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Pokemon Glory (in development once again)

Swamp King

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@Swamp King @groniack

First up congratulations on finishing your exams, you guys must so relieved

Now I have to say look how far you've come:



Just amazing, congrats 😄

Jedog looks amazing. Only thing I notice is that the purple tuffs have a blue outline, other than that wow just wow

With the bears I'm getting an ursaring and electivire line crossover here, they're so cute

Rhinox is super detailed, it's also really well done

Terrock is pretty cute, I love that the red gives it a molten lava vibe

The fish are both cute and menacing. Not much to say really, although it's just different shades of blue, I think it works quite well, that and you've outdone yourselves again

I told you guys before I'm not original but I'll throw my two cents in:

Malarquay and Menaking

I tried....

Keep it the awesome work guys 😄

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10 hours ago, Felcatty said:

@Swamp King @groniack

First up congratulations on finishing your exams, you guys must so relieved

Now I have to say look how far you've come:

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Just amazing, congrats 😄

Jedog looks amazing. Only thing I notice is that the purple tuffs have a blue outline, other than that wow just wow

With the bears I'm getting an ursaring and electivire line crossover here, they're so cute

Rhinox is super detailed, it's also really well done

Terrock is pretty cute, I love that the red gives it a molten lava vibe

The fish are both cute and menacing. Not much to say really, although it's just different shades of blue, I think it works quite well, that and you've outdone yourselves again

I told you guys before I'm not original but I'll throw my two cents in:

Malarquay and Menaking

I tried....

Keep it the awesome work guys 😄

Thanks for the feedback as always! Also I was really happy that you remembered that we had already posted puppyrain and jedog before!

As for the names you suggested, could you explain what these names stand for? I mean I get the king part for Menaking but the other one I don't 😛 These names sound interesting but I'd love to understand the thinking behind them!

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@Swamp King

Malarquay - a play on of the word malarkey. Combines malar (malarkey) and quay

Malarkey meaning nonsense, I just thought the first form was too cute to be deadly.

And a quay is a type of wharf or harbour, usually where ships are docked.


Menaking was just a combination of menace and king.



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@Felcatty Thanks for your continuous support! We really appreciate that! And don't be harsh on yourself about the names 🙂 I actually found Menaking really good. It fits well with the theme of the mon. And "Malarquay" is definitely better than the "fishy" I was thinking lol.


@Phi-Bi I am glad you enjoy playing with fakemon! There will be tons of them in the game. I will give you an estimate of the amount of fakemon that will appear in the first release of the game. We are thinking about 100 pokemon. As some of them won't be available to be caught in the first release, you won't be able to see all of them in game. We have a lot of sprites ready but we are constantly making a lot of changes and sometimes complete redesigning. We hope to pick up the pace now that we have more free time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys! Since we had some free time, we worked on some more sprites! I hope you like them and as always, any constructive feedback is welcomed!

Without any further ado, here we go!



These are Terrani, Terras and Terranus. They are Rock + Dragon types



We had posted Terrock earlier, now it evolved int Boulderon!



Here is the final form of a line we are still working on! It is called Jawsmiral

Don't forget to leave your feedback guys!

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@Swamp King

They all look pretty cool tbh. Out of the three the terranus line is my fav.

I think the only issue I had with Terrani's final evo is that the armour for its left arm is that it kind feels disconnected from its arm, it looks like it's arm is really bulky but then becomes a twig after its elbow and it looks a bit weird.

I love how detailed Boulderon is but to me the face is...how do I put this...a bit derpy (?), it looks kinda weird compared to the rest. Maybe it's because its eyes are too narrow or its mouth could have too much shading on the left. Or its just me

I think Jawsmiral's left hand is weird, I think the shading might be off a bit, should the shading for its fingers be reversed?


I'd try to edit things but my computer crashed since the last time you guys posted, so I lost all my files; am trying to recover as much as I can right now.


Overall they're really detailed and I love what you guys are doing

Keep being awesome 😄


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  • 3 weeks later...

So it's time for another update! This is about a feature we mentioned before that was going to be implemented to the game, the trainer skill feature! If you don't remember what the that feature was check the spoiler:


Trainer skill was meant to be a way for a trainer to take more part in a battle by issuing various orders to the pokemon apart from what move to use. For example, the trainer can tell their pokemon to guard against a move, to attack faster or put more weight to an attack, stuff like that. The original thought for this, and the way it was actually implemented at the beginning was this: There would be various different orders that the trainer would be able to issue with a chance based on the training you had done. The more you have trained, the higher the chance of the order to be issued was.


