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a Nintendo battle royal! GG Team Fire Emblem won

Jace Stormkirk

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Hmm Idk man. I so have a feeling Pikachu's a killer from Night 1's events (thunderbolt? what else could that mean?)...

Reading things in reverse or typing for that matter is annoying but at least you're game lol

So I'll just take my own minority vote and go


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the director had never been this thrilled in quite some time as he continued to watch. as the day progressed the plotting had reached new heights with 2 main targets of Giratina and Mario evenly matched so neither side could get to their target but there was someone who remained silent and used this opportunity to strike while the others were distracted by the others.


Giratina was on constant lookout for he knew his head was on the chopping block whenever he heard a voice  "it a shame really that this must come to pass but i must insure that my team wins." and with use of his powers he quickly put down Giratina 


by the consultation of the rng gods, Giratina was killed he was Megagun

being the controller of the distortion world he can force a player to speak backwards or die



team mario

mario as ???

luigi as ???

peach as ???

bowser as Alphagar


team legend of zelda

link as ???

zelda as ???

sheik as ???

gannondorf ???


team fire emblem

ike as ???

corrin as ???

sorin as ???

valter as ???


team pokemon

pikachu as ???

lucario as ???

greninja as ???

giratina as Megagun


Team Pokemon has the night kill

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the directer was quite amused by tonight's events for things are getting interesting....


swearing vengeance for Giratina's demise team pokemon decided someone would pay for this


Link was out in a field cutting grass with his sword when he was suddenly struck by a bolt of elecricity that fried him as it coursed throughout his body and he fell lifeless to the ground


Link was amine chankey3ft7

link is an explorer he may explore and may find something from an item to random info



team mario

mario as ???

luigi as ???

peach as ???

bowser as Alphagar


team legend of zelda

link as Amine chankey 3ft7


day 3 has started

zelda as ???

sheik as ???

gannondorf ???


team fire emblem

ike as ???

corrin as ???

sorin as ???

valter as ???


team pokemon

pikachu as ???

lucario as ???

greninja as ???

giratina as Megagun

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Guest Sparkin'

...Huh. I thought Link would have something terrifying since Master Sword...


Anyway, even though you got rid of Giratina, speaking backwards isn't hard imo.

And also, while some are thinking of getting rid of powerful characters from Team FE, LOZ and Pokémon, Team Mario is going to use this strategy to kill the rest of the other teams.


Have we also forgotten that Dark Rogue, who seemingly defended Team Mario has a skill that allows him to kill at night?


I still stand that our best move is to completely wipe out Team Mario. 

Now, once and for all.

[Eliminate] Mario

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*scratches chin* I think it's safe to assume though Venus that the brotherly bond between Mario and Luigi may also play a part in their NA and Luigi might be dangerous if Mario dies in which case we take out Luigi first?


[Eliminate] Luigi

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So Amine was Link, interesting.

I don't think that Mario can kill one person at night, otherwise in the last night/ in the past nights, there must have been another dead person. 

In my opinion even greninja could be a dangerous role, but i will wait before voting someone.

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Guest Sparkin'
  On 12/9/2017 at 9:40 PM, Lord Drakyle said:

@Venus i'm not going out of my way to prolong Mario's life I could care less about him, but we know what his role does now based on his survival and I doubt he would have anything more than that.


So what if we already know that he can't do much? 

This is a battle royale. It doesn't matter if we eliminate strong enemies if there are still enemies.

You sound too protective on Mario, and even to the point of wanting to lynch Luigi instead of him...


...Tell me the truth...

...Mario has the strongest role in Team Mario, hasn't he?

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Why are you heckin' concerned about Team Mario, when it's pretty obvious that the lightening bolt that killed Link last night was Pikachu's?

Again, I'll vote for the same and I'd recommend you to do it too...

[Eliminate] Pikachu

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You're all being fooled by Venus. He's making you ignore something. Team Fire Emblem has a full set of members. He's trying to get you to eliminate each other, so that Team FE can take the win right out from under you.


That is why, we should maintain the balance for now and take out Team FE.


[Eliminate] Valter

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Guest Sparkin'

@Meteor Admin Divergent: Talking about Valter again?

I already said that I'm not Valter, and you have no evidence that I'm Valter nor that I'm from Team Fire Emblem. Give up, and lynch Mario with me.

You are the ones at fault that the other teams are getting destroyed. I've been trying to have you guys lynch Team Mario, but you're the ones that refused to go along with me. Not my lost.

I've been saying it since the start, lynching Team Mario is the best we can do!

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@Venus sorry, but what you said about me does not make sense at all. I do not have an ability to kill someone. You have played a lot of mafia games, so I'm sure you know this, but I'll say it anyway. The mafia chooses one of their members to do the killing at night. As there is no mafia in this game, the team who get one of their members lynched in the day phase do the killing at night. As Bowser got lynched in the first day, my team did the kill at night, and I was the one supposed to do the killing. if you don't believe me yet, read Jace's description about the first night and you will see that my ability got used, and it was an extra life. 

Sorry but you're not being convincing anymore, and as Team FE is the one with an advantage here I gues it is the logic decision to lynch one of them, so: [Eliminate] Valter

You can say that we should eliminate the team with less member first, but if we do this then Team FE victory is certain.

Edited by Dark Rogue
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Guest Sparkin'

We can lynch any other member after we kill all from Team Mario. There's no reason to be worried about Fire Emblem right now. Just because they have 4 members doesn't mean that they have a great advantage.


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Guest Sparkin'

Alright then, I guess you win. Luigi could have the role of someone who kills every night when their brother is killed.

[Eliminate] Luigi

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Mhmm..So Amine A.K.A link is dead..


It is not like that Team FE is going to get an advantage over the other teams as they're still standing on 4 members.

With that said, I'll agree on Dive's statement - 'To maintain the balance, we should lynch team FE'

And about Luigi..We yet dont know anything about their roles, so its best for now to not go with the prediction which may or may not come true in the future. 

[Eliminate] Valter

This isnt my final vote and thus probably I am going to keep this, till something more evidence arrives.

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While your theory might have some merit, I feel like I am going to agree with Paul and Dive today. FE might have some good counter attacking moves, and we really should eliminate a FE member. I noticed previously that no one has voted for Team Zelda, allowing a sneaky win if left unchecked. Regardless, I votr


[Eliminate Valter] 


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