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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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Jun reacted to the entire concept of being WOKEN UP ONCE MORE BY MORE LOUD NOISES AJKLGHSF! By slowly getting up and walking up to the nearby window to stare judgmentally at the unfortunately loud battle going on outside for a few moments while she silently cursed the giant monsters outside for being giant monsters. But of course after those few moments had passed she simply decided to shrug her shoulders and set out of the medbay to try and find something decent to eat or drink inside of the bus.

Jun tries to find something good to eat or drink inside of the bus while after giving up on the idea of sleeping the headache off.

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Calvera steps up to the battle, fire appearing in her hands. "Sorry I'm late!"


1 & 2) Sun Boil on the healthiest looking Aragami.



Actions (6 action slots):


Solar Flare- Sends out a massive wave of heat, hitting all enemies in the area.

-(Level 1) 1d6 + SYN Damage. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.

-(Level 2) 2d6 + SYN Damage. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.

-(Level 3) 3d6 + SYN Damage. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.

-(Level 4) 3d6 + SYN Damage. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 2 turns.

Sun Boil- A bolt of fire flies out to hit a target.

-(Level 1) Deals 2d6 + SYN damage.

-(Level 2) Deals 3d6 + SYN damage.



Flare Up- When RX Calvera goes below 50% HP, she enters her Solar Form. 

-(Level 1) Grants her double SYN for 2 turns. Once per encounter.


Faster- Calvera has learned to move her body properly, given time to adjust to it.

-(Level 1) +1 move every turn


Size Matters (Trick)- RX Calvera gets a bonus to her SYN in combat.

-(Level 1) +10% SYN


Neutron- RX Calvera brightens, and turns white, shrinking to the size of a grain of sand. Afterwards, she expands as she fires out a giant beam of x-ray radiation.

-(Level 1) For 1 turn, she is untargetable. At the end of that 1 turn, she deals [SYN*3] damage to a given target. Must be in Solar Form. Once per encounter.


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Satomi nods at Julie's (rather inspired) idea and then scrambles over to some nearby rubble, trying to create a small scale wall for Somatotrope to Extrapolate!


Potential Relevant Perks:


Kaiu Method: Kaiu engineering, construction, and smithing have been tested and improved by hundreds of years of unceasing combat against marauding hordes of monsters, and as a member of the Kaiu family many of these traditions have been taught to Satomi. During crafting, Satomi's INT is boosted by 50% for crafting purposes.
Engineering Expert: The duty of the Kaiu family is to maintain and improve the Great Kaiu Wall (a miracle of engineering) separating Rokugan from a tainted, shadowy land full of the aforementioned monsters trying to kill the entire country. Their teachings minimize failure, for failure comes at great cost. When rolling crafting checks specifically involving building or improving a base, Satomi rolls twice and takes the better result.


Potential Relevant Passive:


Gempukku (Level 5): For Satomi's ritual of graduation into becoming a true Samurai (her Gempukku), as a Kaiu she had to create a siege weapon used on the Great Kaiu Wall. This has rather informed her skillset. Satomi gets a 50% bonus to checks when creating a defensive fortification or a siege weapon.

Level 2-5: Upgraded in 10% increments, to 50% total


Relevant Flaw: Bad Eyesight: Frankly, Satomi's sight is just terrible, as the girl is extremely nearsighted, a decided hindrance in battle, and didn't come from a world with significant ability to deal with this. Satomi has a 20% chance to miss any attack.


Perfection Crossbow: A mechanical, spring-powered repeating crossbow that is capable of renocking itself after every shot without having to pull a lever -- at the expense of being ridiculously hard to initially load. It is also incredibly lightweight, but that makes it fragile and exacerbates the reloading issues. This item does not take up a slot, skills which target gear for destruction automatically succeed against this item.

Level 1: Deal 2d6+Dex Damage. The user may instead deal 6d6+Dex Damage, but must spend 3 turns reloading afterwards.


Daisho: A set of two swords (a katana and a shorter wakizashi) carried by absolutely any Samurai at all times, the Daisho is a mark of the Samurai's noble class and honor. 2d6+STR damage, when upgrading the weapon Satomi can choose a different effect for each sword (Katana and Wakizashi) for each level, but must choose only one of these swords to wield in combat at the beginning of each encounter.


Time Sandwich Samurai Armor (Level 2): These rectangular plates of samurai armor (on Satomi's thighs, shoulders, and chest) have been modified, with usage of the metal resulting from the bay explosion making the armor extremely difficult to pierce without sustained effort -- damage only sticks on one of the phases of the timeshifting metal.

Level 1: +3 RES when equipped.

Level 2: +4 further RES when equipped.


Gempukku (Level 5): For Satomi's ritual of graduation into becoming a true Samurai (her Gempukku), as a Kaiu she had to create a siege weapon used on the Great Kaiu Wall. This has rather informed her skillset. Satomi gets a 50% bonus to checks when creating a defensive fortification or a siege weapon.

Level 2-5: Upgraded in 10% increments, to 50% total


Structural Disassembly (Trick): (INT+CON)d2 damage done to an inanimate structure. Can not be used in a hostile situation. Has a chance of either providing useful scrap or damaging the user for 1d2 damage or more, whose element depends on the target.


Destructive Inspiration: Satomi is suddenly struck with a burst of inspiration as to how to use a siege or base weapon to devastating effect. For the rest of the encounter, when Satomi uses thtis weapon she has a 33% chance of getting a critical hit with it, a critical hit which deals 3x the damage rather than simply 2x the damage, and has an additional effect at the GM's discretion. Can only be used once per World.


Edited by Powder Miner
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Harry slaps a bandaid on Frigus and Kusuke, and despite the fact that it shouldn’t cure the spikes that impaled them earlier, it did, healing Frigus for 16 hp and Kusuke for 15 hp.


The Chi-You, at the sight of both missing it’s target and it’s brethren fall, roars in rage, beginning yet another charge for his attack.


Jun easily finds her popcorn and starts watching the spectacle.


Lindow spends his first move sprinting towards the cliff where the bus was, as there were still some… Well, they obviously weren’t civilians, that was for sure, but they weren’t God Eaters. They were more… Soldiers in the wrong place. Really, really weird ones too.


Soma himself sighed in annoyance at Lindow’s news. More Aragami… Great. He knew there was a particularly large Aragami outbreak in this area, but they really didn’t need more at this moment. Really should’ve brought Sakuya along. But, now was not the time to curse her for command’s mistake, now was the time to actually do his job, which was slaying the Ogretail in front of him, unwounded from the battle, and then back off to heal. Which he did, slashing at the Ogretail, dealing 30 damage and causing the Ogretail to fall to the floor, dead, like the rest soon would be.


Lucille uses her Edge of Silence, slicing through two Ogretail, dealing 29 damage to each and causing one to fall to the floor, alive but still struggling to get up. There’s only two left, and one  seems pretty angry.


Kusuke himself rewinds Soma to his status from last turn, fully healing the God Eater!


Frigus goes back up, attacking the Fallen Zygote and dealing a total of 37 damage, causing the Zygote to stagger in the air, before roaring in his face.


The Ogretails themselves begin to charge forward, once chasing after Lindow, while the other, wounded one turns its attention towards the medic, jumping at the doctor (12, 17)... Only to find Harry side stepping its pounce, preventing it from chowing down on the poor doctor.


