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Let's look back at fond memories


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It's no secret that Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon will be the last Pokémon games on the 3DS line and potentially even the pure handheld scene (ignoring some spinn-off's that is). With that, I believe it might be a good idea to look back at the times we spend with the previous times. Be it lessons you learned via Pokémon, be it fun you had or anything.


I'll start it off with my first Pokémon game: Pokémon White. I got it on my 13th birthday and that school year was the worst year I've had to live through so far (I've made a post about that a while back for those interested). Everyday when I came home I just wanted to play Pokémon and forget all about that day. I later got to playing Platinum and Soul Silver through some less legal ways (I had an R4 card and someone put the games on there for me). At this point I was in love with the formula it used and I knew that it would be one of my favorite franchises till I lost interest in gaming all together. Till this time that had been all I knew about Pokémon, but all changed when my nephew send me a picture of Pokémon Reborn, I asked him for a link and I started playing (and that's how I ended up here :D). Skip ahead to 2014, I got a 3DS from my parents and I bought Pokémon Y pretty soon after. Finally being able to fully play gen 6 rekindled my love for the series and I started to really form opinions on what mons I liked and what mons I would rather see rotting in the Shadow Realm. Later that year I obtained Alpha Saphire (no idea why the man who dislikes Water Types over all other types got the one with the water legend. I never claimed to be a genius) and I started playing through one of my favorite regions now in 3D. A bit into ORAS I got an invitation to a League on a showdown side server, where I picked up Monotype (specifically, fairy type) and I started to learn how that worked exactly. And while I recently left the league, I will always be thankfull for the people of The Lotus League. And yeah, that's it.

If I may say, they were

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Edited by Wolfox
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For me, it all started when i snuck into my brother's room to use his gameboy color, which had a copy of pokemon red in it. Although he kicked my ass for deleting his savefile (oops), i loved the game since the very beginning, back when i was a lil kid of age 5. After that, the obvious way was to continue: Yellow, Crystal, and by far the best one, Emerald. After emerald i found Red Rescue team, which was something amazing and completely different from what i had seen so far, and it was very difficult for me to go back to normal series games. After that, i left Pokemon alltogether for quite a while, retaking it about 3 or 4 years ago. Gens 4, 5, and 6 were out and i had never tried them, so i started with 4, and loved it. Then i found out about Reborn via 9gag, and that lead me to Showdown, and THAT lead me to leagues (yeah Wolfox, Lotus r00ls :D). Quite the trip, and even though i've lost interest in main series games, i love Reborn's plot and difficulty level, as well as some other fanmade games.

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As for me, I discovered Pokemon games quite a bit later after discovering the series. When I discovered the games at the age of 8 or 9, I thought they were based off the anime until I learned otherwise later on. My first game was Pokemon Heart Gold and I instantly fell in love with these games! Later on, I bought Pokemon Diamond, then about a year after getting the 3DS, Pokemon X and Y came out and I bought Y. After that, I went back to DS and played Pokemon Black. Then, I discovered emulators (oopsie-doopsie) and played Emerald as well as other older Pokemon games. Then came ORAS, and while watching shofu play though Pokemon games, I discovered Insurgence and then Reborn caught my interest and I loved (and still love) the story and the difficulty. Then, I got Sun and Moon. And after... well that's today.

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My first experience with Pokemon was, of course, the Anime. When I was a little kid, I wanted nothing more than to be a Pokemon trainer. My first Pokemon game was, weirdly enough, Pokemon Colosseum for the GameCube, which i received for my 7th birthday. Admittedly it wasn't the best place to start in the Pokemon series, but I loved and still do love it just the same. My first handheld games were Leaf green and Emerald. Then I played through XD, Pearl, Platinum, White, Black 2, Y, Alpha Sapphire, and Sun. I first heard of Reborn when searching for Pokemon Fan Works on TV Tropes. I downloaded the game and have not regretted it since. Thank you so much Amethyst, for introducing me To Quite possibly my new favorite Pokemon game of all time!

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The first time I saw Pokemon was sort of randomly.  At one of the very few town baseball games I went to (aside from the ones I played in during first grade), I saw an older girl (maybe 12 or 13) playing something on some kind of device.  I had never seen a Gameboy before so it and Pokemon (Blue??) fascinated me.  The anime wasn't out yet (I don't think), so the entire concept fascinated me. 


