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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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For a few seconds, Proditor was silent as he noticed the… Well, thing, that resonated within Lucille, something that she didn’t even seem to notice. He wasn’t entirely sure what it was, aside from the fact that it seemed aware of him, and managed to create a wave of static just by existing. Strange.


“Plenty of things are possible with psionics. Levitation, telekinesis, a physical weapon sharper than any sword. Though, I doubt your bonds would be capable of replicating any of that… Though, it could be trained to achieve the previous two possibilities.”





When Harry asked his question, Sakaki had already put his phone away, turning his head back to the test room, “I’m unsure myself, Dr. Walters. The God Arc appears to have rejected her… But in a different way than normal” he said, listening to Soma’s continued screams of pain, “In fact, it seems to be growing at an extremely fast rate, and binding itself to Miss Julie.”





(10 vs 24) As Kusuke and Frigus moved in to help, the Oracle Cells working their way around Soma began to harden, turning into dark plates that covered her arm, and a bit of her face as the infestation continued to grow, already covering one of her eyes. The other one looked up, seeing Kusuke suddenly there, reaching out to touch her, likely to send her back to before she had taken the test. Instantly though, Soma knew that she couldn’t let that happen. She wouldn’t have someone save her from this, not while she still had a chance. This was her challenge, and she needed to do it alone.


And then, without and hesitation, and purely on instinct, Soma tore the God Arc from the ground, grabbing the metal bed to pull herself up, before swinging the gigantic blade at Kusuke to get him to back off.


Somatotrope gains a wound!

Wrathful God (Flaw): The user has turned into an Aragami, becoming completely hostile to anyone that tries to help, and must be defeated in order to rejoin the party.

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"She didn't tell you then? She's not precisely human. Has an organ in her brain, that gives her the power to extrapolate stuff. You're seriously telling me that she didn't tell you, or you didn't investigate that? Answer that later, do what you can." Harry waved away any protest or exclamations of surprise, pulled out his phone, and jabbed in the number of one of the burner phones he knew to be in the bus. Hopefully Tattletale would pick up. The phone rang once before he knew it had been picked up. Without waiting for a greeting, he immediately started talking.


"Soma tried to do a god eater test. Wasn't compatible, and it seems that the doctor in charge didn't account for the Pollentia Gemma or Corona, or maybe just the effects of her power. She's not dead though. Kusuke and Frigus have gone in, and I need any info you can pass on."

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"Sithspit!"  Mirri flicks her blaster over to stun and charges after Frigus.  Hopefully her armor will keep her from being infected by whatever that is.  She checks her seals and then rushes in.  "Stand back, you two!  My armor has class two biohazard seals.  I'll try to stun her long enough for you to do whatever you were trying, Kusuke."

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Frigus took a step back as Soma threw Kusuke away and Mirri stepped forward to fire stun round.  He shouted from inside his armor,

"If that doesn't work I've got another idea, just as non-lethal."

He then took up a fighting stance, prepared to sidestep an attack or lunge at Soma if he needed to lock her.

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"Any of it?" She seemed to almost talk it as a challenge, really. A hand was raised, a fist clenched, and the skin began to ripple, ever so slightly. And then that hand was gone, leaving nothing but shimmering air as the very waves of the light spectrum were bent, bowed, and broken. And then her arm followed, and her shoulder, until she decided that was enough.

     There'd been a brief signal from her, an internal pulse that had carried over the network of the many pieces of her mind. And from one part in particular, there came a response, a flare of repeated impulses that seemed to beam... packets of instructions to the core of her mind. And thus the core took those instructions, and applied them. Like jury rigging a peice of machinery to have a new function, certain parts of her physiology had... addendums added to them- Orders of how to grow or restructure, etc. Many of these addendums linked together to form their own networks.

       But it was also clear that something held it back from its logical conclusion. Perhaps it was some unconscious self-preservation, or perhaps it was the subtle cry of refusal Proditor would've sensed from her body, after a certain point. Either way, the mind stopped trying to apply the edits, and simply worked with what it had managed.


"I may have sold it a bit short earlier, when I called them a bunch of glorified leashes... guess there's only one way to find out though. If you're willing to try teaching me something, that is..."

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57 minutes ago, Strider said:

"She didn't tell you then? She's not precisely human. Has an organ in her brain, that gives her the power to extrapolate stuff. You're seriously telling me that she didn't tell you, or you didn't investigate that? Answer that later, do what you can." Harry waved away any protest or exclamations of surprise, pulled out his phone, and jabbed in the number of one of the burner phones he knew to be in the bus. Hopefully Tattletale would pick up. The phone rang once before he knew it had been picked up. Without waiting for a greeting, he immediately started talking.


