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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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Satomi undisguisedly gaped when she saw some of the things in the engineering room. The wheeled vehicles were still amazing, even if Satomi had seen some back on Earth Bet, what with the cars and the bus that she had had the time to pore over (though she only was aware of the surface-level functions of the vehicles, for now). But what really grabbed her attention and refused to let go of it was one of the helicopters. Satomi wasn't quite sure how the device worked, but the... blades at the top and the piece of the vehicle that they were connected to did let Satomi know very quickly that it was an advanced, mechanical piece of technology.


Satomi wasn't exactly known for not drooling over advanced technology, and so she immediately beelined right next to the helicopter. She wasn't climbing in or anything, but what she was doing was unabashedly standing right next to the vehicle and poring over it with notebook in hand, using her pen to write in her notebook; anyone managing to get a glimpse of it would find that the page it was open on was beginning to fill up with two sketches Satomi was darting between drawing at the same time, one of the helicopter as a whole, one of what she could see of the rotor.

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1 hour ago, GodofGamingRWBY said:





Lucille jumped as the sudden scolding echoed through her skull, falling back on the floor unceremoniously. She listened around the room, trying to find the source of the accursed noise which hath no volume control, only to find that despite how fuck all loud it was, she could picked nary hide nor hair of an echo. There wasn't even a subtle vibration through the floors or walls suggesting frequencies too high for even her to detect, and in all honesty she wouldn't have trusted them even if there were. Whoever spoke those words, they definitely weren't a hyper pitched child...


"What, who, where, how!?" She shook her head, trying to calm herself. Standing back up and dusting herself off, she went through the possibilities... and slowly realized that how that voice had entered her senses... was quite familiar. Not exactly the same as a mutual bond, but... close enough.


Close enough Lucille was willing to prod outward at the shapes she sensed, using a few of her bonds. It was more of an invitation to talk, than an attempt to assimilate and ride, and she poked at each of them in turn, giving the same message


"H-Hello? W...Was that you...just now?"


and feeling for any response over the link. Or at the very least, if not a response, she listened for any tell-tale shuffling of clothing or bodies turning around...


Proditor would've easily felt the girl's mental hailing, once she finally got around to targeting the tallest shape in the room- unwitting of the fact the ethereal even existed or what he even was...

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"Yeah, just a fair warning, he'd sell you all out for a can of boot polish.  Don't get in any situations where he's got that option."  Tattletale says, sitting in a chair nearby, fiddling on a laptop.


"Oh, also, Mirri is pretty rapidly falling to the dark side, like, throw a hunk of lead down a long fall falling, you know your way around hearts and stuff, so I'm just letting you know in advance."  she says sympathetically.



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Alyssa looks over to Frigus and gives a slight nod of appreciation. Seems like a decent enough fellow, but his clothing says it all. Cold but a hero type nonetheless. Though the armor could go for a little more "pizzaz" factor. 
While Frigus finds whatever he is looking for in the bus, Alyssa turns to the engineer girl and whispers with a wistful tone, "So, these guys seem pretty decent. Do you ever want to just get off this planet and explore? I was around when the higher ups were interrogating them and turns out they had never even seen an Aragami until today. Wouldn't that be nice. And this place," Alyssa gestures at the building, "isn't exactly a paradise."

Alyssa looks at the girl, searching for any sign of misgivings or doubts about the officials here.

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With the girl having stopped her inferno, Proditor nearly breathed a sigh of relief. He had taken notice of her short freak out, so when he spoke again, his voice was much more calmer and even to Lucille, “Yes, that was me. My apologies, your… Fire storm startled me” Proditor replied, pausing for a second before adding: “... I don’t believe we have ever spoken before. A rather rude introduction, but I am Proditor”


That was when Arminius spoke up, causing Proditor to turn his head to look down at him, “What would that be?” he asked, before quickly following up, “... Ah, the mind reading resistance, isn’t it?”




“No, not anything specific. I was curious simply curious” Paylor replied, before looking up in thought, “With the multi-world theory now proven to be true, thanks to you, entirely new fields and possibilities have opened up, just waiting to be explored. There are likely worlds that exist where we were able to stop the Aragami from becoming as big of a threat as they are now, or even a world where Aragami and Humans are able to coexist peacefully… And, obviously, worlds where the Aragami never even existed in the first place” he thought aloud, before shaking his head, “Either way, your world sounded fantastic. Space travel, across multiple light years, is very impressive” he added, just as the doors of the elevator opened up, “Ah, but I’ll save my own ramblings for later. Your stop is here, Dr. Walters” he said, gesturing forwards.


The hall in front of Harry was a very simple white hallway, with only three doors marking it. Two to the side, and one at the far end of the hallway. There were small signs to the side of each door, that told the reader what each door was for.


"I do hope we can speak at a later time. I'm sure we both have interesting tales of our worlds to share" Paylor added as Harry let the elevator, with the doors closing not long after Harry stepped off.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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"Anytime." Harry exited the elevator, and entered the hall. He glanced around the walls and ceiling, looking for any obvious cameras. He had no ill intentions of course, but he liked to know when he was watched. He then approached each of the doors in turn to read the signage indicating where they lead.

