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[IC] Trespassers of the Multiverse DC; God Eater Hunt/Hubworld: Hunting the Gods


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Feeling a large rumble, and hearing it as well due to the bottles and such, Arminius sighed and got up... After he got directions from the bartender he went up to the exam room. He wasn't very eager to do this but obviously something really stupid happened. Something beyond what he had expected.

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(12, 14) (1) Somatostasin hesitates at a crucial moment.  Her holyfire forgetting to consider Calvera an enemy for a mere moment.  The Holyfire becomes intangible, and the Neutron Beam and the Flames occupy the same space for the merest of moments.


Everyone is blinded.  Everyone is knocked prone.  Tell me if your con is below 5 and you are there.  Somatostasin is gone, turns out being at the epicenter of a massive explosion while also in the air results in increased velocity.  If you find a black smear somewhere in the wasteland, good for you, it probably isn't her.

After a second of charging, there was a strange silence between the two. Then, two large beams of pure flames fired at each other, each flying through the tunnel and colliding with each other, the sheer heat from the two colliding beams causing the steel around the impact point to practically begin to disintegrate. Somatostatin herself kept herself where she was, forcing more fire out of her cannon as time went on, growling ever more as the beams didn’t move.




And then, for just a split second, the divine flames that went out of Somatostatin’s cannon seemed to falter, suddenly considering Calvera’s flames to be an ally and refusing to affect it. By the time Somatostatin got control again, switching the flames back hostile, it was too late, with Calvera’s flames filling most of the space where her own flames were before.

The result was, unfortunately, a sudden large explosion, burning through five floors at the same time, the force shaking the entire building. For most of the party, the explosion sent them falling to the ground due to the force, and the light causing practically everyone to become blinded by it.


For those that could still see, namely, Jun and Mirri, they could see the faint outline of Somatostatin as she flew into the air, until she was so high up in the air that she practically left eyesight.




The Ethereal himself was, arguably, not that bad of shape. The light was frustrating, but it didn’t blind him, as he never used his eyes anyway. The force of the explosion knocking him into the wall wasn’t bad either.


What was bad, however, was the giant explosion of fire, leaving most of the room aflame, with the tunnel Somatotrope had made crumbling from the force of the flames. All of that left the Ethereal practically shivering where he was out of pure terror, his mind racing and flashing back to the war on Earth, the flames once again destroying everything in its path.

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When the flash came, Harry barely started to close his eyes before it was over, and he found himself hit by a concussive force, sending him to the ground. It hurt, a bit, but not enough that he was on the floor long. However, eyesight was a different matter. He couldn't see at all really. The question was, would the damage be permanent? And did that matter? In the short term yes, but in the long term, no. Eyes could be replaced, and. . .oh. Not a big deal in the short term either. He simply extended his consciousness, letting his senses flow beyond his own body. Up to about ten feet, now that he thought about it. He kept this up continuously. Didn't matter that it shined like a beacon, according to the Ethereal.


He made his way over first to Sakaki. "You okay?" That was all really. If he was fine, Harry would then make his way over to Johannes with the same question.

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Jun gingerly stood up and walked over to where Alyssa was presumably lying on the floor after she quietly saw almost every single thing that could have gone wrong go horribly wrong, and she quietly poked at the artist while saying "Are you still alive?".

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Sakaki and Johannes, as expected, were both thrown off their feet when the explosion occurred, the glass of the observation room barely holding itself together from the shock wave. At Harry's question, Sakaki brought a hand to his head, shaking off the dizziness, "Yes, quite fine, surprisingly... Just a bit blinded by that light" he replied, sitting upright before pausing. Then, he began to talk again, in a much more whispered voice, "Dr. Walters, I'd recommend you get your friends out of here immediately. As soon as Johan gets his mind straight, he will order your executions" he said, his smile still gone. However, at that point, it finally returned, "I can promise you that he will calm down after a good amount of time, however."


Sure enough, as he said that, Johannes was already beginning to shake off the dizziness from the explosion, propping himself on one arm as the other went to his head.