"Soma tried to do a god eater test. Wasn't compatible, and it seems that the doctor in charge didn't account for the Pollentia Gemma or Corona, or maybe just the effects of her power. She's not dead though. Kusuke and Frigus have gone in, and I need any info you can pass on."


"W-What? Were you not listening when I told you how unpredictable powers react to biological modification?  She's second triggered, and if I had to guess, her body is absorbing and growing aragami cells using her now unlimited power, you need to get away from her immediately, you've seen what her power does to biological substances, and now she's fermenting her own damn body in a slurry of Magic, Aragami Cells, and predicted human evolution, and she can do that to anything in a range of several city blocks."


Tattletale sounds panicked.


"H-  Okay, Her Dragonscale armor, that's probably being grown into her hide, and whatever god arc they used for the test, it's being grown and evolved right along side that.  If she overcomes the pain, she might start turning nearby metal into darksteel, or melting it with holyfire to make an escape route, it's of the utmost importance that she not escape this building, and that nobody get close enough for her to think of using her powers on them.  The pain, Aragami cells, and her own power are influencing her mind, and rapidly at that, she's going to be acting on instinct really quickly, if she isn't already." 


Tattletale says, scrambling for words like an exam student, trying to write in the last answers before the bell rings.

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The time manipulator barely avoided the strike of the blade by teleporting out of the way (or got hit and simply jumped back to try again - only he knew). He glanced backward for a moment to note the appearance of Mirri and Frigus, and then sprung into action once more. Kusuke darted behind her(?), abruptly appearing and obviously not making anything personal. He reached toward the monster Somatotrope had quickly become, and focused as hard as he could, attempting to send her back in her own timeline once more and hopefully recovering Somatotrope the parahuman, not Somatotrope the rapidly growing angry armored monster. 

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"I was listening. I was a fucking moron, and forgot about it when I was trying to sway her to stop. But so was she, and so was the doctor in charge here." Harry pulled the phone away though he didn't end the call, and shouted out into the intercom, and secondarily to Sakaki, "She's got biological extrapolation now! She's altering herself using her power and Aragami cells rapidly. She's also got huge range, and can do this on others. Priority is containment. She's going to have the ability to convert other metals into one specific type, and can also control fire. You need to make sure she doesn't escape at all costs. She's working on instinct right now, so you can rely on her actions to be panicked, and irrational."


"You can't let her use her power on you! Stay as far as you can while still maintaining an effective presence." This was quite the snafu. They couldn't stay back too far, or risk letting her escape, and coming too close would mean drawing her attention and getting her power used on them. The three in the room would have to balance that. But they wouldn't be enough, if the power of the aragami combined with extrapolation and some magical metal were anything to judge by. Barely remembering that he'd had it, Harry reached out with his mind, feeling around the room, and listening to every sound he could pick up. It felt like nothing special from his point of view, but apparently Proditor had been able to sense it. Hopefully he would again. Hopefully he would poke at the thoughts running rapidly through Harry's head. Hopefully. Too many of those. And there was nothing else Harry could really do.

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Things might have rocketed down the proverbial drain elsewhere in the base, but Satomi (at least for a few more minutes) was living in blissful ignorance of this fact, with her conversation with Licca in the Engineering Bay keeping her away from literally everything that was going on.


Satomi gave Licca a little bow as she introduced herself, and then after contemplating and deciding to use an honorific since Licca's family name sounded Rokugani and just like Kusuke maybe there were then some cultural similarities: "It is nice to meet you, Licca-san! I am Satomi Kaiu, of the Crab Clan... though I suppose that doesn't mean much to you, eheh."

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At Lucille’s demonstration, Proditor remained silent for a few more seconds, then lightly nodded, “... You did sell it a bit short. Yes, I should be able to teach you. It should be a worthwhile-” Proditor began, only to suddenly pause when he felt a familiar psionic pulse, “... One second” was all he said to Lucille before he went back to Harry, his voice suddenly projecting in his mind, with only one word:






Sakaki merely turned his head to Harry, seeing the doctor speak to his phone before he could reply. Then, he sighed, turning his head back to the testing room for a few seconds, listening to Harry’s announcement to the others, frowning ever more at the news. With a quick glance, he could see that Johannes hadn’t even budged from his spot, staring at the scene with complete, blank interest.




