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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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". . .Yes." Harry thought for a moment, before continuing. "Five things, I think. First of all, if you didn't know, the fatality rate is about 60%, if you didn't know. So worse than a fifty fifty shot for you if you pass the genetics test. Based on what some technicians told me." She wasn't going to stop, that much was obvious. But he needed to at least try.


"Second, the fatality rate has decreased over the last year. Don't know how much, but you could probably have a better chance of surviving if you wait a bit." Patience didn't seem like something she'd be willing to utilize.


"Next. If you want to hide behind more power, Proditor has been able to unlock psionic powers in ordinary humans. I urge you to consider that if you need more capabilities." Harry pointed to some small instrument nearby in prepping for the test, and levitated it a few inches up.


"And finally, if you do this, and you die, is there anyone I should tell back on Earth Bet?" Harry doubted that he could convince her to stop. But, there was still the genetics test, and until that was done, the possibility of death was not impending.

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"I understand.  We don't have time like that.  I can certainly do that afterwards, and..."


"If I die, Find a man named Max Anders"  She thinks for a moment.




"And kill him."  she finishes


"His cape name is Kaiser.  The leader of the Empire 88, and my father."


"I doubt you'll need to.  I'll survive this, and do it myself.  I'm sure of it." she comments, successfully convincing herself.

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"I'll find him if anything happens. Now, or later." Harry nodded firmly, face twisted in the slightest of scowls. He'd heard before, but it was interesting to note that her father was the leader of the group that she had commented would be the biggest and most difficult to take down.


In response to her final statement Harry stated forcefully, "Good. Do it. Only known you for 48 hours or so, but you seem like a good person. One of the best in this crew. So, don't die, Julie." That was all he could do then, except hope that the genetics test came back negative.

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Satomi shrugged at Licca. "Yeah, I'm not a shugenja, and I don't have some of the things that the others have, so I'm afraid you'll just have to go by my testimony to believe me." Satomi frowns when Licca mentions her kimono. "Yeah... it's been getting damaged, but I don't have a replacement. It's a little bit of a disgrace, but it's the cost of traveling around worlds in just a vehicle..." Satomi gets broken out of her slight dolor on the topic by the fellow engineer's mentioning that helicopters aren't their most complex devices. In fact, her eyes practically sparkle with excitement at the idea of even more complicated, incredible, advanced machines being around, and Satomi clenches her fists in front of her chest in anticipation. "Really?? Can I see?"

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Kusuke shook his head. "Not much more than what he said. High lethality rate. Something to do with synchronization with one of those God Arcs going wrong, if I had to guess." He sighed, and pushed himself up from his seat. "I hope nobody else's planning on taking these; I'm the one who can cheat death here. Making other people's wounds disappear is one thing, but bringing someone back is another one entirely." The time traveler started to walk out of the room and toward the labs he'd been asked to report to. "I tried to, once. I ended up killing a guy who was wanted for robbery and murder; he pressed me and the safest option was to off him rather than try and subdue him without hurting him. I tried to grab and pull him back, and. . ." He shrugged. "Nothing happened."

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Frigus looked thoughtful for a moment.

"If you don't mind I'll come along with you.  While I'm not interested in taking one myself I'd like to learn why the tests are so lethal, perhaps it's a factor we can help to mitigate in the future."

Assuming Kusuke didn't object Frigus would follow him to the labs.

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Kusuke shrugged, and kept walking. After a moment or two, he turned his head toward Frigus. "You know, while I'm resolving the whole soul misunderstandiing thing, I think there's some conversation we should have on that. You and I both seem to be well-informed on the matter, but what we both 'know' doesn't actually match, so I figured it might be worthwhile to compare notes."

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"As cowardly as you are, I have trouble seeing how you ever go outside," Mirri informs Arminius, "Life is short, death is certain.  A coward lives a thousand deaths in the confines of his own head.  The rest of us die but once."  She heads off to the God Eater testing facility, ignoring any further attempts to talk her out of this.

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Frigus thought in silence for several moments before responding to Kusuke.

"Well, for starters we could both be 'proven' entirely wrong in the next world we visit.  Now, what I have been taught and what I have seen in the few worlds I've visited reinforce the idea of something called a 'Heart'.  They can exist in anyone or anything, though they tend to act differently on different scales, what I know the most about would be Hearts on the 'Human' scale."

