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Mashew/Virgo/WhateverTheHell's Ranting. Journal Thing.


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So... Hi! I decided to keep one of these to control my anger better lol. I'll edit this post with a rant asap.

Okay hi!!


Rant number one!~

LoL players know that feel of doing REALLY good in lane but losing hardcore right? Well.. I HATE this feeling like.. Ugh.. Shutting down a graves AND a blitzcrank felt so good! But nooo. Zyra/Xin/Poppy say fuck you we're overpowered. Then you get a solo top jayve who rushes Tri Force and then gets an IE. Like.. REALLY?! ._. Then you get the 2/7 Heimi who rushes deathcap then warmogs.. Like.. Wat. Why. Who does that?! Every team fight you get insta gibbed because someone says they'll initiate then you end up getting fucked over. Always that ONE person missing from the team fight or has NO team fight presence. ._. .. Sigh... And then on top of getting angry at LoL getting angey at that one person... Getting REALLY mad. And then you realise when this happens you pick at Every. Single. Thing. They do. Like.. EVERYTHING. And pick out all the bad things you hate about them. Then say fuck this I'm done I'm gonna leave. Then actually type out or think about what you wanna say and see how fucking STUPID it is.. Like.. Lol. Then you have to apologise. Try NOT to make that person feel bad. Oh, and I get to stay awake and wait for my niece to get home. It's 8:00 A.M she gets home at 5 PM. Like.. ._. .. Also, I'm typing this from the library so lol people staring at my screen.. Oh well.. That's day one. ._. .. I'd hate to see day two...

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Lux isn't over powered. XD She's mana-hungry early game, when her range, passive and CC is at it's most effective. Late game her power drops off. Her low cool downs, especially on the laser, make up for it a bit. Plus, she's squishy as all get up, even with her shield.

More to the point, people are always going to be at different skill levels. If I played with you more often, I would probably be 'that guy'. You're someone else's 'that guy'. You just have to learn to be tolerant. It's a team game, and that's part of teamwork, as frustrating as it is.

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I never instalock, I might auto-pick it, but if you guys wanted me to do something else, I would. I just, am pretty sure I would do badly so I'd rather play a role where my lack of a presence isn't going to matter too terribly much.

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In games like this I usually run off and do my own thing, I won't work with a person unless its someone I know I can trust. Other than that I usually solo things, hence why I usually play assassins, bandits, and/or spys... or I will play as a mech or a combo happy brawler

If I played LoL I would probably be a jungler

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Lux isn't over powered. XD She's mana-hungry early game, when her range, passive and CC is at it's most effective. Late game her power drops off. Her low cool downs, especially on the laser, make up for it a bit. Plus, she's squishy as all get up, even with her shield.

More to the point, people are always going to be at different skill levels. If I played with you more often, I would probably be 'that guy'. You're someone else's 'that guy'. You just have to learn to be tolerant. It's a team game, and that's part of teamwork, as frustrating as it is.

Most champions are perfectly balanced. There are a few who are a bit underpowered, such as Kar-... wait, who?

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Arguably, jungling requires the most team communication, not the least. Although you're right that for the early game you're off alone, wandering around, it's vital that you be in touch with your teammates about how the lanes are doing, when to leash, when they get buffs, when to gank, when to hold a lane for them, where the enemy jungler is, any counter jungling, and whatever else.

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(Plus you can't really jungle at level one)

lol @ Lux OP

On topic:

Then you get the 2/7 Heimi who rushes deathcap then warmogs.. Like.. Wat. Why. Who does that?!

Probably realized he was doomed to failure so he tried to get more bulk instead of trying to do more damage idklol

I know once or twice I've skipped over Infinity Edge or Phantom Dancer on <insert AD carry here> to go for Guardian Angel because I'm doing so badly I might as well just not die. I've had games where randoms get mad at me for not trying to 1v2 Vayne and someone else (I don't remember who) under my turret- with Sivir as I was doing horribly- to try and stop them... I'm just like "do you want me to die? no ty"

Really I think the best thing you can do is just not get mad, but at the same time...

And then you realise when this happens you pick at Every. Single. Thing. They do. Like.. EVERYTHING. And pick out all the bad things you hate about them.

I think everyone knows this feel.

I never instalock, I might auto-pick it, but if you guys wanted me to do something else, I would. I just, am pretty sure I would do badly so I'd rather play a role where my lack of a presence isn't going to matter too terribly much.

Supports are important as well, if only for the fact that it's hard to play 1v2 with a role that's supposed to do nothing but farm (be it minions or even champions who knows man ask hark about dat leona) and wait for late-game; if the other carry does better and you don't hard counter them, guess who loses? I'll admit, though, you're saying that it's less important from a relative standpoint (I think?), in which case, yeah that could be argued.

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This is not a LoL T- okay, fine.

Rant day two~

This'll be short hopefully considering I'm tired and need to wait for my niece to get home to babysit and go to the hospital..

When people take over threads. Like... When one thread is supposed to be about A. Then the main poster mentions B. Suddenly everyone talks about B instead of A. Like.. ._. Also spammers on the forums. Like.. Who just post to post. Doesn't have any relevance and doesn't relate to anything in the topic. ._. Aaanndd.. When you want to ask one of your close friends how her and her bf are since she's been spending time with you and your bf instead of her bf. But don't wanna intrude. Oh well..

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This is not a LoL T- okay, fine.

Rant day two~

This'll be short hopefully considering I'm tired and need to wait for my niece to get home to babysit and go to the hospital..

When people take over threads. Like... When one thread is supposed to be about A. Then the main poster mentions B. Suddenly everyone talks about B instead of A. Like.. ._. Also spammers on the forums. Like.. Who just post to post. Doesn't have any relevance and doesn't relate to anything in the topic. ._. Aaanndd.. When you want to ask one of your close friends how her and her bf are since she's been spending time with you and your bf instead of her bf. But don't wanna intrude. Oh well..

I never notice when I mess up with that (ever). Sorry :/

Edited by BeaverRoo
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Third Day~:

Okay, so my sisters gave me this idea. People who talk behind your back. I'm not talking about like, people who dislike you talking behind your back. That's natural I suppose. I'm talking about your friends doing it. Like.. Really? And lol I HATE when they do it right in front of you! I guess that runs in the family... But yeah, my sisters and I seem to have a lot of friends and people in our lives like that. Except I deal... They... Get in fights and beat ass. That's my rant for the day.. Short.. Sorry.

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