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Radomus and El


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Spoilers i guess if you havent reached the point of battling radomus yet.In episode 16 after rescuing luna , radomus takes in ellias as the estate's new buttler.Then he tells the player and cain that this is not the ellias that we fought,but if i remember corectly in episode 15 when we are left alone in the same room with radomus,he explains that he hypnotised El.So i would like to ask firtsly if i rememebr corectly(havent played in episode 15 since 16 was released) and if i do why do you think that was changed?Does it serve any purpose in game or was it just changed because the new dialogue fits better?

P.S. when radomus tells the played that he used hypnosis on El (that was on e15) i said "yes" to luna when she asked if im afraid of the dark ( just thought i would mention that in case the dialogue changes depending on what answer you give to luna)

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I suppose the dialogue was just changed to be more fitting. Other than that, the answer given to Luna should be of no consequence since she asks you whether you're afraid of the dark on 7th Street, after the whole Butler El business. Afaik the only consequence to your answer is the gain or loss of 1 rep point with Luna.

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I think I can think of a reason why Radomus would hypnotize El, or at least say that he did. Before that, we gotta remember that Radomus is probably the smartest man in the game at this point in time and that He's a master chess player. So what if he pretended that he had hypnotized El to keep his Enemy closer than his friends While El tried the exact same thing? Let's face it if the two are in fact older enemies than how we see them, then that would be something they would try. It also ties in with my personal theories about Radomus but I won't go into detail about that

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@Alistair oops, i forgot that Luna asks that after we battle radomus.

@Wolfox do you mean that radomus pretended to hypnotize El and El saw that as an opportunity to act as if he was?But after he "breaks free" from the spell El says that radomus should know better that he wouldnt stay under his spell for long enough.Now that i think about it it kinda makes sense but i dont know.

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