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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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  On 12/4/2017 at 9:54 PM, Irbsandcheese said:

Alyssa spends the helicopter ride asking Mirri about designs of her people that she would approve of and designs to avoid, color schemes, and stylistic choices. She also tries to figure out which color and design would work best with Jun's boring, white armor.

Alyssa was used to being rushed along according to someone else's schedule but she usually knew the people around her when that happened. Feeling out of place and severely lacking in knowledge of her surroundings, she examines the guards around her, copying the style onto herself and painting a disguise.

(19 vs. 19 on the disguise roll)


Although Post-apocalyptic clothing usually isn't her style, it really fits with the setting. She walks into the office room wearing her newly painted guard armor, a beret, and a fur coat, and stands near the exit, trying her best to look official.


Jun had wisely decided to run off to the bus to store away her blood soaked cloak inside of it after she saw and heard several helicopters heading towards the party, and she quietly walked off to join Alyssa and Mirri in their helicopter of choice after they finally landed to receive their new passengers. She then spent most of the surprisingly short helicopter ride over to Fenrir's headquarters by sitting in the darkest and most stable corner of the helicopter as she continued to try and not let her migraine get the best of her. It is quite needless to say that the fact that she proceeded to not throw up at all inside of the helicopter was quite an achievement for her.


After they had finally landed and everyone had started to make their introductions or apparently spontaneously create a disguise that completely and technically succeeded in concealing their identity but completely and utterly failed to make them seem inconspicuous or official as in Alyssa's case. She made a mental note to try and ask Alyssa if she knew how disguises worked later before she said "My name is Ambassador Jun, and while I come from a world where humanity has reached out and conquered the galaxy...I am afraid that I can't really offer any piece of technology that would help this world in it's current state...".

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Proditor himself remained completely silent, letting the others talk. Unlike Lucille, he didn’t even say his name. All he did was stare at the Director, Johannes was his name, with his own equally cold gaze, hidden beneath his helmet. The Director’s air and tone was not unknown to him, he had seen and dealt with it before in his long existence. In all of those instances, there was one choice he always picked that was correct.


Do not trust them.




For a few seconds, Johannes was utterly silent as he thought this over, before he slightly nodded, “I see… It explains much” he said, before glancing at Lindow, “I assume this is the same thing you’ve gotten?” he asked.


In response, Lindow nodded, “In a different way, but yes. All things considered, it’s kind of the only explanation that I can think of” Lindow replied.


“We are all in agreement then” the unnamed man in the room said, bringing his hand to his chin as he thought aloud, “So the multi-world theory proves to be true… Fascinating. Truly fascinating. This opens up millions of possibilities in the field…” he muttered, loud enough for the entire group to hear.


With that, Johannes decided to speak once again, “You’ll have to excuse Dr. Paylor’s behavior, he tends to get distracted on these matters” he stated, letting his hands fall down to the desk, leaning back as he looked over the group thoughtfully.


At that, Paylor snapped out of his thoughts, “Oh yes, my apologies for my behavior. Johannes, if I may give my thoughts here” he began, turning towards the Director, who merely shifted his eyes to look at Paylor, “As we do not have any reason to deny them, I would like to ask if these fine people can be placed under the jurisdiction of the Science Department. After all, we still require all the help we can get if we are to defeat the Aragami, and I do believe that the help of people from other worlds will greatly help our efforts” Paylor stated, turning back to the group with a smile.


For a few, completely silent seconds, Johannes sat in thought, debating the entire thing in his head. Then, he nodded, “I see your point, Dr. Paylor. Until further notice, everything these people do will be filed under your supervision” he replied, turning his head to look at Paylor, who simply looked back with his own smile,


“Of course, I’m sure you will have no problem”


With that, Johannes turned his head back to the group, “For now Paylor, show them to the 5th Science Floor. It should have enough space for them to rest while I figure out what to do” he added.


With a nod, Paylor walked forward, “Well then, follow me. I’m positive you will not be disappointed with what we have to offer” he said, walking through the group and opening the door, walking out of the office to lead the way to the 5th Science Floor.


Just as the group began to leave, Lindow walked forward, stopping Harry from leaving for a second, “You asked for a Restore Pill. Here-” he said, pulling a small syringe with green liquid in it, “I’ve got enough to keep me stocked for months anyway. Losing one won’t matter to me” he said, patting Harry’s shoulder before walking past him,  “Enjoy your time with Old Man Sakaki” Lindow said as he walked past.