Frigus paused to gather his thoughts for a second,

"I believe the best way to describe a Heart is as a massive and perfectly fused stained glass window.  I know it may be an odd way to think about it, but please trust me.  The colors of the window usually depict an image of the owner's life, something that sums up their greatest triumphs and defeats, and just like real glass if I came along with a hammer and hit it, it would shatter into a million pieces.  But there are other ways to manipulate glass, small impacts that aren't enough to shatter it will leave cracks, fractures, or even knock a piece out, heat can be applied to warp and stretch the glass then cut it, extremely precise tools can cut a segment of the glass.

I think everyone uses hammers in your world."

Frigus stopped again, with a look on his face that said he was trying to see if he forgot to add anything.

"Also, if the window is damaged, but not completely broken sometimes you can pick up the pieces and put them back, fix the hole by borrowing some glass from someone else, or live with a broken window.  Either way, the window will never be the same."

Edited by StormLord
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"That doesn't sound too far removed from what I know of. A soul where I'm from holds all of the information about who and what you are, everything that's ever happened to you, plus the current state of your body. I think, anyway. A Drive is from a strong soul pulling the Blue toward itself and borrowing some of its power and knowledge; it's theorized that the Blue is where all souls travel after their bearers die. Assuming that something doesn't stop them from getting there." He frowned. "A Drive powers itself with Magic Element, or seithr. If there's no seithr nearby, it uses your soul. You can recover from this sort of tiny usage, but Drive overuse can kill you or drive you insane. Which is probably more likely in timelines that haven't been connected to the Boundary, due to the lack of seithr present." 

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Frigus nodded along in agreement.

"Everything seems to line up more or less, even if some of the details are a bit fuzzy.  In parallel to strong souls, strong Hearts can call forth various kinds of magic when give a focus of some sort.  If deemed worthy particularly strong Hearts can obtain a Keyblade or even use magic without a focus."

Frigus raised a hand up to his chin and held it the for a second.

"I should make some foci at some point, I'm sure I could teach several people in the group how to use the same magic I do.  You included."

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Kusuke nodded. "Sorcery exists in my timeline, but it's not a particularly common gift. I wonder. . ." The bounty hunter took on a thoughtful expression for a few moments before shaking his head, seemingly bringing him back to the present conversation. "Sorcery being, specifically, the kind of magic that you do without using a Magic Formula. Magic is. . . complicated, and some people just can't do it no matter how hard they study. I've never had the time to pick it up myself. Fortunately, Magic Formulae make it a little more accessible for everyday life. Maybe in your timeline it's just a more widespread talent? Or the method has just been improved that far. . ." Another pause, another expression of thought. "Remind me to compare notes with you about these 'Heartless' and the Black Beast."

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"Yes. One of the dorms should have what Dr. Paylor referred to as a 'terminal'" Proditor replied.





The girl seemed to think for a second, then bring a hand up to the back of her head, “Can’t really leave the base right now to show you, but I’m sure you saw the wall that surrounds the city, right? Made 17 years ago when we didn’t know much about the Aragami and still going strong. Multilayered, personal trams inside of it to get one person to another part of the wall quickly, supply caches, armories, turrets, you name it that wall has it installed” she said, pointing at the helicopter, “Might not be a flying machine like this here, but it's more than capable of taking on a horde of Aragami and keep people alive.”



Testing Group


As Harry would find, there was practically no difference in Sakaki’s smiling face as he went to work, greeting Mirri, Jun, and Kusuke as they all entered. The next 20 minutes were… More or less basic process. Sakaki and the two doctors that were with him worked on getting their blood samples, mainly taking it out of their right arms. Three small blood samples were all that were required from each, as Sakaki and his assistants spend roughly 16 minutes going over the samples, making sure each record was matched up to 100%. After the wait though, Sakaki finally had his results, letting him return to the four as they waited,


“Unfortunately, or fortunately, however one likes to look at it, only two of you are compatible for God Eater initiation. That would be Miss Julie, and surprisingly you, Miss Mirri. Your results were harder to figure out, but you are capable to become a God Eater” he said, before turning to Kusuke and Jun, “My apologies, but your own results were incompatible. As per our want to keep as little people dying as possible, you are unable to continue with the God Eater test” he stated, then turned back to Somatotrope, “Johan has already cleared your own God Eater test, Miss Julie. Please, meet me down at Floor 3. You may prepare for the test however you’d like” he said, before turning to the door, heading out of the room.

