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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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"Have fun and try not to die. I'll just stay here. Where it's relatively safe. And I'm not fighting random creatures with other random people."

Alyssa looks over at Jun with a judgmental look on her face.
"Really, darling, I can design you a new cloak. That thing isn't even suitable to use as a dog bed at this point. And I'm sure what you are wearing underneath that abomination is just as in need of help. Care for a remodel while they are fighting?"

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I. II. III. Lucille will use all 3 of her moves this turn to play the Healing Kazoo on whichever allies are at the lowest health! Brachus use his Restorative Breath on the same targets as lucille!

(Heal Kazoo restores [6d5]% Mhp on the target. Restorative Breath heals 1d6+Syn{5} HP on the target)

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Union hovered in the air with slow steady wing flaps, though pleased they at least dazed the creature they were displeased by the lack of severe damage.

 It was also clearly the biggest threat. They would focus all there destructive power on it.


They breath in, and call on the magic in there body. directing it, Gathering it in there stomach and lungs. Before breathing it out in a stream of pure devastation.

 A chaotic mess of light and color, an explosive, churning rainbow of magic which could sear away just about anything. Flesh, bone, stone, metal. Even if they don't outright kill this thing, they should at least be able to deal some damage. The stream hurtles downward, all of it focused on one target.


Breath of annihilation, one target. The big monster.

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Defying time itself due to the effects of the local time fucker, Harry puts more bandaids on several other people, healing Satomi for 16 hp, Lilly for 15, Frigus for 14, and Lindow for 14


Shaking off the dizziness from the fused dragon and girl, the Vajra gets back to its feet, roaring loudly as the capes stood up, electricity flying across said capes.


“Aragami activating! Be careful Lindow!” a voice shouted into Lindow’s communications, just as the God Eater got to his feet, bringing his hand to his ear, “Don’t worry, it won’t be active for much longer” he said, before charging forward, his God Arc expanding once again to create the large mouth that he had created before, chomping down on the Aragami, dealing 48 damage to the Vajra and healing himself for a rather low 9 hp.


Soma, on the other hand, continues to slaughter the other Ogretail, slashing through yet another and killing it with a hefty 28 damage and killing yet another Fallen Ogretail.


Lucille, in the safety of her Sanctuary, heals Soma for 21 hp, while Bacchus heals Satomi for 8 hp.


Kusuke rewinds Somatotrope, bringing her all the way back to full health!


Frigus gets back into the fight, comboing the Vajra to deal 21 damage with the first attack, and 22 damage with the second. The Vajra looks like it’s having a hard time standing…

The Fallen Ogretail get back to work attacking, even though there are only two left. One bites at Harry, dealing 16 damage with its attack, while the other shoots a spike at Soma (14), only for the God Eater to dodge it, nearly effortlessly.


Satomi prepares to repair her wall, if need be…


Soma, upon dodging the spike, notices the Vajra’s weakened state, and notices it preparing to bolt. 

Not if he had anything to say about it.

Suddenly, he began to spring, jumping over Satomi’s wall, landing on top of it before using it as a boost to jump further into the air, aiming his God Arc down as he fell… Before plunging it into the Vajra’s head, dealing 20 damage to the Vajra. Instantly, the Aragami rears up in pain, roaring loudly… Before falling forward, completely dead. 


The Vajra is dead! Ending encounter.



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With the Vajra dead, Lindow turns his head, seeing the two Fallen Ogretail seem to reconsider them being here. After a few seconds, the two remaining Aragami turned around, beginning to flee instead of fight. Smart, but he couldn’t really let them go, “Soma, would you do the honors and take care of the other two Ogretail?” Lindow called out, watching as Soma tore his God Arc free from the Vajra, jumping off the corpse,


“Fine. Just make sure to extract the Vajra core, unlike last time” Soma replied bluntly, turning around and running past the group, jumping over the wall once more to hunt down the remaining two Ogretail as they ran.


For a second, Lindow watched Soma run off, then he turned towards the strange group of people, planting his God Arc into the ground… Before pulling out a lighter and cigarette, “So. What is a group of… Non civilians, is my guess, doing out here and willingly picking fights with Aragami, without the presence of a God Eater in their group? Did you lose track of where they were or something?” he asked before taking a smoke. From his tone, he didn’t seem too surprised. More just simple curiosity.

