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Facing Adrienn.....Xe is annoying


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Afternoon everyone!


I'm now fighting Adrienn and I have to say, xe is quite annoying.


Dusclops - Level 79 - Payback, Strength, Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch


Magneton - Level 80 - Gyro Ball, Zap Cannon, Discharge, Flash Cannon


Medicham - Level 80 - Hidden Power, Calm Mind, High Jump Kick, Counter


Golem - Level 77 - Rock Blast, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Rock Smash


Arcanine - Level 80 - Flare Blitz, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Close Combat


6th Pokemon choice:


Rhydon - Level 74 - Rain Dance, Stone Edge, Earthquake, Megahorn




Sharpedo - Level 77 - Surf, Waterfall, Dive, Crunch

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First of all to beat Adrienn:

- Evolve magneton or let it hold eviolite.You can evolve it in the closed room of Shade's gym.You need a key which you get from doing mulch sidequest.

- You can teach tailwind to any fast flying pokemon and change the field which will boost steel type moves.

- If you want the easiest way then get a clear body metagross and 1 or 2 shot everything with meteor mash.

- If you don't want to use a metagross then use a poison type pokemon that can learn sludge wave because your magnemite will be immune to it.

- Replace your arcanine.It only has fire and fighting move.Adrienn's mons already resist fighting and after tailwind is used fire type become part dragon moves so they are immune to it.


Some recommendations to your team:

- Again evolve dusclops or let it hold eviolite.

- Remove Medicham's counter with zen headbutt and replace calm mind and hidden power with elemental punches.

- Most importantly,download any mod so you don't have to use pokemons with HM moves.For example sharpedo with ice fang is much better than dive.Though you have to wait for the mod to be updated to ep. 17,once episode 17 is released.

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  • Veterans

You don't really need to change your team much honestly.


Step 1:Teach Dusclops Trick Room, evolve Rhydon into Rhyperior and Magneton into Magnezone. Furthermore, try to find an Amplifield Rock for Dusclops, so it's Trick Room can last 8 turns.

Step 2: Lead with Dusclops + Arcanine, Arcanine won't be very useful for much of the rest of the match so this is likely your best place to put it. Alternatively, lead with something that baits Gardevoir and Granbull into attacking it, like Medicham or Sharpedo and let them faint so you can get something like Golem or the afformentioned Rhyperior in.

Step 3: Under Trick Room, Golem's Heavy Slam should be enough to wipe out most of Adrienn's team.

Step 4: ?????

Step 5: Profit.

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Long story short, this gym is a pain in the butt. What I did to win was first use a Noivern's Hurricane to blow away the field. Next, I had a Bronzong use Trick Room as the duo targeted Noivern. Magnezone and Bronzong then proceeded to dominate with the new fairy tale field. While you don't have to add a Bronzong, I'd say maybe a Noivern (or something that could get rid of the fog) can give your steel moves enough of a power boost to win, ESPECIALLY if you get Trick Room up.

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