able to gain info from ADVENT? No, they'd probably have some sort of defense for that. It was at this point that Harry decided to feel around a bit, to see whether he could do something similar with his own mind. Create a barrier, to prevent infiltration? He was feeling around, when he realized something. He could squeeze, directly onto a blood vessel, and probably other parts of his brain. As this thought passed through his mind, he rapidly ceased his experiments with the power.


Wasn't marking these down before, but I guess I'll start now.

Hemorrhage (trick, level 1): Harry can now burst a blood vessel in his brain at will.


He could probably use that, but for now, god damn was that a scary thing to be so close to doing. "Do you have any advice for going about creating defenses against psionic powers, with or without them? Specifically, preventing someone from bursting a blood vessel in my brain? No reason in particular."

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In all honesty, it wasn't hard for Proditor to realize that Harry had nearly burst one of his blood vessels, due to his oddly specific question, but the Ethereal chose not to comment on it, "Yes, Squealer was their name. As for defenses against psionic powers, I will say that ones with a lot of willpower are generally able to easily resist most psionic manipulation, but you can create your own psionic shielding, though I would recommend becoming much more used to yours before attempting it. There are some technological attachments ADVENT made to help their troops resist enemy psionics, if they had any, but I doubt we would be able to make them ourselves, as of this moment."

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Arminius peeks over the seat he was laying down in at the mention of Squealer. He was silent for a couple moments before shrugging.

"Hey Proddy, speaking of resisting psionics could you help train me to resist mind reading? It wasn't a problem before but now it seems like a useful skill."

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"I see." Harry hadn't meant to conceal what he'd nearly done, but the alien hadn't commented on it, which intrigued him slightly. For now though, he was going to avoid messing around in his brain. He'd need to work on precision, and creating the psionic energy Proditor had mentioned. So far, he'd only felt the--admittedly amazing--ability to push things mentally. "Probably a good idea to wait till I've got more control, I suppose." With the goal of control in mind, Harry searched through the supplies of the medical bay, pulling out a small sewing needle. He made a small loop of string, as small as he could get it, then hung it from the ceiling of the bus with a small piece of tape. He then began slowly lifting the needle, and threading it through the string loop carefully. He did this, attempting to avoid touching the edges of the loop until he tired. He then put down the needle for a few moments, before continuing.


"So you said Squealer's abilities were connected to vehicles? Any idea--Oh. Arminius, how much of a person do your s--minions retain? Do they keep the powers? And, is the Squealer one still connected to the shard?" Harry addressed the questions to both Proditor and Arminius. This minion that the man had might be interesting in learning more about these shard connections.



As a random side note, Harry got this:

Autosensory Trance (trick, level 1): Harry has learned to sense his body's actual state, instead of merely what his body is telling him. The user may either make a check to dispel physical illusions and pain-based attacks, or a check to convert a random portion of their damage into a debuff which can be treated as one. Limit 3 per encounter.

Also:1x"Barely any Psionic experiance: Dang."


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And, with Arminius's new question, Proditor turned to answer, "It would not be difficult on my end to help you resist mind control, though it would be time consuming. But, yes Harry-" Proditor added, turning to the doctor again, "- Squealer's powers related to vehicles. If needed, I could use the small amount of her power that I managed to pick up and use it to upgrade this bus, if that was what you were wondering. Though, I may not be the best to actually do the task."

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Jun would quietly lie down on the nearest row of seats after she had developed some form of splitting headache and apologized to the one person who was apparently somewhat affected by it as well. And she would slowly but surely take a nap after she realized that the headache (or her frankly small amount of psionics) wouldn't be going away anytime soon even after she took a single tablet of Aspirin that she found inside of the medbay.

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Arminius snaps his fingers prompting the minion to hand over a couple of blueprints.

"Yep, they keep their powers. Hell, sometimes I think they gain powers. Like that wyvern, have you noticed that things don't feel quite as hot when she's out? That's an aura of fire resistance. Anyways, these are what Squealer has made, looks like they're blueprints. And she's definitely still good at making things, so possibly?."

Piglet chimes in.

"Yeah, I'm still connected to the shard."

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"Probably better suited to upper level management. Delegate tasks to Satomi or Mirri." Harry said to Proditor before staring curiously at the minion. He then his attention over to the blueprints. "What're they fo--agh!" Harry suddenly felt piercing pain, and a general pressure, squeezing in on his head from all sides. After a moment of confusion and pain, Harry thought to push back against the pressure, to form a bubble with the physical force he'd almost used on his own brain, in order to push back this incursion, by someone. The pain did lessen slowly, and Harry discovered who had done it when Jun apologized, then curled up holding her head. He nodded curtly in response, and pain having almost fully faded, he turned back to Arminius.


"What do they make? Can you guide her, set a task, get her to draw up designs for what you want?"

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Suddenly, practically everyone in and around the bus could suddenly feel the vehicle shake, as the controls began to turn themselves on, a rapid fire of 'beeps' and 'boops' going off from the driver's seat as it began to work itself, seeming to put in a destination on it's lonesome.


When the bus shook, Proditor had instantly looked around in confusion, before beginning to move through the bus, moving as fast as he could to the front section of the bus... Pausing in surprise when he saw the bus working on it's own to jump to a new place, before moving to the drivers seat, sitting down and letting his hands fly across the controls, trying to get it to calm down.


But, considering the flash of white that took over the outside of the bus not 5 seconds after Proditor took the helm, it could be easily figured out that it didn't work.


This bus is now departing to the God Eater Hunt thread, which will be created ASAP. Please buckle your seatbelts, react if you wish, and enjoy the wait to God Eater.

