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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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Alyssa is surprised to hear Harry's cultured and well polished mannerisms. Although why someone with such a proper gait and tone would chose to look as he does is a mystery to her. And he is apparently a Doctor? She questions the validity of wherever he got his degree, because he did not look like a doctor at all.


Someone new drops down in front of her, from a mechanical ship in severe need of help. A mass of green armor walks up and greets her.


"Pleasure to meet you Mirri, the name is Alyssa, and I see you are in dire need of a fashion designer like myself. You can't just completely cover up with armor like that, honey. Although I must say I am slightly offended that you think I am not combat worthy when you appear to have teenage girls without any decent form of armor on out in the field. I have my talents and they can be suited to combat."

Edited by Irbsandcheese
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Jun metaphorically patted herself on the back after she heard Alyssa have a normal human conversation with the most normal human person they had on the team, and she quietly hoped that this would help prevent the young artist from thinking of the general weirdness she encountered inside of the bus. And she was in the process of trying to get the young artist to move to introduce them to another vaguely normal person when Mirri walked over to introduce them self...and Alyssa almost immediately commented on her outfit. This caused the ambassador to reflexively take a few steps away from the pair before she asked. "Actually...what are those talents anyway? ".

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"It's a long story, but my power is reacting strangely to magic.  I've figured out how to turn ordinary metal into this darksteel substance.  It involves some kind of space warping with my power, and some magic holy fire."


"I don't understand how exactly I'm doing it, but I know I can convert things into something like this."

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"I'm not getting paid to keep them alive," Mirri states coldly, but elaborates in a slightly warmer tone, "And more practically, the only way to keep them off the battlefield would be to take them down myself.  I'll be making better hardware for them as soon as the proper facilities are available, I assure you.


"And my armor comes off when you pry it from my corpse."  There were harsher things she certainly wanted to say, but the last time she let her temper take charge someone who didn't deserve it at all suffered.  REPRESS!  REPRESS!

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"I see...." Lucille said. She put it on the ground and tested her weight on it, finding the metal adequate. As is, it could've already been used to walk, though a change in form factor wouldn't hurt it. "Do you think you could do this for some of the scrap metal we have, too?"


She muttered something under her breath, seemingly at the same time as she spoke to soma- how she did without the entire sentence becoming a jumbling mess of words, it was hard to ascertain, but just as with the many times she done it before, it almost as though.... the mutterings contained no words, nothing to become entangled. Or at least, no words an ordinary person would understand. Being so close, Soma would doubtlessly hear nothing from them, but nevertheless feel an odd vibration in the air as lucille felt her way around the peice of rebar, before settling for which spot would be best to alter:


Lucille used Mold on the Darksteel Rebar, Requiring a difficulty check due to being a magic-material


Crafting Roll: 19 vs 11
Quality: 50: Average quality
Randomness: 52: No randomness.

You have made your Darksteel Rebar Cane by using Mold to bend it into shape. The cane can now be used for walking and whacking people upside the head


The Darksteel Rebar becomes the following:

Darksteel Rebar Cane: A cane made of out of a peice of rebar which was converted to Darksteel and bent into proper shape. Can be used for walking or as an improvised weapon. [Deals 1d6+Dex damage. The user can spend an action to ignite this weapon with holy fire, making it deal an additional Ess/4 damage for 2 turns.]


After just a few moments, she was done. The vibration Soma would've felt had stopped, and Lucille once again testing the improvised cane on the ground, only to be caught off guard as she made an idle thought about the crackling of flames she'd heard earlier, and finding the implement once more bursting into the fire which roared, yet did not burn. Her, at least. The ground it touched was left with a minute scorch mark. The stench of smoke briefly wafted up to her nose, as she moved the end and left a black line in the dirt. By the time she thought about making the flame stop, there was a thin, half circle scorched into the earth.

      "Hmmmmmm.... this could be pretty useful.... or fun. Maybe both. Thanks, Soma~"

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"Yeah, I should be able to do it to the scrap metal.  Oh, I can probably do it to non-metals, but stuff that isn't metal might react..."

"Unpredictably, let's say."




"Yeah, Laptop over there, it's hooked up to the drone bay.  There's a webcam and mic hooked up to it too." Tattletale gestures.


"Oh, those creatures you guys fought have some pretty unique biology, if those God Eaters hadn't finished them off, they would have just regenerated, because all of their cells are viable organisms on their own, and can simply reform over time around a central core."  She says simply, as though talking about the weather.

