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So I felt this was completely necessary as I keep popping up on the forums and the server and Minecraft and everybody seems to keep asking, "Hey, who is that person?"

I'm Wolfie. c: But since there are a few others who go by that, you can call me whatever feels convenient.

I just turned 18 this month and I can't say I'm ready to grow up yet. College is a daunting thought and I don't want to get a job. If it were up to me, I'd stay a teenager forever.

I play a lot of video games. I've played League of Legends with a handful of you (remember that awesome Sona? don'tcha don'tcha?), but I also play Guild Wars 2, PMU and other stuff.

I'm a long long time friend of Ikaru, Momo Inuki, Edge and Phoenix, and a fairly recent friend of Colin, Mashew, Hark, and probably someone else I'm forgetting in which case I'm so sorry qq.

I also coined the infamous nickname "Squid" for the aforementioned loserpants above, but that's neither here nor there!

So um yeah hi. I can't promise I'll challenge the League, but one of these days I'll try to work on my battling, lol.

Oh, I'm also a self-proclaimed artist in the works, even though I hate my art and beat myself up for not being good enough.

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So um yeah hi. I can't promise I'll challenge the League, but one of these days I'll try to work on my battling, lol.

Oh, I'm also a self-proclaimed artist in the works, even though I hate my art and beat myself up for not being good enough.

I've volunteered to help you out more than once; you have no excuse. >:c

Isn't that kind of how everyone with any sort of hobby ever feels?

Either way, "welcome", and enjoy ruining my reputation further ):

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