Some months later, I convinced my parents (somehow) to buy me a Gameboy Color, along with my first two games:  Pokemon Red and Super Mario Bros Deluxe.  From there, I was an ardent pokemon fan for years, religiously watching the anime and buying most of the Gamboy games (Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Fire Red).  Going past that, both social stigma and just the franchise not fascinating me as much anymore, I quit Pokemon for the most part (though I still occasionally caught news of something online----literally adding a Poke-God, Legendary Trainer Tobias, PETA's shenanigans, people bitching about Gen 5 mons). 


It wasn't until the two big news pieces of Gen 6 that I was dragged back into Pokemon after a good 7 to 8 years:  Fairy Typing and Mega Evo.  While it took a while for me to actually get into the new games (since I remember the DS emulator at the time was buggy), I eventually played Gen 5, specifically the first game;  they really did feel like I was back playing Gen 1, using only mons I knew nothing about.  While interest waned until I got into romhacks, I was back into Pokemon (for good?????)

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I first saw an episode of pokemon at my Grandma's house when I was like 6. I saw a charizard and my life was forever changed. Haha, then I remember finding where my parents were hiding the Christmas presents and I found the case for Pokemon Crystal, so I knew I was getting a gameboy too. I was SO excited for that Christmas. Still probably the best one in my memory. Looking back, I sucked at those games (spent DAYS in Viridian forest), but there were certainly lots of good memories. I hear the soundtracks to those games, Red, Yellow, Crystal, and I'm taken way back.

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My first pokemon game, pokemon red (YES IM THAT OLD), took me years to beat.... Not cause it was hard or i was retarded. No. Because i had NO CLUE WHAT PROF OAK WANTED FROM ME... i didnt speak english at all and he wanted a medicine from some guy i didnt talk to or did talk to and never went back to OAK....


anyways a year later i tried again and somehow understood what needed to be done and played it SO much. Eventually i was at the point where i knew the pathing of the first "Dark cave" after the electrick gym, like i knew exactly where everything was (you could still see trainers and pokeballs, so i had reference points)... I HATED flash (and zubats).. At one point my aunt was looking at me playing and said "But you dont see anything" and she was confused, I just thought she was dumb at that time cause she didnt understand a 8 y/o would stare at a black screen and push buttons. 2 years later a niece showed me how to cheat with and catch missingo.... Though i never caugt mew.

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Well I'm from gen 1 pokemon blue. It was my first game. It took me a while and I remember not much from it except the games themselves. I do know I was hooked to the games. I have played gold,ruby, saphire,emerald,leafgreen and a myatery dungeon.


After that with a new console I lost interest and took a break until i discovered ds(?) emulators. There I played Platinum, black and black 2. It was there I came in contact with fan content blazeblack which I played a bit.


From there I came into contact with fangames tthrouh 9gag with reborn. Never regretted it. I played so much games reborn ,deso, rejuv,... . Standard fangames, doubles fangame, fakemon and even a dangaronpa crossover. So much different experiences.


However this is not the end. Pokemon se7en showed me the fun of a new region. So I bought a 3ds (which turned out to be a fantastic investment since I play 4 hours a day) pokemon Y and alpha saphire in preparation of sun and moon. At release I bought sun and I will buy one of the ultra games.

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Actually, I just remembered something funny. @Wolfram2700 should know this one ;)


So Dogsheep and I were battling, I was trying to get my Gym Leader possition back in Lotus. He send in his Toxapex on my Tapu Koko. That Toxapex ended with getting Ohkoed by a LO wild charge. I will still not let Barkbaa live that down.

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  On 11/18/2017 at 6:01 PM, Wolfox said:

Actually, I just remembered something funny. @Wolfram2700 should know this one ;)


So Dogsheep and I were battling, I was trying to get my Gym Leader possition back in Lotus. He send in his Toxapex on my Tapu Koko. That Toxapex ended with getting Ohkoed by a LO wild charge. I will still not let Barkbaa live that down.


Who would've thought that max bulk toxapex didn't take one? I had nightmares about that, and Ariel's Magnet Rise Klefki for a long time.


Also, nice way of calling me 3 different nicknames in a single post, now make sure to explain them (although they are pretty obvious)

Edited by Wolfram2700
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