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What does Ame think of you?


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  On 9/28/2012 at 2:36 AM, Wizard Howl said:

Ayyyyyy gurl how YOU doin'?

I think you 'n me should aaah, you know, head downtown, grab a few drinks, jus' chill, you know, babe, maybe go back to my place, yea?



I think you're one of the most stubborn people around here. That's only sometimes a bad thing, mind you. One of the first things I remember about you is your insisting to keep on some rant on the server until you were actually muted despite being warned. And then that flipped when you became mod- you were asking permission for just about everything. Not that I'm really complaining, because I would have preferred that to adamantly going and doing whatever, of course, but it was just such a large contrast, I was surprised.

Is it a matter of your mood? I know you insist that you've cut 90% of your emotions out, but I also know that that isn't true at all, you're just hurt, and that's a fairly natural reaction to such a thing. I think you can find better ways to deal with emotional stress.

You're a huge help around here, I don't think anyone can deny that- ...well, when you can be around here. I think you need to get your butt out here, too, so that you're not subject to the whims of your mother et al.

I also think you should get your hair straightened but that's just me projecting again. >>

Ooo, wait, I know this one guy IRL here, and by "know" I mean he and I got a ride home from a club from the same person once, and then by pure coincidence Kitty met him on the street when he offered to trade her cigarette for his vodka (not the smartest move on her part, accepting drinks from random strangers downtown, but it's kay cuz I had already met him + I know he wouldn't do anything to her cuz he's openly gayer than a handbag full of rainbows) ANYWAY he is really pretty, and I -think- he normally has the same sort of texture hair you do. I bet you would be able to do something similar, or at least take whatever straightening technique he uses to apply it.

ITT: Ame tries to convince everyone with curly hair to straighten it just because she doesn't like curly hair, I'm sorry. I'll stop.

Sometimes I secretly rely on people as stubborn as you to make me do the things that I know I should but am too busy being emotionally hurrdurr about. No pressure. :D

  On 9/28/2012 at 2:52 AM, Ninpen said:

I know you're really intelligent. You seemed to have a rather insecure standpoint on your capabilities battling when you were active in Reborn, but I never found those insecurities to be grounded in evidence.

I'm anxious to see what you're actually going to do with your potential.

...Are you even still doing LPs? I haven't heard about it since you started LoL so I kinda assumed no.

I think Draven is an appropriate character for you.

I still don't know how you turned my facecheck into a kill. "hurr durr they're probably not in the bush yet, let's save a ward and just run right in." Yeah, sorry about that. Except not really because it got you snowballing quickly. Then again me being alive might have done that too, so lol.

To be honest, I sometimes avoid playing with you because I know you're a much better player- I try not to get in your way, slow you down, be matched against stronger opponents and therefore feed, etc. I also think modesty is a virtue... to put it lightly. ^^;

  On 9/28/2012 at 3:15 AM, Celestial Virgo said:

You amaze me.

Now not to rain on your parade, but I don't necessarily mean that as a compliment; I mean it literally.

I'm always amazed by the type of person who seems to have an endless amount of chaotic events going on in their life. I don't mean that as an insult, either! I just, everything is a big deal to you. It... makes it interesting, even just to hear about. I'm not sure if it's how you talk about it, how you react to it, how you view it, or if your life really is just that crazy, but from the sound of it you're probably going to die at 30 because of all the stress in your life, but that's okay- not because I want you to die, goodness, no- because you'll have lived such a more intense life than most people probably ever will when they die at 90. I can promise with all certainty that you are going to have quintuple the stories to tell that I will. I'm impressed by that, I really am.

Even the small things you're able to turn into big deals. I don't know how you do it. Something relatively trivial will happen, and then you'll describe it later as if it were groundbreaking. I'm jealous of that ability, because I can't do that. You know what, you should write. Preferably comedy. I'm not even joking. Ahaha comedy; not joking. Now I'm joking. I'm a joke. *shot* No but I'm serious you should try it.

I also think you and Colin are cute together, being able to stay together through everything, and woehdnsjckvowanskjfedkisbkiwasnxwodisnkjckdbfkjh so yeah. c:

  On 9/28/2012 at 3:50 AM, crystalwolf99 said:

I worry that you worry that I'm going to go all Regina George on you.

I'm not.