Soon enough, the group was led to another division of the building, overall much larger than the one the Director was in… And fairly empty. There was only 8 rooms, 7 of which were living quarters, while the 8th was a large, empty white room, seeming to be waiting for something to be placed. That room was where Paylor had led them,

turning around to address the group, “Apologies for the empty space and lack of rooms. We cleared this place out months ago and haven’t figured out what to fill it with. 7 rooms was the max amount of living quarters we could fit when it was being used before” he said with a small shrug, “Nevertheless, as Head of the Science Division, I am prepared to requisition anything you would need to do your work with, and answer any of your questions. Afterall, it isn’t everyday one gets to work with knowledge from other worlds” he added.

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"I was wondering about two things, personally. Up to you which you'd like to handle first. First thing is this God Eater business. What's the testing procedure, exactly? I could definitely use the upgrade, and if it's dangerous, well, I have a pretty neat trick for surviving basically anything. The second is some computer equipment and sensors I want to get access to if at all possible. I want to test to see if the Boundary is accessible from here; if it is, it could be incredibly useful." Much of the technology he was familiar with was derived from seithr, and they had the added benefit of not having most of the world covered in the stuff. 

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"Boundry? I'm not sure what that is, exactly, but it would be easy to get a Terminal installed in this room. In fact, your current rooms should have one already prepared" Paylor replied, eyebrows rising in curiosity before moving on to Kusuke's other question, "As for God Eater testing, it depends on a number of things. First, we would have to run several genetic tests on you to see if you're compatible with a Bias Factor. If you are, then we can move to the second part, which is the actual compatibility test. I'll spare you the exact details, as it tends to deter aspiring God Eaters, but the test can be incredibly fatal, but at the same time, if you survive, you are able to join the ranks of God Eaters" Paylor explained, his voice not changing as he explained, "I would be willing to show you one of the compatibility tests later on. After all, we are gaining a New-Type God Eater in just a few days."

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"Do you happen to have safe access to those uh... Origami? That's what you called the monsters right? Anyways I have something I want to look at regarding them."

He didn't bother asking to join the next time they went to take some on, he probably wouldn't have a choice anyways.

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"I'll need some specialized stuff in all likelihood. The Boundary. . . It's not easy to explain in short, but you can tap it to do all sorts of neat things. I have a couple ideas about what might happen if it was properly connected to this world, but it'd be nothing but beneficial." He frowned slightly. There shouldn't be a Black Beast here, anyway. If one did jump out, he could always just go back and stop himself from releasing it. "I'll draw up a list." He fished in his pockets for a small notepad and pen, scribbling on them for a moment before tearing off a page and handing it over. "I'd also like to at least start those genetic tests, if at all possible."

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"Consider me interested in this Boundry then. I'll make sure to get any items you need to do your work. I will also make a schedule for the tests to begin, for anyone who wants to try their hand" Paylor replied to Kusuke, before turning to Arminius, "Aragami, not Origami. I wish we were simply dealing with living paper projects instead of what we have wandering around the world right now. But, yes, we do have several Ogretail in storage as we speak. All dead and preserved, of course, to keep their Oracle Cells from escaping. But, yes, they're stored in the 4th floor of the Science Division, right below us."

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Frigus nodded and silently moved along with the rest of the group, he wasn't exactly sure about this whole "Science floor 5" thing or being put under the "supervision" of this man Dr. Paylor.  Either way things would work out.

"Excuse me." Frigus turned and spoke to Dr. Paylor after Kusuke finished, "I left some stuff on the bus that I'd like to go get.....is there anyway I could get someone to take me to it?"

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Once more, Paylor turned his head to address Frigus, "Ah, yes, that bus that came with you. I believe it would have been brought to the Engineering Division, which is floor number 12. It should still be perfectly fine. Miss Kusunoki should be on duty as we speak and watching over it" he replied simply, before going back to Arminius, nodding, "I see. Well, while we lack any live Aragami, we do plan to bring in living Ogretail in only a few days, as tests for new God Eaters. I'll make sure to put one aside for what you want to do" he answered.

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"Thanks." Harry wasn't sure what to think at all about being patted, but he was quickly distracted by the fact that the Restore Pill in fact consisted of a syringe. He shrugged, and followed as he was lead to the floor by the science director. At the mention of requisitions, Harry perked up a bit. He'd grabbed the retro virus which he'd manufactured before getting off the bus, and now seemed as good a time as any to test it out.


"So what're the limits on what you can requisition? Because, personally, it'd be nice to have the use of a scanning electron microscope, a regular microscope, a set of diverse human tissue samples, and a number of reagents, if cost is no concern. Otherwise, I'll think of something cheaper to do. Specifically, fifty pounds of borax."