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"Alright, on it." Harry backed away from the two men, and checked around the room. Everyone seemed to be stirring now, so Harry made his way over to each in turn, before he would tell them that they needed to get the hell out of dodge right now, or Johannes would probably order them dead, in increasing tones if they couldn't hear.  And since he was still using that method of detecting the world around him through psionics, Harry kept up a stream of thought that amounted mostly to "Proditor, please stall Johannes if you can" repeated ad nauseum, or until it garnered a response.

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Satomi hadn't managed to get up out of the room or anything, seeing as she didn't have rope or much of a way to get up out of the room. That didn't save her though, and then Satomi was assaulted by a wall of light, sound, and force. She came to (at least, she thought she did), and she could tell that she was on the floor... but she couldn't tell much else. She tried to blink her eyes open, but she wasn't seeing anything. Oh... oh no... had her eyesight finally gone for good?! She... wasn't hearing anything, either. Oh, no, no, this was bad, if Julie was still out there and turned crazy, Satomi wouldn't be able to defend herself...!


Well, pretty much anything would be a better course of action than just lying there defeated. So Satomi rolled over with a groan she herself couldn't hear, onto her stomach. Then she twitched, then she started to shift around frantically until she finally managed to get a knee under herself. The blast and its aftereffects had horribly unbalanced her, and left her in a terrifying void that Satomi thought probably would be what Jigoku might be like, just without the screaming and agony, though, so that didn't take the first time and she fell back down. Slowly, and more methodically, she then tried again, getting her limbs under herself successfully this time, and then pulling herself to her feet. Then, though she was still stumbling and staggering and swaying, the blind and deaf samurai pulled her katana out of its sheathe and went into a defensive stance, gesturing with it at... nothing in particular.

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Light, fire, sound, and fury all rode as brothers in that fateful blast. Light found his mount unwilling, and his path blocked by the insurmountable walls of fate, but the other 3 continued on, and on, thundering a righteous path straight into Lucille's eardrum- louder than any gunshot, louder than any other expulsion of raw, unbridled energy she'd ever experienced. 

     The raw agony started in her eardrums before slithering insidiously through her head. All at once, her hearing flared like a city on the eve of destruction, silhouetted by the bloom of nuclear fire, and her other senses followed soon after, in a rolling ungodly wave of force. Force which hit her physically as well, as her entire body was flung back from the desk. Several things- small, warm -pelted her... her beast? the remains of her beast? the remains of those in the testing lab? She did not know... she could not know... the world... 

    The world was nothing to her. She still clenched her ears, hoping to somehow end the pain, and through them she felt it- warm, wet, sticking to her hair, running down her cheeks and her neck. The world...was nothing. The sound... was gone. 

     Locked in darkness. Bathed in silence. For the first time in a long time, she was a mere child yet again, trapped in the nightmare of her own creation, shackled by the binds of slumber. Or was it death? It might as well have been death, for all she knew. Surely, the pain and the slick warmth meant only one thing, and that thing was for her, the revocation of almost everything she knew. Everything she had. Everything she was.


She lay there, in the corner of the observation booth, curled, shivering, not from the cold, but dread. Something was touching her sides, shaking her, trying to rouse her. Something was washing over her, something.... something nice, something almost soothing. Even with her ears as worthless as her eyes, somehow, someway, she was vaguely aware of the shapes around her. 6. 6 small, tiny signatures. 6 beacons that cried out to her, tried to tie her down with their collective conscious... 6 little panicking souls each with something familiar riding them.


6 reasons to stay she didn't recognize. 6 pleas she turned, and ignored... as the world outside was soon forgotten, and the world within took hold.



Putrid. Rotting. Sickening winds carried a foul heat and fouler odors. The tang of iron hung heavy all around, the mocking caws of vultures above. Waves, sluggish, slow, gentle, all around, every motion she made, birthing yet more. Warmth, both from an unmerficul sun which even now beat down on her face, and from whatever had her up to the waist. 

Warm... hot, even. Nigh boiling. Metallic, iron... thick....


Putrid. Rotting.


Blood. Bodies. Too many to count... but all there just the same, as she clicked her tongue. Bodies stranded here too long, bodies forgotten in some unknown war in a known world. 


Small bodies. Young bodies.