I'm over it. That was why I told you everything before, so that I could stop holding onto it. Mission succesful, yayyy. Wasn't actually trying to be a catty bitch but I sure as hell felt like it. I felt like I was kicking a puppie. A wolf puppie. :<

I do think it's really unfortunate that we aren't better friends since we do seem to have such a similar aesthetic taste. I guess we're too similar in otherways, though, such as in not really starting conversations with each other. >>

Then again it would probably be more confusing that way...

Actually, I sometimes consider defecting to foxxies though, because I actually like them about as much... Sorry~

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heh, yeah. Thing is when I got auth I didn't wanna fuck up, I guess.

It was 80% by the way, but if you saw my response to Kuro in my thread, yeah =x

As for the pushing you to do things. I knew that before you told me just now =P

As for straightening hair, I used to but it's gotten tedious now.

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  On 9/28/2012 at 6:25 AM, Celestial Leo said:

So I think I've told you most of these things at some point or another, but


I'm really glad that you're finally you. I really hope I don't regret saying that later. I'm proud that you've made such a change. I owe you one for demonstrating a valuable lesson for me. I might not be 'out' if it wasn't for all of that, tbh.

I think that since all of that died down you've become a much better person. You seem to be more secure in yourself than "Tyler" was- almost like "Ashley" but with out her occasional blatant anger. I think that's a very important development.

I think Coco would be a cute name for you except for one minor detail, being that I, and I assume, most people pronounce 'Colin' as Callin' and not Colon, which means duplicating the first syllable of your name would sound, not like chocolate like reading "coco" as Cocoa implies, but rather like... well, a colloquial for feces which I'm not actually sure how one would spell. :I

...so there's that.

Finally, I was going to include this under Matt's section but I realised it was more about you than him hence why I chose to sjhfbjedhbfjhdfg instead, but, I think it's cute how you had him picked out literally the first day you came to Reborn, and asked him out and now here you are and aww just awwwh

  On 9/28/2012 at 6:38 AM, Mockingbird said:

You've changed a lot since you were just the cute little Winter with the fancy font popping in and out of the server repeatedly between playing with Tink and your clan drama and generally being cute and liking Pandas.

Now I feel like you tend to waver in and out of Reborn. When TBT was still up I saw a pattern of: Become staff on TBT, get frustrated with it, quit and hang out at Reborn, become staff(or staff-ish) at Reborn, get frustrated with it, quit and hang out at TBT. Without it now I just feel like you fade in and back out lingering and judging from afar.

I think my perception of you has been a bit marred. It made itself apparent with that one incident, for which I still apologise, Ever since all that Gang business I haven't been able to help seeing you as perhaps maybe a little bit more judgmental, a little bit angrier than I should. Then you have your cute moments still too and I'm like oh look fancyfont-Winter's back c:

I feel like I don't know who you are anymore really I think that's because you also dont quite know who you are yet. That's okay though, most people don't.

  On 9/28/2012 at 11:17 AM, Summer said:

What is this we had winter and then summer right after what happened to spring? ahaha im so funny ahahaha ill go kill myself now ok

I don't know what happened to you, actually, or maybe you just forgot.

I know you used to be active on the server like every day and then you just vanished but you still post here which is cool but now who's going to take on 9823987923589823932234234 names and confuse me forever?


Well, yeah, that's basically my main association with you. I described this is in response to someone else I think, but basically since you switched names so ften I very often wasn't aware it was you saying your things until after the fact which means they didn't really get cognitively filed under my opinion of you and consequently that is a kind of small library and I am sorry. Normally I would do that thing I've been doing where I look at your posts/aliases and try to remind myself of things but I'm actually writing this on the bus so I lose.

That's the bottom line

I lose you win


You should've been here when Autumn still came around. >> Then all we would have needed was a spring. D:

  On 9/28/2012 at 3:34 PM, TheNewEnigma said:

I'm sorry, my soul is currently stored elsewhere. But um, if you really want you can have a little bit of my hair, I um, guess. I'm not skrillex though so idk why you would want it. ^^

I think as far as artists to be obsessed with, Skrillex is not the worst choice. He at least does his own stuff, and is an actual person, which is more than I can say for a lot of the popular music industry. I think Ellie Goulding is definitely not a bad choice, although I regret to confess I actually can't say both of those things about her- just dont know her well enough, but I definitely like her music so lol. >>


I don't think that you should define yourself through them. And while it's toned down a lot since before you were banned, I still kind of see that. At the same time that's not entirely abnormal so you know, whatever. But you're your own person.

