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Every time you ask when E17 is coming out, it gets delayed by another week


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usually, when I say that it gets delayed I say that it's just a running gag here because I don't wish to come off as snappy. however, I do take a little issue with the question. because if they don't know when it's getting out, no matter how long they've been playing. Why would we know it and not have it in an obvious place on the forums? maybe I'm just a very stupid person for thinking like that and maybe it's showing how bad my social skills are, but that's just my 2 cents about it

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Oh Sweety no rush on anything~ This is your game and you only decide when to release it. The community is just so grateful for your creation it's creating so much hype. Nonetheless, take all the time you need. We'll be waiting here...you know.....making fun of each others! lol ~

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I do have to comment that most people asking repeat questions (not about the release date but other things) seem to not notice the very visible "SEARCH" bar at the top right.  I know from experience that it can come up with very inaccurate and random results, but usually simple phrases yield the answer/thread you are looking for. 


Honestly question for everyone on here: On websites when you are trying to find something do you A) try the search bar to see if you can find what you are looking for   or B ) try navigating sub-menus (or the site's equivalent) until you find it (or give up)?    (This question is just about how you search something, not particularly about asking questions on a forum).




I only answer repeat questions anymore if I can control myself from giving an exasperated answer (Steam Eruption  Dendeye), since I know that can scare off newcomers (or at least give them the wrong impression---I don't want to become Insurgence's community).

Edited by seki108
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@seki108 B



But there is one thing i do when i register on a forum for the first time : introduce myself. And not directly create a topic called " any idea when ep 17 came out ??????? please please please " and then vanish when i got my answer. 




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@Ikaru i admit i was a little rude on my points here and i'm sorry for this. I understand that we need to be more patient with newcomers ok , but i don't understand when you said that we just need to redirect them on this thread instead . They will see the thread and then what ? Episode will be delayed no matter what , and at the end they will say " oh sorry my bad didn't saw it " whereas it's written in black and white just right here. I personnally think this topic can prevent sort of thing to happen on the future cause this is the first thread they are supposed to see when they come here.

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Not this thread, I specified the development blog. That's where they'll be able to follow progress, if with nothing beyond Ame's occasional comments below the progress bars. If someone doesn't have an answer themselves, they can link that at least. If the answer isn't there it might not be anywhere.

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pretty much what @Ikaru said. this topic can be helpful to the newer people that would like to know when e17 will be out, considering its explicitly stated here that it isnt yet, but its not meant as a message for the newbies. its moreso meant to change the mentality of the veteran members.


@Zarc I see what you meant with 'first post gotta be introducing yourself', I really do. point of the matter is that not everyone is interested in becoming a solid member of this community. they may have just heard about the game, and want to try it for themselves. in the meantime, a lot of people are mentioning this strange new thing known as 'episode 17'. maybe they will look it up a bit. some topics arise, but most of them are either pretty old or dont give a definite answer. so even if the newbie did their research, they may still be stuck with a good amount of questions, the most notable being 'when is e17 going to be out?', considering they 1. want to play the game real badly, 2. want to play the latest version of the game and 3. arent 100% sure whether or not the so-called e17 is already out now or not.


also, keep in mind that for people like you, who come on this forum every day, navigating is a breeze. you find everything you would ever want to find, because youre used to the layout, the structure and whatnot. people that just came on here may have never dealt with a forum like this before. they have literally not the slightest clue where to look for what, because theres so much info everywhere and its honestly really overwhelming. and please dont try to tell me that its easy to navigate this place, because even I had trouble to do so after the most recent site update, and that was after knowing this forum for a solid two years and a half. anyway, until they figure out how exactly this forum operates, they settle for the easiest way to find out whether e17 has been released yet- asking the veteran members.


its not my intention to go around and steal the fun of you guys, 'specially since im barely around myself anymore, but I do agree with ame that potential new members might get pushed away by this. its not because theyre initially uninterested to join the community that they will continue to be.


also again @Zarc double ping whoopsie doodles but id assume ikaru meant this post when he mentioned 'this post details etc etc', rather than literally this topic. or at least something that looks alike to it, cuz I have absolutely no clue where to find the best post that describes what stage e17 is at rn.


edit: ikaru2fast

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@DemICE yes i understand totally. But what's the point if at the end episode is delayed ? 


What i'm trying to say is this actual topic can help us to avoid a lot of topics called " any ideas when ep 17 will be out ? ". Cause as Bibs said and i'm totally agree with it , many peoples aren't familiar with forums and it's kinda hard to find the dev blog. So maybe this one will help who knows.


Ame is probably receiving a lot of messages asking her when ep will came out and i understand it can be annoying at the end. 


When i often answer " it will be out when it will be out " , it's not my intention to be rude , just pure logic :).




Apologizes if i'm annoying about it. Looks like i'm pain in the neck on this one :D 


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21 minutes ago, Zarc said:

Ame is probably receiving a lot of messages asking her when ep will came out and i understand it can be annoying at the end. 

do get asked that frequently, and it's possible that I have griped about it in the past. But at this point, it doesn't really phase me at all because like I said in the post I understand that those people-- even the ones who do come off as rude directly to me (not that that's a good thing)-- are just excited to play it too. 

