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What does Eternal Edge think about you?

Eternal Edge

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Yes, I'm stealing Ika's thread thing. Partially because no net means I'll want something to do and this'll help with that. Partially because it may be a theraputic for me, and partially because that makes 2/3 Owners accounted for (gogo Ame).

Fair warning, I'm a brutally honest person and will not hold back. Enter at you own risk.

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that makes 2/3 Owners accounted for (gogo Ame).

As if.

(on an unrelated note, inb4 this becomes the new 'ask me' trend.)

((also also, I'm not posting here to be included, just shooting down any hopes of my doing one of these, so don't bother with me.))

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Like I said, i'm going to be completely honest with each of you. Don't take it personall- well I guess it is personally, but you get the idea...maybe?


You've gone through a lot of thoughts in your time here for me. Initially, when only a handful of SU members visited once in a while I had a crush on you, I think I've told you this, lol. That's gone and passed now, mostly to what I thought of you for a while.

You started annoying me about a month or so after SU started being regulars here on Reborn, from expecting people to do things for you to bossing others around and such. I dunno, it just really ground my gears. Then came what topped it all off. However, I talked with a certain somebody about the whole situation and he made me understand more about why you made the choices you did. I still don't agree on it, because there's always a way to get around those obstacles, but it's your life. Just remember this if anything. No matter where life takes you, there's always a way to be with the one you love.


Sorry,the feelings not mutual, my love belongs to someone else~

You annoyed me initially. A lot. From what you did on Minecraft to the PO server itself. Then action on TBT topped it all off. However, I'm always willing to give people a second chance.

Now that you've come back you've improved exponentially. You're a lot more friendly, you follow the rules well and are overall more enjoyable to be around.

I don't really know much more about you except that your father has an adorable accent (that birthday video XD) so sorry if I can't be more thourough (spelling lul?)

Like I said though, you're much nicer to have around than before, a nice change ^^


You and I have had disagreements, though mostly when it comes to Scarlets community (which I heard doesn't even exist more because of explosions with Kaga and ScarSuss? [speaking of I wanna talk to him again sometime, but this is about you, not him]).

Anyways. Your backseat gaming annoyed me a lot. Your attitude when being asked to stop didn't help that at all.

However, I've been seeing you more often around Reborn (probably more so forum side than client side) and I've gotta say you seem...nicer? Better? I dunno. You just don't annoy me as much anymore. Maybe that's just personal, idk. You really seem like a nice person and I wanna get past the image I had of you before.


I'll try to keep this shorter than an essay.

You've always been kind of like a cousin to me more than a brother, I think. We're close, I like to think, but at the same time we don't talk a lot. At least a lot less than we should I think. This could mostly be due to my derpnet (which I don't even have THAT anymore lololololol) and missing out on Skype sessions but still, other forms of communication exist. I dunno.

When we do talk, it's usually a good time, even when you get in a bad mood. Hell, we fix that bad mood sometimes even. Need I say PONY SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT SHOT EVERY PONY! But yeah, I do enjoy chatting and you are fun to be around.

As for when we get more serious talks, you need to not be so...bleh about things. I know there's a lot of history and emotional baggage, but as much as I know it hurts, you need to figure out some way to deal with it rather than letting it be your Male period. I'm sorry if I'm a bit blunt with that...but like I said...



Quite a few things, if I may be honest =P

Most of the time you're great to chat with, have fun on Reborn and everything overall. I love how you're so into World of Tanks, and I do wish to play it with you some time when I have decent internet and a better computer.

The negative side comes when you start getting all butthurt over simple battle mechanics. I understand that things seem haxy sometimes and that it can be annoying to get pounded several times in battle. Hell, I get that on a regular basis if I try laddering, or even a good amount of time when battling league. It's just a game though, nothing to get so upset about.

As for more recent things...I saw one thing you posted that shocked me a little. I don't wanna mention it directly for reasons but yeah. You are a great and fun person to be around overall. Don't ever let things get you down.


You're a bundle of surprises, man.

Like Ame said (I read a few of the things he wrote in his thread) you seem to put up a front of th e'old grump' when underneath there is someone who seems to care.

All I know is that regardless of what people, or even you say, out front, behind the screen is a kinda, caring person, whom I'd like to meet one day and hang out with (along with the rest of the crew back from our DKGX days)


Like Ikaru said, you've been the little brother I never had...except more in a way. Normal little brothers just do things to get on your nerves and don't share things at all.

On the contrary you and I have been through a lot together. More than I can honestly say I've been through with anyone. A lot of things that would make people with lesser friendships no longer be friends.

There were years when I'd talk to you about...well y'know. Months where I honestly feared what you would do...what you were doing sometimes...but in the end you've proven stronger than anyone I know. I'm proud to call you my friend and you've grown up quite well. You're also the person I trust the most out of anyone I know because of everything that we've gone through together. However, careful, someone is quickly catching up to you >><<

On an unrelated note. I miss Skype with you guys, like I mentioned for Ikaru, but that can be blamed on my (now no longer existant) internet. We always have a ton of fun, be it LoL, Maple (which I do wanna get into again just..internet ough.), or Minecraft (Vanilla, Tekkit, adventure maps and such[We need to try sky island again >>]).