(26, 17) For Satomi, it wasn’t that hard to find the materials needed to make a quick wall out of the rubble. After all, there was broken architecture all around her. (20) Her wall would’ve been unlikely to stop any form of attack though, considering the size of her foes, but Somatotrope’s extrapolation did the work for her, causing the rubble to begin to expand upwards and to the side, taking up more space and rather quickly growing into a wall suitable for what they needed. It seems like it would still take a while for the rest of it to grow, however.


Soma, with the two Ogretail dead in front of him, turned to the remaining Chi-You, pulling out a small medical syringe. He’d need to heal before taking on that Aragami, and keep his guard up this time. At least, he would’ve healed himself, if Kusuke didn’t grab his shoulder, causing Soma to let out a quick “What-” before the two blinked back several seconds ago, with Soma smacking away Kusuke’s hand, even as the latter used his drive to speed him up. For a second, Soma merely looked at Kusuke, mainly in confusion, before sighing angrily, not entirely sure how to react to the situation currently and instead doing what Lindow did before, and just rolling with it, “Alright, looks like you’re not just a random civilian. Just stay out of my way, and the Aragami’s way. You don’t have a way to kill one for good. So don't even bother” he stated, before charging the Chi-You, slashing at it and  dealing 31 damage, but not causing the Aragami to falter in its charge. However, with the aid of Kusuke, Soma was able to quickly follow up his strike with another charged swing, black energy once more forming around his God Arc as he slashed at the Chi-You, dealing another 64 damage. If the Chi-You wasn’t already pissed off, it would be now, though it’s wings did shatter rather loudly at Soma’s attacks.


The two Zygotes that were on the ground continued to struggle, unable to move. However, the one in the air puffed up it’s shell, then let out a red gas from the shell, which seeped towards the ground, affecting Soma, Harry, Kusuke, and Frigus.


(19, 27) Soma is unaffected by the gas, merely letting out a small ‘hmph’ at the Zygote’s attempts.

(15, 31) Harry is unaffected by the gas.

(21,19) Kusuke is affected by the gas, taking an involuntary breath of it and finding his body suddenly weakening. He gains the “weakened status” and will take 50% more damage on the next attack that hits him.

(8,9) Frigus is unaffected by the gas.


Frigus, to finish his new combo, points his keyblade downwards, launching a heavy storm of ice burying each Zygote in ice and causing the one still in the air to fall to the ground with 21 damage to each… Actually causing two of them to finally stop moving. Though one still remains alive, roaring weakly as it tries to break out of the ice.


Lilly flies high into the sky, waiting for her chance to strike.


Finally, the Chi-You attacks, ignoring its injuries and letting its hands rapidly fire three small orbs, each locking on to individual people, dealing 20 damage to Lindow, 16 damage to Harry, and 18 damage to Lucille, each shot arcing through the air to hit their target. In addition, the Chi-You puts it’s hands together, forming another orb of energy before shooting it, straight at Lindow (30), it’s aim straight and true (87), and catching the God Eater off guard, knocking him off his feet with 24 damage and causing him to roll for a bit, before using his God Arc to stop his roll by planting it into the ground.


Frigus finally lands, slashing one last time at the last, grounded Zygote, finally killing the damn thing with 42 damage.


Lucille Puts her Sanctuary Trump into her kit.


Lindow, after getting blasted by the Chi-You, groans, getting back to his feet before rubbing his head. Damn things knew how to hurt sometimes. With that though, he pulls out a green orb from his pocket, tossing it to the ground before stepping into it, healing himself for 40 hp.


Mirri flies high in the sky, her X-Wing finally getting to work in combat.


Lucille creates her Sanctuary, making a field to protect others from harm, if they wish to enter it.


Proditor himself attempts to expand his mind, aiming to take control of one of the lesser creatures that they were now fighting against, expecting only a little resistance. (26, 27)... Only to find the Aragami’s mind suddenly sharpening, like it did Lucille. The sudden burst of the single emotion that ruled the Ogretail caused Proditor to stagger in surprise, before straightening. A shame, to be sure, but he would have to make do.


Calvera fires two bolts of fire at the remaining healthy Ogretail, dealing 30 damage with the first bolt of fire and 26 with the second, bringing the Ogretail down to the ground, smoke rising off it’s body as it roared in pain.


Frigus gains +4 more Dex

Proditor gains +4 more Int

At that moment, the entire party could hear a large roar coming from behind them, right around the corner of a building. Then, suddenly, a large, saber-tooth tiger like creature jumped from around that corner, spinning around and seeing the party and the Bus. Then, with a roar that caused electricity to spark around the capes on it’s back, the creature ran forward, ramming into the back end of the bus and causing it to be pushed heavily out of the creature’s way, before coming to a stop, not that far from the cliffside that led into the battlefield, roaring loudly once more as each cape seemed to stand up.


As the new Aragami did so, several grey Ogretail began to pop out of random buildings, jumping into the fight, wanting to join in with the feast.


A Vajra and several Fallen Ogretail have entered the battlefield!




















Fallen Ogretail








Fallen Zygote

















































Arminius 24/24 Healthy

Calvera 30/30 Healthy

Frigus 21/26 Wounded. +8 Dex.

Harry 37/48 Spiked still

Jun 24/24 Healthy

Kusuke 22/22 Healthy, weakened.

Lilly 30/54 Spiked, Union, probably somewhere in the atmosphere.

Lucille 10/28 Wounded

Mirri 22/22 Healthy

Proditor 22/22 Healthy, +8 Int

Nhevi 20/20 Healthy

Satomi 22/22 Healthy

Somatotrope 22/22 Healthy


God Eaters


Lindow: 56/60 Slightly Wounded

Soma: 60/60 Healthy




1 Ogretail: Battered/Hungry. 2 'Dead' 2 fallen

3 Fallen Zygotes: 'Dead'.

4 Fallen Ogretail: Hungry.

1 Chi-You: Near death, enraged, hungry. 1 'Dead'.

Vajra: Really hungry.


Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Nhevi tries to enter the Sanctuary zone, to be closer to the action while staying away from these huge attacks. This does mean her Corruption passive activates. 





  • Shortcut (FUBARware): Basically a teleport (re-position or flee) with a glitch aesthetic and a chaos effect. Roll 1d4:

    • 1: Get tellefragged/lost outside of spacetime/stuck halfway through a wall for the rest of the encounter

    • 2 or 3: Teleport works normally

    • 4: teleport works normally + double actions and a free second use of the teleport next turn OR a powerful telefragg attack

  • Oooh, shiny! (trick): Grab a piece of good crafting loot from enemies, but attacks against the user automatically succeed maximally for one turn.
  • Break it (FUBARware): Touch an object or enemy to glitch them out. 50% chance of becoming vastly more powerful, and 50% chance of becoming completely useless. Can only be used once on a given object or enemy, ever.


  • Corruption (FUBARware): Random environmental effect rolled each turn, and each time she interacts with a new object or enemy it has a 1/6 of automatically and involuntarily do "Break it". The user can stun themselves for one turn to suppress this turn's effects, and undo last turn's effects. all the "weather"/world affecting events have a 3 block range; form inside they look global, but from outside they don't look like they are happening at all.
  • Gecko Moves (Trick): Special microscopic hairs on the users digits to climb even perfectly smooth walls and ceilings without effort. And also a tongue that can shoot out and catch tasty bugs at a distance. Good for squeezing into places and staying out of melee range and such.

((Is this everything you need?))

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"Reinforcements. The more the merrier, I'm guessing." Harry nodded quickly as he left Kusuke to chase another patient. He settled on Lucille and Lilly, calling her down when she got the chance to get a quick patch up.



