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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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Somatotrope meanwhile, is just standing and staring at her broken sword, obviously she should have known that mild steel and some welds wouldn't make a weapon good for much outside of her own world, where most of what she fought were Gangsters and punks.


But looking at the splintered halves in her hand, she realizes just how vulnerable she has been thus far.  She's been playing with toys while the rest of the group have been battling gods. (An exaggeration, she later thinks.)


She's not playing cops and robbers with superpowered children any more, and this proves it.  A few pounds more force from that monster's single brutal attack, or a few more seconds of her being flat on her ass dazed, and she'd be dead right now.


Her hand is shaking now, she's tempted to just throw a goddamn tantrum, dash the broken weapon to the ground and scream.  She manages to restrain herself just barely, instead  hucking the two halves of the weapon off to the side, casually dismissing any value it once had.  It's worthless now. 


'Well', she thinks, 'It was worthless before too.'


The worst part in her mind is that she didn't already realize it.  She should have noticed earlier just how out of her depth she was, maybe around the time she discovered that the group had taken down Lung.  Yeah.


That's probably when she should have realized just how she stacked up against her newfound teammates.


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The information she obtained was... interesting, but it proved to not be that helpful as she'd reached out with her own power and tried to replicate the effect the Aragami "core" apparently had on the other cells. Twice she tried, and twice, she failed. All she could really do was shrug it off as she stood up- it was disappointing, but not surprising. The little trick she'd tried had been practiced using bugs and other small critters, nothing on such a small and quite frankly strange order as a bunch of hive-minded cells which could apparently each act as individual organisms in their own right, when not daisy chained.


She clicked her tongue a few times, used the echoes to map things out again, and headed back to the others. Just as she got closer however, two peices of something- made out of wood and metal, from how they hit the ground, nearly struck her, and probably would've if she hadn't heard them coming and stopped a good foot or two off of their trajectory. She listened around and eventually deduced that the nearest humanoid shape on the sonar had probably been the one behind it. 

     "Ya know, there's no point tossing something," she said to the figure- not that she had any real way to know who it is without them talking to her "someone around here could probably help you put it back together.... or at least turn it into something that's useful again."

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"oh... Soma...." Lucille trailed off once she realized who it was. She recalled the relative positioning of where the weapon landed and retrieved the broken halves. It was difficult for her to be certain, but from the touch alone the damage certain seemed to co-oberate the story. "Well... I'm sure we can do something with it. Maybe it's not suitable as a weapon anymore, but... why not turn it into a pet?"


As far fetched as that statement probably sounded, the expression on the girl's face was earnest. It wasn't like it was the first time she'd made life from the inanimate, and it likely would not be the last time either.

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"hmmmm, you have a point" Lucille said before she took out a bit of charcoal and began drawing on the ground. Before long, letting a combination of extensive muscle memory guided by the trance like state a Thaumist needed to carry out their work, she'd constructed two complete Circuits on the barren ground, and set the two halves inside them.


A snap of the fingers, and one of the circles fire right up. Lucille went to work almost immediately as the surrounding area quickly filled with a bright white light...




Roll 36 vs 14, Lucille DOMINATES!
Quality: 25: Oh
Goggy Randomness: 99!
Lucille goes beyond what is thought possible and creates an armored bird made of steel, roughly the size of a pidgeon. Not much, but it's rather obvious that this steel is extremely hardened, and could probably tank a lot of damage just by existing. Also, it maes pretty bird songs.
... Oh yeah, did I mention that it could talk? Because it can talk.


Le Bird
Sex: Female
Race: Ferro Columbidae (Steel Pidgeon)


HP: 28

Con: 4
Essence: 1 
Dexterity: 4
Intelligence: 2
Resistance: 8 
Strength: 1
Synergy: 0



It’s a talking bird: This steel bird can talk. IT CAN FREAKING. TALK.