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"How... unpredictably?" Thinking on it for a moment though, she quickly followed up with "on second thought.... don't answer that if you don't want to. Maybe you can try it out on the spear we made earlier, iron out the whole... chucking-with-extreme-force quirk? Or just make it even more dangerous to try and use...ya know, we should probably try to do something about that thing before someone gets impaled on accident."

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"Why don't we test it then?" Lucille responded "Start small to be safe, record the results, and go from there... like, here" She tapped about with the newly wrought cane until she struck something harder than the barren dirt. With another tap of darksteel against stone, she got a feel for the size of the rock and other factors such as hardness and density, and finally used the walking stick to knock it over to her feet, picking it up and proffering it to Soma. The thing was a modestly sized stone, about the girth of a ping pong ball. It was hard to tell the variety of stone, it looked.... simply like a generic peice of rock and rubble one might find in any post-apocalyptic area.

      "This," she continued "Stone and Metal are relatively close to each other, in a few ways, so it'll probably be less.... chaotic, wouldn't it? We've got plenty of crystals on the transport, maybe you can experiment with them too?"

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"Well, if you refuse to take off that.... outfit," Calling it an outfit was a stretch, but for courtesy's sake... "Then we could redesign it or maybe put something more suitable over it?"


Ideas started running through Alyssa's head of recoloring the armor and how different fabrics would lie over it before she remembered Jun's question.

"I already told you, I'm an artist." She twirls her paintbrush in her hand as if to emphasize the point. 

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"Yeah, was thinking something like that, but I hadn't analyzed them fully yet. Does that mean they know the world? Or was that just your deduction?" Harry asked as he walked over to the laptop. It was interesting to hear about these creatures. The idea seemed almost unfeasible, having self sufficient cells that could guide themselves back to a core when separated. As long as it wasn't magic, that could be exceptionally useful. If it was magic, well it would at least be decently useful.

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"I figured it out from the way the creatures were fighting.  They genuinely had no self-preservation instincts, which means they don't have to worry about dying, which means that if they can take damage, even lethal damage, and not care, it must not be lethal, which means they can regenerate, which means that core that was devoured by the God Eater's weapon was able to reform, which means that the mist those creatures dissolved into was actually their bodies."


"It's easy enough to work it out from there."  She finishes smugly.

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Mirri looks down at the scratched, chipped pigment covering her plates.  "It has been a while since I got repainted," She admits, "And my cape gave up the ghost a few years ago.  The base plates have to stay.  I'm not updating to an inferior metal just because it looks better.  But the rest?  It's been a while.  Even if this was still in style, it's taken a beating.  No red or orange though.  Those colors symbolize things that don't really fit me, and I'd rather not invite false assumptions the next time I meet my clansmen."

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“I would believe that, now that you are not limited by ‘CrossCode’s systems, you would be more versatile and free, if it was a form of simulation. I would simply suggest training and seeing what you can do. Perhaps attempting a spar with someone here” Proditor stated, giving any suggestion that he could think of. They needed the best that they could get from everyone, so having one fall behind due to being worried about their combat abilities was something they could not accept.



At Kusuke’s questions, Lindow glanced at his God Arc, then back at Kusuke, “Well, we have state of the art computers at the Branch, and I’m sure that the Director would grant you access to one of them” he said, before looking at Soma, “Mind answering the other question for me?” he asked, watching Soma sigh, before talking,


“God Arcs and God Eaters are linked by a bias factor, given to us when we go through a compatibility test. While it is life threatening, it ensures that we can use a God Arc without worrying about it turning on us while we’re using it. If we survive the test, that is” Soma replied bluntly.


With that, Lindow nodded, turning back to the group, “I wouldn’t suggest trying to use Soma’s God Arc, or mine. They tend to get a bit pissy when they do that, and when they get pissy, they tend to get hungry” he stated, before the sounds of helicopter blades in the distance began to be heard, causing him to turn to its direction, bringing a hand to his ear as another beep came from it.

After a few seconds of listening, Lindow nodded to himself, “Thanks for the report Hibari” he said, turning to the group, “Well, seems like the Director took notice of the delay and sent in evac. Not really much I can do, but seems he’d like to talk to you all. Probably wondering why a bunch of civilians not registered into Fenrir are walking around in Aragami territory” he said, just as the first helicopter appeared over the buildings, swerving around to head towards where the group stood as three more helicopters flew into view, one with a large clamp on the bottom of it.


