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Who did you find to be the toughest/easiest gym leader so far?


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For me I think I'd have to say Noel, as I can't remember any other's that really stood out as giving me trouble. I'd usually have to reset two or three times on most gyms and 'boss' fights, but I also tended to be a little under level most of the time. I only remember Noel as taking significantly more than that, or maybe Sigmund on of my playthroughs as well.


I think this topic is incredibly dependent on your team and your luck. On my first playthough, Noel took me about 10 or 15 resets to beat because Cinnico would usually ruin my day with flinchs and then if i'd beat it i'd usually have very litttle left to deal with the Clefable, and often what I had left only had special moves and status conditions, which were heavily mitigated by moonbeam and magic guard.


Then I think I beat it in one or two tries on my second playthrough because I had a trevenant which resisted most of Cinnico's shit and then I had plenty left to deal with Clefable. 


I can't remember any specifics, but I realised there were also some 'bosses' that I'd beaten first try on one of my playthoughs just because I'd gotten a lucky crit and OHKOd a pokemon that should have been a major problem for me. Or other times I'd get really unlucky and, for example, a certain Chatot's Chatter would confuse my pokemon i'd get maybe 3 attacks in across 6 pokemon, and the rest of the time they'd just hurt them self. Which is a pretty unlikely scenario if you understand probability.

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  • 3 months later...

For me, the absolute hardest  was definitely shelly with her stupid struggle bugging, rain dancing bugs.

At that time, I had Ezio (Combusken), Stanly (Skuntank), Tyson ( Ursaring), Podi( Pangoro), Gaten (Charjabug), and Nirvana (SHINY Noibat)


Up to that point, i was mostly just relying on Ezio and Gaten to sweep everyone, but not this battle. The rain dance that illumise always used just completely shut down my combusken, and the constant OP FOREST BOOSTED struggle bugs just kept sweeping my team. My shiny noibat was completely useless, stanly's good defense but lack of offense rendered him useless too. So it was up to the bear brothers, TYSON AND PODI to just overpower them. Even after i evolved them, it was very hard. It frustrated me so much, that i actually took a couple month break before i finally beat it with some para and crit hacks. 


The easiest so far is a tie between  Aya and Noel~

For Aya, I beat her just overpowered her without casualties in my first try with just better pokemon

As for Noel, I swept him with My blaziken 2nd try



Edited by Cakenne
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Easiest for me was Shade. My shiny female Meowstic Lavender wrecked his Gengar and Rotom. Soon after, I sent my Blaziken to Bulk Up Set-up on Banette, Fire Pledge twice so that move would be the one disabled by Cursed Body, and then Blaze Kicked everything else . Shelly was not too bad once I paired Meowstic with Growlithe. Fake-out the rain dancer and burn everything to the ground.


Hardest so far has been Radomus. I don't have a Pokemon that can destroy the Chess Field That Slowking and Metagross were the most troublesome part. It doesn't say how certain moves have their type changed, so I was baffled by how Psychic was super-effective against my Arcanine. Eventually I changed my team around to consist of Meowstic, Tsareena, Lurantis, Mightyena, Lopunny and Infernape. Fake-outed the TTrick Room users and destroyed them. Still had a bit of trouble, but Lopunny came in with the finished of Silk Scarfed Return on Gardevoir.

Edited by Silvermyst
Finally beat Radomus
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Had 1 playthrough where the last gym I faced was Radomus', and I'm currently in a new playthrough where the latest gym I defeated was Adrienn.


Can't really remember who was the easiest for me during my first run of this game. But I definitely remember who was the toughest, for me it was Serra. Nothing I had on my team could survive more than 2 attacks and I ultimately had to train some new mons just to get past that gym.


For my second run. The easiest one was Charlotte, my Lycanroc just swept her entire team with rock slide lol. Terra was also an easy gym leader for me, I just cheesed her by using a Shedinja with synthetic seed once there was no sandstorm, typeless Shedinja with wonder guard.


Hardest so far on my current playthrough was Samson. That effing Hawlucha, man. A Hawlucha with +1 attack on the first turn, unburden ability activated, and using acrobatics with that STAB and power up from the field effect, r.i.p. my team. It was pretty much Serra all over again, and I had to do the same thing I did there to get past this one.   

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I've had 3 runs:

My Original run, started in episode 15. which the hardest battle was Sierra(My team until ciel was chesnaught gothitelle swanna diggersby houndoom(which was underleveled by the time I got to her) and ampharos), I was unable to break her field and the evasion buffs were too much(although I kinda abused them with and the easiest one was Amaria, power-up punch chesnaught DESTROYS her, just need a bit of spdef to live kingdra's and lapras' ice beam

The one that I gave up on, ep 16. Bc my pokemon where severly underleveled for titania and they were awful against them (meowstic-F noivern kricketune(dont think too much about it, stick webs and it was good vs luna) greninja camerupt arbok garbodor eelektross roserade cofagrigus exploud and the mvp excavalier, all of which destroyed by the combo of mega scizor and aegislash, if anyone can help me with this its appreciated lol). For this one the hardest battle was adrienn cause even with 3 poison types, xe's damage output was absurd. Once I set up the trick room and let excavalier rampage it became a little easier but then it leveled up and started disobeying, in the end I was fighting against not only mawile's damage but also against my own pokemon's will. Easiest was ironically Sierra cause I destroyed the field turn one and let TR do the rest.

Third and most recent one, began in e17 for me to see the new teams with the additions 7th gen brought. Team was Torterra, Reuniclus, Volcarona, Meowstic-M, Magnezone, Jellicent, Sharpedo, Pinsir, Drifblim, Granbull, Skuntank and Mamoswine. The easiest one was florinia, even Julia gave me more trouble. I left that artificial desert field D A M A G E L E S S. Now the hardest? HEAR MY RAWR OF BULLSHIT WITH THE MOST 4NN0Y1NG T34M T0 3V3R 3X1ST, TERRAAAA. I hate her with a passion, idk who decided to change her team, but it wasnt Ame. Ame is harsh on the game sometimes, but I refuse to believe that she was the one behind the second thing I hate the most in games: Terra's existence(First one is rainforests. Rejuvenation, Full Moon and Uranium were a bit hated by me because of it)

And Im glad to see I wasnt the only one who struggled with sierra.

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Just finished E17 and Amaria was an easy gym leader for me as I defeated her on my first try. Once I was able to set up Trick Room with my Malamar, my Lurantis (assault vest hold item and contrary ability, and leaf storm on its moveset) was able to easily sweep her team with some support from Cinccino and Eelektross.

Edited by Bunbunmaru
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In my current E17 Playthrough (Just beat Aya (Beat on the first try, no casualties) The hardest was probably Shade, as his team had two mons I had absolutely no clue what they were (I stopped at gen 5).

In my previous run (E15/16), The hardest was definitely shade.  At that point, my team had no dark/ghost moves, and ended up having to actually train another team member from scratch.  Don't remember the easiest, but Julia was pretty easy w/ Marshtomp as my starter.

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