Licca merely shrugged at Satomi’s final part, “Not really, but it’s nice to meet you anyway, Satomi” she said with a smile… Which quickly went away when the alarms all across the base began to blare, red lights flashing throughout the engineering bay, with a loud voice coming over the speakers,


“Alert! We have a potential Aragami breach in the God Eater Testing Floor, I repeat, we have a potential Aragami breach in the God Eater Testing Floor, this is not a drill!”


“Ooooh… Crap. We gotta go Satomi, follow me” Licca said quickly, already beginning to move away from the helicopter and towards one of the armories to the side that most of the other engineers on the floor were heading too.





Somatostatin’s wide swing of the God Arc kept going, even after missing Kusuke, digging itself into the container that originally held the God Arc. Then, just as Somatostatin attempted to pull it out, a sudden force slammed down on her, nearly sending her to her knees from the sheer power, allowing Kusuke to get behind for his rewind.


… Unfortunately, at that very moment, Somatostatin roared, almost inhuman like, getting back up from Mirri’s force pin and swinging her non-Aragami’d arm at Kusuke, knocking him away as he attempted to pull her back through time. With Kusuke now out of her way, Somatostatin then took a step to the side, ripping out the God Arc from the container, the sheer force nearly causing her to spin in a full circle as more fire began to generate around her non-Aragami’d arm.

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As Kusuke tried again to throw Soma back in time only to be knocked away again by the monster, then Harry speaking over the intercom, Frigus made his decision.

"That's enough, Stop."

He shouted from inside his armor. 

Then he lunged toward Soma, his Keyblade never quite making contact and instead phasing out of existence just before impact.  With a soft grunt Frigus rotated his Keyblade a quarter turn and with it the sound of some massive clockwork machine whirring to life, only to stop as suddenly as it started with a soft *click*.

He retracted his Keyblade and left Soma there, frozen in time.

Frigus uses "Temporal Lock" on Soma and uses his "Heroism Point" to make the opposed check a 20vs1 in his favor.

Temporal Lock: By thrusting the keyblade into an enemy or object and locking it tight, Frigus can cause the target to become locked in time, unable to affect or be affected by anything. This does not cause the target to stop being affected by orbital movement. Only one target can be locked at a time. Unwilling targets are entitled to an opposed essence check to resist. Targets can be unlocked in the same manner as they were locked.

Heroism Point: Once per plot, guarentee a roll of 20 v 1 on your next non-crafting check as a free action.

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<"Soma took the god eater test. Failed, became a sort of Aragami thing. Need help down here."> They definitely needed help. Time manipulation hadn't worked, and Mirri's force hadn't helped much.


However, Frigus' attempt seemed to work. Spectacularly well. Harry spoke into the phone again. "Tattletale. Frigus froze Soma in time, it seems. Advice? Anything we need to watch for here, or a possible method of solving this we should use?"

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(20vs1) When Frigus charged forward, Somatostatin easily took notice of the Keyblade warrior, angrily lifting her own God Arc up to strike at him. Then, as his Keyblade phased out of existence, she swung down, her blade going straight towards Frigus’s neck…


… Only to freeze, completely, when Frigus locked her in place.

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"Uhh, well, maybe if you knock her unconscious, somehow, or stop her power, the cells grown by her power should start to decay, if we're lucky? The changes are all being enforced by her power, unless I missed something."


"Yeah, stop her power, and you stop the growth."  Tattletale says.

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Hopefully the Ethereal was still listening. <"You'll need to shut down Soma's power."> If Proditor could arrive in time, and do what he could with the parahuman powers, they might have a chance.


"I'm calling Proditor! He may be able to shut down her connection to her shard, causing the grown cells to decay, so hold on till then." Hopefully the removal of the power would do it, because if the cells reproduced, it might not. After all, the power wasn't magic. It simply extrapolated the cells, which could go on from there. Might as well ask Tattletale. "If you're not at your limit, you think that there'll be offspring cells, and will they remain at the same extrapolated level?"

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(Previously in the oblivious office room)

"That is quite beautiful. It'll look perfect on the back of your cloak. And this group has only been together for a few days? I was under the impression that you knew each other quite well considering the efficiency at which you work together. That certainly puts things in a different perspective." As Alyssa speaks, she grabs her paintbrush and starts to paint on the closest wall. The paintbrush switches through various shades of red until she apparently finds the ones she likes and an image on the wall begins to form into that of a mostly crimson cloak.


