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E17 New Items [SPOILERS]



Based purely on observations of playing through the E17 beta, I have compiled a list of new notable and useful items obtainable during the E17 content. Other than what is listed here, I have NOT gone back through most parts of the game to check for items, therefore, what is listed here is certainly not exhaustive. Please add anything you find, as there are likely more mega stones, Z-crystals, perhaps more TMs, and the rest of the Silvally Memories lying around. 



New (actually decent) TMs


  • TM08 Bulk Up - West side of Tourmaline Desert
  • TM15 - See Z-Mega Ring Quest
  • TM19 Roost - IR Scrapyard North
  • TM27 Return - Northeast side of desert
  • TM55 Scald - Amaria reward
  • TM61 Will O Wisp - Mirage Tower
  • TM71 Stone Edge - Sugiline Cave
  • TM81 X-Scissor - Amaria's Gym (just chilling in a random corner, good luck finding it)
  • TM84 Poison Jab - Teknite Cave - Southwest path
  • TM91 Flash Cannon - Titania reward
  • TM93 Wild Charge - east side of Tourmaline map 1 (love the puzzle here LOL)
  • TM98 Power-Up-Punch  - Teknite Ridge west side


New Mega Stones

  • Pidgeotite - Teknite North East side
  • Aggronite - Sugiline Cave
  • Sharpedonite - Surf where the Joltik event is in N. Aventurine Woods
  • Houndoominite - From Stethoscope in Scrapyard



  • Normalium-Z - Mirage Tower
  • Pikanium-Z - North Aventurine Woods behind Nyu's house
  • Eevium Z - Spinel Museum 2F Attachment Building
  • Dragonium Z- Behind Mirage Tower in Exeggutor's basket
  • Decidium Z - Mulch worker in... Peridot Ward?
  • Incidium Z - Onyx Trainer School
  • Primarium Z - In a house in Apophyll Lake


Silvally Memories

  • Steel Memory - in scrapyard
  • Ice Memory - Teknite Ridge East side
  • Fighting Memory - Guy guarding the ferris wheel in agate
  • Poison Memory - Mirage Basement
  • Bug Memory - Bennett's Room
  • Psychic Memory - Radomus' Gym
  • Ghost Memory - Electirizer/Magmarizer Room on Rt. 3
  • Flying Memory - In storage case in room Blake locks away Heather
  • Fairy Memory - In Lucario's room on ametrine mountain
  • Rock Memory - In cave in Rhodocrine Jungle
  • Water Memory - Celestine 4F, Feebas Room
  • Grass Memory - Citrine Mountain, left side of Celestine Cascade to enter
  • Electric Memory -  Devon Corp top floor
  • Dragon Memory - Apophyll Cave
  • Dark Memory - Sableye Room in Iolia Valley
  • Ground Memory - 
  • Fire Memory -




  • Amulet Coin - North side of Scrapyard
  • Focus Sash - Southeast side of first desert map
  • 6 Pokeballs all in the sand next to the Beryl Bridge. Strange…
  • Z/Mega ring - See spoiler. Credit to this extensive guide goes to @eagleby18 .

