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6 Non Legendary Left Out of Episode 17 Speculation


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Ame is probably having the time of her life. She's gonna drop Ep 17 on us, and we're gonna venture through the wastes of the Tourmaline Desert hoping for Jesus we can finally get a Gible or a Lavitar, and then she'll troll us by putting Pulse Hippowdon or something to trigger us.


My guess for 6 Lines Left Out:

1) Dratini

2) Gible

3) Larvitar

4) Bagon

5) Jangmo-o

6) Not Sure



but deadass, I feel proud of myself beating this hard ass game with the majority of the big boy carry Pokemon locked in ame's basement.

Edited by Helios734
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I'd say my guesses for the left outs are:

1) Aegislash

2) Ferrothorn (would be way too op against Amaria and Hardy once we finally get to them)

3) Larvitar

4) Bagon

5) Dratini

6) Gyarados

I mostly feel like we won't be gettin most of the pseudos cause they're pseudos, but I still feel like Gibble and Deino will become available to us in the upcoming episode due to the desert/potential rock climb (still waitin to get that Axew egg on route 3 Ame). I also feel like Ame'll put off the Magikarp quest until the post-game just to screw with us. Other than that, I could see Scizor and Skarmory being added easily, and Gar wouldn't be completely out of the question... but I doubt that we'll be gettin Aegislash anytime soon. 


Well I already got 1 wrong Ferro's now officially catchable

Edited by Endstrom
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We've already had a couple of these threads, and I really don't know/care anymore, but one main thing to remember, is that if we get one that's behind rock climb, we get all that are behind rock climb. which means larvitar, deino and I think maybe dratini come as a packaged deal. I think a couple of the steels like skarmory/ferroseed will be pretty clearly in the desert.

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I don't think Kommo-o will be unavailable because the new moves it gets in USUM aren't being added this late into testing and its SM movepool plus its average though well balanced stats won't make it that good a pseudo even if competitive viability isn't everything in reborn, so with that my list would be:

- Aegislash

- Ferrothorn

- Salamence

- Gyarados

- Gengar

- Dragonite or Tyranitar (I feel like despite both being supposedly locked behind rock climb, one of them will become available but the other will have a second barrier, likely unlocked through an event, in which I'm leaning towards Tyranitar being excluded because of its decent level-up moves)

Edited by pokemastercj1
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3 hours ago, Helios734 said:


I just want to clear this up a minute. There already was a 3rd dark material in the game, but it can only be obtained through the use of rock climb like a ton of content in the game. Seriously, there are so many rock climb walls in the game with some that can easily be missed. You'll have to play the game to find out whether or not this has changed or if we even get rock climb. Hydreigon is in a funky spot now as it's technically unobtainable as of E16 but can be obtained legally through online.

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actually, Kommo-o might be a big one Ame's leaving out. because while it's movepool isn't amazing pre move tutors and its stats are balanced, remember that it's typing really only fears one thing: fairy types. and we just passed Adrienn. It resists Ameria and Hardy, it's strong against Hardy, Titania, and Saphira. the only gym leader remaining (unless I forget one) that would really put a dent in Kommo-o would be Saphira, and even then if Kommo-o gets a D-dance up that changes entirely.

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Dratini, Deino and Larvitar are a given, since they are all hidden behind Rock Climb (and there's no way we're getting access to Dragonite before facing Saphira, considering her Field Effect), and so is Bagon, since Moxie Salamence is too OP, and it makes no sense to find Bagon in a desert. Kommo-O has a ton of weaknesses, and the boosts given to it in USUM are not implemented yet in the game, so I think it's safe to assume that it's gonna be available. The only two left are in these lines: Gyarados, Garchomp, Aegislash, and Scizor. I think the Gible line may be in this episode, since Garchomp doesn't have access to Earthquake, Rock Slide or Stone Edge by lvl up (although the Tourmaline Desert might be as good place as any to find some of these TMs).

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2 hours ago, iDunno said:

I think the Gible line may be in this episode, since Garchomp doesn't have access to Earthquake, Rock Slide or Stone Edge by lvl up (although the Tourmaline Desert might be as good place as any to find some of these TMs).

Stone edge or rock slide will probably be Hardy's reward for beating him, and earthquake I wouldn't be surprised if Ame left it till post game to fuck with us. Plus for anyone who watched the new intro to the game ame put on the dev blog a while back you would see she has Garchomp on her team, and I'm pretty sure she had a full team of obtainable pokemon otherwise so it's pretty much confirmed available.

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Or maybe, considering by that point we will have been throught both Titania and Hardy by then, he'll give us good ol'quake. I don't know who is first, Amy or him, but it doesn't really matter.


The fact that Larvitar is probably going to be still out this update bugs me not only because its my favourite line but because I want the damn rock climb already :(

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