Harry uses Slap on a bandaid and call it good enough on Lucille and Lilly. Heals for 1d4+13 HP, first strike. Heals Harry for half the damage healed. Harry also gets 10% of his HP regened at the end of the round. Remember his flaw causes him to take hits from the enemies targeting those he heals.


HP: (Con*2)+20=42+6=48
Moves: Equal to your Dex, minus the average Dex of this Encounter.  Minimum 2.

Essence: 1

Constitution: 11

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence:  8 (x1.25)->10 (+3 on wounded)

Resistance:  3 (+9)->12

Strength:  3

Synergy: 1



Prodigy: Harry's INT is treated as boosted by 25%.

Advanced Biotechnology: Harry regains 10% MHP per turn.

Applied Knowledge: When Harry tends to someone else's wounds, he regains half the HP he healed for them.



Combat Surgeon's a dangerous job: For one round after Harry heals an ally, he will be hit by a copy of the first attack made against the ally that he healed. If he used a multiheal, he simply takes a copy of the first three attacks made against the subjects of the multiheal.


Slots (6/6):

Slap on Bandaid and call it good enough: Heals one target by 1d4+INT

Level 2: This heal now has first strike.

Disinfect: Remove all statuses from a chosen target. 2 turn cooldown.


Speedy Prognosis: Harry gets one extra turn per combat round, only allowed to be used for healing actions (no attacking actions, maybe no buffing). Nonupgradeable, and cannot be duplicated.


Bone Reinforcement: Harry has +3 MHP, this passive doesn't take up a slot.

Level 2: Now +6.


Jump Start: If an ally has been brought to 0 HP within the last two rounds, Harry, using a combination of a large adrenaline injection, a small electric defibrillator, and a bunch of cellular regeneration compounds, may bring that ally back to life at half health. Once per world cooldown, and won't work if the ally has been completely incinerated or something similar.


Wolftech Kevlar Polymer Synthesis Heavy Ballistic Infantry Combat Armor: Grants +5 RES, but at a -2 STR penalty.

Level 2 (merit): This armor no longer has a penalty.

Level 3 (Trick): This armor now grants 2 less RES, but grants two Slots which can only be used for specially designed items (Plates, primarily)

  • 1xDeath Wyvern Plate (+3 RES)
  • 1xDeath Wyvern Plate (+3 RES)

D'Arnet's Modern Military Medical Procedures Digital+Field Kit: Whenever Harry is faced with a problem he is having difficulty with, he consults this eleven thousand page book on his compad, where there are clear and concise instructions for unusual situations, with even speculative ideas about Xenobiology. It even contains an advanced human being analogue program, used for field tutorials and for estimating the effects of chemicals on human physiology. Harry may be brilliant, but even he needs a compilation of all the knowledge he can get, and tools. Grants +3 to INT when treating wounded.


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A bloodthirsty grin stealing across her face under her helmet, Mirri flicks the safety cover off her torpedo launcher and sights in on the Vajra.  The targeting computer quickly reports a lock, but she waits a few moments more until the Force chimes in too, before pressing the firing stud.  The X-Wing shudders slightly before the torpedo, shrouded in a blue glow, leaps from the starship's nose and soars toward the hulking creature. (deals int x5 damage, so 35 assuming no buffs, and cannot miss).

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For her troubles, Lucille found herself hit with a searing blast that sent her flying backwards into the very circle of protection she'd erected, landing on her ass with just enough force to injure yet another part of her, before she tumbled head over heels and slowly rolled like that for several more feet...


Only to feel as a cat paw firmly planted itself on her back and stopped her from going any further; an average feline likely would've been bowled over by her momentum, but nay, not this one... for this cat's paw held the same might and resilience of the purest iron. Stoping her on a dime had been mere kitten's play, and Do was sure to drive home that fact, as he nonchalantly licked said paw afterward, glancing at his master. Two very familiar dragon whelps landed beside him, one of which looking unusually tired... probably because it was Astra who'd grabbed hold of the kitty by the scruff of his neck and ferried him out of the bus, once they'd heard the big ass tiger approaching.


Thanks? Lucille sent over their bond maybe there is something more to you. Maybe you've just been dicking with me this whole time... but if you have been, doesn't explain why or how my power could still work on you...


Like always however, she got jack squat in terms of a response suggesting actual, sapient awareness. Do simply mewed, continuing to clean himself as if the bloodbath around him wasn't happening. In all honesty Lucille didn't know how to take it- though part of her mind, the part that had resided in Do ever since she'd bound him, was more than a bit convinced that the peice of her own subconscious self she'd left inside him had been just as, if not more responsible, for the help as the Cat himself. Shaking her head, she sighed Well doesn't matter, that's one question that can wait....


You She turned her attention from Do to the Bond she shared with the green Whelp, Brachus Looks like this is your trial by fire, little guy. Let's see what you're made of. Inside of this circle, there's nothing to stop you from helping keep people alive as long as you can.



I. Lucille (quite unceremoniously) enters the Sanctuary!

II. Lucille Swaps the Trump Sanctuary for her dragon Brachus! Brachus will remain inside the Sanctuary along with her!

(As a note, Swapping out sanctuary from her load out does not end or otherwise disrupt it's effect whatsoever)

III. Lucille will play the Healing Kazoo on whichever ally has the lowest health! Brachus will use his Restorative Breath on whichever Ally has the second lowest health (If no one else is injured, he will use it on the same target as lucille)

(Heal Kazoo restores [6d5]% Mhp on the target. Restorative Breath heals 1d6+Syn{5} HP on the target)




10/28 HP

7/14 Bonds


Essence: 7 
Constitution: 4 
Dexterity: 7 
Intelligence: 13
Resistance: 8
Strength: 0 
Synergy: 0 

Relevant Perks

The 3rd Instance: [When Lucille casts a thaumaturgical Spell/Ritual, the numerical effects of said spell/ritual are boosted by 1.3x]

Beast Heart: [Lucille has a number of "Bonds" equal to her Essence*2. These "Bonds" can be expended to bind living, non-sapient beasts/monsters and turn them into companions under her control. Binding beasts requires Lucille to spend her action forming a Bond with them, at which point a number of bonds equal to ½ the Beast's Int will be expended, with a minimum requirement of 1. If Lucille doesn't have enough open Bonds available to satisfy this cost, the binding fails. The bonds expended on them will be restored to Lucille upon either the Creature being reduced to zero hp in battle and dying, or by her dismissing them, which may be done at any time as a free action. Bound Beasts who are dismissed will never turn hostile towards Lucille or her companions unless attacked after the fact. Bound Beasts have Stats and Actions identical to their normal counterparts, and act simultaneously with Lucille during her turns.]

Slots: 7/7


Actives (1)

Edge of Silence- Lucille utters an incantation, causing a harmonic resonance in Animus and producing a Wonder within the Physical Realm: Sound itself condenses and twists into a winding blade that seeks out and slices whatever has earned Lucille's Ire.

~Current Effects~ [Active. Thaumaturgical Spell. Launches 2 attacks that deal (1d3+Int) sonic damage each, these attacks ignore Damage Reductions, but Damage Immunities still apply. They may both be aimed either at the same, or different targets.] (boosted by Grand Thaumist Perk) 


Passives (2)

Uncanny Senses- Lucille has spent her entire life missing her sight, but her taste, smell, touch, hearing, and other senses have all been amplified in order to compensate. Though she cannot see, she actually has a far greater situational awareness than most sighted people, and is more than capable of functioning effectively in dangerous situations...

[Passive Ability. The user gains +1 move in combat, making it so they always have a minimum of 2 moves rather than 1. This ability is not eligible for any upgrade.] 