There's a quest with DJ Arclight that involves the Pokemon you bought from 7th street.  It gets kinda convoluted, is difficult at times, and I'm not even sure if you can do it at all if you don't have all those Pokemon anymore, but it gets you not one but two really nifty items.  
It starts either after beating Titania or Adrienn, I'm not sure.  But go to the Grand Hall's Southeast corner and DJ will be there, and will tell you that of the Pokemon you bought from 7th street, he's managed to track down the original owners of 5 of them.  The Loudred, the Makuhita, the Roggenrola, the Jigglypuff, and the Vanillite. 
Girl #1 is in a building in Jasper.  She doesn't really want the Loudred back because it keeps her awake all night, but insist by talking to her again and she'll take it.  Simple enough.
Girl #2 is in one of the side rooms at Apophyl academy.  She's not very concerned about her Makuhita because she's too busy freaking out that you were sent by DJ Arclight and insists you get his autograph for her.  Go back to Arclight and tell him, and he'll happily give you his autograph.  Give it to the girl and then she'll take the Makuhita. 
Guy #3 is said to live in Lapis ward, but what you find instead is a woman freaking out because her son was kidnapped and is being held for ransom.  Turns out not only is that son Guy #5, but the reason he was kidnapped is because his uncle is Guy #3, who is also a rich and famous musician.  She says they were on vacation in Spinel before he was kidnapped, so go there.  In a building you'll find Guy #3.  He's blissfully unaware of his nephew's kidnapping and thinks you're just a fan after his autograph.  When he refuses to give it to you (apparently his "vacation" also includes a vacation from making autographs lol), talk to him again and as he tells you to buzz off, you'll have the opportunity to show him the Roggenrola.  After realizing what you were really after, he thanks you and happily takes his Pokemon back. 
Guy #4 Is where things really get complicated.  He's in an alleyway in Peridot Ward, and what a coincidence, he's part of the gang that kidnapped Guy #5!  When he hears you have his Jigglypuff, he breaks away from the other members to talk to you privately.  He doesn't want the rest of the gang to know he has a Jigglypuff, so he tells you to find someone who's willing to hold onto it for him so he can go get it later.  He also then fights you because he wants the rest of the gang to think he roughed you up.  He's not too much of a problem, but you might notice all his Pokemon are girly.  That's the joke.  He's a thug who drops the F-bomb literally every other word, but he's secretly into girly stuff.  Anyway, the person you go to next is, in fact, Girl #1.  She happily takes the Jigglypuff so she can shut the Loudred up, but refuses to let Guy #4 take it back unless you find her something else to cancel out Loudred's noise.  That something actually belongs to Girl #2.  Go back to her and ask for her headphones, but she refuses unless you can get an autograph from Guy #3.  Go to Guy #3 and since you helped him with his Rogenrolla, he makes an exception for you and gives you his autograph. 
Before going back to Girl #2 though, talk to him again and he'll offer to battle.  He's got a full team and is actually pretty tough, so don't challenge him with half a party like I did the first time.  When you win he gives you the TM for Hyper Beam.
Anyway, give the autograph to Girl #2 and then the headphones to Girl #1.  Now go back and tell Guy #4 about where he can go get his Jigglypuff back, and as thanks he'll tell you where his gang is holding Guy #5:  On the apartment rooftop in Onyx Ward.  Warning:  Do not go there with the Vanillite in your party like I did.  You'll need your full team.  When you step out of the elevator you're ambushed by two thugs who double-battle you, and when you beat them Guy #5 reveals he was the mastermind all along, and fights you without giving you a chance to heal from the previous fight.  And on top of that he's really tough, he has 5 Pokemon and they're all level 90.  When you beat him he goes home in frustration and his mom grounds him.  Go back to his house and he says you can make it up to him by giving him a high level electrode for him to make a bomb out of (...it makes more sense in the context of the scene, trust me) but instead show him his Vanillite.  Getting his long lost Pokemon back causes him to do a 180 and become a good person, but more important than that is you've finally returned all 5 of the Pokemon.  Go back to DJ and he'll give you the reward:  The Z-Mega Ring.  Now you can actually use those mega stones and Z crystals.


Thanks to: bepe, eagleby18, as well as everyone who's posted in this thread for their contributions!

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Here are the some of the remaining memories :

Fire -?

water - where you got feebas, Celestine 4f? 

grass -citrine mountain, you enter from the left side of Celestine cascade

electric- on top of Devin corp

Dragon - apophyl cave

ground - ?

dark - where sableye was in iola valley


dragoniumZ- behind Mirage tower is a stair case which leads to a lemonade stand and there is alolan eggy there in a basket (lol) and its in the basket 

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The Alolan Pikachium Z can be found in a cave in the northern most diving area in Azurine Lake. You will have to hug the beach on the west of the lake until u find urself in the north-western most part of the lake.

There in the great diving area (where u also gain Mudkip) u can access a small cave with a level 100 Pyukumu and using Blizzard u can access the Alolan Pikachium Z.

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