Even now my tag line on the development blog isn't because I'm annoyed, I'm just poking fun at the fact that I don't know either. 

So nobody needs to console or defend me here on this ^^
Just like Ikaru said, try to be helpful to those people. That is absolutely the best thing I could ask.


That said it has become abundantly clear to me that I need a better way to demonstrate progress and what's going on during testing. It's difficult because there aren't necessarily goals in terms of time or number of fixes... Right now I'm thinking of some kind of "rules are made up and points dont matter" score system. I may give that a try with community.

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@Zarc No, this topic is not for directing here newcomers who ask information about the game in order to make them not ask again. They just need information, plain and simple. This is for us, older members, to actually give them the info they want instead of shooing them away with our behavior

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I agree with all things said here, yet I will stick to my guns. If anyone here knew when ep 17 would be out, it would be really easy to find on here. Like, even without much browsing. like, Ame is the first who would know the exact date of when it would be released, and I have a feeling that if she would put herself on a timer like that (which I think she should never do. we don't want an Insurgence situation with this game) she would put a timer or the date at let's say the download page. or the banner. or anything like that. That's how we, the community, would learn about the estimated release date and how potential newcomers would learn of it. Now, Ame doesn't work like that. She releases the new EP as it's Combat Ready. due to this, not even She knows when it will be released until the day that it's released (or maybe the day before if she's about to go to bed and put it on her "to do" list for tomorrow).


Again. maybe this shows how stupid I am or how bad I am at social stuff. But think carefully. if you were a newcomer and you would skim through the main page of the Game or look at the banner and not see a release date, would you think anyone knows when the next episode is coming out? I know I wouldn't.

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Honestly bless you for this announcement Ame. I've been feeling the need to express something like this for quite a while, and you did so far more eloquently than I would have. 


Anyway, in reference to the "I do it in a joking manner" thing that's popped up a couple of times in this thread, while this may be case in regards to your intent and members of the community might understand that, to the new member all it does is make them feel like they're doing something wrong. Someone whose never been on the forums before has no real way of knowing that "it gets delayed every time you ask" is a running joke, and even if they do, having 10 people make the same joke about how new and inexperienced you are is never a good feeling.


And honestly, laughter by taking cheap shots at new people for not knowing about how our forums work really isn't a great look for the community, and the fact that someone doesn't understand things now or they don't integrate straight away doesn't mean they never will. For example, my first post on the forum was in bug reporting when it should have been in troubleshooting, and was asking for help regarding an issue that had been answered many times. I got a friendly and helpful answer to my question which was a really fantastic first impression and encouraged me to stay. If seven people had jumped on me (even if it was jokingly) for the basic mistakes I made I can promise you I never would have seen this as a place where I could find a group of friends, and Reborn would have stayed as that place with the cool fangame rather than as a community that has had a profound impact on me. And in the end, there isn't that much difference between my first post and a lot the ones people get down on. While bug reporting is a more isolated community, as someone whose done a lot of stuff there I can promise you that people who make posts like the first one I made can be frustrating because once you know how everything works, mistakes seem stupid. But rather than unleashing this frustration onto the person, giving them the help they need and giving some advice on how they can improve in the future is overall a better solution for everyone, and might help some people who currently only are here for episode releases join our community. 


So by all means, point out the people who make "when is E16 coming out I want it now" threads that we don't have a specified release date yet and that they can check out the development blog for updates. That's being a helpful community member. But to do this, sarcasm and injokes aren't needed, because while they might be amusing to you, they help to contribute to a really negative culture in our community, which to me is one of the main reasons why the number of new active forum users has dropped significantly. Who knows, if we start being nicer to people we might get more people willing to introduce themselves and come out of their shells like so many of us have done before them. 

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So basically we should be more social to newcomers, I understand that, but for some of us it might be realy frustrating checking everyday for updates resulting in lame jokes. As I see it now, there are 4 issues on this matter which conflict with each other:


- Devs do not want to put a date / deadline (which is 100 % understandable, cause deadlines suck);

- Community feel like they don't have a lot of insight, which result in jokes and puns and what not (though this is a bit biased on my own reflection);

- Newcomers don't have a reference of what "100%" means;

- After 100% there's a lot of nothingness, emptiness and insecurities.


For example, its great we know that there's a breakdown in programming the next episode (zero to 100%), but there is no transparancy after this. There are also enough questions regarding testing, tbh I don't even know the procedure.. is there a playthrough for ep 16 too 17? or are there also fresh restarts? For some stages it's understandable that there are no updates on testing (like the first 2 stages), but Alpha and Beta could give us more insight. A mod or dev could get the responsibility to make a tread every other week with found bugs, fixes, complecations, playthroughs and everything. Or expand the "100%" meaning. Even some teasing would be great? Like: a pokeball which could be TM psychic or earthquake or the megastone / bracelet).


Anyways what i'm trying to say is: it would be swell for all parties to communicate more after the 100 % programming is done.


I still love you Ame, for making something amazing possible, setting everyone's mind too it and respect you for pulling it off, .. but this "Every time you ask when E17 is coming out, it gets delayed by another week" as a headline feels a bit weird.


Might not be the point of this topic or the place to give some criticism, but i still want to mention it, :o seems like a good time for it :D...



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