So after doing some tests (especially during boss fights) we didn't feel like we were directly affecting the fight. The random factor "luck" wasn't what we really wanted. Sometimes we felt it was a little bit unfair to the player as well, when random trainers with low chance of activating their skills were spamming orders one after another.

So we decided to make some changes.


1st change: The skills now are equipable. You have a different pocket in your bag where different skills are stored and before a battle you can select which one you are going to be using in the battle. So, you would be able to use only 1 Skill in a battle.

here is a reference: image.png.d415bb8c314240157e5c0d92fb270f5c.png

2nd change: You can activate the effect of a skill by pressing the "S" Button before you select the move you are going to use in the battle, similar to the mega evolution button. You can only use this effect once per battle so you have to be careful where or when you use it.

here is a reference:

image.png.da3fc0d5c25d421512307630f3f0cfd6.png this is before you press the "S" button


image.png.5ecec3fe51ccee98cc75028c4507e8a1.png And here is after. The Graphics are subject to change...


image.png.a2eeb97d0fd59be7b339adde93c0a10e.png And here is the order as it appears on the screen.


So these are the major changes on the feature so far. We would like to hear your opinion on this one. Do you prefer it from the previous one?

You can ask anything you want about it. And if you want, you can suggest different skills that you would like to be available in the game by giving a name and an in battle effect. Who knows, you might see it in the game 🙂

So that's all for now. I hope you like these kind of updates that talk about something different in the game other than the fakemon. If you do, we might be having more updates like these in the future!


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Unfortunately some of my files are lost to the void, but I did create some backups,

I was stressed about it for a bit but gotta keep going on, what’s done is done and I can’t cry over spilled milk 🙂


I like this new system. Knowing my luck I think this would work out a lot better than stacked skills and in a way you would sorta know what the opponent could do. Also looks a lot easier for you guys to implement, but I don’t know anything about programming, just speculating.


I have to say this though; Papuar looks really good with the battle background, it’s very easy on the eyes. Well done.

Forgive me for saying it caleaf’s backsprite could use a bit more shading with the darker areas. I don’t know how you guys are doing the shading for the backsprites but for the most part the ‘light source’ tends to come from the middle, so it might look a bit better for the lightest shades to be hitting the outlines of the right (->) borders rather than the left.


I don’t actually have anything in terms of skill ideas. All I could possibly think of is maybe adding in a multiplier skill, a one turn skill that does 1.4x the damage or a two turn skill that does 2.7x (I don’t know I’m throwing out random numbers here) I guess it could be similar to a critical hit skill though.


keep up the awesome work guys 😄

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25 minutes ago, groniack said:

Trainer skill was meant to be a way for a trainer to take more part in a battle by issuing various orders to the pokemon apart from what move to use. For example, the trainer can tell their pokemon to guard against a move, to attack faster or put more weight to an attack, stuff like that. The original thought for this, and the way it was actually implemented at the beginning was this: There would be various different orders that the trainer would be able to issue with a chance based on the training you had done. The more you have trained, the higher the chance of the order to be issued was.

I liked this idea, there is a limit to the chance? 

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@Felcatty Yeah, what's done is done. I like your attitude there 🙂 I don't know how I would react if it happened to me... But yeah, it's better to move on from it.

Thanks again for the review!! I also think this system is easier for the player to use in battles as it gives them more control. And luck in pokemon battles is not my thing as well so any luck based features wouldn't help me.

As for the difficulty in programming it, it's not that different. We had already implemented the previous one and tested it. This one is implemented as well.

As for the backsprites... we are really struggling with this 🙂 This Caleaf backsprite is just the frontsprite flipped and having some little edits. Thanks for pointing out the shading issues. We will try to improve it. I hope we can just flip all the other mons and have the backsprite ready with some little edits. It's hard and time consuming to create a backsprite from scratch 😞

The idea of a two turn skill is nice! We hadn't thought about this. We might give it a shot!


@Yahen Oh, you preferred the previous implementation? The thing I really liked about this is that you could get the feel of an anime battle from it. There would be various orders given by all the trainers but that would be based on luck. The limit to the chance used to be 50% for each order and that is if you were a master in that skill.