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"Thanks then, I guess I'll be back in several minutes."

Frigus then turned and started making his way back to what ever elevator(or staircase) they took to get to this floor in the first place and headed up to the engineering floor to grab stuff from the bus.

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Alyssa steps off to the side after they leave the office and takes a moment to analyze the design of the guard's armor and makes a good quality copy. 


Something seemingly all-knowing and important put her on the bus with the people whose names she still doesn't know, but the only thing that brought her to this facility is a helicopter and some nosey officials. And authority never sat well with Alyssa. 


Overhearing the nearby conversations, Alyssa decides to take a look around and tags along to "escort" the ally that looks like a walking ice cube to where the bus is being held.


She looks at the snowflake of a man walking towards the elevator. "I'll come with you. Make sure you don't... uhhh... get lost?"

Alyssa waits until they are out of earshot to say anything else.

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Science Floor Group


At Harry's requests, Paylor seemed to think for a moment before responding, "Hm... I suppose the limits simply depends on what we have to offer. Cost is of no concern to Johan or I.  I can likely get most of that down here in less than an hour. However, human tissue may take much longer to acquire... Paperwork and such, a huge nuisance in my opinion. Nevertheless, I should be able to get some" he responded.


Frigus & Alyssa


When the two made it to their destination, they would find the Engineering Division as a large ‘hangar’, filled with various vehicles, from jeeps to helicopters. For the most part, there didn’t seem to be too much people around, only several engineers lounging around, mostly relaxing. There was one person that seemed to still be working… Which was a small, silver haired girl with large goggles on the top of her head, investigating the outside of the bus, which was sitting off to the side of the room.


Overall, it looked like Paylor was right. The bus was pretty fine.

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After the two entered the elevator and it started moving upward Frigus looked over the the "guard" standing next to him.

"You must be new to the team.  I didn't see you in while we were in Earth Bet, and I think a remember you talking with Mirri after the fight.  Nice disguise though."

Then the doors opened and they stepped out into the engineering room.

"Well, looks like we're here."

Frigus then looked around a saw the bus, and started moving towards it.  There was someone poking around the outside of it, but otherwise the thing seemed fine.

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"Thanks. Don't suppose it's easy to just waltz into a morgue and steal their shit. Fairly sure what I can offer will be decently valuable." Hopefully, with some testing to ensure that it was definitely safe--it seemed so, and Harry had fairly high hopes--he would be able to offer the creation to this world. Should be fairly cheap to produce, and would generally improve lifespan, presuming that the healing factor could at least slightly counteract aging effects. Even without that though, it would certainly increase survival rates in accidents and the like.


"Also, mind letting me poke around whatever medical facilities you have here while I wait?"

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Lucille listened to the conversations, but did not request anything herself. Finding an empty spot- which was exceedingly empty given the room was barren -she went to work on her staff. Not the one Parias had given her, but rather the boring, simple quartz one she'd been using for so many years. From what testing she'd already done with Soma outside, the Cane had far more potential, and it would be easy enough to transfer its most important traits over. All she had to do was take out the crystal from it's setting, and once it was free she began to chant, as her hands once more searched the Cane for an ideal spot...


  Reveal hidden contents


And found one she did. Slipping the Crystal into the spot she'd molded and firmly melding the metal around it was easy; just like that, the old staff had been reduced to nothing but a wooden shaft, and she could feel the thrum of the crystal as it seemed to take to it's new housing. 


She of course... was not done yet. The thing practically begged to be used, and use it lucille did. Once more her focus brought fire to it's length, gleaming, pearly white licks of flame, flame that even now was waiting to incinerate something, much like an attack dog barely restrained on its leash. She was no stranger to directing energy with precision, however, and rather than let the flames run wild and free, she treated them much like she would a thaumic spell; did the proper calculations, double checked them, then issued the orders to the energies within the cane, all in the span of not even half a second....


A small pop of fire came, but that was about it. She tried again, and again, she heard a bit of noise, felt the temperature rise just a bit and the air pressure shift as it shot forward just a bit, but she knew from how brief it was, it had failed to carry out the instructions she'd so carefully crafted.


That was when she got another idea- perhaps it ran on a different operating factor.... much like her Bonds. Perhaps the energy was designed to rely on neural triggers and sheer willpower instead of careful, meticulous math. She tried to direct the fire again, this time doing so much like she'd direct one of her animals, and low and behold, the roar of flames and the sheer intensity of the heat spike left her speechless, hair flying back as a gout of pearly embers erupted from the cane's tip in a furious storm of might.