With that, Lindow shrugged, "Guess you're being forced to come along, sorry about that" Lindow said, just as the first helicopter touched down nearby, doors sliding open for them to get on, "And I'd hurry and get on one of them. Aragami tend to be attracted towards our evac when they come around" he added, turning around to head off towards one of the helicopters.



For the most part, the time that followed was simply the group being herded into the helicopters, with one grabbing onto the bus that they used to extract it from Aragami territory. The helicopter ride itself wasn’t too interesting, with Lindow mostly relaxing in the passenger area while occasionally taking a smoke, while Soma (on a completely different helicopter) remained utterly silent, keeping an eye on the people on the helicopter with him.


After only two minutes thought of flying, which was likely thankful for some residents (like Proditor), another city came into view, this one much more kept together than the City of Mercy was, with walls and emplacements set up to protect it. In the middle of the city was an extremely large building with a wolf-like symbol in the middle, and large helipads on the top, where the helicopters were currently heading towards.


As said helicopters began their landing on the pads, two men walked out onto the roof from what appeared to be an elevator, heading for the helicopters. One was a tall, blonde haired individual wearing a white suit, with a purple outfit underneath, with a rather serious face as he stared at the helicopters… At least, when compared to the other man besides him, who was much shorter, with disarrayed silver hair and a very happy expression on his face, all while wearing a black waistcoat and colorful yukata.


Then, the helicopters landed, the doors sliding open and letting the group out as the helicopter that carried the bus went to a more suitable drop off point, with the two God Eaters leading the group out.


Seeing them head out, the man in white spoke up, his voice loud and dignified, “Impressive work on the field Lindow, and good work on bringing these people back without trouble” he said, looking past the God Eater and at the group of… Strange individuals that had been brought back, “Greetings to all of you. I am Johannes Von Shikkuzāru, Director of the Fenrir Far East Branch. I’ve seen the in field footage already, and I must say, it is rare to see people that can hold their own against Aragami, without the use of God Arcs-”


“Interesting it is, I will agree. Though, Johan, perhaps we should bring them to your office before we do any questioning. I’m sure these people would prefer to be indoors, especially after taking on some Aragami” the other man quickly interrupted, looking at Johannes before turning his head back to the group.


After a second of thought, Johannes sighed, “Yes, I suppose you’re right. Please, if you would follow, that would be appreciated. There are some things to clear up” he said, before turning around and heading to the elevator.


Just before he went to follow himself, the unnamed man looked at Lindow, “Mr. Amamiya, if you would come along as well” he said, watching as Lindow simply nodded, heading towards the elevator as Soma went back to a separate elevator to free up some space on the elevator that everyone was likely going to use. With that, the man smiled to himself, turning around to join Johannes and Lindow in the elevator.



Once everyone was on, the elevator went down, rather quickly, and after a brisk walk down a rather lonely hallway, they would all find themselves in a decently sized office, with Johannes now sitting down in the center desk, with Lindow and Sakaki standing on either side of him.


After about a second of silence after Johannes sat down, the Director leaned forward, folding both hands underneath his nose, “Now then… Since we’re in a more suitable environment, I would like to know who, exactly, you are. You likely told Lindow here, but I would like to hear for myself. None of you are registered into the Fenrir Database, and you are able to combat an Aragami without the use of a God Arc… And considering the field footage we’ve acquired, that is only the tip of the iceberg with you. As a past scientist, I'd prefer to know what I am looking at instead of leaving it to the unknown” Johannes said, his voice going from a dutiful welcome to dead seriousness as his cold gaze went over the entire group.

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"I go by Somatotrope, I'm a Parahuman, which affords me special powers.  I can grow anything within a few city blocks that isn't alive, making it larger and more complex."  Soma says, keeping it short and sweet as she stands, arms crossed.  Her extra tinfoil armor had dissipated during the trip, leaving her in gleaming armor which she left open faced for sociability.

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". . . Suppose that makes sense. Thanks." It wasn't really a surprise that she'd been able to deduce that what with her powers being what they were, but it was still rather amazing. And Proditor had been able to latch on to the signal for his own use?


"I've got a few more things to talk to you about, but for the moment. . ." Harry muttered as he approached the laptop and booted it up, typing in a few things that soon led to the appearance of the two men. "Hey, you two got a moment to spare? We're gonna be on this world for at least a bit longer, and I thought I could see if there was anything in particular you two would want for personal use? Gear, trinkets, what have you. Or any way I could pay you for something. Because, I'd like you to send me whatever studies you can get your hands on about parahuman physiology and psychology. No need to do anything too illegal. Just get as much as you can, and send it over. I'll do the sorting, so quantity--as long as it's on subject--is preferable rather than quality. Shouldn't take too much effort, and you could probably even hire someone to do it with the amount you're probably going to be raking in from this operation."