Walking Bestiary- Lucille has extensive knowledge of many beasts, from their habits, habitats, and physical traits. In battle she draws on her extensive knowledge to use her bound beasts to far greater effect, having them work together to cover each other's weaknesses and amplify their strengths.

[Passive Ability. Beasts who are bound to Lucille gain a 20% boost when dealing damage.] 






Equipment (3)

Serpent Staff: It resembles a short, snakeskin-bound staff with a large reptilian eye set into the headpiece. The eye blinks every so often.

~Current Effects~ [Bound. Fires 4 bolts of green energy that deal 1d4 necrotic damage each, and restore that much HP to the user. If the user attempts to use this weapon while at 0 Int they are knocked unconscious and cannot act until their Int is equal to or above their starting total.]


Draco Vest: A small but incredibly durable vest. At a glance it appears to be ordinary fabric, but upon further examination it's actually made up of countless overlapped wyvern scales, which harden upon impact to protect the user from harm. It has several pockets which have some stretch to them, and are durable enough to hold even magma. 
~Current Effect~ [Bound. Grants +6 Res while equipped. Able to carry extremely dangerous materials without risk.] 


Healing Kazoo: A Metal Kazoo painted a bright metallic color. The special root in it's paper vibrates with a healing tone.

~Current Effects~ [Bound. When used, restores (6d5)% of the target's Max HP.]


Beasts (1)




Sex: Male

Race: Draco Vitae  ("Life Dragon")
-A Dragon Lucille created on accident while working on the splice technique and triggering an oversight. Colored a sterling Emerald, It has Breath resistant Scales, a Cross Shaped, red flap of skin on its back, and a thin tongue it uses to focus its breath weapon. Ironically though, Its breath heals those exposed to it rather than harms them, and it seems to be especially effective when used to heal other dragons…


HP 20/20


Essence: 5
Constitution: 5
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 5
Resistance: 5
Strength: 5
Synergy: 5


Feral Tactics- [deals 1d6+Dex damage. When fighting Rodents or Avians however, deals 2d6+Dex instead]


Restorative Breath- The specimen opens Its mouth and exudes a breath filled with rejuvenating essence, healing wounds and soothing pains. It seems to be especially powerful when used on fellow Draconic entities [Heal 1d6+Syn Health. When used against fellow Dragons, heals 2d10+Syn Health instead.]


Hunting- [This unit gains a 10% bonus to their stats while tracking or using stealth, with a minimum boost of 1.] 


Dragon-proof doc- [The user has +10 RES against attacks from dragons, and +20 RES against attacks from friendly dragons.]



Fly (Trick)- The user takes flight [The user is in the air, and all that entails.]



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 A solid, black line appears on the wall inside of the bus. It slowly moves, growing into the vague shape of a doorway, complete with a doorknob. The door opens, rudely shoving forth a slender figure with a fashionable fur coat over a blue cardigan and a slightly jostled black beret on her oddly colored hair, blending from purple to teal. She looks behind her to see the doorway receding into a faint mark, almost indistinguishable from the worn wall that it was drawn on.


Her voice carries through the bus, speaking with poise and dignity. "Kyle, your house really has gone to the dumps. I don't like the 'Ragged mad scientist creepy bus' vibe you have going on. Wait...... Kyle? Where am- What the damn hell?"


She looks around at the cluttered yet organized contents of the bus in confusion before her eyes land on a shadowy cloaked figure sitting down with a bucket of popcorn. "Who are you, where am I, and what are you doing in that train-wreck of a cloak?"

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If there are remaining enemies by Calvera's turn, she pops a Solar Flare, to clean up what's left.



Actions (6 action slots):


Solar Flare- Sends out a massive wave of heat, hitting all enemies in the area.

-(Level 1) 1d6 + SYN Damage. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.

-(Level 2) 2d6 + SYN Damage. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.

-(Level 3) 3d6 + SYN Damage. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 3 turns.

-(Level 4) 3d6 + SYN Damage. Enemies make a SYN vs RES contested check to take [SYN/4]d3 fire damage for 3 turns. Cooldown: 2 turns.

Sun Boil- A bolt of fire flies out to hit a target.

-(Level 1) Deals 2d6 + SYN damage.

-(Level 2) Deals 3d6 + SYN damage.



Flare Up- When RX Calvera goes below 50% HP, she enters her Solar Form. 

-(Level 1) Grants her double SYN for 2 turns. Once per encounter.


Faster- Calvera has learned to move her body properly, given time to adjust to it.

-(Level 1) +1 move every turn


Size Matters (Trick)- RX Calvera gets a bonus to her SYN in combat.

-(Level 1) +10% SYN


Neutron- RX Calvera brightens, and turns white, shrinking to the size of a grain of sand. Afterwards, she expands as she fires out a giant beam of x-ray radiation.

-(Level 1) For 1 turn, she is untargetable. At the end of that 1 turn, she deals [SYN*3] damage to a given target. Must be in Solar Form. Once per encounter.


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HP: 21/26
Ess:4, Con:3, Dex:14(6+8), Int:7, Res:3, Str:0, Syn:0.



Heave Edge: 3 turns.

Blizzard(Blast): 2 turns.


If an attack would reduce Frigus's HP to 0 or lower, it instead reduces it to 1 unless Frigus was at 1 HP when the attack landed or the attack would reduce Frigus to a negative HP that’s absolute value is greater than his MHP.

Every 8 Actions taken by any combination of targets from any side, Frigus gains +2 Dex for the rest of the battle, up to a maximum of +12.

Each attack reduces Init of struck enemies by 1.

Stun immunity only kicks in after the second consecutive turn.



Frigus took a half a step back, he quickly surveyed the remains of the flying creature, they didn't look like they were going to be getting back up any time soon.

That was when he caught sight of the great lightning beast.  Some sort of cat-like creature with long trailing capes(?) coming off the back of it's neck.  Whatever it was it wasn't going to live much longer to terrorize people in this world.


Frigus uses his first action to make a Keyblade attack against the Vajra, Combo+ triggers, he deals 2d6+[Dex] cold damage twice.


Frigus uses his next two actions for more Keyblade attacks against the Vajra, he deals 2d6+[Dex] cold damage twice.


With his last action Frigus casts Cure on himself and the ally with the lowest HP, this restores 1d4+[Int] HP to each.






Name: Keyblade

Damage: 0d6+[Dex]

Type: Active

Special Qualities:

-Bound: Keyblades are very particular about their wielders.  Anyone who tries to wield/pick up/steal a keyblade who hasn't been properly initiated/isn't deemed worthy will find that the keyblade disintegrates in their hand.  A keyblade may be summoned into or out of existence by its owner much like one would sheathe or unsheathe a sword.

-Growing Power: May spend Merit to increase the size of the dices by one tier(d6>d8>d10>d12>d14 etc), and to add threshold bonuses.

-Keychains: The form and power of a keyblade is drawn out by the keychain you attach to the base blade.  Attaching a bauble(“keychain”) to this weapon grants it bonus damage/powers based on that bauble.  No more than one keychain may be attached at any point in time, though they may be changed out for one another.  The keychain does not take an action slot.

-Lockbreaker I: You may use your Keyblade to open mundane locks with relative ease, the GM may prompt an Int check for more difficult locks.


Name: FrostFell

Description: A keychain to be attached to the keyblade to draw out a new form and power.  FrostFell was made with a bitter cold magic, and so the keyblade will take on the form of pale blue, semitransparent ice crystals cobbled together to make up the shaft, handle, and head.  The entire blade is rough and natural looking, save the grip and cutting edge that have been ground smooth.  The charm itself appears to be a shard of ice wrapped in silver wire.