     They swirled, coalesced, intermingled until they formed an inferno fully fledged, setting the very air itself alight, quite literally, as Lucille could smell burnt ozone. She willed the storm to stop, and it did, leaving no smoldering embers, no lingering flames, just the stench of burning atmosphere.  Despite the heat of her experiment, the floor and walls showed no sign of damage whatsoever, as she hovered a hand near them.


All she could do was smirk. She may not have seen the intensity of the fire, but she had felt it all too well, like an extension of herself bursting outwards in an endless torrent. The roar, the heat on her face and hands, the pressure which squeezed against her very being, the scent of charred atmospheric elements.... so this was what it would likely feel like, casting something using one's will? She could only guess, her Bonds were entirely in nature, not meant for such.... flashy displays. of course the feeling of using them had been totally different.... but she could not say that she disliked it. No, quite the contrary....


The power of the cane reminded her of the power she'd tasted before, flowing through her, around her. The raw, unbridled stream of possibilities spawned by effectively unlimited power. This hadn't even been a fraction of that sensation, but it had been nice enough to wet her appetite, and make her realize what she'd been oblivious to all this time.... though she knew full well that it could easily sweep her up, and she could get lost in it and never find her way back.... her mind, her body, her very soul, they WANTED that power again, they hungered and thirsted for it like wild beasts imprisoned in cages hungered for the hunt. And they cared nothing for the consequences that would come with drawing it out again- were her senses lacking in clarity and her judgement muddled, she would've thought little of.... dipping a toe in again, trying once more to fight the restrictions and break open the gates.

      But the rational, sane part of her shook its head, scoffing at just how easily the temptation had come. The powers she'd used to create the tree were even more.... engulfing than she'd first assessed, if they're sweet whispers lingered even now. And rather than encourage her, the idea made her wonder- what would happen if she really did give in, what would become of her if she let it overtake her.... the rational part of her honestly didn't want to find out. 


Nor did she want to feel the pain of death all over again.

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"I'm Alyssa, pleasure to meet you." This person certainly got right to the point. Alyssa figures she can figure out his name later. Right now, there was someone looking at the bus that seemed good for a conversation. She walks up and tries to be as guard-like as possible

"Did you find anything of interest?"

A direct approach is probably the best way to talk to the girl.

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After coming into the base, Satomi had stayed long enough with the others to get the greeting that they all got, but as soon as that let out, she made a beeline to a bathroom (she had figured out modern bathrooms at the PRT headquarters): she was still heavily spattered with blood and gore thanks to getting sliced open earlier, though Harry's treatment ensured that she was no longer in trouble thanks to the wound, that didn't exactly get rid of the other, wildly splattered evidence of the attack she'd taken. So she just decided to wash it off, taking advantage of the fantastic thing that these high-technology people called "tap water". Satomi turned behind her, locked herself into the bathroom, peeled off her outer kimono, and got to work.


After fifteen minutes, she hadn't managed to get rid of it all -- that wasn't going to happen right now, especially with her under-robe and her koshimaki underskirt both being white (well, nominally white at the moment). But she did manage to get all of the blood off of her arms, face, and neck, and she did manage to clear the worst of the blood from her kimono, for that matter. Now, leaving the bathroom, the blue-and-gray garment was still somewhat discolored, making it clear that she hadn't gotten out of things unscathed, but she was confident that there wouldn't be enough blood everywhere to make people stop and question her.


And so, satisfied with the job she'd done cleaning herself, Satomi headed back out towards where most of the group still was, asked one of the nearby base staff where she could find where their engineers worked. After getting her answer, she proceeded to get on the elevator... but not without taking her notebook back out (mercifully, having it on the side of her obi meant that though it had fallen out earlier and had to be picked up again, it wasn't ruined with her own blood) and taking as many notes as she could manage from within the enclosed space. Then, finally, once she reached the engineering division she took a long look around the place, trying to see what mechanical things of interest there were in the area.

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For the most part, Proditor had been to the side of the group, thinking to himself. Fenrir, from what he was seeing, seemed to have plenty of resources at its disposal. After all, Paylor was easily willing to part with plenty of equipment just so the group could get to work on what they needed to do. He could likely get his own 'terminal' and use it to catalog information on his own accord. It was likely that Fenrir could utilize some knowledge that ADVENT had collected.