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"Oh....uh, sorry about that..." The girl responded sheepishly... "was just...testing something out, it.... it worked a bit better than I expected. And no, I don't think we have either, I'm Lucille. Um.... is there a particular reason why you're not a fan of fire?" she paused for a moment, considering the size of the Ethereal's sonar blip compared to literally everyone and everything "also... what exactly... are you? You're way to tall to be a normal human... and your frame definitely isn't wide enough to be some type of giant..."

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Frigus nodded along in response to the first thing Tattletale said, but froze when she mentioned Mirri falling so fast.  He slowly opened and closed his mouth, clearly trying to find something to say, he took a deep breath and sighed, shook his head, and looked down at the ground.

"Alright, I didn't realize she was falling that fast."

He looked back up at Tattletale with a much more grim expression on his face.

"I estimated several months at least, assuming she didn't do anything stupid or get picked up by a dark entity.  I'll....see if I can do anything."

Frigus looked outside then back to Tattletale.

"Anyway, there is an engineer outside who desperately wants to see how the bus works, but they're to afraid of you to approach.  Just thought you should know, feel free to let them if you want I guess, though you're obviously better at filling in blanks or reading people than I am so....yeah"

As he talked Frigus made his way to the back of the bus where most of the materials had been stored, he picked through grabbing a few things including some Timefucked metal, a small crystal vial of blue liquid, and some pieces of wood.  With all the items tucked away seemingly nowhere Frigus started towards the door of the bus.

"I think that was all I needed, anything you need or want me to tell the others or something?"

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Arminius looks at Mirri with great surprise on his face. He needs a few moments before finally finding words to express himself with.

"Really?! You really want to do that? Did you miss the part where they implied you could die! I get that you're all about being brave and taking problems head on but you don't need to risk everything on a pretty toy."

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On 12/4/2017 at 3:38 PM, GodofGamingRWBY said:

“I would believe that, now that you are not limited by ‘CrossCode’s systems, you would be more versatile and free, if it was a form of simulation. I would simply suggest training and seeing what you can do. Perhaps attempting a spar with someone here” Proditor stated, giving any suggestion that he could think of. They needed the best that they could get from everyone, so having one fall behind due to being worried about their combat abilities was something they could not accept.

At some point during all the various happenings, Eva attempted to explain her meaning to Proditor. "It doesn't quite work that way. My avatar can only do things it's programmed to do. Which is a lot, since it's supposed to feel as human as possible, but it's not perfect. I have pretty much perfect control over my hands and fingers, but it would take a lot of time and effort to write because my avatar just wasn't programmed to do it. And since the things out here aren't programmed for me to interact with them, if my avatar isn't already capable of dealing with them as-is, I won't be much use." She hoped that cleared things up. Sure there might be some way to expand her capabilities, like how Sergey had hard-coded words into her vocabulary to get around her speech synchronization issues. But it wasn't something she could do for herself, and she was pretty limited in seeking help.

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Lilly, while the others were talking asked some of the people in the building for help with the terminal, and with there help manages to get a basic understanding of how to work it. Sending a message.



Hey, if your bringing down some equipment and stuff I have a request.

I recently acquired some hide I would like tanned, preferably with the scales intact?

Also Theres something I've been meaning to try, I don't suppose you know any glassblowers that could help me?



Lilly and Ador then decide to wander around for a little bit. Exploring the area.

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Proditor, even as he looked at Arminius, immediately responded to Lucille, “An event from many years ago showed me the truth about flames. Consider it a fear of pure destruction. I am also what is known as an Ethereal” Proditor said, 


At the same time as he spoke with Lucille, Proditor replied to Arminius, just before Mirri agreed to take the God Eater test, “Do not worry yourself if I’m busy. I always have time. As for tips, I would suggest clearing your mind, keeping your thoughts as nonexistent as possible” he replied. And, to end it all off, Proditor finally managed to get back to Eva, his voice appearing in her head safter a good amount of time being silent towards her,


“Hm… If I can get suitable equipment, I believe I would be able to do the job myself. That is, if your body can be upgraded in its programming.”





Not long after Lilly sent her message in, she would get a response from a “Dr. Paylor Sakaki”, with the message of:

“Dear Miss Lilly,

Of course! Though, we do not have anyone stationed inside the Branch that can do the job themselves. However, it would be very easy for me to send a request for a glassblower and a tanner. However, expect a few days to pass before they can be relocated here.

-Dr. Sakaki”


(10vs19)Lilly can  find quite a lot of things that can catch her interest, like the main lobby for the God Eaters, the science floor, medical floor, Engineering Hanger, etc. Unfortunately, she is unable to keep anything she finds due to the fact that they're Fenrir equipment and she hasn't spoken to Dr. Sakaki about keeping them.




The doors in the medical division had three different signs. To the left was the Storage room, the the right was an Infirmary, while the door at the end of the hall, specifically, had the sign of “Medical Labs”.