High in the sky: This bird can fly into the sky, becoming untargetable while in the air. They also have a +10 to perception rolls to see anything below it, which it can inform Lucille about if it pleases.

And out hopped a pigeon sized animal, covered in steel feathers that heavily resembled knives in their right. 


"Enw peonh, ohw sid?" It asked, cocking it's head as it looked upon the one who had created it. Lucille could only stand there, have in fasincation, half in disbeleif that the thing had actually... talked.


"Uh...C-come again?" She asked. At the same time she did, she reached out with a bonded part of her mind, trying to form a connection... "I didn't quite... catch that..."


"Het nrte is aetl. Eht tcteciliyer was rtndue off." The bird chirped "Uoy hsmnua aer the iflth fo sith orlwd, uoy sudolh usrdeernr now so hatt ruo ogrilsou magiraa ovslordre nca imcla erith gruitfhl caple as hte oamnndit cpisese!"


"Hang on, nevermind, got excited. You're not Sapient little buddy, you're just capable of speaking something close enough to human language.... it's not quite as basic as mimicry, but it's not as advanced as holding actual conversations. Which meeeeeeans...."


Lucille binds the Steel, talking Pigeon!


The bird turns to Soma now, looking her dead in the eyes as speaks it in perfect.... something "She'll be plenty useful, I'm sure. Most of what she says is gibberish on her own, but with a little rational thought giving her direction, she's not half bad at relaying messages. Anywho, onto the next one.... who knows, maybe it'll be able to talk too"


Lucille herself chuckled, before again snapping her fingers. The other circle fired up, and again, there was a bright flashed as Lucille walked over. thinking on how Soma used her weapon, perhaps it would be best if this one could serve as a potential replacement.... hmmm yes, she had just the right type of creature in mind...


Craft: 35 vs 24: Still a pretty good success.
Quality: 95 oh shit that's some fine ass quality.
Randomness: 99 OH FUCKING SHIT


your Chameleon making goes much better, as you create a chameleon the exact way you want. Roughly the same size of a chameleon, except there are some strange things about it. First off, that barbed tongue is razor sharp, much sharper than you anticipated, and it can go invisible. No, not camoflauge, go flat out invisible.

Minutes passed. The bird was silent as it hopped along the ground beside Soma. Soon enough however, the glow of mighty magic at work faded, and lucille was kneeling at the edge of the circle. In her hands was a generously sized reptilian creature, which Soma likely would've recognized as a Chameleon almost immediately. As it saw her, it stuck it's tongue, which was barbed with razor sharp blades, before shifting it's body color. 


And like that, the lizard was gone. Literally gone- for in lucille's hands, it seemed like she was holding nothing at all. Nevertheless, she stood and made to bring said nothing to Soma.


"Oh come on, don't be like that" The girl chided. Almost reluctantly, the Chameleon reappeared, staring up at the Parahuman. Seemingly on lucille's prodding, he reached out and grabbed onto her, quickly climbing onto soma's shoulder. Lucille herself was practically beaming, clearly pleased that not only had there been no flesh horror, but both of them had out at least decently well "I think that little guy will make a decent replacement for your weapon, until we can scrounge a new one up for you. He can fire his tongue just like you could, and well.... don't let him lick you, it won't be a fun time. Aaaaaand one last small thing.... I could only tell cause I was inside his head figuring out all the odds and ends, and it really has no bearing on me, given well..." She waved a hand infront of her blank eyes, even outright feinting as if she were going to poke one of them. Neither eye gave any reaction, as one would expect from a blind girl

      "buuuuut it felt like he was triggering something just now, and when I took a gander in his senses, it was like he could bend some type of energy around himself somehow, and my guess is that it was light waves... You might want to put a collar or some sort of identifier on him, just to keep him from getting lost. though, he might be able to bend them around the collar too....um.... well, nevermind, forget I suggested that. Just let me know if you ever need any help finding or training him. That little trick isn't much use when you can't see to begin with. Plus it's easier to condition things when you can sense what their feeling."


