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Pulses base stats and pulse speculations


Pulse machines  

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Before you read: This post contains spoilers about many parts of the game. If you haven't played through E16 already I recommend you to do so first. You have been warned.


Sorry for bad such great formatting, that your eyes are overwhelmed by it which makes it harder to read.


So, first things first: The pulses that you can already battle/ register in your pulse dex.

We all know that pulses are quite strong, but have you ever wondererd how strong exactly?

Well, as there seem to be no conplete guides about it (the only thing I found was only up to pulse Abra, I believe), I looked into it and found the base stats of the pulses:

(Please note that there's a chance I made an error somewhere.)


I heard the pulses have 6*31IV and 6*0EV with a neutral nature, but I can't confirm it at the moment.


Pulse 00




Type: Poison

Ability: Gooey

Well, the one we battle isn't actually a pulse garbador, so its exact base stats will remain unknown.

But I really wonder how a pulse Garbador would look like..

Pulse 01




Type: Electric/ Steel

Ability: Levitate

HP: 70

Attack: 70

Defense: 160

Special Attack: 230

Special Defense: 140

Speed: 70

Base Stat Total: 740

Do you think Lumi and Evelyn are dead for good now?

Pulse 02




Type: Ice

Ability: Solid Rock

HP: 105

Attack: 160

Defense: 255

Special Attack: 97

Special Defense: 255

Speed: 10

Base Stat Total: 882

Thanks god it has a bad defensive typing.

But still, that thing is a monster!

Pulse 03




Type: Poison/ Water

Ability: Water Absorb

HP: 100

Attack: 73

Defense: 210

Special Attack: 110

Special Defense: 210

Speed: 40

Base Stat Total: 743

Pulse 04




Type: Poison

Ability: Protean

HP: 105

Attack: 105

Defense: 70

Special Attack: 97

Special Defense: 250

Speed: 40

Base Stat Total: 667

Protean... Yeah.

Do I have to say more?

Pulse 05




Type: Grass/ Poison

Ability: Filter

HP: 100

Attack: 70

Defense: 200

Special Attack: 70

Special Defense: 160

Speed: 10

Base Stat Total: 610

Well, you have to beat some other Pokenob of a boss trainer first, so don't get fooled by the "low" stats.

And there are 3...

Pulse 06




Type: Fire/ Ground

Ability: Desolate Land

Looking at the approximate stats from the pulse dex, I'm glad you don't have to fight this thing...

Pulse 07




Type: Psychic/ Steel

Ability: Magic Guard

HP: 25

Attack: 20 

Defense: 115

Special Attack: 195

Special Defense: 155

Speed: 140

Base Stat Total: 650

This thing was a nightmare...

It swept through my entire team...



And that's where the speculation begins!

We do know that there is a pulse Mr. Mime and a pulse Clawitzer.

The Agate sleep spell probably has something to do with a pulse, too.


When will we be able to battle which pulses?

Will there be a pulse to battle in E17?

What do you think are the 2 unknown pulses?

And what could their types, abilities and base stats be?

Do you think we'll eventually somehow get to use them our own? (I mean they're pretty much custom mega-evolutions, so...)

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This is cool, thanks for doing this. 


I only have a little speculation to add. 


The Agate sleep spell probably has something to do with a pulse, too.

Do you think we'll eventually somehow get to use them our own? (I mean they're pretty much custom mega-evolutions, so...)

I think the sleep spell might be a pulse pokemon using spore. Go pulse parasect!

I don't think we'll ever be able to use pulse pokemon. It seems to hurt the pokemon, plus Ame likes to keep the gamer's experience pretty canon. 

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I think the scrapyard could have a surprise for us, as Reborn!Reborn City had with the plot moving forward. And maybe we could get to encounter a PULSE mon there like the lost Garbordor prototype in Byxbision (Am I spelling it right?). Or maybe is the desert where we will find it, a PULSE Flygon, or a PULSE Hippowdon. It could be really fun. And by fun, I mean, hell.



I actually got the idea of a PULSE Garchomp. Specifically, Sirius' Garchomp, made to suffer in a PULSE by Lin because its master's failures. It would be terribly cruel but I would like it very much. It's a shame Garchomp already has a Mega (Who I think we will have to fight eventually) but dreaming is free.

Edited by kithas
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If she hasn't needed it to kill Champion's A-Ninetales, I doubt it she even needs it to give us nightmares. Also, PULSEs usually made sense in plot (Tangrowths as living jungles, WTC's Swalot...) and I don't really see what could be amplified in Hydreigon that hasn't been made yet.

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Pulse Arceus seems a likely final boss for the team meteor climax (what with the ARC-Pulse being talked about) 

I'll just say that I think having the pulses being bulky but slow is good design. (abra being the exception, but it had a recharge move so it's ok.)

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Yeah, pulse Arceus would make sense, after all, team meteor wants to create a new world using Arceus and Arceus probably won't say "Okay, that's fine."

