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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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Harry glanced away from the instrumentation that he'd been investigating as Jun and Alyssa entered the room. Not the most useful, he had to say. Though, now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen this woman's abilities yet.


"Alright. You probably want to know what the hell is going on, right? Well, Soma decided to become a god eater. And failed. So, it reacted weirdly in combination with a specific effect of her own abilities from another world. She started extrapolating shit, biological stuff, which she couldn't do before, and was wielding fire and a weird magical metal. Frigus locked her in time for the moment. But the moment we let her out, she's going to be a problem. We need to figure out a way to shut off her powers when she's not locked in time, destroy any possible extrapolated Aragami cells in the room, and make sure that if something weird happens, she does not escape. Got that? Hopefully that'll help you determine if you can be useful. Also, remember, if your talent is slicing things, it won't do much, because she's now part Aragami, and likely can regenerate in the way they can."

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"Soma? What-" she didn't bother to finish the thought. It was literal child's play to trace her bond to the chameleon she'd entrusted to the other girl, and the creature had been all too able to show her his perspective from a desk somewhere, peering through a large window at...

    At something lucille didn't even begin to know how to describe. It seemed like others had already moved in, and whatever had happened, for now it seemed.... contained. She had the beast focus on the creature frozen in place, and the nigh instant recognition in the creature's mind of the one who she'd told it to follow the orders of was enough to set a sinking weight in the pit of her stomach. 

    It was ironic really. She barely knew any of them by name. And of those she did no by name, none of them really felt like anything more than loose acquaintances at best- except for one. And now, somehow that lone individual had begun the process of metamorphosing into some abomination that was barely recognizable as human. To think they had even talked a little about that, not even more than a few hours ago.... and now it was happening. It may not be the explicit result of either of their abilities, from what lucille could tell, bo lo and behold...


One way or another, the fleshhorror was happening.


"....I'm going with you." Lucille said as she dropped her hold of the beast's senses. She'd already seen far more than enough; infact it was times like these where she was outright thankful to lack sight of her own "I'm not gonna stay up here and do nothing while she's....she's like that..."

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Satomi very nearly outright jumped as the alarms sounded off, but she recovered with fair quickness, and followed after Licca, keeping up with her presumably rushed pace as she did. "What's going on?" Satomi asked simply, albeit with the requisite urgency in her tone -- it might not be a situation she was familiar with, but having come from the Crab Clan, Satomi was plenty familiar with urgent combat situations from the engineering perspective, and she already knew the tone with which she should approach it. "And how can I help?"

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"When I tried to rewind her, it felt like she was actively resisting the process." Kusuke sighed, walking back around the now-frozen monster to look at her front again. "Do you think she's completely gone, then. . .?" He pulled a knife out of. . . somewhere. "Or worse, still in there with someone else driving?" Like Ignis. . .

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Jun had quietly walked closer to the bullet resistant glass that separated the control room from the damaged remains of the God Eater testing chamber right after he heard Harry's statement, and she stared at everyone inside of the room for a good long while before she finally pointed directly at Soma and said "You know I think the last time I saw her extrapolate any amount of biological matter was a just a couple of days ago at the goodwill store when I asked her to extrapolate what turned out to be a canvas bag, I think it ended up turning into a hunk of rotting wood that almost gave some innocent passerby a seizure or something....and oddly enough she didn't notice the change at all". She turned around to face Alyssa after she said that, and she slowly walked back to them before she said "But anyway can you think of anything that you can paint into existence that would help?"

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Well, it seemed like they understood. Harry went over to the intercom once more. "If she either breaks free, or we let her go for some reason, Tattletale mentioned that knocking her out is a possibility if we can't cut off her power. While we're setting up for that, we need to think about containment. If she makes it out, we might not be able to deal with her. Also, good job on the flamethrowe, but just to be safe, if anyone's got anything that might destroy any free floating cells, well better safe than sorry about releasing super evolved oracle cells into the world."

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"...I'd almost forgotten how it felt,"  Mirri mutters distantly, "I have it.  Once Soma is freed from whatever Frigus did to her, I should be able to remove her ability to use her powers temporarily.  If her rational mind is not in control, her will should be weak.  This should prevent her from resisting, based on experience.  That said, we don't have anything like this back home.  My Master didn't exactly cover using techniques you've barely started to learn, that most Jedi never even begin to master, on unstable bioweapons while they jack the body of somebody you don't want to kill."