Lucille gifts the Razor-Tongued Chameleon into Soma's custody!

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Eva, who was definitely around the entire time since the boats, was off to the side kicking dirt. It wasn't that she was antisocial, quite the opposite in fact, she just didn't think she'd be of much use during a question and answer session. What with only being able to say seven words.


(OOC: Haha, I exist again. Now to see if I can keep up at all, which we all know I can't.)

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Harry was contemplating responding to Lindow's questions and statements, but he decided that was unnecessary once Lilly got involved. So instead, he took the set of samples he had gathered and began carrying them to the bus. A brief inspection implied that they were some sort of independent cell controlled from something else, though he hadn't found much differentiation. Seemed more like some sort of hive creature than most other cellular organisms. As he approached the door of the bus, he noted Jun and someone unfamiliar exiting.


"New arrival then?" Harry directed the question at Jun as he passed them.

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Proditor himself remained off to the side, sort of gazing at the destroyed city around him. He had seen broken cities before, but this was different. There wasn't signs of war, scorch marks or vaporized sections of the area. This was simply the result of animals chewing their way through society, one building at a time. The Ethereal did look at Lilly as he felt a signal coming from her, probably something to do with her own powers, but chose to ignore it this time. Couldn't butt into everything she did.


At Lilly's sudden telepathic speaking, Lindow looked rather surprised, taking a step back from the sudden voice in his mind. After the quick second of shock though, Lindow smiled lightly, rubbing the back on his head as he lifted his God Arc off of his shoulder, planting it into the ground and leaning on it, "And this just keeps getting weirder and weirder... Alright, go ahead" he said, nodding his head at Lilly.


Soma himself finally dispatched the two Fallen Ogretail, a relative piece of cake without the Vajra threatening his back. With each of their cores already extracted, Soma began to walk back to the group, sparing a quick glance at Eva (as he didn't see her originally), before simply moving forward. She was probably just part of this group... Whatever this 'group' was supposed to be, anyway.

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On 12/2/2017 at 2:34 AM, Irbsandcheese said:

Alyssa considers shaking Nhevi's hand, but decides to nope the heck Out of there instead.

She turns to Jun, still cringing at the mere thought of Nhevi. "I believe you said something about fresh air. That sounds nice."

The thought breifly crosses her mind that the air might be toxic to her, but everyone else seems to be fine, so she probably will be too. Although some of the others seem to be absolutely not human at all.

Jun had quietly led the young artist outside of the bus and into the unsurprisingly earth like world they had stopped in. After a few moments had passed and Alyssa did not choke to death due to a lack of oxygen, Jun pointed at the various ruined buildings around them before she said. "Well this place has certainly seen better days". And she replied to the good doctor by saying. "Yes, and she could use someone normal to talk to".

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Alyssa looks around, inspecting her surroundings now that she knows that it isn't just a projection.


"This place is absolutely beautiful. It has the feeling of a place frozen in time; it is not the society it once was, nor the open field that it eventually will become. It's in between, stuck at a moment of indecision. And then there's you lot, disrupting the calm."

She turns to Jun with a joking half-smile on her face.
"People to meet, I suppose."


She turns to the passerby as he walks past. Alyssa seems to stop for a moment, sizing up the old man and apparently dismissing him. He seems a tad bit too crotchety anyway.

Alyssa looks at Jun after her comment to the man and considers it.


"I somehow doubt that a group of very different people who were all thrown together like a puzzle with half of the pieces missing contains a single person who would be considered 'Normal.' But feel free to prove me wrong."


She looks around at the people crowding up the scenery and the creative wheels can almost be seen ticking inside her head as she ponders them.