The winds thick with tension. Hate. Pure, virgin, unbridled. Avarice, Fury, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Sloth Treachery. All of them, watching, waiting. Hungry, starving, wanting, wanting, but never getting enough. Whispering sweet nothings. Taunting her, tempting her... Great, ungodly shapes, many mouths, countless hands, a thousand tongues. Each besat on a throned dias, shifting, warping, distorted and bloated. Each of them with a globe in hand....










"So I have found you."


A voice echoes from on high. The princes halt in their feast. The globes quiver, squelch, squirm, like worms. Many arms, many legs, many screams. All of them, conjoined, fused, writhing. Death is an afterthought. Life is an endless hell.


Turning, all of them, they face their king. As their king gazes into the girl... 


And the girl gazes back into the abyss. And all in the same moment, Lucille is that girl, and the princes feasting. And she is the vultures and the ravens and the crows. And she is the bodies of the slain. And she is the blood of the slain. 


And she is the king.


And she is nothing. Nothing but a shell.


"You have done well, my little friends, to evade me thusly. To lock yourself inside the child? Hmhmhmhmhmhmhmh oooooh clever, clever clever, cleeeeeveeeer. Clever... but cowardly beyond measure. Face me not, will you? Send mere proxies mere proxies and farces, shreds of yourselves? You claim yourselves an instant, yet here I challenge you, the first and only to dare dispute the reign... and you RUN? YOU DARE TO RUN FROM ME!?"


Fire. Fire born all around her. Horrid, sweltering, stinging, clinging to her flesh. Screaming, panic, she flails, she dives, deep, deep into the blood. But blood does nothing. Blood makes it worse. And so she gasped. Let it fill her lungs, let it end all of this, escape from this madness, from these beings, from this.... this... 




"HahahahaaahahahahahahehehehehehehehehehehehaHAHAHAHAHA! Ooooooh yes. Look, even the child mimics your cowardice."


Something retrieving her, yanking her to surface, cleansing her lengths, extinguishing the flames. Hatred underscored by amusement. The voice continues. The princes begin to feast again. But they laugh with it. Booming, terrifying bursts of static and crackle. Something... not meant to exists. Nothing is meant to exists.


And yet, here it is. Here, it does. 


Then she realizes, the crackle is from her.


"Enough. I have hunted you long enough. You are but another morsel to cleanse the pallete. No matter how many of you there are, no matter how many times you make dopplegangers, It matters not-"

"He comes." A prince speaks.


"So he does...but will he make it? HMHMHMHMHhmmmmmmm. There is more than one way to skin GOD. Heir apparent or no, you girl, shall be the first witness to my long overdue triumph. Rejoice, for I gift onto you... SIGHT!"


And so it was that she could see. And that immediately, she wished she could not. What hovered there, infront of her, foul, inhuman, nigh elderich- Eyes as numerous as the stars in the night scar, fanged mouths as aplenty as planets in the cosmos, horns as numbered as the galaxies. Arms of silken ebony, stretching out into every direction. Body like pure smoke. 


Light. The only light. Enveloping her, welling up within her. Pressure, heat.... surrounding her, crushing...crushing...crushing, hurting, killing, destroying her. Breath, fleeing her lungs, heart racing, mind pacing. Their voices, their screams. Finally, she hears them. 


"And in exchange, I take from you... my prey!"


"He draws near" a prince mutters.

"He yet stays afar" another retorts.

"He will smite you" a third adds.


Useless to her, their conversation. Burning, Crushing, dying. She feels the limits breaking, the fortress crumbling. She feels them preparing to flee, preparing for war.


Preparing for a futile battle, in a realm they can not hope to salvage. She feels them abandoning her, leaving, using her... as the conduit.


A broken conduit. To be used, abused, and discarded. A Proxy and a paxy, a scapegoat and a fool. All to bear the wrath of this king in their name. 


And in the last moments of her life, she shuts the gates. Fury builds. Anguish lingers. Tears flow hot, pain surmounts. And like that, the bridge is burned, the doors sealed, and the occupants of the castle left to burn with it. If they were so willing to leave her to die, they would go with her.


Of that much, Lucille Blood would make sure of. Will focusing inward, locks shifting, barriers forming, gates, doors, cells, prisons...


But neither of them died. The pressure released, slowly, surely. The heat faded. The light died.... the king rumbled, waves of blood picking up in the wake of his voice.


