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New Nintendo Genres Coming in 2018?


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With the announcement of USUM being the last Pokemon game of its kind on the 3DS, maybe a change in console (from handheld to the Switch, perhaps?) will create new possibilities for the Pokemon series. Because with the advent of the Pokemon Go phenomenon, it would only make sense for Pokemon (and other Nintendo franchises) to start dipping into other gaming genres. And while Nintendo isn't always keen on moving it's franchises across multiple genres (except for Mario, which is in literally everything), we have seen some crazy things recently. Namely, Breath of the Wild moved Zelda into the open world genre for the first time, and it was a massive success.


But Nintendo has still left so many unexplored gaming genres alone. Their policy has been (largely) to stick to single-player console games. And while that's obviously worked for them, they could realistically tap into all sorts of different things: like an online card game, RTS, FPS, or even a MOBA. Heck, especially a MOBA. We already have Super Smash Bros and other Nintendo games that pull characters from across multiple franchises, so it seems the next logical route is Nintendo drawing from their many franchises to support a bunch of new genres for online play. Pending the superstructure for Nintendo Switch Online (coming in 2018) is successful, I would expect to see Nintendo start exploring the types of online gaming genres other companies have been tapping into for years now.


So what do you want to see most? Maybe a Metroid or Kid Icarus online FPS? A new type of online card game with playable classes representing the various Nintendo franchises? Or what I would want the most, an online MOBA with a cast of characters similar to those from the Super Smash Bros series. What do you think will or should happen?

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Didn't they already make a Metroid FPS with Metroid Prime Hunters?


They also did Metroid Federation force but that shit tanked hard.


I personally think Nintendo shouldn't stray too far from their franchises' main formulas. Nowadays when developers try to make spinoffs to their most popular games, they just feel so disconnected from their source material see Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts.


Granted, games like Mario Kart and Smash Bros did strike out on their own and really stirred the pot but those games have become pretty well established franchises of their own.


I guess if Nintendo does intend to broaden their horizons, they should be very, very careful of what they do.

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2 hours ago, Octavius said:

But Nintendo has still left so many unexplored gaming genres alone. Their policy has been (largely) to stick to single-player console games. And while that's obviously worked for them, they could realistically tap into all sorts of different things: like an online card game, RTS, FPS, or even a MOBA. Heck, especially a MOBA.

The thought of Nintendo trying to make a MOBA makes me shrivel up inside a little bit, but seeing as not even the Miiverse could survive long, the chances of Nintendo doing something like that seems diminished.


By that I mean, Nintendo probably doesn't want to do anything too multiplayer, since when that happens, it becomes essential to have people contact their teammates. Something like Mario Kart and Smash works with a simple formula, since it's typically every man for himself, but large scale team battling... That's when it becomes essential to have a voice chat. And with voice chat comes the hurtful and inappropriate comments Nintendo tries so hard to avoid.


Plus would they really want to compete with the other giants like that? Nintendo is typically a niche company, so expanding like that might be over reaching. (Especially after the Wii U incident.)


God I hope they share my sentiments. 

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4 hours ago, Octavius said:

With the announcement of USUM being the last Pokemon game of its kind on the 3DS, maybe a change in console (from handheld to the Switch, perhaps?) will create new possibilities for the Pokemon series. Because with the advent of the Pokemon Go phenomenon, it would only make sense for Pokemon (and other Nintendo franchises) to start dipping into other gaming genres. And while Nintendo isn't always keen on moving it's franchises across multiple genres (except for Mario, which is in literally everything), we have seen some crazy things recently. Namely, Breath of the Wild moved Zelda into the open world genre for the first time, and it was a massive success.


But Nintendo has still left so many unexplored gaming genres alone. Their policy has been (largely) to stick to single-player console games. And while that's obviously worked for them, they could realistically tap into all sorts of different things: like an online card game, RTS, FPS, or even a MOBA. Heck, especially a MOBA. We already have Super Smash Bros and other Nintendo games that pull characters from across multiple franchises, so it seems the next logical route is Nintendo drawing from their many franchises to support a bunch of new genres for online play. Pending the superstructure for Nintendo Switch Online (coming in 2018) is successful, I would expect to see Nintendo start exploring the types of online gaming genres other companies have been tapping into for years now.


So what do you want to see most? Maybe a Metroid or Kid Icarus online FPS? A new type of online card game with playable classes representing the various Nintendo franchises? Or what I would want the most, an online MOBA with a cast of characters similar to those from the Super Smash Bros series. What do you think will or should happen?


Game Freak themselves never do spin offs. They have other companies do that sort of thing instead.

Switch is handheld. Even if they advertise it as some "hybrid". Plus Game Freak confirmed they were making a game for the Switch themselves. Twice.

Pokemon "dips into other genres" all the time. Most recently, we have Pokken, a fighting game based off pokemon and Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, which is a rogue-like, as well as the puzzle game f2ps. And whatever Pokemon GO even is. And that's not even going into all the other spin offs from years back, like Pokemon Snap, Ranger, Conquest, etc. It's only recently that the Pokemon spin off well has seemingly dried up, for some reason.


"Nintendo isn't always keen on moving it's franchises across multiple genres" ...they do that all the time. Hell, they do this more than any other major publisher to my knowledge.

"like an online card game, RTS, FPS, or even a MOBA." Didn't they have an online version of the Pokemon TCG? One could argue Pikmin is an RTS. Metroid Prime is an FPS. Though neither are online, but I prefer single player and co-op anyway. So eh. And not even Nintendo could convince me to touch a moba with a 20 foot pole, so the lack of one is fine with me. 


"We already have Super Smash Bros and other Nintendo games that pull characters from across multiple franchises, so it seems the next logical route is Nintendo drawing from their many franchises to support a bunch of new genres for online play." I'm all for there being more games where you can have Captain Falcon showing everyone his moves, but I'd think that constant crossover games like Smash would get old after a while.



I myself am fine with Nintendo sticking with single player stuff. That's what keeps me coming back(and most publishers seem to be entirely focused on getting multiplayer games made instead of single player ones, so Nintendo not going into mp too much isn't that big a deal for me).

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Metroid Prime Federation Force is an FPS, pokemon tcg has an online thing, and the Nintendo RTS died with the DS, it was called Lost Magic.  And a MOBA is going to the Switch, idk what’s it called.

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yeah, but could we get a GOOD fps from nintendo? Besides splatoon? Which is 3rd person but it's pretty close and the mechanics really rely on the 3rd person view.


I'd be down for another try at rts with touchscreen controls. Also, the switch might be just enough to be able to handle the processing required for a good fps experience.


And a nintendo moba would be quite interesting...

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