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Harry glanced incredulously at Jun for just a brief moment after she mentioned looking for normal people, then turned to the newcomer. It was obvious to him that she was sizing him up. The glances and microexpressions were pretty similar to what some of the more experienced people brought with them into infiltration training. If they were good, when they left it wouldn't be so obvious that they were analyzing the person in front of them. The dismissal at the end was apparent too. Multiple possible reasons: perhaps he didn't fit her idea of normal; some aspect of his garb or appearance was offensive, perhaps a specific symbol; or he may have simply been less interesting than the other people beyond. Understandable. There were other, less likely options, such as the "Diplomat" saying something about him before the woman had come out. But that seemed unlikely.


"Right. You're not going to find anyone normal here. For obvious reasons: when you need to save worlds from universe devouring beings, you don't generally call the ordinary people. You got the briefing from Dr. Ebon, I'm sure?"

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Soma cautiously lets the Chameleon climb atop her shoulder, and, with a point of her finger, it fires it's deadly tongue.


"Not bad, not bad at all." 


"This little guy should help cover for my weaknesses until I can get some real weapons."


"At the same time..."


Soma walks over to a piece of rebar, feeling like there's something she can do there.  The Darksteel recipe, the Holy flames and Rainbow sparkles.


Something tickling the back of her mind comes forth as it clicks in her mind.

She raises a hand, and with a Kiai, the piece of rebar erupts in golden flames, twisting and warping until it becomes black and shimmering, with a halo of white light around it.


Wrapping a hand around it, she pulls it out of the ground, and it ignites in holy flames, separate from her own power.

"Useful for later, maybe."

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Lilly relays important flashes of memory, in the form of concepts, sounds, and images. The meeting, the fight with lung, the second meeting, the bus, and getting fired off into this world.

She doesn't really go into much detail, but she thinks she got the important parts. it doesn't take to long. It Probblyyyyy feels a little odd, the godeaters may or may not need to take a few moments to process the information.  Hopefully they don't react like the merc did and get a headache.

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Eva upon her player noticing the Proditor was left very open for interaction noticing Proditor also off to the side, decided to approach him, if only because she could actually talk to him. She walked over to where he was and attempted to get his attention with a cheerful, "Hi!"

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For a few seconds, Lindow remained silent as Lilly 'explained' everything to him... Then he simply sighed, rubbing his forehead with two fingers, "Yeesh... Not like we have enough problems with Ouroboros already... Now we've got planet sized Aragami" he muttered before looking up again, "Well, that at least explains how strange you all look, and why you had no idea what an Aragami was. I'm sure Doctor Sakaki would be interested in learning about this-"


"Learning about what?" Soma suddenly asked, walking up to his commander, not even sparing a glance at the group as he asked his question.


Instantly, Lindow turned his head slightly towards Soma, shrugging as he did so, "I'll explain to you later, I doubt I'll be able to keep Hibari from sending in a chopper much longer-"


"You would be right about that Lindow"


"-Which reminds me" He continued without skipping a beat, even with Hibari replying to his statement over his comms, looking back at Lilly and the others, "I'm sure you'd want to get out of Aragami territory, right? We have several helicopters on standby for God Eater Extraction, and I, personally, wouldn't want to leave civilians out in the City of Mercy. Besides, Command might as well hear about this. Proves that there are worse Aragami out there that we don't know about" he said, before looking past the group at the bus, "... If you still need that hunk of junk over there, we can get it back to the Fenrir Branch easily."




Proditor, upon hearing Eva say high, turned to the smaller girl, "Hello again" he replied in his normal tone of voice, before focusing down on Eva so that only she could hear him, "I take it you've been getting used to your new situation?"

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Eva shook her head and attempted to replicate the telepathic communication from earlier. "I'm still in way over my head." She confessed, "And while my avatar is pretty well equipped to deal with CrossCode, I'm not so sure it can handle travelling the multiverse." For that matter, she had no way to know how her real body fared. She'd been logged in a long time, that couldn't be good for her.