Type: Socketed

Special Qualities:

-Keychain: Attached to “Keyblade”

-Icy Bolster: Increase damage by two dice, damage becomes cold.

-Cold Blooded: Reduce Init of struck enemies by 1.





Cure: Restorative energy that mends bones and seals wounds.  

Restore 1d4+[Int] HP of one target.

-Level 2(trick): +1 target.


Blizzard(Blast): Send out a cone of ice magic that freezes those affected.  

Deal [Key dmg]+[Int](in place of Dex) cold damage to three targets, reduce their Init by [Int]/3, cooldown=2.

-Level 2: +1 target.


Heave Edge(Trick): The user attacks with an aerial slam, breaking wings and engines alike.

Deal 4d6+Str damage to a target. If the target is flying, they are stunned, and a ground enemy takes damage as well from this. The user must spend all their remaining moves this turn to perform this attack, 4 Turn Cooldown.




Combo+(Trick): Once per round when you make a basic Keyblade attack against a target you may follow up with an additional basic Keyblade attack against the same target as a free action.


Air Combo+(Trick): Once per round when you make a basic Keyblade attack against a target you may follow up with an additional basic Keyblade attack against the same target as a free action, so long as you are in the air.


Freezing Aura: Release waves for freezing magic that seems to slow even time itself.

Every 8 Actions taken by any combination of targets from any side, Frigus gains +2 Dex for the rest of the battle, up to a maximum of +12.


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16 hours ago, Irbsandcheese said:

 A solid, black line appears on the wall inside of the bus. It slowly moves, growing into the vague shape of a doorway, complete with a doorknob. The door opens, rudely shoving forth a slender figure with a fashionable fur coat over a blue cardigan and a slightly jostled black beret on her oddly colored hair, blending from purple to teal. She looks behind her to see the doorway receding into a faint mark, almost indistinguishable from the worn wall that it was drawn on.


Her voice carries through the bus, speaking with poise and dignity. "Kyle, your house really has gone to the dumps. I don't like the 'Ragged mad scientist creepy bus' vibe you have going on. Wait...... Kyle? Where am- What the damn hell?"


She looks around at the cluttered yet organized contents of the bus in confusion before her eyes land on a shadowy cloaked figure sitting down with a bucket of popcorn. "Who are you, where am I, and what are you doing in that train-wreck of a cloak?"

Jun would slowly look up from her tub of popcorn to try and face the newcomer before she simply replied by saying "Well my name is Ambassador Jun, and yes you are in fact inside of a mad scientist's creepy dimension hopping school bus. And yes, blood stains do not go well with purple apparently.".

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For now just supervising (well, with some level of awe) as Julie made good on her idea and started to grow the little wall she'd built to legitimately useful size, Satomi took note and mentally shifted her thought process from a destructive one to a constructive one -- if Julie really was going to grow the wall out to trap the monsters, Satomi found it likely that the monsters would make an attempt to break out, in which case it would very much behoove the Kaiu family samurai to put her repair skills to good use.


Satomi switches out the Structural Disassembly trick from her loadout (because I only put it in by accident when copy pasting my ability texts) with Structural Repair!




Relevant Flaw: Bad EyesightFrankly, Satomi's sight is just terrible, as the girl is extremely nearsighted, a decided hindrance in battle, and didn't come from a world with significant ability to deal with this. Satomi has a 20% chance to miss any attack.


Perfection CrossbowA mechanical, spring-powered repeating crossbow that is capable of renocking itself after every shot without having to pull a lever -- at the expense of being ridiculously hard to initially load. It is also incredibly lightweight, but that makes it fragile and exacerbates the reloading issues. This item does not take up a slot, skills which target gear for destruction automatically succeed against this item.

Level 1: Deal 2d6+Dex Damage. The user may instead deal 6d6+Dex Damage, but must spend 3 turns reloading afterwards.


DaishoA set of two swords (a katana and a shorter wakizashi) carried by absolutely any Samurai at all times, the Daisho is a mark of the Samurai's noble class and honor. 2d6+STR damage, when upgrading the weapon Satomi can choose a different effect for each sword (Katana and Wakizashi) for each level, but must choose only one of these swords to wield in combat at the beginning of each encounter.


Time Sandwich Samurai Armor (Level 2): These rectangular plates of samurai armor (on Satomi's thighs, shoulders, and chest) have been modified, with usage of the metal resulting from the bay explosion making the armor extremely difficult to pierce without sustained effort -- damage only sticks on one of the phases of the timeshifting metal.

Level 1: +3 RES when equipped.

Level 2: +4 further RES when equipped.


Gempukku (Level 5): For Satomi's ritual of graduation into becoming a true Samurai (her Gempukku), as a Kaiu she had to create a siege weapon used on the Great Kaiu Wall. This has rather informed her skillset. Satomi gets a 50% bonus to checks when creating a defensive fortification or a siege weapon.

Level 2-5: Upgraded in 10% increments, to 50% total


Structural Repair: Satomi starts to repair the damage done to a structure, a skill she has developed over the course of her duties. (INT+CON)d4 damage repaired to a structure such as a base, building, siege weapon, or fortification.


Destructive Inspiration: Satomi is suddenly struck with a burst of inspiration as to how to use a siege or base weapon to devastating effect. For the rest of the encounter, when Satomi uses this weapon she has a 33% chance of getting a critical hit with it, a critical hit which deals 3x the damage rather than simply 2x the damage, and has an additional effect at the GM's discretion. Can only be used once per World.




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The newcomer looks around questioningly. 

"Well.... This place of yours is... Uhm..." She trails off, trying to come up with a complement. 

"Anyway, sorry to bother you but I have somewhere else I need to be, so, toodles" She waves her hand and grabs a paintbrush from behind her ear. She swiftly paints a vague door shape on the wall, similar to the one she walked in through, opens it and leaves. 


And enters on the opposite side of the bus through a door of similar style. 

She stares, frustrated, at the paintbrush. "Why am I looping back here?" Sighing, she looks back at Jun, and takes a seat next to her and offers her hand in greeting. "It seems something wants me here. I'm Alyssa. Pleasure to meet you. Now, what are you watching?"

She looks out of the bus at what appears to her to be a very high quality magiscreen with a show containing some intricate fight scene going on. Hmm, seems that whoever created this was not a good costumer.

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Harry somehow slaps a bandaid on Lilly while she’s high in the air, the same going with Lucille, healing Lilly for 17 hp and Lucille for 14


Once it was done roaring, the Vajra bounded forward, using it’s own momentum to jump forward, slamming itself onto the ground behind Soma and Satomi, widely slashing at the both of them, dealing 21 damage to Somatotrope and whacking her aside, causing the growth on the wall to pause as it’s source was violently thrown away, and slashing at Satomi, whose only saving grace was her current armor, saving doing it’s work and absorbing most of the Aragami’s claws. Still, she took a hefty 21 damage from the claws, since Vajra slashes are still no joke.


As this happens, Lindow jumps over the wall, noticing the Vajra already getting to work trying to kill people, sighing slightly before jumping down, his sword opening to allow a large, black mass with a large jaw to form from his blade, before jabbing his God Arc out, the mouth clamping over the Vajra’s side before tearing itself away, causing the Vajra to roar in pain as the God Arc takes off a fat 46 hp from it’s health bar, as well as healing Lindow for 13 HP, fully healing the God Eater.