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Calvera overheard Tattletale on the phone aboard the bus, ask her questions to fill in whatever gaps she could, before departing the bus in a sprint, not knowing what completely to expect when she got to the test group. She just hoped everyone would be okay... but she knew that was too good to be true. She kept running, and hopped on the elevator.



Calvera's shoes slide along the- presumably tile- floor, as she halts her sprint, at the sight of Soma, and the rest. She's busy gathering her breath, with her hands on her hips, but manages out a few words between breaths. "How... How can I... help?"

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Alyssa stares in shock for a moment at what looks like a fiery blob of chaos frozen in time. "Th- Is that Soma? One of the group members? Dear gods." Alyssa's mind races for some way to help.

"I can help create some form of containment, but I cannot make it magical or mechanical unless someone can assemble the parts."

She thinks for a moment more and suddenly, she grabs her paintbrush and walks to a wall.
Two long rectangularish objects begin to form, each slightly tattered looking. Too tattered looking. The lines aren't even straight anymore. Despite this, she forges on, trying to correct her mistakes, and adds color to the pair. One has what probably used to be a pattern of white and blues while the other looks like multiple mismatched polygons of dark green.
She tries to look hopeful as she reaches into the wall. Achingly slowly pieces of fabric that were supposed to be scarves are pulled out and thrown on the ground in frustration.
"Why did you pick NOW to be an imbecile?"
Alyssa looks up, trying to find another way for her to help and her eyes land on Jun. 
"Darling, I know I just made you that cloak, but I'm going to need to borrow it. Someone else needs it more than you do."


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“Good. Then let us go” Proditor said, turning around and beginning to move, resisting the slight urge to simply teleport his way to Harry, and instead assist Lucille in actually getting to their location, though likely, she didn’t require it.


With a quick elevator ride though the two managed to find their way to the scene of hell, with Proditor floating into the room, his gaze already focused on the still body of Somatotrope… Or at least, what SHOULD be the body of Somatotrope. After a second of staring though, Proditor spoke in Harry’s mind, his tone more inquisitive than shocked, “I see this has gone downhill while I was away. You wish for me to cut off Somatotrope's power?”





After a bit of thought, Sakaki took out his phone again, stepping away from the three others in the room to quickly make his call, “Miss Kusonoki, do you see a young girl of likely asian descent, and happens to be someone new to the Branch?” he asked, pausing for a few seconds before nodding, “Please bring her to test room number 47. We may require her assistance” he stated, before hanging and turning his attention back to the happenings on the other side of the glass.





At Satomi’s question, Licca turned her head to look back at her, “Aragami break, one of the bodies that the God Eaters took at the field must’ve been alive. It should be fairly easy to take care of, if it's just an Orgeta-” she explained, before being cut short by something in her pocket, requiring her to dig it up and answer the phone that was inside, “Yes Dr. Sakaki? … Yes, she’s right here… Wait, why do you-” she began to reply, until Sakaki’s line went dead, causing her to look down at the phone with a surprised look before sighing, “Alright, Old Man Sakaki wanted your help with something, sounded like he couldn’t wait until the breach is clear. Let’s hurry” she said, before leading Satomi back through the Engineering Bay towards the elevator.




Hearing the explanation over the intercom, Soma narrowed his eyes, his gaze sharpening onto Somatostatin. He didn’t say anything, but he was already making up his own mind. Whoever these people were, they would be gone very soon, and either they would take this creature with them to deal with on their own, or it died. 

Soon enough though, Satomi and Licca would enter the room, Licca having led the way for the other girl, only to stop in shock at the sight of the room. Specifically, at Somatostatin.

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"Yeah, that's Soma." Harry answered the artist's question. "We've got a huge biohazard issue here. Calvera, can you go in, and just torch what you can? Without doing too much damage to anyone or the room. When that's done, we need to start prepping for when we release her. Because we can't do anything to her while she's like this. So yeah, Proditor. If you can start prepping in a way that either prevents reconnection with her shard, or get ready to cut her off as quickly as possible, that'd be great. If I can help, sure. Whatever. Just say it if you need something to make that easier that I can do. If anyone else can help. . . I don't know, Lucille, you can control stuff, right? Got anything useful right now? If it helps, I don't know if it's really Soma in there."