I really had no idea of your age, but I have to say after learning it my opinion of you has only gone up. On one hand it does explain a few things, but on the other I really was surprised. Yes, that's a compliment. xP I really look forward to seeing how you grow.

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He was on this morning under just Summer; I didn't say anything because I was extremely tired and didn't want to start a conversation I couldn't stay involved in (because reasons), but yeah, he exists still

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I have not forgotten! D:<

  On 9/28/2012 at 8:06 PM, Skeleton said:

Boop. Beep. Bop.

You have your ups and your downs and I think like a lot of people on here (or... actually, just a lot of people anywhere) you're still trying to find yourself. I think it's cool that you do so much art stuff. I didn't really start getting into visual art until I was about fifteen, and here you are, younger than that, doing all the stuff, and probably doing it way better. Definitely way more. Honestly, I wish I was the kind of person who could just draw all the time. That's romantic to me. I don't mean relationship-romantic, but just... romantic in the same way that curling up alone in front of a fireplace when it's snowy outside and drinking a hot cup of tea is romantic. I don't actually know if you really draw all the time, but you certainly do more art than most people on here. You're going to be really good at it if you keep it up. I look forward to seeing that.

On an unrelated note, I kind of feel somewhat personally responsible for your... general well-being. I don't remember if I've told you or anyone else this, I feel like I have maybe, but, the reason is, um.


Back when he was still spamming us and posting photoshop bullshit about you, I happened to attend a lecture on my campus from a feminist author speaking about porn culture. One of the things she described is a pattern of how girls, both in real life and on the global stage (a la paris hilton) have a tendency to be labelled a slut or a whore, and then have few cognitive choices but to live with the shame of those names or act in a way that fulfills their expectations.

(She later went on to describe, as I fully agree with, how those are stupid-ass names in the first place and are better off being completely ignored and not existing.)

Anyway... Yeah, that's the sort of thing that can mess people up for life, so, I kinda felt responsible being that it kept happening on my server. :/ So, moral crusade to the right the wrongs as much as humanly possible yayyyyyyyy

Also i think its cute how dedicated to Chrona you are. xP

  On 9/28/2012 at 11:50 PM, Trevo said:

I don't know you at all! D:

I know you run Ironfist, and do a little bit of league, and use Avast.

That is all I know. :D

Well... Looking at your profile, you're younger than I expected just based on how you type/speak/act/verb

You're definitely pretty mature, and you usually seem to have a pretty positive attitude which I really appreciate~

You also obviously have a LOT of patience because as I recall that thread you put together for Ironfist was pretty extensive. It also shows some remarkable organisational ability...

Alas, you're right though, we haven't talked much (if at all?) so all I can do is make judgments from afar. But, at least none of those judgments are negative. XD

  On 9/28/2012 at 11:52 PM, TheScarletSword said:

oh ffu its scarry everyone run qq

no jk ily

It escapes me what you've said your- I DO NOT BURN FOOD ANYMORE- intended career path after you get your whateverhighschoolreplacementthingy, because we both know that I have the memory of a dead goldfish. But I find myself wondering this right now because you have an enormous amount of potential. You're very intelligent, mature, level-headed usually. What I find myself wondering is what sort of skills you're actually developing in what you do online. Aside from the hacks I don't know of any creative endeavors you've undertaken. You're great at working with people individually and in a rational manner so I could almost see you becoming a lawyer if it weren't for the gratuitous amounts of bullshit involved with such a thing. Maybe a psychiatrist of some kind? But I don't know if you actually have any interest in that sort of thing.

I think it would be a bit of a waste if you didn't do something intrapersonal, but mainly because I don't know what else you actually do besides games/streaming/community stuff, and I'm sure we've probably had this conversation before but I r best hurrdurr

I look up to your judgment a lot for reasons I'm not entirely clear on but that's just the way it is :I

I feel bad because I don't really have anything profound to say about you.... ^^; Aside from derpy parentness you seem to get along pretty well.. which is yayyy. yayy? yay!


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