Current loot is being decided, but you do have some Aragami corpses around.

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"Just a group of concerned. . . foreigners. We've got jobs to do all over the place, and our employer seems to send us with little warning, and sometimes lacking in certain utilities, like a god eater. Yet we seem to be doing okay so far." Harry answered offhandedly. He moved carefully through the corpses inspecting them closely, trying to guess which would be the best location for a sample. Though, it occurred to him to ask, "Mind if I take some samples? I've got a bit of a hobby as far as biology goes. Bit of botany too."

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At Harry's comment, Lindow looked at the Vajra corpse, then shrugs, grabbing his God Arc with one hand before walking up to the Vajra corpse. Honestly, in his opinion, it didn't make much sense still, though he could at least understand one's employer sending one someplace with little warning. Still, if there was supposed to be a traveling group of people, foreigner or not, then command would've informed him ahead of time.


Eh, didn't truly matter, in the end.


"Sure, we've got plenty Vajra parts back at base" Lindow said, crouching down to pick up a fang that had broken off the Vajra, watching as little sparks of electricity flowed across the tooth. Then, he turned, holding it out to Harry, "Glad it got angry before Soma took care of it. Harder to get a tooth in this condition."


Harry acquires a Vajra Spark Fang!

This tooth, broken off of an enraged Vajra, crackles lightly with electricity still flowing through it, though it is still not harmful. Perhaps this may help learn what the hell an Aragami is?


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"It's an Aragami. Vajra, specifically. Good luck getting off any usable parts off it though. I take it you haven't really studied up on the Aragami, have you?" Lindow asks, looking at Union as he said so. She kind of looked like an Aragami herself... This was really weird. Just, completely messed up right now. Hopefully Hibari was figuring out what was going on, because he sure as hell didn't.


When Union poked the Vajra with her foot, she could find the portion of the Vajra she touched suddenly fade away into black mist, falling to the ground before vanishing from sight.


After a bit of thought though, Lindow suddenly lifts his blade off of his shoulder, "Right, should probably remove the core" he said, before pulling his blade back, the hilt opening to allow the large black mass form around the blade. Then, he thrusted forwards, the mass taking a bite out of the Vajra, somehow leaving the entire body unharmed, before pulling back, the mass quickly retreating into his sword. For a second, one could see a bright orange orb close to the surface of the mass, but soon enough, the mass had vanished and Lindow had put his God Arc back onto his shoulder.

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  On 11/30/2017 at 1:29 AM, Irbsandcheese said:

"Have fun and try not to die. I'll just stay here. Where it's relatively safe. And I'm not fighting random creatures with other random people."

Alyssa looks over at Jun with a judgmental look on her face.
"Really, darling, I can design you a new cloak. That thing isn't even suitable to use as a dog bed at this point. And I'm sure what you are wearing underneath that abomination is just as in need of help. Care for a remodel while they are fighting?"


Jun had put down her now half full tub of popcorn a few moments after she heard Alyssa mention something about designing a new cloak. "Well to be fair you certainly look like someone who would know a thing or two about designing an outfit". After saying that she would take off whatever remained of her cloak before she quietly placed it on a nearby chair. "And it is not like I have anything better to do so....what have you got in mind?".

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Nhevi seems to have sort of blanked out and stared into a wall for a while, but suddenly shakes her head as if to wake up.


"Dammit! Missed stuff and didn't learn anything."


Once she enters the bus and sees Alyssa, she reacts and speaks... towards a section of the wall half a meter to the side of her it seem like. 


"Oh, hi! I've been waiting for you Alyssa! As you can see, i am in GRIM need of your services! None of that weird covering just about all of e in textiles thou, that just isn't my style."

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Noticing the apparent end of the fight, Alyssa sees someone new enter the bus.
Alyssa stares awkwardly gawking at the strange clash of magenta and black standing(?) in front of her. Jaw agape, she lets out some strange noise that may or may not have been an attempt at talking, but honestly not even she knows. This.... Person? Thing? in front of her is.... a sickening wretch of a disgrace to her very being as an artist, as a person, and shouldn't be. The walking color clash museum says something to her, but....... What was it?

"I- uh- yo- the- " She stops, blinks at Nhevi and with the grace of an elephant on roller skates, does the most cringe-worthy double-facepalm.