When two more entered the room, Harry quickly repeated the whole spiel. "Soma wanted to be a god eater. Mistakes were made, complications occured. It failed, and we've now got her able to extrapolate her own body, along with magic metal, and aragami cells. She can also extrapolate others at a distance. Frigus locked her in time, and we're prepping for what to do next."

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"I...I can try..." the girl answered, not quite sure herself. It.... it should be relatively though, right? She didn't need to bind them right afterall, simply poking at.... the abomination taking over maybe-sorta-kinda friend would be enough to start off.  If Soma was still anywhere near the helm in there, she simply wouldn't even pick it up... or so lucille assumed, the other girl wasn't sensitive to this stuff like she or Proditor was, to her knowledge. Mavens knew what manner of fuckery and biological changes had occurred within her by now...



For all I know, maybe the Aragami Cells have eaten through her brain and assimilated it.... like they probably did most of the other        "Shut up..." she muttered to herself.

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  On 12/14/2017 at 2:41 AM, Irbsandcheese said:

Alyssa stares in shock for a moment at what looks like a fiery blob of chaos frozen in time. "Th- Is that Soma? One of the group members? Dear gods." Alyssa's mind races for some way to help.

"I can help create some form of containment, but I cannot make it magical or mechanical unless someone can assemble the parts."

She thinks for a moment more and suddenly, she grabs her paintbrush and walks to a wall.
Two long rectangularish objects begin to form, each slightly tattered looking. Too tattered looking. The lines aren't even straight anymore. Despite this, she forges on, trying to correct her mistakes, and adds color to the pair. One has what probably used to be a pattern of white and blues while the other looks like multiple mismatched polygons of dark green.
She tries to look hopeful as she reaches into the wall. Achingly slowly pieces of fabric that were supposed to be scarves are pulled out and thrown on the ground in frustration.
"Why did you pick NOW to be an imbecile?"
Alyssa looks up, trying to find another way for her to help and her eyes land on Jun. 
"Darling, I know I just made you that cloak, but I'm going to need to borrow it. Someone else needs it more than you do."



Jun slowly but surely took off her rather nice looking cloak before she handed it over to Alyssa while she said "Just don't let them ruin it alright?".

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To say that the scene in front of Satomi's eyes was a shock would be an understatement. Satomi, preoccupied as she had been with cleaning herself and then with the Engineering Bay, had not known about the tests. She had not known about Julie (or, of course, anyone) signing up for the tests, nor had she heard about the fatality rate, nor any of the other associated discussion. In fact, all of this was still pretty much unknown to her.


So, walking into the room and seeing what Satomi recognized as Julie (from what wasn't grown over on her body, and from the part of her face not yet uncovered) frozen there twisted and mutated and overgrown by whatever horrible, unnatural affliction was hijacking her, was more of a surprise than Satomi had been anywhere close to prepared to process. Her hand dropped from the hilt of her katana, and instead for a moment she just stared slack-jawedly at what had become of the Earth Bet native. "I-I... Julie...? The-- is--" Satomi gulped, and closed her mouth. Kami, it did look like some particularly terrible, magic version of the Taint... but Satomi knew that didn't make any sense.


She got her answer from Harry, soon, and she gulped. It really was her, and whatever kind of power was locked away in this base had been something Julie should not have dipped into. Still, if Satomi just stood there, she would not be doing her Duty... nor would she be helping Julie. Gulping again, Satomi began to respond to Harry, though she never took her eyes off of the twisted form of Julie. "Are you sure you want Calvera to be burning the room, Harry...? You... may be underestimating just what the potential damage fire can do is, and if it truly catches fire, it would be a greater problem for all involved. With the amount of heat Calvera can put out... it could spiral out of control.


I... also would suggest that we consider trying to create something to block her vision. If she can't tell what is going on, she cannot attack us easily, unless... whatever this is... has given her the ability to do so."

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"Go ahead then. With the vision thing. I'm not in charge here. Just trying to remember what everyone can do, and get them here to do something." Harry answered Satomi first. "And, you're probably right. Calvera, can you control the heat well? Because, letting Soma escape because we weakened the room would be far worse I expect than accidentally letting some extrapolated cells escape."