Proditor likely would've requested something like that, if he didn't suddenly hear the burst of flames, turning slightly to see one of the young females of the group holding a cane... Which was on fire. Well, more so an inferno of flame. Which was worse, by all standards. For a good second, Proditor remained frozen, before sending his voice out so only the girl could hear, his voice loud and booming in her mind, with only four words spoken,





Science Group in general


As Paylor opened his mouth to speak, he suddenly paused, grabbing his pocket watch to check the time, “Of course, I can bring you to the floor our medical team is stationed at. I must get to my own research again anyway” he said, nodding when Somatotrope said she’d want a test as well, “I’ll make sure you have a schedule for a test then. It would help immensely to register yourselves on the Fenrir Database using your terminals, and sign up for a genetic test. That way I can get more focus on my research” he added, before looking at Kusuke, “For what you need, simply send me a message using a terminal. I will make sure to send a requisition for the materials I can get” he stated, before turning around and heading towards the door, “Come along Dr. Walters” he called back as the door opened, letting Paylor walk out and head towards the elevator.


… When the two did get on the elevator, assuming Harry did follow, Paylor would simply press one button, letting the elevator doors close before suddenly speaking, “To satisfy my curiosity, tell me, what was your world like, Dr. Walters?” he asked, not turning his head to face Harry. All he did was stare ahead, taking a step back to he was right to Harry’s side.



Engineering Division


At Alyssa’s sudden voice, the girl seemed to jump, bolting to her feet and spinning around… Visibly relaxing when she saw it was just a guard and one of the people that were brought in from the recent mission, “Nothing much ma’am. Kind of hard to find much interesting when you just look around the outside of something” she said, mostly ignoring Frigus for the meantime, “The outside is an old model, really old, but the overall bus seems rather well kept. I wish I could get inside and check it out, but… Um…” she continued, pausing to look up at the windows of the bus, “... The woman who’s been sitting inside is a bit… Intimidating, not gonna lie” she said with a shrug, before turning to finally speak to Frigus, “Where did you get this anyway? It entire vehicle doesn’t seem too old, but its model isn’t like anything produced in recent years. There’s also a huge lack of Aragami bites on it” she asked.


Satomi, once she arrived using the elevator (before Paylor had left the science wing with Harry), would see more or less the same thing as Frigus and Alyssa had seen. Namely, plenty of jeeps, helicopters, the bus, and some large storage rooms set off to the side, with the engineers all around mostly taking a break.

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"Oh? Funny, I don't think anyone's asked that yet." As he thought about his answer, Harry realized that he didn't really mind not being asked about it. It was a difficult question to answer. So many things hinged on so many other things that it would be difficult to know where to start. Tech made sense. He wouldn't be able to judge medical tech until they got to their destination, and technology told a bit more about the world anyway.


"Uh. . Huh. Well, home planet is called earth. Dunno if that's your name for this planet, but I wouldn't be surprised, given that we've already visited another earth. Pretty weird coincidence. Anyway, we've had colonies in other stellar systems for about a hundred and fifty years now, give or take. We've got like twenty or so now, none more than forty lightyears away, populations between about two thousand and a hundred and ten thousand? I don't pay attention to the demographics. Earth's still kicking along, sort of. It's kind of shit right now, but definitely not as bad as it could be. Lived in Europe for twenty three years, and once I got my doctorate, I headed to the colonies. Was serving with a special ops team on an exoplanet in the Gliese system before I got pulled into this mess."

"So, now you've got the short story of my life, what do you want to know? Because it's going to have to be more specific than 'tell me about your world', unless you want me to babble like an encyclopedia for ten hours. So any particular interests? Oh, and for context, if you use the good old gregorian, it's 2678 C.E."

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Kusuke didn't waste much time, quickly hunting out the computer terminal. It didn't take long to register and sign in, and after doing so he had the list typed up and sent in short order. That errand done and with nothing to immediately draw his attention, he set about practicing his teleportation a bit. He'd continue thusly until interrupted, whether by somebody else or his own boredom.

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Frigus looked over to Alyssa and raised an eyebrow before turning back to the engineer.

"We traded with a master inventor for it, and it was probably wise for you to not try and enter."

He looked back up toward Tattletale in the bus.

"Let me go talk to her a pick up a few things, then maybe you can take a look around inside."

Frigus then proceeded to the door of the bus and(assuming nothing was amiss) entered.  He called down the bus to where Tattletale was(or just spoke if she was right there.).

"Hello Miss Tattletale, I don't believe I've gotten a chance to speak with you directly yet, but I have returned from the meeting with the leader of this place."

He stepped the rest of the way into the bus and walked over to where he had left his notepad after they landed in this world.

"It went fairly well and they don't seem to bare any hostile intent.  My name is Frigus by the way, in case you missed it."

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