The red color is not uniform, instead it looks like some places blended completely different shades of red together in no particular pattern, almost to the effect of having patches on the cloak, yet it is all one piece of cloth. The hood and the cloak are divided by a black trim with an easily missed pattern of olive branches pressed into it. The cloak's bottom is not trim and neatly cut, but looks slightly tattered as if it had been damaged and haphazardly repaired, with what look like burn marks strewn about. A darker shade of red surrounds the insignia on the back, that of three crescent planets surrounding a distant star all within a white triangle with the tips missing. 
(This cloak gives a +1 bonus to stealth while in season. Theme: Apocalyptic)


Alyssa seems to reach into the wall once the item is complete and from a two dimensional surface she pulls the cloak out, shakes it out, and presents it to Jun. "There you go, darling. Perfect for the apocalyptic ambassador."

Edited by Irbsandcheese
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"Thanks. You've done fine. More than fine." Harry had no real idea when Frigus had gained the ability to trap people in time, but there was no guarantee of how long it would last. Into the intercom, he called once more. "Try to eliminate any extrapolated Aragami cells in there that aren't on Soma. If you can." As long as they things weren't magic, they'd be destroyable, maybe with Mirri's lightsaber? Nothing not made of magic or highly advanced meta materials--and even those would be a gamble--would really be able to stand up to something the temperature of the sun.

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Mirri cocks her left arm like a gun, and then hoses the room down with her flamethrower to destroy any stray Aragami cells.  Fire is a biohazard hunter's best friend.  Once the room has been sterilized, she sits down in front of Soma's frozen form.  "I can suppress her powers.  Whether I will is another question.  I've never successfully used this skill before.  So if there's anything you can do to help me focus, or otherwise up my chances of pulling it off, consider this an open invitation."


Mirri attempts to learn the skill Sever Force, spending her "Measure of Temperance" crafting reagent to improve her chances  She also uses Meditate on the Lost to buff her synergy by 40% (the Force runs off synergy and essence).  Sever Force should cut off the target's supernatural powers until they beat Mirri in an opposed essence check if performed correctly.  Even if Mirri fails, she might be able to learn Sever Force's less powerful Dark Side counterpart, Force Drain, which reduces the potency of the target's supernatural powers and increases Mirri's own by an equivalent amount until the victim can beat her in an opposed essence check.

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When Soma froze Frigus instantly relaxed and his Keyblade seemed to shift and phase out of existence, and then(like any sane person) he quickly moved toward the exit before Mirri filled the room with flames.


He thought for a second on Mirri's request before coming to some realization.

"I think I've got something."

It was at this point Frigus pulled something bizarre and seemingly completely random out of his pocket, a fully inflated shiny purple balloon, string and all.  Floating roughly level with the tops of their heads, he sent the balloon drifting across the room towards Mirri whom it immediately began circling.

Bizarre though it may be, the balloon seemed to give Mirri the feeling of almost happiness, a sense of boosted morale, focus, and overall will to keep fighting on.


Frigus uses "Balloon Letter" on Mirri, boosting her Ess stat by 7 for when she tries to learn "Force Sever".

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7 hours ago, Irbsandcheese said:

(Previously in the oblivious office room)

"That is quite beautiful. It'll look perfect on the back of your cloak. And this group has only been together for a few days? I was under the impression that you knew each other quite well considering the efficiency at which you work together. That certainly puts things in a different perspective." As Alyssa speaks, she grabs her paintbrush and starts to paint on the closest wall. The paintbrush switches through various shades of red until she apparently finds the ones she likes and an image on the wall begins to form into that of a mostly crimson cloak.


The red color is not uniform, instead it looks like some places blended completely different shades of red together in no particular pattern, almost to the effect of having patches on the cloak, yet it is all one piece of cloth. The hood and the cloak are divided by a black trim with an easily missed pattern of olive branches pressed into it. The cloak's bottom is not trim and neatly cut, but looks slightly tattered as if it had been damaged and haphazardly repaired, with what look like burn marks strewn about. A darker shade of red surrounds the insignia on the back, that of three crescent planets surrounding a distant star all within a white triangle with the tips missing. 
(This cloak gives a +1 bonus to stealth while in season. Theme: Apocalyptic)


Alyssa seems to reach into the wall once the item is complete and from a two dimensional surface she pulls the cloak out, shakes it out, and presents it to Jun. "There you go, darling. Perfect for the apocalyptic ambassador."