"....No. NO. NO NO NO NO! HER!? THE CHILD!? SHE is.... she is....damn you....all....both prisoner, and warden, a double locked system. DAMN. YOU. ALL."


"He is nigh upon you. The pawn will falter. The tower will fall."

"The path to destruction is nigh complete."

"Beyond the beaten path lies the same fate..."

"Death. Not even you might escape... Andral. Such is the fate of mortals who play at GOD."


"SILENCE! FINE GIRL. THIS RESOLUTION WILL NOT BE AS SIMPLE AS I HOPED. Whether you know it or not, you have bought yourself the precious gift of time. But at what cost, I wonder? Hmmmmmmmmm.... no, no, perhaps, this is still in my favor. HAHAHAH yes, do you sense this, little ones? You bit the brat, but the brat bit right back. Hmhmhmhmhmh. Enjoy being powerless. For it shall make MY ascent all the easier. As for the exchange earlier... I take back the sight I have given here. And for your insolence in delaying the inevitable, I shall take the sight you've have drawn your thralls as well. Enjoy, Lucille. Next we meet, it will be nowhere near as pleasant."


Nothing. Nothing, but black... as he.... no, nay, not just he- Andral -made good on his promise. And just as quickly as she'd been given sight, once more she was plunged into darkness. Even greater darkness than he'd plunged her into all these years ago. But by no means, no greater than what Lucille suspected he'd try, when they next met....


And by the gods, if this is what his research had yeilded, if this was how much his power had grown, that he could conjure such illusions, such artifical realms, and casts the line of fate so far from Arganor's shores, across gods know how many worlds.... if there was anything she dreaded now...


It was that next meeting.


Almost as much... as what she suspected she'd unwittingly done during this one.

She still shivered, once her hearing returned. Her beasts surrounded her, working seemingly of their own initiative, the bonds between them reaching out, communicating, coordinating. Like some hiveminded creature. A young dragon's breath cooled and soothed the pain in her skull and ear, and one of them lapped up the dried blood, cleaning it from her face.

But she made no move to get up. Not yet. 


Not after what she'd just heard.... what...what she had seen. Seen for the first time, through eyes that were hers, and hers alone.


Eyes that were gone now. Useless and broken again, as they always had been.


And eyes that more than ever, after all of it, she was glad she could not use.


No amount of revelation was worth the sights of that hell.

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A ragged cough escapes from Alyssa as she stands up and looks at Jun. "Yes, I'm alive for now, even if I'd rather not be." Alyssa looks at the situation and for a brief moment, and considers being shocked. Instead, having been startled by almost everything that has happened today, she finally decides to grow a pair and get to work fixing the situation. Her agent always said that the only thing keeping her from ruling the world was a bit of gumption. 


She walks over to where the intercom was, hoping that it still worked, and tries to get a message to the other room.
"Frigus, if you are the icy Popsicle that I think you are, can you try to get the fire a little more controlled and get out?" Hoping that her message got through she looks at the other people in the room with her.


Alyssa walks over to where Harry is and grabs his hand. "Doc, you look like a blind lady in the paint isle. Let me give you a hand." 

Having overheard Sakaki, she figures that the people in the facility won't be much help. Coughing and grasping at straws of a plan, she addressed the ragtag group. "Just another Monday, right?  First of all, let's get out of this hellish version of a sauna.  And also, do either of you know how to fly a Helicopter or that weird bus?"

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Jun would enter the God Eater testing chamber to try and usher people out of the damned place after she made sure that Alyssa was still alive, and she made damn sure to shout out "LET US ALL ASSEMBLE INTO ONE ORDERLY LINE AND WALK BACK TO THE BUS AND LEAVE BEFORE ANYONE NOTICES THAT WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF THIS AND START SHOOTING" when she got inside of the place to try and convince people to get the hell out of even faster, although after a few moments had passed she decided to add "ALSO WHERE IS KUSUKE, SOMEBODY WHO IS NOT BLINDED AND CAPABLE OF FLYING SHOULD PROBABLY LOOK INTO THAT BEFORE WE LEAVE THANK YOU".