I dunno if I know you well enough to say a lot. You used to be really cocky, I feel. Still are a bit, but I think you'e earned a little cockiness. You're really good, just don't go overboard on it =P

Otherwise you seem to be a pretty great, level headed, person.


I love your art. You have an amazing style that's all your own, I feel. I'm also quite jealous of your facial hair, and wish I could grow mine out the way yours is (I so could, actually if it wasn't for my job).

I've wanted to be your friend for a while, to be honest, and feel like we are friends at this point. I also like your whole crew of friends. I wish everyone would be around more though.


I agree on what others have said about the "master of trolling" thing to be honest. I dunno though. It can be annoying some days, or really hilarious others. I've neevr seen another side of you really so I dunno. As it stands right now, you're pretty fun to ahve around =P


You're pretty awesome overall, to be quite honest. I know I'm not around much, but from what I've seen you're pretty cool.

The only thing I'd say is to try to cut back on the depressing stuff. I know the pain you feel, I've gone through a good amount of it myself. However, no matter how hard things ger you need to keep moving forward. That's what life is about, moving forward. Eventually you'll find a place where things get better.


First off, before anything else. Even though it may not seem it...due to recent things...I really do have the highest respect for you. I told you this in PM before, but personally I feel like you're the sole reason SU is still together. There are often times when I feel like other members actions had the clan split apart, but you being you held it together.

Next comes...I guess a confession to all of Reborn. I don't care what anyone thinks of me because of it. I am truely, and deeply sorry. However, I do not regret it. I know how you've told me you feel, but I'm telling you, you are a great person and you will find happiness one day as well. I've pretty much said all I am willing to out to public, but I've talked to you in PM a great deal as well, so I hope you have a decent understanding.

Now, let's not close on a negative note. Like I said, you're an awesome person, more forgiving than anyone I know (maybe to a fault? but who cares =P). I wanna play more video games with you, because your general attitude towards things makes it seem like you'd be fun to talk to while playing video games, so let's get on that xD


You're a bro, bro. xD

I've had a ton of fun with you, Brave, Mori, Poe (when he's not being all bleh >>; ) and Kaito...am I forgetting anyone? ;~;

But yeah, tons of fun and like I said to Kaito, we all need to play MOAR GAMES TOGETHERSSSSSS.

Yeah. >>

You also have the issue of getting upset with battles, like Owen, but to a lesser degree. It's not a big deal, but being honest like I said =x


I know we haven't known each other nearly as long as you've known Kaito and others in SU but I feel we're pretty close. The stories you've shared with me..the story I saw on Minecraft, the advice I gave, it's just..a lot and I hope that you find a place in life where you can really be happy.

You're also pretty awesome at minecraft related things, and I really enjoyed Nightcrawler-ing you around all the time, I hope you had as much fun as I did with it =P


You wanted honest, right? In that case, here it comes. I still don't 100% believe you are who/what you claim to be. I dunno, there's just some things I don't feel add up sometimes. It's not a big deal and I don't have a problem with it, I still like having you around when you do come around.

Aside from that, like I said, you're a ton of fun. You're better at LoL than I think you let yourself believe, though I have no doubt you're tons better at DotA 2 than you are LoL. You're another person I wanna game with more =P

I also really appreciate all the help you've given me when it comes to computer stuff. Is till can't afford any of it, but you've equipped me with some knowledge I didn't have before about hardware and I really appreciate it ^^

You should be around more >><<


I don't honestly have a lot to say about you. I dunno, I feel like whenever you're involved in something I'm not, that may be a good or a bad thing. I dunno.

What i do know is that it's fun to play TF2 with you and more of that really needs to happen. I feel like we should have a Mann vs Machine game sometime of you, Inuki, Ikaru, Scarlet and myself. (It's 5 people, right?)


I dunno if I know you well enough to give a full, fair reply. Sorry =x

You seem friendly enough though~


You need to cut back the stuff with Ayame or whoever >>;

That's my only real complaint though. Otherwise you seem pretty great, beyond that I dunno if I know you well enough yet to say more =P


Yeah, you're right >>;; I will say I used to get you and Connor mixed up all the time, I think I've figured itout for the most part now though =P


HAI WOLFIE. Uhmuhmuhm, I miss talking to you. Again, mostly my derpynet's fault, like I said with Ikaru/Inuki.

You and I also have a long history together, dating back to the DKGX days, even though I don't think you were around there much =P. I dunno how much truth is in this next bit but I feel like you've been spending more time with Jesse than everyone else. I dunno, I haven't been around much to actually know this but I just get that feeling. It's not a bad thing because of you two being together and all, just never forget us <3

Aside from that, you're another person I really love playing video games with, be it LoL (DRAAAAAAAAGOOOOOOOOOOOOON PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENIIIIIIIIIIIIIS), or the little bit of WoW we've played together (speaking of, my friend bought me a realm/faction change for my main, sorry qq, we can still Real ID party though, through your Worgen chick =P, plus I left my other toons there so it isn't all bad~). I really wish I had been on your server and with your guild back in the days of WotLK where I heard you all had a great time raiding.



well, that's everything so far, I think. That only took an hour and fourty-five minute to complete XD

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