Jun gingerly stood up before she took the cloak that Alyssa had created for her with a look of appreciation that is visible somewhere underneath her face covering helmet, and she swiftly donned it before she hopefully pulled off a stylish swish of her brand new cape. She moved her right hand to show the artist a thumbs up as she took a few steps back to try and show it off a bit to Alyssa as yet another gesture of her appreciation. And she was all set to actually say that she liked the cape when the entire room was bathed in a rather distinctive red light as a bunch of alarms basically said that the group had accidentally unleashed a new and interesting kind of fleshhorror into this world. And while Jun did realize that she was in fact one of the deadliest people in the team right now, she also realized that there was a very good chance that the situation would have already been resolved by the time she managed to get to God eater procedure chamber...and of course there was also the bit where she didn't really want to be known as the woman who tried to kill/actually fucking killed another member of the party. This is why she instead decided to get her priorities straight and grabbed the artist's left shoulder with her right hand and stared directly at their eyes before she said. "Do you want to go back to the bus with me? Since I don't know about you but I personally don't want to be stuck in the open if whatever it is we accidentally helped create breaks containment and turns this entire area into the set of a high budget monster movie".

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Alyssa shakes Jun's hand off and looks at her with mild distaste. "I can't believe you would abandon your teammates so easily. You may have only know them for a few days, but they are still good people that might need our help! And I, for one, am not a coward." Alyssa stands and walks out of the room. Then she steps back in, calmer and slightly embarrassed. "Um. What floor is the testing room on?"

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2 minutes ago, Irbsandcheese said:

Alyssa shakes Jun's hand off and looks at her with mild distaste. "I can't believe you would abandon your teammates so easily. You may have only know them for a few days, but they are still good people that might need our help! And I, for one, am not a coward." Alyssa stands and walks out of the room. Then she steps back in, calmer and slightly embarrassed. "Um. What floor is the testing room on?"

Jun had sighed earlier when the young artist decided to ignore her advice and decided to run straight towards a situation that might actually get her killed, and she had already started to slowly walk towards the exit as part of an attempt to keep Alyssa alive when the artist decided to walk back inside of the room and ask her where the testing room was located. To this Jun could only respond by saying "....Just follow me" before she continued to slowly walk towards the exit.

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On Proditor’s end, the Ethereal paused. If he had eyes, they would likely narrow at the news. A failed test, Somatotrope turning into some form of Aragami, but most importantly, them needing him to come along to shut down her power. Wonderful.


“I’ll be right there” Proditor replied to Harry, before turning his attention back towards Lucille, “We will have to continue this later. Something has come up concerning Somatotrope that I must take care of.”





At Arminius’s response, Lindow shrugged, “God Eaters, that’s what the tests are for. God Arcs are just what we use for our jobs” he said, glancing at his own drink before straightening, “Can’t say I’m surprised that you don’t have any credit on you, though I’m surprised Sakaki didn’t give you any so you can get… Well, something at least. But, since you’re new to Fenrir, let me offer you a welcoming-” he began, only to be cut off by the alarms.


After a few seconds of listening, Lindow sighed, standing from his seat, “Nevermind, duty calls. Remind me that I owe you a drink at some point, sort of welcoming gift to Fenrir” he started, then turned away, heading out of the room and to the elevators. 





For the most part, everything was… Surprisingly silent for the group as they went to work, preparing to deal with Somatostatin. Mirri’s fire did its work against the small bits of Oracle Cells that were left around, incinerating them as best she could as Saaki continued to try and get things under control from where he was. Mirri would also learn a new trick!



Sever Force (Trick): Using the force, Mirri cuts off someone's supernatural powers. Against one target at a time, Mirri can force an Essence vs Essence check, and if she succeeds, the target cannot utilize any supernatural powers (to GM discretion). At the start of every turn, another Essence save is performed for the target, and until they win their check or Mirri moves on to another target, their powers will remain locked.


After a few more minutes though, the alarms stopped, bringing an eerie silence as Somatostatin stood where she was, unmoving, frozen in time. After a bit more time passed though, a familiar God Eater walked in, God Arc resting on their shoulder as they stepped into the room, surveying the scene and narrowing his eyes once he saw Somatostatin,


“What the hell happened here?” Soma asked, stepping forward so he was next to the three currently in the room.


Jun and Alyssa


The would would rather easily find their way to the testing room, due to the fact that it wasn’t really hard to find the only room on the entire floor that had its door open.

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