Alyssa trails her hands down her face. Alyssa stands up. Alyssa finds the nearest corner of the bus. Alyssa sits down facing the wall. Alyssa curls up into a ball. Alyssa finds a piece of lint on the floor. Alyssa picks it up. Alyssa stares intently at the lint. Alyssa searches desperately for some semblance of sanity.

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"Well that's weird," Harry muttered as he fingered the still tingling fang. Things must have been fine with a surplus of ozone in their lungs, if they had any. He then stepped away from the man with the sword, took his knofe out of his belt, and began cutting out small samples from the different enemies. From the two legged tailed and grounded beasts, both the flying humanoids, and the Vajra.


"So, mind telling us what the hell these things are? And why they need to be killed by teenagers with wristbreaking. . . 'swords', for lack of a better term? And yeah, I know one of you isn't a teenager, but that's irrelevant." He added the last part as an afterthought.

Edited by Strider
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Lucille released the Circuit and crept over to one of the fallen "Aragami" as the man over yonder had apparently named them. Her beast had been sent back to the bus- they may have cleared out the ones here, but it didn't mean there might not be more lurking in the area. Clicking her tongue a few times and using the ambient noises of the environment, she found her over to a large mass of something relatively soft, going off how the sounds had echoed from it. She clicked yet more times over it, as she ran her hands over the strange armored hide, and indeed, from the sonar imaging she got, it held the same basic profile as one of the bipedal, large tailed.... things that had joined the attack.

     "Such a waste.... though maybe it's for the best," she muttered "If your kind resisted me that easily, then you can't be that far off from gaining sapience. I wouldn't want to have one of your around, once that happened... considering what I felt inside your heads. Not as bad as the Serpent was, but not much better either."


Nevertheless, she opened her senses, let herself fall into the trance, and scryed over the remains, trying to find even a hint of what an "Aragami" was defined as, and how it generally functioned as a biological organism...or organisms rather, going off what she'd felt earlier.

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  On 12/1/2017 at 7:10 AM, Irbsandcheese said:

Noticing the apparent end of the fight, Alyssa sees someone new enter the bus.
Alyssa stares awkwardly gawking at the strange clash of magenta and black standing(?) in front of her. Jaw agape, she lets out some strange noise that may or may not have been an attempt at talking, but honestly not even she knows. This.... Person? Thing? in front of her is.... a sickening wretch of a disgrace to her very being as an artist, as a person, and shouldn't be. The walking color clash museum says something to her, but....... What was it?

"I- uh- yo- the- " She stops, blinks at Nhevi and with the grace of an elephant on roller skates, does the most cringe-worthy double-facepalm.

Alyssa trails her hands down her face. Alyssa stands up. Alyssa finds the nearest corner of the bus. Alyssa sits down facing the wall. Alyssa curls up into a ball. Alyssa finds a piece of lint on the floor. Alyssa picks it up. Alyssa stares intently at the lint. Alyssa searches desperately for some semblance of sanity.


Jun resisted the urge to roll her eyes inside of her all concealing helmet after she saw how Alyssa reacted to the gecko's sudden appearance, as she really seemed to be overreacting a fair bit. Although Jun did have to admit that all artists have a tinge of eccentricity to them, and that the realization that she was in fact face to face with a creature whose entire appearance seemed to serve as nothing but one giant middle finger to the entire concept of fashion might have been a bit...much. 

Jun would approach the artist after a few more moments had passed and she would slowly but surely sit down on the floor next to them before she quietly whispered the words "You know...you can't just stay here all day right? At some point you would have to stand up and stare at the rather rude...lizard and yell at them about the importance of clothing in a desperate attempt to hang onto the one piece of comfort you still have...or you could come with me right now and we can step outside of this bus and get a breath of fresh air and you can introduce yourself to a more...refined class of people."

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"Hey! I'm perfectly refined! And I appreciate fashion a great deal and it's a concept that extends way beyond large pieces of covering clothing anyway! I KNOW I need to accessorize that's why I asked for help! Besides, a truly great designer is able to work with whatever nature puts before them."

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Alyssa continues to sit in the corner to collect her thoughts.

Okay, this is wrong this is so very terribly wrong, a disgraceful use of the rainbow. But....but....

Jun's words fill her ear, followed by what is probably the..... thing speaking.

I still have to do this. I am more than a lowlife sitting on the floor. I'm the second greatest fashion designer in the world, damn you Enrico and your perfect model body and artistic

use of colors and luscious hair an-  Not the point. 