"Harry Walters, Doctor. Did your cameras happen to catch our entrance?" Presumably since the fight had been ongoing when they arrived, they might have noticed the bus randomly appearing out of thin air. It also occurred to Harry to ask, since Uber and Leet had mentioned it earlier, "Do you happen to have any Restore Pills on hand? Heard about them, and as a doctor, I take an interest in these sorts of things."

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Arminius shrugs.

"I'm Arminius, not that it matter but I was a sabotuer. Our group doesn't really have a good name as far as I'm aware... but you're probably most interested in the fact that I can do this."

He snaps a few times cycling through the minions available to him before desummoning them.

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"We're from other worlds. Sounds a bit insane, I know, but we seem to have decided to not be subtle about that this time around and I'm sure you'll figure out on your own that there's no other viable explanation. I'm from a version of Earth that had a different kind of apocalypse, Somatotrope here is from a third one that. . . honestly seems to be in the middle of one, that sort of thing." He shrugged. "But I won't bore you with the details, especially when everyone else can explain themselves better than I ever could."

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"Get us a Restore Pill, and you'll get your info, you should be able to obtain one from the shops nearby.  I'm curious to see what they are made of, and they're the cheapest healing item in God Eater."  Leet says to Harry, making an offer for the info.


"Or you can give me a can of that C4A, we've been short on fireworks, and we could probably make that stuff last for months with some colonizers added to the mix."  Uber counteroffers.

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Alyssa spends the helicopter ride asking Mirri about designs of her people that she would approve of and designs to avoid, color schemes, and stylistic choices. She also tries to figure out which color and design would work best with Jun's boring, white armor.

Alyssa was used to being rushed along according to someone else's schedule but she usually knew the people around her when that happened. Feeling out of place and severely lacking in knowledge of her surroundings, she examines the guards around her, copying the style onto herself and painting a disguise.

(19 vs. 19 on the disguise roll)


Although Post-apocalyptic clothing usually isn't her style, it really fits with the setting. She walks into the office room wearing her newly painted guard armor, a beret, and a fur coat, and stands near the exit, trying her best to look official.

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Frigus steps forward after Kusuke with an equally cold and serious look on his face to the man setting across the room.

"What Kusuke said is accurate.   Our 'employer' has collected us from various worlds with the intention of helping them, either by trying to resolve their own problems or protect them from outside threats.  However, our 'employer' mentioned that we may not be able to significantly help some worlds the first time we visit them and I fear that may be the case here.  I cannot speak for the others in the group, but I believe the best course of action would be to assist you in whatever way we can now, by sharing tech and/or knowledge, and then return when we're better equipped."

Frigus glanced back and forth after finishing his piece without moving his head, waiting for a response.

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"Lucille...." was all lucille introduced her with, no description of what she could do, nothing to add to what the others had already said, not even a surname. Even if the rest of them had apparently abandoned all idea of trying to lie their way through until they could reveal everything, she remembered last time. Plus she'd heard mentions of databases and heard one of the natives communicating over telecommunications earlier- chances are this world had enough intelligence gathering devices to know what she did, much like the PRT.... 


well no, not like the PRT. She still felt their estimate grossly underwhelming.


Either way, if they somehow didn't have any inkling, the cabal of young animals which followed at her heels would've given an idea, at the very least. the steel pigeon- Vera, as lucille had named during the flight -perched on her shoulder as Do and the dragons scampered behind, and all of them positively fixated on the blonde haired man- Johannes. It actually took a bit of direct cajoling to prevent Astra from outright attacking the man- she seemed to have a bad habit of that, and lucille made a mental note to check it later. The others seemed content to merely glare at him, and soon enough Lucille could almost taste the unease, it coursed so heavily throughout each of them. She even started to feel on edge herself, as she stood there....


Astra's impulse had been no real surprise, and was easy enough to quash before the little dragon could even act. But for the rest of them to be so.... weary of him right off the bat? Almost struck her as odd. But then, the more that Director Johannes talked, the more and more samples of his voice lucille had to analyze and cross section in her mind. And it started to make a little bit more sense as she did. The strict, cold cadence down to his tone of oh so subtle superiority regardless who he was talking to....


it reminded her all too much of Andral Co. This fucker was probably just another despot in a noble leader's clothes.... just waiting to burst out.


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