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"Damn." He'd been ready to brave whatever tests were in store for them; it was frustrating, to say the least, to not even have the option of doing so. "You don't mind if I come along, do you? I can at least try and reverse whatever's killing people off if things go wrong." 

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Damn. Harry simply followed along to wherever the tests would occur. He at least wanted to be there. As he was walking, he contemplated sending out a signal to Proditor, but it'd likely be no use, not now. If something bad happened, he could signal the psionic. And he still had a phone. . . But there was no one to call? Satomi wouldn't be much use, Mirri held a phone, and Soma the other, if he was remembering correctly. And there were some unclaimed phones, back on the bus. So. . .he could call Tattletale, if something went wrong. But for now, he couldn't, at least without anyone hearing him. And if Soma or Mirri heard, that might make any thing that he tried exceptionally difficult.

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Upon entering the room with Jun, Soma, and Mirri already waiting to take the test Frigus was left speechless.  It took him a minute to actually register that yes all of them wanted to gamble their lives for a shred of power.

Just as Soma is abiut to leave Frigus speaks up with an alonst painfully polite and concerned demeanor.


"Mirri, Soma, I know Harry has probably already spoke to you, but please let me say my piece as well.  I haven't known either of you long, but I want to know why you're doing this.  Because if it's a play for power, frankly it's reckless and you're going to get yourselves killed.

If you feel your abilities are lacking I'm sure there are people in the group that could train you.  I'm confident that half the people here could learn the simple ice and healing spells I know if they tried.  

Even if you survive the Godeaters don't seem that much stronger than we are now, so you're risking your lives for very little payout."

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"I gotta say I agree with Frigus. I was willing to do this because, well, danger coming from one source at a predetermined time? I can dodge that at least three different ways. All three of which I planned on using, by the way. I can't pull you back from the dead, though, and I don't think anyone else here can either. And it's not like we haven't got other ways to power up. I was planning on scouting for a kiln once I get the right parts - if I'm right, you could possibly get a Drive from the mere act of it being opened up." 

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On 12/6/2017 at 3:43 PM, GodofGamingRWBY said:



 “An event from many years ago showed me the truth about flames. Consider it a fear of pure destruction. I am also what is known as an Ethereal"


"Ethereals?" Not a race she'd heard of, but that wasn't surprising by this point. She had been about to think of another question, when her attention momentarily had lasped, and her senses focused on the confrontation between Arminius and Mirri. Even if they'd been whispering, she'd still have picked them up with little effort- the volume they discussed their little spat however, was practically like a beacon to her. It all had something about.... Testing and a high chance of death? Power? Apparently there was an offer to try and become like the two men they'd met earlier... and it carried it's own special hell if it failed.

     How ironic.... sounded very familiar. Too familiar almost, in basic concept. The girl had only pursed her lips as they finished arguing and there was a set of footsteps fading from the room. She returned her focus to the mutual bond with the Ethereal, and Proditor likely would've sensed the ample waves of conflict from her, given she neither made an effort to hide it.


".....well, anyway...what exactly is an ethereal, if you don't mind me asking? Do you always communicate like this? Is there more you can do inside other's peoples heads beyond just beaming thoughts?"


A subtle shudder followed that last...question.

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Calvera idly made her way back to the bus, kicking her feet as she did so. She tried to understand what was happening, but she knew she'd need some more time to get her understanding to a good point. So, for now, she would reside back to the bus. Her thoughts swirled between the tests, whether her friends would survive those tests, and whether or not she upset Arminius. She wasn't entirely sure why she cared about upsetting Arminius, or doing something that he didn't... approve of. But, it was a thing, and she was quite confused about it. She stumbled into the bus, and quickly took a seat, lounging back with a sigh.

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"I understand the risks, but I could get all of that on top of this.  It's just too valuable to someone like me, without any superhuman talents." 


"I wouldn't worry, I'll survive this, and then I'll get even stronger."  It's clear by now that all she can think of is how to sooth her fear and lust for power.

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"If you'll excuse my complaining one more time: do other humans have your power? No. Is it useful? Generally. So what are you other than super human?!" Harry exclaimed as the girl continued. He meant super human simply in the sense of beyond human, or having abilities that a human wouldn't have. That was all, and Soma certainly fit those requirements.

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