If Harry were to go into those labs, he would find find a large white room filled with different machines and scientists moving around, investigating and working with various chemicals and equipment.


Engineering Group


(26 vs 24: Disguise remains) At Alyssa’s statement, the girl frowned, eyes glancing around the hanger as she thought for a second, “Well, it would be nice to get a vacation, but I enjoy my work here anyway. Well, food could be better, but it's not too bad” she said with a shrug, “Heck, if people don’t see Aragami much anymore, we really are doing a good job. Unless you were meaning the Director and Old Man Sakaki, in which case, are you sure you were paying attention? Both of them are the leading heads of practically anything relating to Aragami” she said, then shook her head after a few seconds, “Ugh, I need to take my break now, sorry” she said, before walking past Alyssa, moving towards the center of the Engineering Bay to take her break.


Satomi, for the most part, was practically left alone as she sketched the helicopter. Sure, there was some strange looks from some of the engineers on break, but they didn’t seem to care too much, as she was just writing stuff down. At least, until one did, the same engineer that had been checking out the bus before Alyssa and Frigus came around, noticing Satomi’s sketches as she stood right behind her, “... I didn’t think we were getting an inspector today” she commented, placing her hands on her hips as she did so.

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Calvera, who mainly stayed silent due to her fascination with the place, finally decided to speak up.

"Tests? I like tests, I guess. Sign-"

She looks over to Arminius, who seems to be combative about the process, and some of the group signing up. Her expression of worry and conflict, as she mentally decides the best course of action. The person she trusted most in this group was against these tests... so that pretty much made up her mind, despite her wanting to try to... well, become more powerful. She thought was what she wanted: Power. Power to fight back the Trespassers. She sighs, shuffling next to Arminius. "...actually, I don't know about this guys... seems a bit excessive."

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Harry entered the laboratory first. Might as well inspect things in order. First and most importantly, this world's broad medical status. Investigating innovations or lack thereof in patient care could come in fifteen minutes of so.  Thus he stepped into the lab, adopting the casual air of someone meant to be there. If anyone approached him, he would simply tell them that Paylor had given him permission to be there, and that they could call him if necessary.


For the next fifteen minutes or so, he would investigate the machines, checking the labels on what they were, the specs, and asking technicians who were working with them about the specifics, such as resolution, power consumption, accuracy, etc.

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"Hey, before we do your testing, I've got something I might be able to offer.  My power can make anything that isn't alive grow drastically in complexity and size temporarily.  If you have anything like some computers or machines that you'd like to have that done to, I can do that now."  Soma messages the Doctor.

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Arminius glances at Calvera. He takes a breath to calm himself.

"Look, if you want to do it then that's your choice. But you're flipping a coin that could kill you at best, at worst you're gambling on the chance that a guillotine won't cut your head off. It's just not worth the risk."

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Harry made his way around to the instruments. Most he recognized, though some were a bit crude in method. Still, early twenty second century didn't seem like a poor guess, and they were already on the road to miniaturization.


A little while in,one of the occupants of the room began glancing curiously at him and approached. Harry forestalled any queries about his right to be in the room, saying, "Paylor sent me down here, to get a look around. Mind telling me what you're working on? Routine maintenance, or prepping for something, or actively doing work? I've got some experience in the field, and even if I can't be of help, I'm sure I can follow along to satisfy curiosity."

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Eva did a poor job of hiding her excitement as her face lit up hopefully. "You could?" She said to Proditor, "I mean, yes it's definitely possible to improve my avatar's programming. I'm only able to speak at all because Sergey hard-coded words into my avatar." This was extremely good news. If nothing more, Proditor could at least at some more words to her vocabulary. And if things went really well, they could expand her functionality to be better suited for adventuring across the multiverse.

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“Good. With time, I should be able to create something that will let me do exactly that” Proditor responded. He didn’t know who this Sergey was, but he should be able to do the work that they did as well.


… If he had the tech to do it with, at least.





Like with Lilly, Soma would get a response from Paylor not a minute after she sent him her message,


“Dear Miss Julie,


Fantastic! I should have time to set up a quick experimentation before the testing begins. The testing should begin in an hour, but I can quickly set up something for you. If you would please, in 10 minutes, come down to Floor 3. I must get a suitable terminal for this.


- Dr. Sakaki”




The scientist that Harry asked his question sighed, “Of course Dr. Sakaki would do that” they muttered, before looking at Harry, “Currently, we’re preparing what we can for new God Eaters that are being transferred in. New Types, specifically, not the Old Types” they said, then gestured towards the entire lab, “... Most of the time we simply work on advancements in the Anti-Aragami field, figuring out how we can better our knowledge about Oracle Cells and use it for medical purposes.”

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Hmm. The girl seemed nice. Oh well.

Alyssa figures that nothing else around here is going to be particularly helpful. She spends a while walking around the facility, looking for anything amiss to no avail. 

(12 v 1)

Resigned to the fact that this place isn't like home, isn't just a cover for something more sinister, although genetic modification isn't exactly innocent, Alyssa heads back to the rooms where the group is and removes the guard armor for the time being.

Edited by Irbsandcheese
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