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Kusuke had been quiet, pondering the situation and Lindow's words. "I was just wondering a couple things. So, I'm assuming being a God Eater is linked to those weapons you're calling God Arcs, right? Could you tell me a bit more about what that entails? Second. . . what kind of computer equipment have you guys got back at your base? I could set something up that could be potentially useful, if I had the right supplies and time." Assuming I remember correctly how to do this. . . He'd seen plenty of blueprints and had the general idea of how machines for accessing the Boundary worked, and could almost swear he'd built one himself before. . . but couldn't remember where, or why, and was fairly certain he wouldn't forget important details like that.

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Proditor seemed to nod at Eva's response, "Understandable, though it may do well to test it out in combat... Or other tasks" he replied, noting that she said 'avatar'. If that was the case, than this wasn't Eva's true body... Though, what that really entailed could mean anything. For all they knew, this body of Eva's could simply be her new, permanent body, "I doubt you would've been chosen if you couldn't handle what was thrown at you though. That is something we all share" he added, turning towards the rest of the group as they continued to speak with Lindow and Soma. They HAD managed to kill these creatures... So they were able to handle what was thrown at them.


... More less, at least.

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Somatotrope walks over to Lucile, showing off the Darksteel Rebar and it's holy flames.  She would hear the crackling of what seems to be divine energies, and the hum of subatomic particles forced into light via a strange interaction with the metal.


"Here, I figured out how to turn things into this stuff."

"I'd like to repay you for my new little friend."

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"From what I've gathered of this 'Dr. Ebon,' I assume she didn't have the time to brief me or show me the footage that someone mentioned. But I'm a quick learner so I know why I'm here and what we need to do."
Alyssa looks curiously at this person again. 
"I don't believe I caught a name? I'm Alyssa."

She extends her hand in greeting, impatient to get on to meeting the surprising number of other people in this seemingly ragtag group.

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"CrossCode has combat, but it's tailored to use the game's systems." Eva explained, "I really don't feel equipped for fighting out here." And she highly doubted there would be any puzzles to solve with her balls. The multiverse just wasn't a game, there was no way around it. Regardless, Eva visibly cheered up a little from Proditor's encouragement.

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"Dr. Harry Walters." Harry shook her hand firmly. "Specialties in genetic engineering and field surgery. So if you get your arm sliced open, you can come to me. Or one of the people who can turn back time, or use literal magic for healing. But none of them have a doctorate as far as I know, so there's that." He shrugged, and turned to head into the bus, before stopping for a moment. "Nice to meet you, by the way. Look forward to working with you, try not to die, etc?" No need to extend greetings longer than they needed to be, same as farewells. He'd have to inquire about her skills at some point, since her rather expensive clothes didn't hint at any specialty he could think of currently. But that could happen later, as there were others for her to meet.


Harry entered the bus, and walked along it until he reached the steel fridge on one of the seats. He deposited his samples there, and made his way to the back of the bus where Tattletale presumably still was. "Tattletale, do you know whether there's a way to communicate with Uber and Leet from here?"

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"Huh- oh.... thanks?" Lucille said, as the rebar was pressed into her hand. At the crackling and odd signatures coming off of it, she was half afraid Soma had simply lit a branch or something alight and handed it to her... which would've said quite a bit in "thanks" for the chameleon. Hefting the thing in her hands however, she came to realize that despite the crackling of flames, she smelled no smoke, felt no heat or pain even as she inched her hands further up the length. The metal itself was.... odd though, felt like nothing else she'd ever held. The weight, handling, and the way sound echo'd of the material when she clicked at it, all came together to paint a totally foreign picture in her mind.

     "Um.... what is it, exactly? You said you made it yourself?"

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Mirri lands her ship and takes a few moments to banish her rage yet again.  Then she climbs out, and noticing the new arrival, decides to clank over and investigate.  "Another newcomer," She observes neutrally, "You don't look like you'll be much good in a fight.  I am Mirri of clan Av."

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