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  • 4 weeks later...

((And we're back!))


Harry exhaled slightly in relief as the bus pulled out, and they found themselves traveling through the space between worlds. They had left quickly enough that he hadn't found a seat yet, so he made his way slowly to the back of the bus, specifically where Tattletale was seated. He didn't really know where to begin.


"So, you know everything, or need some hole filled in? About this whole lovely little trainwreck."

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Lilly pants, leaning against a wall.

"Alright. what happened. When the alarms stopped if figured whatever it was, was under control. But no. a few minuets later, there's and explosion, and everyone is running around like crazy, then you guys just run back here. What did I miss?"


Ador still perched on her shoulder, gives his own input, but to everyone but lilly, (And maybe proditor and the animals in the bus) It just comes out as

"Rw-rarrr" Followed by faint purr like growls.

What he actually said is, 'And why running like your fault?'



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"Soma- Julie's God Eater test went wrong. It interacted weirdly with her power, and she turned into some kind of super-powerful Aragami." Kusuke flopped down in a seat, staring firmly at the floor. "And then I managed to make it even worse than it already was, so there's that. At least I'm not blind," he said, with a venomous glance at Calvera before he turned to his intense study of the bottom panel of the bus.

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Arminius sighs in relief. If had actually seen Kusuke glare at Calvera he might have said something really nasty, but he didn't so he said something not as nasty.

"That's good. Death isn't easily undone, but a friend going all killing crazed is fairly easy to deal with if you have the right stuff. So she's the one that blew up that room you guys were in?"

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Arminius was silent for a moment, wondering whether this was really worth fighting over. The answer was FUCK YES IT IS. He stood up so he could look at Kusuke better.

"Oh? I didn't see any murderous Somas in there. So I think you should chill out since it seems she did more to fix the problem than you."

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"Yeah, no, I'm so sorry for trying to undo the fuckup and stall for time. I should have spent my time throwing my knives at my goddamned teammates, right? Give me a break. Not like you've got much to say yourself." Kusuke finally turned to look at him. "Last time I checked, blinding and almost incinerating your teammates wasn't considered the epitome of good teamwork. And neither was sitting back until the last minute to try and take equal credit for a victory after said teammates fought for their lives. But I guess the definitions in your world are different."

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"I'll be the first to say I have never deserved Equal credit for anything successful I've been involved in, I just tell people what to do. But back to the important topic, what did Calvera just turn around and start throwing beams of fire at you? I find the hard to believe, she's probably the sweetest person on the team."

Arminius glares at him before smirking.

"Oh, I think I get it now, you're upset that you had to stand by impotently because your only trick didn't work. So now you're trying to make Calvera feel bad about messing up while trying to help to make yourself feel better. Tell me, does it feel good to bully an innocent person for a mistake while they're trying their best? Hm?"

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"I might not have a leg to stand on saying it, but this argument is purposeless," Mirri opines, "Yes, Calvera and Soma's warped form destroyed the testing room, and put a rather large hole in the base.  What of it?  She's pretty clearly one of the least experienced members of our team.  There were things all of us could have done differently.  If I'd let go of my anger sooner, maybe I could have talked Soma out of such a risky path.  Maybe I could have impressed Calvera on the value of attacks with a non-lethal setting, or at least ones that can't destroy a building if they aren't backstopped properly.  Maybe with enough practice I could have cut off Soma's powers before the situation went critical.


"Amazing as I'd have found it a day ago, I agree with the coward.  Blaming Calvera serves no purpose.  She knows what she did wrong, and is taking steps to correct her errors.  Are you?"

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"I didn't 'stand impotently by,' I worked my ass off to try and stop a mistake that wasn't even my fault. And when I tried to stall for time, someone shot a gigantic fucking wave of fire at me, which very nearly killed me or crippled me for life. So eat shit, hypocrite. At least I made a fucking attempt." He turned to Mirri. "Is she, though? She hasn't said a word, and I question the judgement of anyone who thinks that firing super-powerful beams when you have teammates between yourself and a target. That's not just inexperience, that's utter carelessness at best.


And, for the record, the reason I got a sun laser to the face was BECAUSE I was trying to fix my fuckup. So thanks for trying to guilt me, but you're going to have to try harder than that." Not that Kusuke didn't already feel incredibly guilty about the incident already. 

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"I can feel the guilt from both of you," Mirri replies, "I'd have to have the situational awareness of a brick to miss it, even without the Force.  So all I'll say is that I know well the dangers of acting on emotions alone, and you know I know what I'm talking about in that regard.  Don't make the same mistakes I did.  It's easier to learn from someone else's errors than your own."

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Arminius was going to fire back at Kusuke, but Mirri was right. He was getting emotional and that wasn't right. He takes a deep breath before letting it out to speak.

"Mirri is right, I shouldn't have started bitching you out. I'm sure you did your best to fix the situation and I shouldn't be downplaying that just because I'm angry. It's just, I care for Calvera you know? Easily one of the nicest people on the team, and I've opened up to her. It's hard not to get attached when that happens. And you bitching about how she was trying to help set me off. I mean, how many days has she been a human? She hasn't had as much time to learn to control her powers or her impulses and passive aggressively complaining about it isn't going to change a thing."

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Frigus looked over in the direction of the rather loud argument between Kusuke and Arminius.  He thought Kusuke might've handled it better, but Arminius was just being needlessly aggressive for someone who hadn't every tried to do anything useful.

Either way Mirri seemed to be keeping them in line so Frigus didn't see any need to step in unless things came to blows.  So he walked to the back of the bus, pulled out the collection of Synthesis materials he'd collected up to this point and just inspected them.

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