So... since I see mixed feelings about the changes, I have a suggestion. Would it be better not to limit the use of a skill to once per battle but give it a cooldown and let you equip different skills from the bag during the battles so as to use the skill you see fitting in the situation? What are your thoughts on this?

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1 hour ago, groniack said:

Oh, you preferred the previous implementation? The thing I really liked about this is that you could get the feel of an anime battle from it. There would be various orders given by all the trainers but that would be based on luck. The limit to the chance used to be 50% for each order and that is if you were a master in that skill.


So... since I see mixed feelings about the changes, I have a suggestion. Would it be better not to limit the use of a skill to once per battle but give it a cooldown and let you equip different skills from the bag during the battles so as to use the skill you see fitting in the situation? What are your thoughts on this?

I liked both tbh

But the cooldown idea looks great, it seems to be more versatile (guess thats the word), an even more fun!

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I think a cool down would be unique. Do you think you would do it based on the type of skill or mastery (does that exist right now?)? For example you wouldn’t want players to be able to spam an evasive skill every other turn and the battle would go nowhere. Or would you put it in a random generator; say 1-5 for example?

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1 minute ago, Felcatty said:


I think a cool down would be unique. Do you think you would do it based on the type of skill or mastery (does that exist right now?)? For example you wouldn’t want players to be able to spam an evasive skill every other turn and the battle would go nowhere. Or would you put it in a random generator; say 1-5 for example?


Yeah, each skill will have a different cooldown for exactly that reason. Some skills might be a little bit stronger than others so we will balance it by making them have a longer cooldown. We already have done this for a certain number of skills so as to see how things would play out. We might need some opinions on the cooldowns later 🙂

And yeah... skill mastery is not a thing now. The skills you use will be in full power from the beginning.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey everyone! It's been a while since the last time we posted here. We have been busy with lot's of things but we managed to make some progress in the game when we got some free time. So, here are what we worked on:


1) The Trainer skill feature should be working properly right now. We added a countdown to show you in how many turns you will be able to use a skill again:


image.png.a4ea9bd3a61236f3435bd144dc678e06.png   Here you see in the blue circle that you have 1 turn till you can use your skill again


We added some basic AI for the opponents (or partner trainers) so as to use their skills wisely. I might add more conditions (and more skills) there as the development progresses. For now we have it working like this: Every trainer from the start can use 3 basic skills. Other trainers like gym leaders can use other Special Skills in addition to the basic ones.

We were thinking of having a gym leader reward you with their skill when you defeat them in battle. That would be one way of acquiring skills.


2) Some new pokemon and some redesigns!




The redesigns are of the fire starter line. We might make some edits to the other starters as well.

As for the new line, it's supposed to resemble a yeti! Can you guess what type it is?


Anyway, this is what I am going to share with you for now 🙂 What are your thoughts on all of these?


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The layout looks really nice, good to know that you can see the cooldown period. I would like a system where you earn the special skills, like the z-crystals; also more challenge and less predictability.

The fire starter looks so much better, I went back to your first post for a comparison and it's almost unrecognisable. The cracks/bumps could be changed to a dark red rather than a black or that brownish colour

The yeti looks cute/cool. My guess is ground and steel. The final evo's arms look a bit too stiff, the area around its shoulder looks too 'square' (?), almost makes it look like it's shrugging. Or maybe that's just me


Keep up the awesome work guys 😄 

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16 hours ago, Felcatty said:


The layout looks really nice, good to know that you can see the cooldown period. I would like a system where you earn the special skills, like the z-crystals; also more challenge and less predictability.

The fire starter looks so much better, I went back to your first post for a comparison and it's almost unrecognisable. The cracks/bumps could be changed to a dark red rather than a black or that brownish colour

The yeti looks cute/cool. My guess is ground and steel. The final evo's arms look a bit too stiff, the area around its shoulder looks too 'square' (?), almost makes it look like it's shrugging. Or maybe that's just me


Keep up the awesome work guys 😄 


Thanks a lot again!!! About the final evo, we were thinking that it looked stiff, too. But we didn't know what exactly was wrong there and we wanted some help with it 🙂 Thanks for pointing out the hand issue. That might be the problem. We will make some edits there. I hope it turns out good.


By the way, your guess about the type was a bit off, lol. It's supposed to be Fire + Fighting. I know it's a really hated typing but since this is not a starter, I hope it's ok! And it's a really good type combination.

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