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New to Reborn but loving it already.

Wild Monkey

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Hello everyone! I am still semi-new to the site and server, even though I have already earned a badge in the league. I just thought I would tell you all a tiny bit more about myself, if you even care. Anyways, my IRL name is Adam and I am not afraid to say that! I am a 20 year old physics major in Illinois, yes they have a physics program there. I am considering teaching as my profession but who knows. I also write, I have a first draft novel on my laptop, and I also really enjoy singing. Pokemon is awesome and always has been for me, but other than that I enjoy card games (Yu-gi-oh, Pokemon, Vanguard, Magic) anime (list is too long T^T), League of Legends, Raiderz, other video games as well. I also enjoy nature, which is odd, I know, well if you want to know anything else just chat with me on PO or send me a request on Skype! I hope to have fun and battle with you all! One last thing! The kitten in my profile picture is Mako, he is my kitten and no one shall have him! @_@

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Hihi, I think we've briefly talked once or twice or maybe I'm just crazy actually I am just crazy but let's ignore that fact because hi!

I def' have seen you around though, and you'll fit in just fine around here

because what we really needed was more LoL players

butbutbutum physics?




I shadowed a physics class once when I was looking at high schools. I couldn't even stay awake for the class I was visiting. I can't possibly imagine majoring in it D:

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Hello everyone! I am still semi-new to the site and server, even though I have already earned a badge in the league. I just thought I would tell you all a tiny bit more about myself, if you even care. Anyways, my IRL name is Adam and I am not afraid to say that! I am a 20 year old physics major in Illinois, yes they have a physics program there. I am considering teaching as my profession but who knows. I also write, I have a first draft novel on my laptop, and I also really enjoy singing. Pokemon is awesome and always has been for me, but other than that I enjoy card games (Yu-gi-oh, Pokemon, Vanguard, Magic) anime (list is too long T^T), League of Legends, Raiderz, other video games as well. I also enjoy nature, which is odd, I know, well if you want to know anything else just chat with me on PO or send me a request on Skype! I hope to have fun and battle with you all! One last thing! The kitten in my profile picture is Mako, he is my kitten and no one shall have him! @_@

Welcome, says I. As a biology major, I must confess my favorite classes to have been phsysics (161 and 152). If you enjoy magic, Godot and I may of good company for you, though it has been a while on my part. As for nature, if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't have earned my BA in biology. I liked yugioh but it did become out of hand. Not a user of skype, but it has connected fellow soldiers to their cherished ones during deployment. And.... well, I'm a cat person, so yeah. It may be the drink, welcome to all that is Reborn. =P

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Ew Physics. Anyway, I love your name. It reminds me of an old user we used to have around - IRS Agent was one of his alts, if I recall? - and he was quite the card if I may say so myself... Ah, you should be fun to have around. Welcome and enjoy your stay! :]

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