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Gardevoir. 100% Gardevoir. Now yes I'm biased because Gardevoir is my favorite mon by far, it has better Synergy options due to it being part fairy. heck, couple it with a Magneton/magnezone and you have an almost perfect Core

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Alakazam's movepool without TM's has never been that great, it has big issues with Dark types but I'd absolutely consider it over Gardevoir both due to personal preference and the fact that the event Abra comes with the move; Encore which allows it to support the rest of the team in shutting down a specific threat reliant on a single move, thanks to it's great speed. Magic Guard allows it to offset a lot of field chip damages etc. Furthermore; it's small movepool could be argued to be a boon for it. There's a bevy of utility moves Alakazam can obtain such as Trick(Allowing it to brutally shut down item reliant threats such as Terra's Garchomp!), the aforementioned Encore, moves such as Gravity, Magic Room. Gardevoir doesn't have much space to run these niche, yet fun moves because it's movepool is admittedly greater, but Alakazam does.


On the other hand; Gardevoir's stats are less extreme and more balanced along with a more generally noticeable ability in trick. Fairy typing is a boon yes(I dread saying this, fuck fairies :[)and it's moveset is naturally superior for sure, even being able to take advantage of Trick Room well. I'd argue that there isn't much competition for a fairy type either whereas Psychic types have behemoths such as Alakazam itself, Gallade, Reuniclus, Metagross and Malamar to go against.


End of the day it's your choice but I do hope I've explained why I believe Alakazam's a very much so viable choice against Gardevoir. Besides;

"If it trusts someone deeply, it will let them have one of its spoons. Anything you eat with that spoon is apparently delicious. "

 - Alakazam

I don't see Gardevoir giving me magical good taste spoons.


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Quote wasn't working for me. 
@Azeria ' "If it trusts someone deeply, it will let them have one of its spoons. Anything you eat with that spoon is apparently delicious. " - Alakazam
                 I don't see Gardevoir giving me magical good taste spoons.' 

That was amazing. I want to go get myself an Alakazam now. 

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I'd say Gardevoir cause it's the only Pokemon who is loyal to it's trainer.

"It will try to guard its trusted Trainer with its life.  To protect its Trainer, it will expend all its psychic power to create a small black hole."-Gardevoir

Better than magic spoons, lol.

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Magic Guard Life Orbed Alakazam is love, Magic Guard Life Orbed Alakazam is life.

Btw you can teach Alakazam Dazzling Gleam to deal with the majority of dark types (since I saw someone in this thread using the dark weakness as a con). A Life Orbed Alakazam also deals with any neutral types that isn't bulky. Otherwise regarding its defense it gets rekt easily, but then again, speed is everything in Pokemon if used correctly, and a Timid Alakazam is a beast.

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I've never been able to use Gardevoir because Ralts-Kirlia were a pain to raise (slow and defenseless). That said whenever I've had either in my team, I've noted Alakazam's amazing as a sweeper while Gardevoir might need at least one Calm Mind to OHKO threats. The only problem with Alakazam would be getting hit by choice scarfed or chlorophyll mons in sunlight since it's super frail.

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I used to love Gardevoir, but the hact that everyone has one make me think about replace it. But imo Pokemon with double types are more valuable in reborn that the single type ones, I love to go with a team full od double types, so i can have stabe moves in 12 types, it gives more flexibility in fights.

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