Soma simply continues his assault on the Chi-You, slashing through it one last time with 25 damage, causing the Chi-You to fall over, dead.


Lucille gets knocked  into her Sanctuary.


Kusuke recalls himself, getting rid of that pesky debuff.


Frigus flies over the rubble, moving to attack the Vajra with his keyblade, initiating a new combo on the giant Aragami, dealing 31 damage with his first strike, and 28 with his second. The Vajra doesn’t seem very pleased by this.


The Fallen Ogretail begin to advance, all of them firing spikes from their tails once more at Soma, Kusuke, Harry, and Calvera.
(47) Soma is unable to dodge one of the spikes and takes 13 damage as a result.
Kusuke, surprisingly, is able to simply recall out of the way of the spike that came to him, causing the Fallen Ogretail to pause in confusion at the sight.
Harry himself isn’t exactly able to dodge the spike himself, but his current, wyvern scaled layered vest more than makes up for that, stopping the spike so hard that it simply bounces off.
The spike fired from the Fallen Ogretail may have done something to Calvera… At least, if she didn’t simply move out of the way and let it fly past.


Just as Harry survived getting spiked (again), the Ogretail that had previously missed Harry turned back towards the doctor, biting at him. While Harry was able to avoid having anything get really bitten off, the Ogretail still managed to get a good bite on his arm, dealing 20 damage.


Satomi fixes her error after nearly getting killed, removing Structural Disassembly and changing it for Structural Repair. Now she can fix herself.


With the Chi-You now finished, Soma turns around, dashing forward and slashing through the remaining regular Ogretail that was ready to try and turn Harry into a meal, killing the creature for good with 27 damage.


Kusuke grants two more moves to Soma, who uses them to begin attacking one of the Fallen Ogretail, killing it with a combination of 25 damage and 30 damage from his sword swings.


The Vajra, after getting slashed at multiple times across it’s face, crouches a bit, before roaring towards the sky, lightning exploding from it’s being. Lindow, unfortunately, is blown away from this, the sudden explosion of lightning from the Vajra catching him off guard, taking a heavy 26 damage from the lightning. Frigus is more or less in the same boat, the explosion flinging him away and causing him to crash on the ground with 20 damage. It doesn’t look like his combo is going to continue right now, considering the arcs of electricity that zipped around his body, slowing his movements.


(26) Thankfully, Nhevi does not mess up Lucille’s Sanctuary by entering it, her corruption activating break it on the Sancuary, and leaving her to die by the Vajra. In fact, it makes it even STRONGER, granting a passive healing for everyone in it that heals them for 10 hp per turn.


Frigus is currently paralyzed!


Suddenly, the flying form of Lilly (and Ador, fused into her) flies from the sky, slamming into the Vajra’s head, causing the Aragami to be slammed into the floor, dazed. Lilly deals a remarkable total of 6 damage, and stuns the Vajra! Thank god.


Somatotrope is currently knocked down and getting back up!


Frigus is still paralyzed!


Lucille gets rid of the Sanctuary Trump.


Lindow, with a slight groan, getting back to his feet, shaking his head from the explosion of lightning. Damn thing hurt, that was for sure.


As the Vajra lies dazed, a torpedo flies in from above, exploding on the Aragami’s back, dealing 35 damage and causing the beast to roar as it began to get to it’s feet again.


Lucille plays a little song on her kazoo, healing Frigus for (18%) by 5 HP, while Bacchus heals Somatotrope for 6 HP.


Proditor finally decides to be useful, using Rift against the three Fallen Ogretail AND the Vajra.
(33, 18) The Fallen Ogretail take 42 damage each and somehow become Nauseated, having a 50% chance to miss their targets next turn.
(47, 27) The Vajra gets Nauseated, and takes 32 damage itself.


Frigus is nearly unparalyzed.


Calvera hits all enemies with Solar Flare with 29 damage, finishing off the few Ogretail that were remaining while also nearly taking down the Fallen Ogretail. However, she appears to have made them a tad more angry. Sadly, she is unable to kill any of them.

Proditor gets +4 more Int, reaching his max.

Frigus gets +4 more Dex.

Harry regens 5 hp.


















Fallen Ogretail




















































Arminius 24/24 Healthy

Calvera 30/30 Healthy

Frigus 6/26 Wounded. +12 Dex, getting unparalyzed

Harry 22/48 Spiked still

Jun 24/24 Healthy

Kusuke 22/22 Healthy

Lilly 37/54 Spiked, Union, back in the fight

Lucille 28/28 Healthy

Mirri 22/22 Healthy

X-Wing: 6/6

Proditor 22/22 Healthy, +12 Int

Nhevi 20/20 Healthy

Satomi 1/22 Wounded

Somatotrope 6/22 Wounded, stunned



Sanctuary 8 turns left.



God Eaters


Lindow: 34/60 Wounded, getting unparalyzed

Soma: 47/60 Wounded




5 dead Ogretail.

3 dead Fallen Zygotes.

3 Fallen Ogretail: Angry, hungry, nauseated. 1 Dead. 

2 Dead Chi-You

Vajra: Getting it's assed kicked, really hungry, dazed, nauseated.


Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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"Not a show by the way, Jun is just overly casual about our companions fighting off... whatever those are. Not that I'm one to talk really."
Arminius sits up in his seat to greet the new comer.

"I'm Arminius. I take it you're hear to save the multiverse as well? Ebon must have been busy, she briefs all the newbies in some way according to the last two."

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HP: 6/26
Ess:4, Con:3, Dex:18(6+12), Int:7, Res:3, Str:0, Syn:0.



Heave Edge: 2 turns.

Blizzard(Blast): Last turn.


If an attack would reduce Frigus's HP to 0 or lower, it instead reduces it to 1 unless Frigus was at 1 HP when the attack landed or the attack would reduce Frigus to a negative HP that’s absolute value is greater than his MHP.

Every 8 Actions taken by any combination of targets from any side, Frigus gains +2 Dex for the rest of the battle, up to a maximum of +12.

Each attack reduces Init of struck enemies by 1.

Stun immunity only kicks in after the second consecutive turn.



Frigus pulled himself up from the ground and looked around, the lightning beast had sure done a number on himself and his teammates alike.  So instead of jumping right back in and starting to attack the thing again he took a step back and started calling several healing spells on the more wounded party members.


On his first turn Frigus makes a Keyblade Attack against the Vajra, Combo+ activates, he deals 2d6+[Dex] cold damage twice.


Frigus spends his next two turns casting Cure each turn on the two lowest HP party members at the time, this restores 1d4+[Int] HP to two targets with each use.


Then with his remaining two turns he makes Keyblade Attacks against the Vajra(or whatever is left) dealing 2d6+[Dex] cold damage with each attack.





Name: Keyblade

Damage: 0d6+[Dex]

Type: Active

Special Qualities:

-Bound: Keyblades are very particular about their wielders.  Anyone who tries to wield/pick up/steal a keyblade who hasn't been properly initiated/isn't deemed worthy will find that the keyblade disintegrates in their hand.  A keyblade may be summoned into or out of existence by its owner much like one would sheathe or unsheathe a sword.

-Growing Power: May spend Merit to increase the size of the dices by one tier(d6>d8>d10>d12>d14 etc), and to add threshold bonuses.

-Keychains: The form and power of a keyblade is drawn out by the keychain you attach to the base blade.  Attaching a bauble(“keychain”) to this weapon grants it bonus damage/powers based on that bauble.  No more than one keychain may be attached at any point in time, though they may be changed out for one another.  The keychain does not take an action slot.