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In the moments that passed, Lucille took the time to think, reveiw the past few hours, specifically those they'd spent on this world, short as it'd been compared to everything else. As she did though, it didn't take long for her to begin sensing something familiar, something she'd brushed very close with during her studies on the battlefield.

     "W-wait..." she called to Harry and the others just as they began to consider torching the place "That.... might not be nessacary. I can try to control any ambient cells still floating in the room- made a few attempts earlier, but.... didn't really stick. Third time might be the charm though. And even if I fail to get them under control, I can help keep her from breaking out- all I'd need is maybe a minute to scribe a circuit on the floor, and I could keep her from exiting its boundaries. I can even set the activation trigger for whenever you guys.... undo whatever froze her like this."

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"Alright...." Already she went to work weaving her way through the many intricacies of the cells she could sense still floating all around the chamber- this time would be different, she told herself. She'd figured a thing or two since her attempt, had some time to think it over, taken notes on why and how she'd failed before. Perhaps she'd been going about it all wrong... maybe instead of trying to act like an outside force pulling them together.... 


She had to condition one of her bonds to seem like it was one of them, like it was... a core. imitate the very thing the cells were programmed to flock to... She took a breath, focused herself, and began the process of reaching out with one of her bonds and slowly emanating the same types of signals she'd picked up from living aragami...


"Here goes....something?"

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A black mist formed in the testing chamber, high above the heads of those gathered within. Soon it became a ball of shifting darkness, ebony ichor which floated in the air, gradually elongating it's shape, growing larger, denser, until finally the sphere fell to the ground with a wet thud as it slithered it's way out of the room. Before it even crossed the door frame, the steely glint of its head began to peek through, as did the black ridges on it's side. The Crackling pop of it's fangs was the last those in the test chamber heard of it before it disappeared...


And in the observation room, it promptly reared it's head. It stared at those assembled in the hall, from Harry to Satomi to Calvera and Jun, before finally it set it's sights on lucille, and slithered up her arm as she reached down to pick it up.

"I-I.... Holy crap it actually worked.... I guess third time really is the charm. Uh, well..."


"Dnma lirg, you'er ustj ufll of rsruseisp! Onw cis htat tnigh no Od!" a certain steel pigeon squaked from nearby.


Lucille simply ignored her as she addressed harry again "I'm... fairly certain most, if not all, of the loose cells are bound up in this guy now... so, that probably takes care of them floating around..." she set the snake down, letting the snake slither onto the desk where it sat, watching the testing chamber where it'd been born mere moments ago "Since that's dealt with, What exactly did you guys have in mind to contain Soma, once you unfroze her or severed her powers or... something? Proditor could probably try to see if there's anything... left of her, while he's doing whatever... he's gonna do. And if there isn't..."


She trails off, expression going dark before "Um, no, nevermind... forget it for now. Let's just see if he can reach her, while he's messing with her abilities. And if you want, I can still go in there and scribe the diagram, just encase..."


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"I'm going to try and fix this one more time. If it doesn't work, we're going to have to. . . try something else." Maybe Lucille could do something? Or Proditor? He wasn't for killing when he didn't have to, much less killing someone (or something) that used to be a teammate.


Assuming nobody stops him, Kusuke tries one more time to rewind Soma to before all the shit went down.

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"You weren't here, but I got Tattletale's input on this. Basically, we should be able to reverse any alterations to her physically just through cutting off the shard. And if we can remove the Aragami influence, we should be able to get her back, I think. It seems reasonable to assume, and we don't have any other real options at the moment. If everything fails, we may have to stick with just minimizing losses here. Whether that be figuring out a way to quarantine her or relocate her, or other more permanent options. So for now, circle seems like a good idea. Don't really see any way that it couldn't help."

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When Kusuke went up to Somatostatin to rewind her, things seemed to be going well. After a bit of delay, due to the fact that she was completely locked in time, Kusuke managed to remove the lock and start rewinding Somatotrope to a timeline where she didn’t get Aragami’d. At least, that was his plan, at least until Somatrope’s left arm suddenly began to move, whacking him in the face and sending him flying back, mid rewind.