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Harry noticed her coming, of course, but he was entirely confused about what she was doing. "Huh? What? I can see. Sort of. Unless you mean something else with that weird simile? You know what Proditor does? Mind powers and shit? He can give it to other people, so I'm using that to see basically. And my eyesight's coming back, though slowly." Harry blinked a few times. He could easily see shapes and colors now, which was a good sign.


"We need to get out of here. Make sure to tell everyone why. We're in danger from Johannes if we don't leave quickly." Harry muttered to the new woman. The people inside the containment room would need to know that. If they didn't, it'd seem strange, possibly, to simply scamper back to the ship instead of attempting to pursue or something.


Following that, Harry headed back to the bus.

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"Kusuke... Kusuke was up there, near Soma. Prior to the blast... he might be on the roof or close in the surrounding area. I'm a bit too exhausted after that to check." Calvera groans from her headache, looking at her hands. How did she do that? That was so much more power she was used to outputting... it felt weird. She felt... depleted. Or at least, exhausted to the point that she felt almost disconnected from her powers.

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"Even if you can see doesn't mean you can see well, Doc. If we hurry we mght be able to help Soma." Alyssa speaks over the noise, still hoping to get everyone out alive.

She, along with everyone else, clears out of the control room towards the bus.

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Frigus raised a barrier over himself as the initial wave of fire from the newly evolved Soma washed over the party.  The heat wasn't exactly pleasant, but nothing could be done for that. He took several steps after her before suddenly jumping up and summoning his Kayblade glider and flying up after Soma.  He was about a third of the way there when Kusuke blinked past to stun what was Soma.  So instead of giving chase to a flying flame cannon charging creatue Frigus decided to catch the time-manipulator and dive off to the side onto one of the open floors.

Thankfully his armor's visor helped to protect against the flash of light and the barrier he raised against the concussive force of the explosion and any falling debris.  Once the dust settled he relaxed slightly and turned toward Kusuke.

"How you doing? Can you see or hear?  Actually if you can't hear don't worry about answering."

After getting a response Frigus made his way towards the edge to look for the Godeater and as a side effect heard Alyssa on the intercom.

"I've got Kusuke and I'll see what I can do about the fire."

He shouted down the hole through the building.  Shortly after a fine cold mist came pouring down the hole and at least lessening if not outright putting the fires out.



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"I'm not leaving," Mirri decides, "This accident is our fault.  Our responsibility.  It makes no sense for all of us to remain.  Other worlds need our help.  As we are we do not have the ability to track down and save Somatotrope without heavy casualties and an unacceptable amount of time invested.  The bus is not so close that we could make it there before these people's security catch up.  My weapons' stun setting makes me uniquely well-suited for this task.   Heh.  One thing the Mandalorians and Jedi always shared was a talent for rear-guard actions in the face of overwhelming opposition.


"I'm not asking you to abandon me.  I'm not suicidal.   ...Not anymore.  I'm asking you to come back with the reinforcements and tools we need to achieve our objectives.  These people need help, and they can't afford to spend the resources they'd need to kill me.  I'm certain rationality will prevail, even if I have to knock a few heads together first.  So get moving!  Until you return, I will hold the line.  R2-P14, start pre-flight checks and switch the blasters over to riot control mode..."

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Huh, Harry thought, after hearing Mirri's words. So she wanted to stay behind. He didn't hesitate to voice his opinion on the subject. "I'd say you probably shouldn't stay, unless maybe if you've got someone else with you. Sakaki said Johannes would need quite a while to calm down. And, you wanted the power of God Eaters, right? Pretty sure if you felt outmatched and needed that power that you're not going to have a good time against a bunch of them ordered to execute you. And fighting them with a starship probably isn't gonna win you any friends. I mean, if you want to, good luck. But it'd be nice to have you around, and I'm pretty sure we could easily make it to the bus, and from there, we just disappear completely. No need for us to fly out or anything. And Sakaki's might try to slow him. . ."


To be honest, Harry could think of no more reasons to convince Mirri. But it seemed wrong to leave behind people by choice, without any allies. If Mirri thought she could defend herself completely, why couldn't more people stay? Perhaps Jun, if she could actually do her job as a diplomat. Really though, besides these half hearted arguments against staying, it just felt wrong. And yet, Harry had no authority on the situation, and no real ability to change the outcome. And after what had just happened, he was disgusted by the fact that it all really boiled down to "Here's some reasons not to, but yeah, if you really want, go ahead with the reckless emotion-driven behavior. It's your choice.". But there wasn't really anything else he could say or do.