-Lockbreaker I: You may use your Keyblade to open mundane locks with relative ease, the GM may prompt an Int check for more difficult locks.


Name: FrostFell

Description: A keychain to be attached to the keyblade to draw out a new form and power.  FrostFell was made with a bitter cold magic, and so the keyblade will take on the form of pale blue, semitransparent ice crystals cobbled together to make up the shaft, handle, and head.  The entire blade is rough and natural looking, save the grip and cutting edge that have been ground smooth.  The charm itself appears to be a shard of ice wrapped in silver wire.

Type: Socketed

Special Qualities:

-Keychain: Attached to “Keyblade”

-Icy Bolster: Increase damage by two dice, damage becomes cold.

-Cold Blooded: Reduce Init of struck enemies by 1.





Cure: Restorative energy that mends bones and seals wounds.  

Restore 1d4+[Int] HP of one target.

-Level 2(trick): +1 target.


Blizzard(Blast): Send out a cone of ice magic that freezes those affected.  

Deal [Key dmg]+[Int](in place of Dex) cold damage to three targets, reduce their Init by [Int]/3, cooldown=2.

-Level 2: +1 target.


Heave Edge(Trick): The user attacks with an aerial slam, breaking wings and engines alike.

Deal 4d6+Str damage to a target. If the target is flying, they are stunned, and a ground enemy takes damage as well from this. The user must spend all their remaining moves this turn to perform this attack, 4 Turn Cooldown.




Combo+(Trick): Once per round when you make a basic Keyblade attack against a target you may follow up with an additional basic Keyblade attack against the same target as a free action.


Air Combo+(Trick): Once per round when you make a basic Keyblade attack against a target you may follow up with an additional basic Keyblade attack against the same target as a free action, so long as you are in the air.


Freezing Aura: Release waves for freezing magic that seems to slow even time itself.

Every 8 Actions taken by any combination of targets from any side, Frigus gains +2 Dex for the rest of the battle, up to a maximum of +12.


Edited by StormLord
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Slssssh-scrrrp! The claws raking across Satomi's body made that two-textured sound, as they tore deeply into her stomach, ripped up to near the bottom of her ribcage, and then were thankfully hindered by her armor, the sound changing from flesh tearing to instead the sound of metal scraping as the claws poked into the outer plate of her armor, were arrested by the rapidly-shifting time metal, and then more or less bounced off. This meant that while Satomi's chest was protected aside from bruising, her waist and stomach fared a lot worse. Her kimono mostly survived the attack, with the fabric for the most part just shifted upwards and into the wound (including her now very-mussed-up sash), and this did disguise some of the extent of it, but nonetheless the front of her kimono was now very slick with blood, gore soaking through or having splashed out when Satomi was hit -- she was a bloody mess.


She also hadn't been able to stifle a scream, either, because despite herself an agonized shriek was wrenched out of her. That wasn't going to stop Satomi, though; she clenched her teeth tight enough she almost worried they'd break, and then she got moving again, crawling up the support beams of the now-eight-foot wall and leaving a trail of blood on them as she did. Then she took in a deep breath, and called out as best as she could: "If you need to... grrgh, use this wall as cover! I... don't know exactly how resistant it is to attack... but I am here to repair it, kkh, and it's absolutely going to be better than nothing!"


Then Satomi dropped back down, letting out another noise as she touched the ground, and she pulled out her wakizashi and grabbed a piece of rubble, preparing to repair the wall if the Vajra attacked it; she was absolutely not going to abandon her duty because of something so simple as a wound, even if it really hurt. She knew that she wasn't adept in combat quite in the way that the rest of the group seemed to be, and unfortunately the Vajra's attack was ensuring that the original plan Julie had had, but... well, Satomi was going to help out with this wall in some way, and to that end she'd keep it standing.


Satomi delays her move until after the Vajra's last move, and then uses Structural Repair on the wall, presuming that it has been hit!



Relevant Flaw: Bad EyesightFrankly, Satomi's sight is just terrible, as the girl is extremely nearsighted, a decided hindrance in battle, and didn't come from a world with significant ability to deal with this. Satomi has a 20% chance to miss any attack.


Perfection CrossbowA mechanical, spring-powered repeating crossbow that is capable of renocking itself after every shot without having to pull a lever -- at the expense of being ridiculously hard to initially load. It is also incredibly lightweight, but that makes it fragile and exacerbates the reloading issues. This item does not take up a slot, skills which target gear for destruction automatically succeed against this item.

Level 1: Deal 2d6+Dex Damage. The user may instead deal 6d6+Dex Damage, but must spend 3 turns reloading afterwards.


DaishoA set of two swords (a katana and a shorter wakizashi) carried by absolutely any Samurai at all times, the Daisho is a mark of the Samurai's noble class and honor. 2d6+STR damage, when upgrading the weapon Satomi can choose a different effect for each sword (Katana and Wakizashi) for each level, but must choose only one of these swords to wield in combat at the beginning of each encounter.


Time Sandwich Samurai Armor (Level 2): These rectangular plates of samurai armor (on Satomi's thighs, shoulders, and chest) have been modified, with usage of the metal resulting from the bay explosion making the armor extremely difficult to pierce without sustained effort -- damage only sticks on one of the phases of the timeshifting metal.

Level 1: +3 RES when equipped.

Level 2: +4 further RES when equipped.


Gempukku (Level 5): For Satomi's ritual of graduation into becoming a true Samurai (her Gempukku), as a Kaiu she had to create a siege weapon used on the Great Kaiu Wall. This has rather informed her skillset. Satomi gets a 50% bonus to checks when creating a defensive fortification or a siege weapon.

Level 2-5: Upgraded in 10% increments, to 50% total


Structural Repair: Satomi starts to repair the damage done to a structure, a skill she has developed over the course of her duties. (INT+CON)d4 damage repaired to a structure such as a base, building, siege weapon, or fortification.


Destructive Inspiration: Satomi is suddenly struck with a burst of inspiration as to how to use a siege or base weapon to devastating effect. For the rest of the encounter, when Satomi uses this weapon she has a 33% chance of getting a critical hit with it, a critical hit which deals 3x the damage rather than simply 2x the damage, and has an additional effect at the GM's discretion. Can only be used once per World.


Edited by Powder Miner
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As the spike bounced off his new armor, Harry laughed a bit. It worked. He'd managed to grow something like this in just a few hours? Well, the possibilities that he had in mind were growing. They would, however, need to wait. He arrived over at Satomi, lying on the ground bleeding. "Stop moving for a moment. And talking. Just for a moment." With the amount of exertion the girl was putting into working on the wall while she bled out was perhaps admirable, but certainly stupid. Harry pushed silk away from the wound, and gave everything a quick glance, practiced analysis allowing him to determine things beyond the layer of blood coating everything. He then knelt down beside the girl. "Muscle and skin wounds, damage to the small intestine. Any higher, and you'd have been in trouble. More trouble." He went silent then as he worked.


First, he made of point of rapidly cleaning out the wound. She didn't need the enzymes from the small intestine in her blood stream or anything. Then, it was on to the actual damage. First, a few general accelerants, speeding up the natural response to this type of injury, then a binder. One specifically chosen for this section and place in the body out of a few which Harry had. Then the flesh repair. A few muscle bonding agents, clotting agents, and a few other chemicals, and something that could probably best be described as a high tech glue for sealing the wound.