… Now, standing where Somatostatin stood before was… Well, a worse Somatostatin. Most of its entire body was covered in sleek, grey plating, with the right arm being covered with obviously thicker plating and only allowing the God Arc’s blade to poke out of it. The other arm, however, was more of a large cannon, with the sides glowing bright orange, and her shoulders being covered by large bits of armor, with two large spikes jutting out of it. Both feet were clawed, with three claws on each feet. On its back was two large, grey wings, folded so they didn’t take up too much space. The head itself was… Well, barely human, a large, triangular helm covering most of her head and only leaving her mouth open, which also revealed thin black veins sticking out from the helm.


Breathing heavily, Somatostatin took a step forward, nearly stumbling as her blood red eyes shot between the party, growling more and more the longer she looked at them. Then, she straightened, wings unfolding as she roared to the sky for a solid second before throwing her cannon upwards, letting it open and glow brighter… Before firing a massive wave of fire above her, the force nearly causing the steel beneath her to crack, the flames punching straight through the floors above her. Soon enough though, the blast of fire ended, letting Somatostatin bring the cannon back down. But, instead of engaging the party, she merely flapped her wings once, jumping into the air and using the force of her wings to shoot straight through the new hole she had made into the roof.


Licca herself, once Somatostatin roared, ran out of the room herself. She was an engineer, not a God Eater, and it wasn’t like she had anything to fight something like… THAT in the first place.



Observation Room


Once Somatostatin fired a hole through the building, Johannes finally seemed to react, turning to the scientist that was still at the controls and seeming to be at a complete lost of what to do, “Alert all Far East God Eaters, now. We have a new Aragami type and it must be eliminated” he stated, watching the scientist nod before getting to work on the controls.





Soma himself merely lifted a hand to protect his face from the heat at Somatostatin fired her cannon, having initially been caught off guard by the sudden transformation. However, once Somatostatin stopped and began to fly upwards, Soma sprinted forwards, jumping to the next floor after her. His ascent wasn’t as fast as the new Aragami, but all things considered, it was still rather fast.





The second Somatostatin’s transformation knocked away Kusuke, Proditor’s helm had opened up, his psychic will already going towards the creature’s mind to take control of it, and to cut it off from its most important tool, Somatotrope’s shard. Unfortunately, before he could get a foothold, the wave of fire shot from its cannon shattered his focus, causing him to bring his four hands up, quickly generating a psionic barrier around most of the party, shielding them from the worst effects from the sudden blast of heat. Soon afterwards, Proditor’s hands fell as his mind began to expand once again, his psionic power chasing after the Aragami as it flew up through the building.



(18 vs 23) Mirri's Sever Force activates as Somatostatin begins to fire her cannon. Unfortunately, whatever timeline Kusuke yanked her from seemed to have strengthened their own willpower, as they manage to shake off Mirri's ability... Which was probably why she was still able to fire her cannon.

Edited by GodofGamingRWBY
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Kusuke, once he shook the dust off, stood up one more time and attempted to catch himself up to Somatostatin, to buy a little more time. He could feel his stamina flagging already, but he'd somehow made the problem worse; he had to try to make it better, somehow. 


Kusuke uses a rapid succession of Blinks to catch up to Somatostatin, and then repeatedly attempts to Skip Somatostatin until the others can catch up. 



Skip: Kusuke uses his powers to knock the target a few moments forward or temporarily into an alternate timeline, removing them from combat for one round. Powerful targets may be resistant (ending the effect partway through a round) or immune. 



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With her attention focused completely above her, the Aragami didn’t even notice Kusuke catching up to her, at least until he got his hand on her. For Somatostatin, she didn’t feel the fact that she was suddenly put forwards a fair bit of time ahead in the timeline, but she did feel Kusuke and instantly spun around to swipe at him, wings unfolding to keep herself in the air. Hit or miss the time manipulator, Somatostatin would notice the charging Calvera at the bottom of the tunnel she made, growling as she pulled her cannon to face her, letting it begin to charge up as the plating began to shift around, giving it more room to breathe and space at the front to fire, even as Mirri began to fire stun bolts at her, most of which kept simply bouncing off the plates of her armor.




Soma didn’t even notice Calvera charging up her own beam, only noticing the Aragami aim its cannon downwards and begin charging a blast. Frankly, it was annoying, but there wasn’t much he could do besides pull himself up to the next floor and dash to the side in order not to get incinerated.

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