But then again...

How could the god of the universe be controlled by... Anything?

Though that could easily be explained with "video game logic"

So, what base stats could a pulse Arceus have?

It would probably keep the every stat is the same distribution and it should be out of question it would have the highest BST out of any pokemon/pulse.

With pulse Avalugg having a BST of 882, that would mean pulse Arceus would have at least 148 in every stat. (At 147 it would tie with pulse Avalugg's BST).

And we all know how hard this game can be...

So I'd guess between 160 - 180 in every stat.

But we all know Reborn's difficulty, so it's probably going to be 255 in everything. xD (Please no, I don't want to have to cheese it with destiny bond/ perish song/ curse...)

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Have you guys ever thought about the Arc-PULSE thing as....


- Ame once stated that a human would be connected to a PULSE at some point of the game;

- Arclight had his eye removed;


Conclusion: DJ Arclight-PULSE


A PULSE on the desert that messes with the trails is plausible...but I have no idea of what could cause that (not counting PULSE Hippowdon). Also, why would Team Meteor blow up the Train Station if they set up a PULSE there? Seems rather pointless.


I'd say the 2 unknown PULSEs are Human-PULSE (spoiler tag up there) and Sleepy-PULSE (probably Drowzee/Hypno just like the anime once did)




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These are what I'm hoping for with the final upcoming PULSES.



PULSE Clawitzer: 105/40/150/255/120/80

Total BST: 770. 

Ability: Mega Launcher. 

Type: Water/Dragon 

Moves: Dragon Pulse, Hydro Pump, Sludge Bomb, Mud Bomb


PULSE Mr. Mime: 25/30/90/180/255/130

Total BST: 760 

Ability: Magic Bounce 

Type: Psychic

Moveset: Prismatic Laser, Recover, Barrier, Aura Sphere


Here are what I think the last two are: 

PULSE Hydreigon: 115/110/95/190/110/165


Ability: Adaptability 

Type: Dark/Dragon

Moveset: Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse, Flash Cannon, Aeroblast


PULSE Ditto(Arceus): 140/140/140/140/140/140

Total BST: 840

Ability: Protean/Adaptability. (My fanmade one would be "Hypertype" which would basically be identical to Suzerain's "Omnitype". Which makes the user account for the immunities and resists of every type when being attacked.)

Type: ???

Moveset: Judgement




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- Ame once stated that a human would be connected to a PULSE at some point of the game;

- Arclight had his eye removed;


Conclusion: DJ Arclight-PULSE

Well, I think pulse Arceus is more likely to happen.


If there would be a pulse human, I think it would be a major character.



Also, do you think there will be more than 12 pulses?


We have 00-07 in the pulse dex

08-10 could be Clawitzer, Mr. Mime, and the thing that makes the people asleep in Agate city. (Probably Hypno, because it's so well known for putting humans asleep)

11 could be pulse Arceus.


4 pulses seem to be a reassonable amount of pulses left, looking at how close we are to the post-game. (Or will the post-game contain more pulses? I mean team meteor will probably be defeated by then, right?)

(E17 will probably go up until the 16th badge, E18 up until the 18th badge + climax and then E19, which is confirmed to be post-game and the last episode. (Though I think it'll also add the elite 4 + champ)

So, the last two episodes are going to be huge, especially since E17 apparently is pretty small in the story department.


But that would be too predictable, would it?

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3 hours ago, example said:

@TheTGU maybe it could be controlled by... PULSE-Human?

I mean, at some point is definetly going to be controlled by a ball and a trainer, so...


I don't think Arceus could be actually a PULSE:

- PULSE Mons are usually not high-tier (Tangrowth, Abra, Muk, Swalot...)

- They are fused with the PULSE and killed/destroyed after the battle (A Mercy kill if you will) and every legendaries are supposed to be available post-game.

- The Meteors want to use them to recover the original Reborn and accessing Arceus' chamber (That's what PULSE Abra was for), so it wouldn't make sense if they had it connected too.

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But there's a reasson they want to enter the chambe:

They want to create a new world and Arceus probably wouldn't just do what they want...

Though it would be  questionable, how they would get the literal god into a PULSE machine AND not having it just destroy the machine instantly...


Edit: And the biggest evidence would be the "PULSE Arc", mentioned multiple times by high ranked team Meteor members.

Edited by TheTGU
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@kithas   I assume the life force of the god of Pokemon would be far stronger than a common Pokemon, so it would probably survive getting linked to a Pulse.   Also, that's the goal of Meteor's original staff (Sirius), but Lin seems to have a different goal and methods.

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My Quote function isn't functioning, dang.



I mean, at some point is definetly going to be controlled by a ball and a trainer, so...


I don't think Arceus could be actually a PULSE:

- PULSE Mons are usually not high-tier (Tangrowth, Abra, Muk, Swalot...)