"Well, come on, get up." He offered her a hand up, muttering as he glanced over the bloody kimono. "We're going to need to get a washing machine on that bus." He grabbed his stuff, and hurried off to the next patient. The ice wizard guy. Lightning was always fun to deal with. At least it hadn't gone through his heart. That would have been quite the situation. When Kusuke popped over, Harry nodded. Might be a good idea to discuss priorities with him after the battle as far as heals go. Prevent any inefficiency due to them both trying to fix the same person. 



Harry uses Slap on a bandaid and call it good enough on Satomi, Frigus, Lilly, and Lindow. Heals for 1d4+13 HP, first strike. Heals Harry for half the damage healed. Harry also gets 10% of his HP regened at the end of the round. Remember his flaw causes him to take hits from the enemies targeting those he heals.


HP: (Con*2)+20=42+6=48
Moves: Equal to your Dex, minus the average Dex of this Encounter.  Minimum 2.

Essence: 1

Constitution: 11

Dexterity: 1

Intelligence:  8 (x1.25)->10 (+3 on wounded)

Resistance:  3 (+9)->12

Strength:  3

Synergy: 1



Prodigy: Harry's INT is treated as boosted by 25%.

Advanced Biotechnology: Harry regains 10% MHP per turn.

Applied Knowledge: When Harry tends to someone else's wounds, he regains half the HP he healed for them.



Combat Surgeon's a dangerous job: For one round after Harry heals an ally, he will be hit by a copy of the first attack made against the ally that he healed. If he used a multiheal, he simply takes a copy of the first three attacks made against the subjects of the multiheal.


Slots (6/6):

Slap on Bandaid and call it good enough: Heals one target by 1d4+INT

Level 2: This heal now has first strike.

Disinfect: Remove all statuses from a chosen target. 2 turn cooldown.


Speedy Prognosis: Harry gets one extra turn per combat round, only allowed to be used for healing actions (no attacking actions, maybe no buffing). Nonupgradeable, and cannot be duplicated.


Bone Reinforcement: Harry has +3 MHP, this passive doesn't take up a slot.

Level 2: Now +6.


Jump Start: If an ally has been brought to 0 HP within the last two rounds, Harry, using a combination of a large adrenaline injection, a small electric defibrillator, and a bunch of cellular regeneration compounds, may bring that ally back to life at half health. Once per world cooldown, and won't work if the ally has been completely incinerated or something similar.


Wolftech Kevlar Polymer Synthesis Heavy Ballistic Infantry Combat Armor: Grants +5 RES, but at a -2 STR penalty.

Level 2 (merit): This armor no longer has a penalty.

Level 3 (Trick): This armor now grants 2 less RES, but grants two Slots which can only be used for specially designed items (Plates, primarily)

  • 1xDeath Wyvern Plate (+3 RES)
  • 1xDeath Wyvern Plate (+3 RES)

D'Arnet's Modern Military Medical Procedures Digital+Field Kit: Whenever Harry is faced with a problem he is having difficulty with, he consults this eleven thousand page book on his compad, where there are clear and concise instructions for unusual situations, with even speculative ideas about Xenobiology. It even contains an advanced human being analogue program, used for field tutorials and for estimating the effects of chemicals on human physiology. Harry may be brilliant, but even he needs a compilation of all the knowledge he can get, and tools. Grants +3 to INT when treating wounded.


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As the strike sent Somatotrope flying, like a can of spam flung at a wall in a fit of hunger induced rage at the frustration of opening it, she crashes into the ground, in incredible pain, and then, a lot of emotions all at once, Impotent Rage, Frustration, Annoyance, but under it all, an ice cold tone of Helplessness cuts it's way through her, like a fault line in a tectonic plate suddenly cutting open a chasm between tons of stone and magma as it grits together.


She lands, much like the aforementioned spam, with a sort of splat.


As she lays on the ground, she can't help but think in a fit of frustration how easy it might be, she can practically feel strange powers buried under her own power, like a needle stuck under the skin.  She's been extrapolating a lot of things lately that seem to be changing the very nature of it.


With a shake of her head, she crawls to her feet, and stumbles into the Sanctuary, Preparing to begin using her power on the wall again as she forces away thoughts of temptation.


Somatotrope moves into the Sanctuary!



Edited by Hal Henderics
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4 hours ago, kj1225 said:

"Not a show by the way, Jun is just overly casual about our companions fighting off... whatever those are. Not that I'm one to talk really."
Arminius sits up in his seat to greet the new comer.

"I'm Arminius. I take it you're hear to save the multiverse as well? Ebon must have been busy, she briefs all the newbies in some way according to the last two."

"Oh. That does make these circumstances more dire, doesn't it? Hello, Arminius, I'm Alyssa. I... Save the multiverse? I suppose I've always wanted to do that. Well, that at least answers one question. Now, the most important question of all. What is a striking young man like you doing wearing orange? It does not complement those beautiful eyes of yours in any way. I could really do some magic with that and your facial structure and...."

She looks contemplative, staring at you while twirling the paintbrush around in one hand.

"Mmmhmmm... Yes, yes, maybe... Oh, wouldn't that be darling... Yes, I've got plans for you. Now, should we go and help them or do they do things like this all of the time?"

She looks at the battlefield for a moment.

"Oh dear. That looks like it hurt."

Edited by Irbsandcheese
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Arminius didn't know how to react for a moment. The last time a strange woman complimented him on his eyes with a paintbrush in hand... He shakes himself of the slightly awkward memory.

"I didn't actually pick these out. My commander did. She likes oranges and reds, kind of her "Thing" you know? Anyways, yeah that looks like it's getting pretty nasty... I'll go give them a talking to."

He gets up and pauses to look at Alyssa.

"I'd offer to trade info on what we each can do but I figure we're going to do that real quick anyways."


Arminius enter the battle with fingers.

Arminius Steals a bit of essence from the Vajra. 

Fingers protects the master.




Inspire: Improve an ally’s morale giving them +½ essence to Str for a turn.

    More Inspirational: Inspire lasts for an additional turn.

Mourner's Ice: Arminius forcibly grabs some of the opponent's soul and takes it for himself. This reduces the opponent's Essence by 1 for the encounter and gives Arminius an essence piece of a type that depends on the person he took it from.

Barbed Wit: Viciously mock an enemy, dealing 1d4+Intelligence damage. Blocked by Essence
Minion, help!: When Arminius is below half health, his Minions gain +½ Essence Res.

Mass Inspire: Improves all ally’s Morale giving them +½ essence to Str for 5 turns. Usable once per plot.

    Churchill's Counterpart: Also improves the RES of allies.

AK47: Deal 1d12 damage, split among 10-Dex enemy targets, minimum 1.



Protect the master!: Takes damage from one attack in the place of Arminius.

 ‘Ere we go!: Pumps herself up, giving +STR to her strength next turn.
The master protects! :) :When Arminus’ health is over 50% Finger’s Res is doubled.
Da little waagh: Free Action. Doubles Finger’s attacks for 2 turns.  Usable once per plot.
 Bashin’ stick: A surprisingly nasty looking club… if it wasn’t made for a goblin. Deal 1d4+Str damage.


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Kusuke, after narrowly avoiding the assault, popped over to Somatotrope. "This should have you up and moving, one sec." He mentally pushed her as he put one hand on her shoulder, and sent her body back to a few moments ago, before it had been battered by their monsters. After a quick check to make sure he hadn't horribly screwed her up, he darted toward Harry. "You know the drill by this point, right?" He did something similar and yet not, shifting around in the timeline and bringing multiple Harrys into the present for a few brief moments.


Recall Somatotrope, Doubleshift Harry twice

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