She shakes her head at herself as she begins to stand up. Taking a deep breath, she turns to face the abomination newcomer.

I can take this challenge. I can do anything, even design the perfect look for a-

She takes one look at them, closes her eyes and looks just to the side of the thing, avoiding the full horror of its appearance.

No, I can't.
"Hello. I don't believe I caught your name. Pleasure to meet you." She avoids looking at them, casually examining the contents of the bus.

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Alyssa considers shaking Nhevi's hand, but decides to nope the heck Out of there instead.

She turns to Jun, still cringing at the mere thought of Nhevi. "I believe you said something about fresh air. That sounds nice."

The thought breifly crosses her mind that the air might be toxic to her, but everyone else seems to be fine, so she probably will be too. Although some of the others seem to be absolutely not human at all.

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(61) Harry gets to work on taking some Aragami parts, and he finds that as he takes some of the Aragami parts off the bodies, they seem to dissipate into black mist and scatter away in the wind. Strange, but he's still able to get some stuff from the bodies, acquiring Vajra fur, some Ogretail armor-chips, and a small portion of a Chi-You's wing.


(69) Lucille uses her scrying abilities to learn about the Ogretail corpse she was investigating. She would quickly find out that, yes, the entire creature was made of smaller molecules, which were currently freaking out as they did not have something to truly control it, its "hive mind", specifically. As she investigated, she could feel the small organisms beginning to disperse, no longer being told to stay together, though Lucille could still sense some of the signals remaining from whatever the hive mind sent out last. It seemed that the last signal, now being ignored by the organisms, was something that ordered them to link up and stay together to form the shape of the Aragami. Weird.

At Harry and Calvera's questions, Lindow seemed to roll his eyes, tossing his cigar away, "I guess I should feel glad that the Aragami aren't enough of a threat for regular people to be actively studying and knowing about them" he muttered, before turning to the star and doctor, "Alright, this thing right here-" he began, pointing his God Arc at the Vajra, "- Is an Aragami. You know, those things that destroyed civilization just 20 years ago and probably would've eaten you if Soma and I weren't here. Both of us are God Eaters, by the way, and we work for the Fenrir Far East Branch. Where we are standing, if you recall reading a map, is what we refer to as the ‘City of Mercy’” Lindow said, taking a look around the rubble around him, “... Not so much of that anymore” he added.


Then, a small beep came from his ear, causing him to lift his finger at the group, asking for a little time. Then, he turned away, bringing said fingers to his ear, “Hey Hibari, how’s that research coming?” he asked. For the next few seconds, he remained silent, listening to whoever was on the other end, his relaxed smile turning into a more neutral setting as the time went on. Then, he nodded, “Hold up on that evac-copter, there are still some things I want to take care of here” he stated before letting his hand fall, turning back to the group,


“Now, I believe I left off at telling you where you managed to stumble into. This ‘wrist-breaking’ sword right here is a God Arc, practically the only weapon capable of killing an Aragami for good” he said, before his face grew serious, “With my questions answered, how about you answer some of mine. Specifically why none of you aren’t in the Fenrir database, why some of you look like Aragami yourselves-” he said, tilting his head towards Lilly as he said that, “-and why some of you look like you came out of a completely different world.”

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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The union of lilly and Ador splits, and Ador perches himself on lilly's shoulder, Looking at the god eaters curiously.

"Its a bitttt of a long story. If you want, I can just...."
She reaches out with Voice and makes contact with the minds of the god eaters. Speaking to them in a way all creatures can understand, and her own honesty can be proven.

'Tell you like this? Images and concepts are quicker.'


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When the battle was over Frigus took a deep breath and proceeded to dismiss his armor and weapon letting them drift off as an icy mist.

He took several steps over to the dead cat-thing, "Vajra" they called it.  He raised his hand over the body and cast a simple spell, one that worked to draw out aspects of the creature to create a synthesis crystal, after a second he was left holding a couple blocky studs of pale-yellowish crystal that arced with electricity every so often.  He briefly glanced over the material before putting it away.

"Lilly, please don't do anything that will make us regret letting them fish you out of the bay."

After speaking up Frigus remained mostly distracted as he wandered over to the only two "Ogretail" corpses that still had enough aspects to condense into something useful.

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