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List Of Hypocrisy

The Fush

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If there's one thing I've been during the past 14 years, 2 months, 14 days and 17 and a half hours, it's a hypocrite. Honestly, no matter what I say to someone, they always get the last laugh, and it's been like that forever.

BACK ON TOPIC, ANYHOO, I'm just lisiting down the most hypocritical moments in my life here, because I can. I'll be adding more to it in seperate posts when I remember more stuff.

Oh right, yeah, feel free to list anything you've been hypocritical about too, because why not .

So here's my current list:

1. Telling others that they swear too much despite the fact that I swear constantly whenever I get mad.

2. Picking up the telephone after it ringed despite my mother telling me not to, because she didn't want me intercepting the call...

3. Bitching about how annoying others have been despite the fact that I can be a bit of a prick aswell.

4. Telling others that I don't listen to music despite the fact that I do... and I don't know why I even did that o_o

5. Telling my friends that I barely watch any anime... despite being an utter freak about it.

6. Telling my friends how awesome I did this one game, and then realize that I still suck and get my ass kicked by said friend.

7. Telling my parents that I would do my homework while they were gone, yet not actually doing so until the following morning.

8. Promising my parents that I wouldn't touch any electronic device while they were gone, then going for an hour-full run of Muramasa.

9. Telling my mother that I would take good care of the money she gave me for the French Trip, then wasting half of it at a candy factory (nobody can blame me for that).

10. Told Reborn that I would shut up and stop making puns, then made another one.

11. Saying that I hate racism despite making fun of the fact that people say that America is the land of the free.

12. Claiming that my mind wasn't dirtied to some friends of mine, despite my friend on skype sending me a picture that did so the previous night.

13. Bluffing to the teachers several times (we've ALL done this).

14. Playing on the computer practically every night despite the fact that my parents keep telling me to "go to sleep early!" (which I say yes to). The reason for this mainly because midnight in my area is when you're all online on Reborn.

15. Always saying that I'm so unlucky in battles, then making it to the finals in one tournament through pure luck hax.

16. Claiming that I'm not a baka on the Reborn server.

17. This is actually my earliest memory of my life.. sitting on my knees despite the fact that the Reception (or Kindergarten, as you would call it) teacher telling me to sit on my bottom.

18. Claiming that I AM a baka in real life despite 9001 thought processes going on in my mind at said times.

19. Replying to my friend that I'd never heard of Vocaloid (searches Triple Baka).

That's all I remember so far, anyways. I'll post more of these moments.

Edited by BeaverRoo
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