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To prove Ikaru WRONG!


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I'm gonna be the first admin to do this. So.. this is another what does blah blah think of you. Except it's Mashew. what do Ithink of you. Hoenstly and truly. and I need to prove Ikaru wrong


[11:26:50 PM] Matt Webber-Messerli: ..you

[11:27:30 PM] Michael McGlynn: "I hate you, you're annoying, hi ikaru <3, who are you, ily colin, HI WOLFIE, I hate you"

[11:27:47 PM] Matt Webber-Messerli: ...YUP :D

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Matt pls <3

You're annoying. I hate you. you bug me to HELL and back. SOOOO much drama and shit. But I lahv you. I don't know why but I lahv you. Also you need to know when to keep your mouth shut. <<.

My shoe <3

I THINK YOU NEED TO MOVE TO TUCSON! jk but umm you're awesome and funny and just super cool. You need to not die to us when you get on GW2 and you need to confront some stuff. You know what I mean. >.>


You're.. Silly. You haev a good heart and you're a good person. But you and Hark butt heads WAY too much. I'm gonna lock you two in a room I swear. but overall you're a good friend. :3

I love you.

Who're you? jk. At first you bugged me a lot. pre ban. Now, you're funny. You play LoL. you're less skrillex-y. And overall an awesome person now

you da gay

Fa- jk. You're like one of my closest friends up there wiff wolfie and Ikaru and Ame and agwr yeah. You need to cut back on the partying so you don't get grounded/sent away. And I r angered you started school again.


My little gay boy<3 you're silly. You were there when no one else was. You stayed up wiff me. You're so nice and such a funny guy. I don't think I have a single bad thing to say about you.


Come back pls. You're.. a comedian. You make me laugh so much. come back pls tho ;`;

hai there.


You're a funny person and really cool. At first I hated you cause of how cocky you were but eventually you dropped it and now we're good friends. Get back to challenging the league.

These threads are spiraling out of control worse than the "Ask me" threads.

With that, hi.

HIII WIIIILLLL!!! ZOMG! BFFS 5EVAR! Lol but like Ame said, you have changed a lot since I first met you. But to me you'll always be the quiet guy who was there when Reborn server started. And the one who is making an awesome comic.

Bring it on

You're an amazing friend first off. You're a fantastic person second off. Third off I am so glad I met the real you and learned just how nice you truly are.

<< >> *knocks*

You.. I don't really know. I just know you take over the Etc. when you post on the forums. y u so random.

Hi. Do tell me things.

You have a bad attitude as of late but with good reason. You're a very kind and good person. You're hyper and just cool. I hope everything works out for you in the end.

..really? You agreed in that log >>

IKARU! you know everything about me you know all of my feels you're just awesome. I truly am glad you are my friend and we get to talk when we DO talk. You're one of the closest friends I have and if I have any trouble I know I can go to you to talk about them. <3

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