- They are fused with the PULSE and killed/destroyed after the battle (A Mercy kill if you will) and every legendaries are supposed to be available post-game.

- The Meteors want to use them to recover the original Reborn and accessing Arceus' chamber (That's what PULSE Abra was for), so it wouldn't make sense if they had it connected too.


I'm under impression we don't understand each other. @theTGU said that Arceus itself, as it is a god that created the universe, cannot really be controlled, not to mention enhanced PULSE-Arceus. Like there would even be a point in amplifying power of a god that can reshape the universe.


...so in order to control a god, we gonna enhance human, to become more than a god, a post-human. If you want to control Arceus and fulfil Meteor's dreams of creating the New World, you gotta attach yourself to a PULSE machine to seize Arceus. If I think about it, it is in line with Lin-being-an-impostor theory - nobody would want to be connected to a machine that causes eternal pain, so we send remotely controlled avatar. The final battle gonna be against PULSE-Lin, exploding and stuff.

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That would explain the scene with Lin in Shade's gym.

As we know, two of the four people will actually die, so the Lin we see might not be the real Lin.

(There's a whole speculation topic about that I think. But it really makes sense)

Also, I think Ame once answered to the question, if we will one day see the physical power of Lin with a yes, but don't quote me on that.

(And did she say we're gonna fight a pulse human one day? I'm not sure.)


But Ame could also just be trying to give us wrong traces, like with the Type:Null line...

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I'm quite convince we'll see a PULSE Porygon-Z. Why you ask? Because of this:


Porygon Emerald Pokedex Entry:

"It is capable of reverting itself entirely back to program data in order to enter cyberspace. A PORYGON is copy-protected so it cannot be duplicated."


Porygon Z Diamond/Pearl Pokedex Entry:

"Additional software was installed to make it a better Pokémon. It began acting oddly, however."


Still not sure where I'm going with this? Then read on (EP16 spoiler's ahead):



Terra's Father: "You know, for a while, we were really worried about our little girl. She always locked herself away in her room, and she was so shy she wouldn't talk to anyone! She wasn't the type to make friends at school, but she never went anywhere else, so she just played video games all day. What kind of future can someone like that have, we thought? Then one day, just all of the sudden, she told us she was going off to pursue her life's secret dream of joining the circus. And she did great! Maybe sometimes you just gotta let kids do their thing until they're ready."


Terra's Mother: "Maybe our daughter changed as a result of meeting that girl... The timing makes sense, but how could a kid like that have such an impact on her? I would say, "One never knows what might become a formative experience", but... It doesn't quite add up, you know? If she went into social work, for instance, after we tried to adopt that orphan girl, it would make sense. But the circus? Where did that come from!? It's almost like she became a completely different person overnight. Ah well, as long as she's happy."

So we have a character who's somehow able to enter into computers, and even allow other people to enter the computer. And that same character reportedly became a complete nutcase overnight. And what's the final nail in the coffin? The ONLY other time we see the glitch field is the Porygon event. Its too much of a coincidence for a PULSE Porygon-Z not to be involved, or at least something to that effect. 



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Well, that sounds like a great idea for a side quest, but then again... How did the Porygon-Z fuse with the PULSE machine?

And did those even exist back then?

And for what reasson would someone do that to Terra?

Though I think post-game PULSE sidequests could be possible, if there is an explainaton for the plot holes...

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Well, that sounds like a great idea for a side quest, but then again... How did the Porygon-Z fuse with the PULSE machine?

And did those even exist back then?

And for what reasson would someone do that to Terra?

Though I think post-game PULSE sidequests could be possible, if there is an explainaton for the plot holes...

For the answers to your questions see below (EP16 spoilers):


There's another theory somewhere about Lin being a robot/computer program. I'm not convinced of all the aspects of that theory, but there's some good points in it regarding the likelihood of Lin and Terra communicating in their childhood. The dialogue i quoted in my post above was part of that too, where Terra's parents are talking about their attempt to adopt Lin from the orphanage and how Terra got along with her. I think it's likely that some early plans of Lin / Meteor involved a PULSE Porygon-Z of some kind.


And as for PULSE existing back then, remember that ZEL was created by the first PULSE machine quite some time ago. Terra isn't all that old either. We know that 10 years ago was when Adrienn was a gym leader and that was before the current Reborn League was created by Ame (the character), and based on what Laura said about Lin at the orphanage and Laura's age (18), we can assume that child Lin and Terra are within a few years of Laura's age, probably on the older side. So it's quite reasonable that the PULSE Porygon-Z was used on Terra within the last 10 years.


As for why they'd do that, we know that Terra was a reclusive child who mostly just played video games all day, so we can assume that she ended up communicating with Lin online.  At some point Lin probably just used her to test out the Porygon-Z PULSE, perhaps to recruit her by altering her personality, or perhaps just to test whether they could use it to get people to enter into cyber space. 


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