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Episode 17 Beta


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8 minutes ago, Xenoxblades said:


Upon reading the current status, I found that beta has started.
I'd like to know how can I play beta stage and what are the requisites for it?
What can you tell me about it?


Much apreciated.

If you're an Ace Member and Supporter ( i guess ? ), you can get it at their secret testing thread.


But we're just regular members, so the only way to taste E17 early is wait for Community Release.

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To play the beta, you must either be an Ace Member, or having been part of the alpha crew. To play the alpha, you must either be part of the staff, Ame's long-lost cousin who suddenly decided to reunite with her, or donate to Ame's Patreon (like yours truly did).

In any case, it's a bit too late for E17 now, you'll have to wait for the community release, sorry!

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1 hour ago, Hooligan said:

Read this before asking to play the beta:


Now, we need to wait until 2018 for the release.

If you read that you'll notice I commented there some times, I am aware of it.
Also, If you waited this long since EP16 surely one month more or 2 won't matter much I think.

Also thank you all for replying to me.

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