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Kusuke didn't offer much of a response, given that he had been laid out unconscious on the roof from the aftermath of the blast. He hadn't expected Calvera to try and do some sort of beam clash with him inches away from Somatostatin, much less for said clash to result in the sudden, violent explosion that it had. The last thing he remembered was a blinding light followed by the concussive wave that'd knocked him out, and being fairly upset that someone had decided that it was okay to fire gigantic fuck-you beams in his direction without warning. 


By now, the time manipulator was barely beginning to stir, a pained groan being the extent of his communication skills for the moment. It was probably for the best that he wasn't quite conscious enough to realize that he couldn't see anything whatsoever, despite his eyes beginning to flicker open.

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3 hours ago, DragonRage said:

"I'm not leaving," Mirri decides, "This accident is our fault.  Our responsibility.  It makes no sense for all of us to remain.  Other worlds need our help.  As we are we do not have the ability to track down and save Somatotrope without heavy casualties and an unacceptable amount of time invested.  The bus is not so close that we could make it there before these people's security catch up.  My weapons' stun setting makes me uniquely well-suited for this task.   Heh.  One thing the Mandalorians and Jedi always shared was a talent for rear-guard actions in the face of overwhelming opposition.


"I'm not asking you to abandon me.  I'm not suicidal.   ...Not anymore.  I'm asking you to come back with the reinforcements and tools we need to achieve our objectives.  These people need help, and they can't afford to spend the resources they'd need to kill me.  I'm certain rationality will prevail, even if I have to knock a few heads together first.  So get moving!  Until you return, I will hold the line.  R2-P14, start pre-flight checks and switch the blasters over to riot control mode..."

Jun let out a quiet sigh when she heard Mirri's statement about wanting to stay behind and hold the line while everyone else escaped, and she waited for the Doctor to state his points before she tried vainly to join in by saying "I am afraid that I will have to side with the doctor on this Mirri, as I honestly don't think that this is a situation that should be resolved by having a member of the party go off to fight a group of people we are supposed to be helping. To me it seems almost like shallow attempt at assuaging their feelings of guilt and appease their own personal code of honor; especially when we honestly don't need you to hold the line for us, as I am sure that we are all powerful enough to at least make it to the bus without any losses.".


She gestured at the party before she continued by saying "And quite frankly with Somatrope gone we can't really afford to lose anyone else, especially not the one person on this entire team that can fly a spaceship, shoot lightning out of their hands, fire a gun, fight with a sword, alter minds, engineer new and interesting ways to survive getting shot at, and do it all with an almost unmatched level of professionalism."

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"It doesn't feel right to leave these people after what we did to them, however unintentionally," Mirri states, "But if you believe we would be better suited by pulling out entirely for now, I bow to your judgment.  Mine has not been the most reliable of late."

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Frigus turned back when Kusuke didn't answer, it seemed the time-manipulator had been out cold and had only just now was coming to.

"Oh, looks like you got knocked out cold.  Here let give you a hand." 

Frigus took a second and waved a small healing spell over Kusuke.

"If you're feeling up to it we should head down and see what exactly is going on, and more importantly who thought it was a good idea to throw fire down a tunnel full of their allies."

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"Huh. . . ? God damn it, my hoodie's going to be ruined. . ." Kusuke pushed himself up to his hands and knees, and then drew one hand up to brush at his face - a hand that encountered nothing out of the ordinary. He sighed, and shook his head. "Yep, this is going even worse than I thought it would. Fuck, that hurt." He slowly, uncertainly stood up, arms out for balance as if the ground beneath him was ready to give way. "I can't see. You're going to have to guide me there. Where am I, right now? I can feel a breeze."

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"We're on the roof. Umm, hold on a second."

What Frigus did next Kusuke could only vaguely make out, but it sounded a whole lot like summoning his Keyblade glider.

"Alright, let me give you a hand climbing onto my glider, and then uhh, don't let go."

After doing just that Frigus climbed on himself and flew them both down the massive hole in the building and back into what was left of the test chamber.


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